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KEP-693: MultiKueue


Introduce an new AdmissionCheck (called MultiKueue) with dedicated API and controller that will provide multi-cluster capabilities to Kueue.


Many of Kueue's users are running multiple clusters and would like to have a way to easily distribute batch jobs across them to keep all of them utilized. Without a global distribution point, some clusters may get less jobs they are able to process, while the others get more, leading to underutilization and higher costs.


  • Allow Kueue to distribute batch jobs across multiple clusters, while maintaining the specified quota limits.
  • Provide users with a single entry point through which the jobs can be submitted and monitored, just like they were running in a single cluster.
  • Be compatible with all Kueue's features (priorities, borrowing, preemptions, etc) and most of integrations.
  • Allow to upgrade single cluster Kueue deployments to multicluster without much hassle.


  • Solve storage problem. It is assumed that the distributed jobs are either location-flexible (for a subset of clusters) or are copying the data as a part of the startup process.
  • Automatically detect and configure new clusters.
  • Synchronize configuration across the clusters. It is expected that the user will create the appropriate objects, roles and permissions in the clusters (manually, using gitops or some 3rd-party tooling).
  • Set up authentication between clusters.
  • Support very high job throughput (>1M jobs/day).
  • Support K8S Jobs on management clusters that don't have either kubernetes/enhancements#4370 implemented or Job controller disabled.
  • Support for cluster role sharing (worker & manager inside one cluster) is out of scope for this KEP. We will get back to the topic once kubernetes/enhancements#4370 is merged and becomes a wider standard.
  • distribute running Jobs across multiple clusters, and reconcile partial results in the Job objects on the management cluster (each Job will run on a single worker cluster).


Introduce MultiKueue AdmissionCheck, controller and configuration API.

Establish the need for a designated management cluster.


For each workload coming to a ClusterQueue (with the MultiKueue AdmissionCheck enabled) in the management cluster, and getting past the preadmission phase in the two-phase admission process (meaning that the global quota - total amount resources that can be consumed across all clusters - is ok), MultiKueue controller will clone it in the defined worker clusters and wait until some Kueue running there admits the workload. If a remote workload is admitted first, the job will be created in the remote cluster with a label pointing to that clone. Then it will remove the workloads from the remaining worker clusters and allow the single instance of the job to proceed. The workload will be also admitted in the management cluster.

There will be no job controllers running in the management clusters or they will be disabled for the workloads coming to MultiKueue-enabled cluster queues via annotation or some other, yet to be decided, mechanism. By disabling we mean that the controller will do no action on the selected objects, no pods (or other objects created and allowing other controllers to update their status as they see fit.

There will be just CRD/job definitions deployed. MultiKueue controller will copy the status of the job from the worker clusters, so that it will appear that the job is running inside the management clusters. However, as there is no job controller, no pods will be created in the management cluster. No controller will also overwrite the status that will be copied by the MultiKueue controller.

If the job, for whatever reason, is suspended or deleted in the management cluster, it will be deleted from the worker cluster. Deletion/suspension of the job only in worker cluster will trigger the global job requeuing. Once the job finishes in the worker cluster, the job will also finish in the management cluster.

User Stories (Optional)

Story 1

As a Kueue user I have clusters on different cloud providers and on-prem. I would like to run computation-heavy jobs across all of them, wherever I have free resources.

Story 2

As a Kueue user I have clusters in multiple regions of the same cloud provider. I would like to run workloads that require the newest GPUs, whose on-demand availability is very volatile. The GPUs are available at random times at random regions. I want to use ProvisioningRequest to try to catch them.

Risks and Mitigations

  • Disabling the Job controller for all (or selected objects) may be problematic on environments where access to the master configuration is limited (like GKE). We are working on kubernetes/enhancements#4370 to establish an acceptable way of using a non default controller (or none at all).

  • etcd may not provide enough performance (writes/s) to handle very large deployments with very high job throughput (above 1M jobs per day).

  • Management cluster could be a single point of failure. The mitigations include:

    • Running multiple management clusters with infinite global quotas and correct, limiting worker cluster local quotas.
    • Running multiple management clusters, with one leader and back-up clusters learning the state of the world from the worker clusters (not covered by this KEP).

