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sass-smacss 1.0.3

By @leongaban

Scalable and modular architecture for CSS |


SMACSS is a style guide for writing and organizing SASS modules.
Steps to install

Install Node (which comes with NPM):


$ npm i sass-smacss

$ bower install sass-smacss

The layout tree below, the module layouts imports all sectional styles from the layouts folder:

Main sass module: bower_components > sass-smacss > sass > main.scss

What's new

  • sass-lint.yml added
  • Gulp file removed
  • input.scss removed
  • comments removed, lint errors fixed and clean up
  • package published to NPM
Master Stylesheet

|-- vendors/
| |-- _reset # Eric Meyer's reset v2.0.0
|-- modules/
| |-- _base # Imports all the modules
|  |-- _animation
|  |-- _colors
|  |-- _fonts
|  |-- _mixins
| |-- _defaults
| |-- _buttons
| |-- _fonts
| |-- _components
|  ...
| |-- _svg
| |-- _queries
|-- vendors/
| |-- _normalize # Nicolas Gallagher v3.0.2
| ...
`-- main

@import 'vendors/normalize';
@import 'vendors/reset';
@import 'modules/base';
@import 'modules/defaults';
@import 'modules/inputs';
@import 'modules/buttons';
@import 'modules/components';
@import 'modules/svg';
@import 'modules/queries';

Next are the normalize and reset modules. Base module imports the mixins, colors and other less frequently updated settings/modules:

@import 'mixins';
@import 'colors';
@import 'fonts';
@import 'animation';



// Primary
$blue: #024562;
$green: #249B7A;
$red: #F25A43;

// Brands
$facebook: #438acb;
$twitter: #5cbde9;

// Elements
$body: #fff;
$button: $blue;
$buttonHover:	lighten($blue, 10%);

defaults.scss is where all main non-custom elements are set:

/* Start of styles | Defaults
==================================================== */
html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; }

body {
  overflow-x: hidden;
  // font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; // <- choose your body font
  // font-weight: 300;
  font-size: em(16);
  color: #666;
  background: $body;

Then modules such as inputs, tables, buttons etc should follow:

@import "modules/inputs";	// Inputs & Selects
@import "modules/buttons";	// Buttons

Next comes the components module which starts importing your component styles for your React or AngularJS app:

/* Components
==================================================== */

// Header
@import '../components/header';

Finally the SVG or PNG and media queries modules.

@import 'modules/svg';
@import 'modules/queries';

In the SVG module it's recommended to just add class names here, then in the modules where those classes are used, set the visual properties.

// Profile | profile.scss

// Reports | reports.scss

// Errors | alerts.scss
.lost-man {
  background-size: 1600px 1600px;
  background-image: url(/static/img/dashboard/icons.svg), none;

Class in seperate module using the SVG background image.

.green-phone-icon {
  float: left;
  width: 24px;
  height: 24px;
  margin: 5px 10px;
  background-position: -50px -150px;

Added example of custom mixin function for creating multiple colored items

  Custom mixin | colored-tag

  .tag {
    border: 1px solid $gray_light;
    background: $gray_bg;
    @include transition(all, .2s, ease-out);

    &.blue1 { @include colored-tag($blue1) }
    &.blue2 { @include colored-tag($blue2) }
    &.blue3 { @include colored-tag($blue3) }

@mixin colored-tag($kolor) {
  border: 1px solid $kolor;
  background: $kolor;

  @if $kolor == $yellow {
    color: $gray4;
    &:hover {
      border: 1px solid $kolor !important;
      background: lighten($kolor, 20%) !important;
  } @else if $kolor == $gold {
    color: $gray4;
    &:hover {
      border: 1px solid $kolor !important;
      background: lighten($kolor, 20%) !important;
  } @else if $kolor == $orange {
    color: $gray4;
    &:hover {
      border: 1px solid $kolor !important;
      background: lighten($kolor, 20%) !important;
  } @else {
    color: #fff;
    &:hover {
      // color: $gray4;
      border: 1px solid $kolor !important;
      background: lighten($kolor, 10%) !important;