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--[[ comment block so this doesn't break your Starfall chips


An entire GUI library built from the ground up inside of Starfall, using middleclass.
Most of the big features/classes are complete, though I'm currently working on adding more, such as TextEntry.
SGUI makes heavy use of color_scheme.txt to standardize its colors and make it easy to use custom themes.

This README is a WIP, expect to see some documentation and example code here in the future.
In the meantime, sgui_tester.txt has an assortment of code snippets to toy around with. It will be removed once this README is complete.

Upcoming Features

A small list of features coming soon to SGUI.
The library is quite robust currently, but I'd recommend waiting for these features to be completed if any look useful to you.

  • TextEntry: a Panel for the user to type inside of.
    • Ideally, this will include selection highlighting, copy and paste (can't access computer clipboard though), ctrl + a, undo and redo, shift + arrow selection, and view scrolling/clipping. All of which has to be made from scratch, as pulling from the chat window would be clunky and risk accidental message sending.
    • For the sake of my sanity, I currently plan on not allowing TextEntry to be multi-lined.
  • FancyLabel: a Label which will rip code from htext.txt to allow for multi-line Labels with line wrapping and multiple simultaneous colors and fonts.
  • FancyRevealingLabel: the same as above, but for rhtext.txt, which reveals text character-by-character and plays sound accordingly.
  • A cross-session config system similar to client convars, editable both by code and by specialized Panels.
  • A dedicated, configurable button to bring up the mouse cursor.
    • Currently, the only decent options for this in-game is opening chat or using F3, the latter of which instantly closes when you left click.
    • This will use the afforementioned convar-style system to determine the button, with RALT being the default.