Design Details

MultiKueue will be enabled on a cluster queue using the admission check fields. Just like ProvisioningRequest, MultiKueue will have its own configuration, MultiKueueConfig with the following definition. To allow reusing the same clusters across many Kueues, additional object, MultiKueueWorkerCluster, is added.

type MultiKueueConfig struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Spec MultiKueueConfigSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`

type MultiKueueConfigSpec struct {
     // List of MultiKueueWorkerClusters names where the 
     // workloads from the ClusterQueue should be distributed.
     Clusters []string `json:"clusters,omitempty"`

type MultiKueueCluster struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    Spec MultiKueueClusterSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
    Status MultiKueueClusterStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

type LocationType string

const (
    // Location is the path on the disk of kueue-controller-manager.
    PathLocationType LocationType = "Path"
    // Location is the name of the secret inside the namespace in which the kueue controller
    // manager is running. The config should be stored in the "kubeconfig" key.
    SecretLocationType LocationType = "Secret"

type MultiKueueClusterSpec {
    // Information how to connect to the cluster.
    KubeConfig KubeConfig `json:"kubeConfig"`

type KubeConfig struct {
    // Location of the KubeConfig.
    Location string `json:"location"`
    // Type of the KubeConfig location.
    // +kubebuilder:default=Secret
    // +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Secret;Path
    LocationType LocationType `json:"locationType"`

type MultiKueueClusterStatus {
   Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type"`

MultiKueue controller will monitor all cluster definitions and maintain the Kube clients for all of them. Any connectivity problems will be reported both in MultiKueueCluster status as well as AdmissionCheckStatus and Events. MultiKueue controller will make sure that whenever the kubeconfig is refreshed, the appropriate clients will also be recreated.

Creation of kubeconfig files is outside of the MultiKueue scope, and is cloud provider/environment dependant.

MultiKueue controller, when pushing workloads to the worker clusters, will use the same namespace and local queue names as were used in the management cluster. It is user's responsibility to set up the appropriate namespaces and local queues. Worker ClusterQueue definitions may be different than in the management cluster. For example, quota settings may be specific to the given location. And/or cluster queue may have different admission checks, use ProvisioningRequest, etc.

When distributing the workloads across clusters MultiKueue controller will first create the Kueue's internal Workload object. Only after the workload is admitted and other clusters are cleaned-up the real job will be created, to match the Workload. That gives the guarantee that the workload will not start in more than one cluster. The workload will get the annotation stating where it is actually running.

When the job is running MultiKueue controller will copy its status from worker cluster to the management cluster, to keep the impression that the job is running in the management cluster. This is needed to allow pipelines and workflow engines to execute against the management cluster with MultiKueue without any extra changes.

If the connection between management cluster and worker cluster is lost, the management cluster assumes the total loss of all running/admitted workloads and moves them back to non-admitted/queued state. Once the cluster is reconnected, the workloads are reconciled. If there is enough of global quota, the unknown admitted workloads would be re-admitted in the management cluster. If not, some workloads will be preempted to meet the global quota. In case of duplicates, all but one of them will be removed.

Follow ups ideas

  • Handle large number of clusters via selectors.
  • Provide plugin mechanism to control how the workloads are distributed across worker clusters.

Test Plan

[x] I/we understand the owners of the involved components may require updates to existing tests to make this code solid enough prior to committing the changes necessary to implement this enhancement.

Unit Tests

The code will adhere to regular best practices for unit tests and coverage.

Integration tests

Integration tests will be executed against a mocked clients for the worker clusters that will provide predefined responses and allow to test various error scenarios, including situations like:

  • Job is created across multiple clusters and admitted in one.
  • Job is admitted at the same time by two clusters.
  • Job is rejected by a cluster.
  • Worker cluster doesn't have the corresponding namespace.
  • Worker cluster doesn't have the corresponding local/cluster queue.
  • Worker cluster is unresponsive.
  • Worker cluster deletes the job.
  • Job is correctly finished.
  • Job finishes with an error.
  • Job status changes frequently.

E2E tests

Should be created and cover similar use cases as integration tests. For start it should focus on JobSet.

Graduation Criteria

The feature starts at the alpha level, with a feature gate.

In Alpha version, in the 0.6 release, MultiKueue will support:

  • APIs as described above.
  • Basic workload distribution across clusters.
  • JobSet integration, with full status relay.

Other integrations may come in 0.6 (if lucky) or in following releases of Kueue.

Graduation to beta criteria:

  • Positive feedback from users.
  • Most of the integrations supported.
  • Major bugs and deficiencies are not found/fixed.
  • Roadmap for missing features is defined.

Implementation History

  • 2023-11-28 Initial KEP.


MultiKueue has some drawbacks.

  • Doesn't solve storage problems.
  • Requires some manual works to sync configuration and authentication between clusters.
  • Requires management cluster.
  • Requires some external work to disable job controller(s) in management clusters.
  • Scalability and throughput depends on etcd.


  • Use Armada or Multi Cluster App Dispatcher.
  • Use multicluster-specific Job APIs.