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13 lines (9 loc) · 699 Bytes

File metadata and controls

13 lines (9 loc) · 699 Bytes


Codeware is an online IDE for C++.

Built using NodeJS, ExpressJS and ReactJS!

To run this project on your machine :

  1. Clone the repo using git clone
  2. The backend folder contains the code for the REST API. Navigate to it and run it using npm start run or just npm start. It'll run on port 5000.
  3. The client folder contains the code for the frontend. Navigate to it and run it using yarn start. It'll run on port 3000 or port 3001 as per the availability.
  4. Now the IDE is ready to use. Type some code in C++ and click on the Run button to execute it.
  5. That's it for now, but more features are in progress! :)