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Subdimensional Expansion Using Attention-Based Learning For Multi-Agent Path Finding

Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) finds conflict-free paths for multiple agents from their respective start to goal locations. MAPF is challenging as the joint configuration space grows exponentially with respect to the number of agents. Among MAPF planners, search-based methods, such as CBS and M*, effectively bypass the curse of dimensionality by employing a dynamically-coupled strategy: agents are planned in a fully decoupled manner at first, where potential conflicts between agents are ignored; and then agents either follow their individual plans or are coupled together for planning to resolve the conflicts between them. In general, the number of conflicts to be resolved decides the run time of these planners and most of the existing work focuses on how to efficiently resolve these conflicts. In this work, we take a different view and aim to reduce the number of conflicts (and thus improve the overall search efficiency) by improving each agent’s individual plan. By leveraging a Visual Transformer, we develop a learning-based single-agent planner, which plans for a single agent while paying attention to both the structure of the map and other agents with whom conflicts may happen. We then develop a novel multi-agent planner called LM* by integrating this learning-based single-agent planner with M*. Our results show that for both “seen” and “unseen” maps, in comparison with M*, LM* has fewer conflicts to be resolved and thus, runs faster and enjoys higher success rates. We empirically show that MAPF solutions computed by LM* are near-optimal.

The above figure is an illustration of Learning-Assisted M* (LM*). At every time step, each agent shares its observations with the attention-based model and the model predicts the action for each agent individually by attending to the structure of the map and other agents’ information. The agents follow the predicted actions if there are no conflicts. Otherwise the agents in conflict are coupled together by planning in their joint configuration space, just like M*.

For a quick overview and demonstration, watch this video. For details see Subdimensional Expansion Using Attention-Based Learning For Multi-Agent Path Finding by Lakshay Virmani, Zhongqiang Ren, Sivakumar Rathinam and Howie Choset.

Key files

  • data_generators/
    • train/:
      • - Generate MAPF instances containing upto 50 agents with probability of each cell being marked as an obstacle being randomly chosen from 0%-50%.
      • - Solve MAPF instances generated using ODrM* with an inflation of 1.1.
      • - Extract single-agent inputs from solved MAPF instances and group them into batches each containing 16 such inputs.
    • test/:
      • - Generate MAPF instances using 100 randomly selected maps from the train set.
      • - Generate MAPF instances as per the M* paper with probability of each cell being marked as an obstacle set to 20%.
      • - Generate MAPF instances using room and maze maps from the MAPF Benchmark dataset.
  • models/:
    • - Setup and train an attention-based model using the generated training data.
  • lmstar/:
    • - Use a pretrained model to run subdimensional expansion using attention-based learning for multi-agent path finding. (LM*)

Setting up data generators

  • To run the data generators we first need to compile the C++ implementation of ODrM*. This can be done by executing the following command in the data_generators/od_mstar3/ directory:
python3 build_ext --inplace
  • To check run python3 in the data_generators directory and execute the following commands:
import sys
import cpp_mstar

Generating training data

  • Training data can be generated using the following three commands in the data_generators/train/ directory. We first generate the mapf instances which are then solved using ODrM* with 1.1 inflation. We then extract single-agent inputs and create batches each containing 16 such inputs for the model.
python3 -outputdir <output dir> -odmstardir <dir containing compiled odmstar>
python3 -inputdir <dir containing generated mapf instances> -outputdir <output dir> -odmstardir <dir containing compiled odmstar>
python3 -inputdir <dir containing solved mapf instances> -outputdir <output dir>

Training the model

  • The model can be trained using the following command in the models/ directory:
python3 -inputdir <dir containing batches of single-agent inputs> -device <gpu for training e.g. cuda:0> -epochs <epochs to train> -modelpath <path for saving trained model>

Testing LM*

  • LM* can be used for solving MAPF instances using the following commands in the lmstar/ directory:
python3 -inputdir <dir containing mapf test instances> -outputdir <output dir> -modeldir <dir containing file> -trainedmodel <path to trained model> -inflation <inflation rate>