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219 lines (190 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

219 lines (190 loc) · 11.6 KB




You can now choose between flat file output and SQLite3 DB file output. You just need to use the -db <db_name> option to specify the name of your log table inside the DB. If the table already exist it's delete.

NEXT IMPROVEMENT : ability to append to an existing flat file or DB.


This short script has been designed to help when you need to realize fast investigation from raw logs without having some ELK or SIEM tool for example. Usually I use combination of grep, awk and sed CLI tools to extract useful information with always the same input or output.
I use this script to extract all useful information from logs in one command line to a CSV like format file. It is based on a configuration file where you can store all your regular expressions and re-use them when you need just by uncomment the lines you need.

The script just take you're input log file and parse each line with selected regular expression and store the result in your output file with the selected seperation character.
I also add an optionnal geo-ip module based on geolite2 Python module wich add geolocation data to each column/regex's name that begin with "ip".


Usage: -i <input log file> -o <output log file> -c <parsing conf file> [OPTIONS]
-db <table_name> : table name for output in SQLite3 DB
-append : append to existing output file, db or flat log file (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
-m : define mode
	standard (default) : only statistics, direct output to file
	verbose : print results on screen
	test : step by step parsing
-s : define separator char, '|' by default
-geoip : add geolocation data to regex field name starting with 'ip'

Mode explanation :

  • standard (default) : only print on screen information about current job and progress status bar
  • verbose : print directly on screen all the output lines
  • test : useful to test new regular expression. It's a step by step mode, where you can see result of each regex line by line from your input file.

Configuration file

Very simple :

  • each line starting with # is a comment line
  • others line format <data_name>;<regex>;

Script use each non commented line as a data field to extract from log based on the corresponding regex. If no data match the field output is '-'.

See the example parsing configuration file with Apache combined log format data field extractors.

You can store in this file all your standard log format parser and use them just by uncommenting the lines you need.

Install dependencies

Using pip is the easiest way :

pip install pygeoip  
pip install python-geoip-geolite2  


Standard (default) mode

l3m0ntr33@nob:~/PyLogParser# ./ -i access_log -o result_log -c parser.conf
PyLogParser v0.1 - Hugo RIFFLET - @l3m0ntr33
                  STANDARD MODE                       
Opening input file... OK
Opening output file... OK
Opening config file... OK
                 READING CONFIG FILE
Regex found - Name: ip_host - Regex: ^([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_logname - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_user - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: time - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[([^\]]*)\] 
Regex found - Name: request - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: method - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: status - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: byte_sent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: referer - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: user_agent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
                  BEGIN PROCESSING
Total line to parse : 7207
Percent: [====================] 100% Done...
Closing files... OK

Standard mode with IP Geoloc addon

l3m0ntr33@nob:~/PyLogParser# ./ -i access_log -o result_log -c parser.conf -geoip
PyLogParser v0.1 - Hugo RIFFLET - @l3m0ntr33
                  STANDARD MODE                       
Opening input file... OK
Opening output file... OK
Opening config file... OK
                 READING CONFIG FILE
Regex found - Name: ip_host - Regex: ^([^\s]*)\s  - IP GEOLOCATION ACTIVATED
Regex found - Name: remote_logname - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_user - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: time - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[([^\]]*)\] 
Regex found - Name: request - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: method - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: status - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: byte_sent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: referer - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: user_agent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
                  BEGIN PROCESSING
Total line to parse : 7207
Percent: [====================] 100% Done...
Closing files... OK

Test mode

l3m0ntr33@nob:~/PyLogParser# ./ -i access_log -o result_log -c parser.conf -m test
PyLogParser v0.1 - Hugo RIFFLET - @l3m0ntr33
      TEST MODE - Line by line test for parsing
Opening input file... OK
Opening output file... OK
Opening config file... OK
                 READING CONFIG FILE
Regex found - Name: ip_host - Regex: ^([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_logname - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_user - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: time - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[([^\]]*)\] 
Regex found - Name: request - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: method - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: status - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: byte_sent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: referer - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: user_agent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
LOG LINE : - - [17/Sep/2015:06:25:30 +0200] "POST /images/lofthumbs/600x150/images/inc.php HTTP/1.0" 200 268 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0"

Name: status - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s(\d*)\s
Result: 200

Name: remote_user - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s
Result: -

Name: byte_sent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s(\d*)\s
Result: 268

Name: request - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\"]*)\"
Result: POST /images/lofthumbs/600x150/images/inc.php HTTP/1.0

Name: remote_logname - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s
Result: -

Name: referer - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"([^\"]*)\"
Result: -

Name: user_agent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\"([^\"]*)\"
Result: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

Name: time - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[([^\]]*)\]
Result: 17/Sep/2015:06:25:30 +0200

Name: ip_host - Regex: ^([^\s]*)\s

Name: method - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\s]*)\s
Result: POST

LOG LINE : - - [17/Sep/2015:06:27:52 +0200] "POST /images/lofthumbs/600x150/images/inc.php HTTP/1.0" 200 268 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.48 Safari/537.36"


Verbose mode

l3m0ntr33@nob:~/PyLogParser# ./ -i access_log -o result_log -c parser.conf -geoip -m verbose
PyLogParser v0.1 - Hugo RIFFLET - @l3m0ntr33
     VERBOSE MODE - Each result print on screen
Opening input file... OK
Opening output file... OK
Opening config file... OK
                 READING CONFIG FILE
Regex found - Name: ip_host - Regex: ^([^\s]*)\s  - IP GEOLOCATION ACTIVATED
Regex found - Name: remote_logname - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: remote_user - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: time - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[([^\]]*)\] 
Regex found - Name: request - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: method - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"([^\s]*)\s 
Regex found - Name: status - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: byte_sent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s(\d*)\s 
Regex found - Name: referer - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"([^\"]*)\" 
Regex found - Name: user_agent - Regex: ^[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s[^\s]*\s\[[^\]]*\]\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\d*\s\d*\s\"[^\"]*\"\s\"([^\"]*)\" 

200|-|268|POST /images/lofthumbs/600x150/images/inc.php HTTP/1.0|-|-|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0|17/Sep/2015:06:25:30 +0200||US|NA|America/Phoenix|POST|
200|-|268|POST /images/lofthumbs/600x150/images/inc.php HTTP/1.0|-|-|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.48 Safari/537.36|17/Sep/2015:06:27:52 +0200||US|NA|America/Phoenix|POST|
200|-|11963|GET / HTTP/1.1|-|-|Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +|17/Sep/2015:06:29:55 +0200||US|NA|America/Los_Angeles|GET|
