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Sage Development setup

Using docker (persist env across runs)

This setup allows source to be on the host and sets up docker to run and test sage. Clone this repo:

git clone --origin upstream
cd sage-dev

Run the commands below from the same directory where this is present. This is the default after running the step above. Clone sage sources on the host:

git clone --origin upstream

Build the sage-dev image: docker build -t sage-dev:latest .

Run a dev container:

docker run -it --rm --name sage-dev --hostname sage-dev \
  --mount source=sage_env,target=/home/user/miniforge3/envs \
  --mount type=bind,source=${PWD},target=/home/user/src \

This should drop you in a shell prompt within the container with the conda base environment activated. Setup dependencies using mamba

cd ~/src/sage
mamba env create --file src/environment-dev-3.11-linux.yml --name sage-dev
conda activate sage-dev
pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable ./pkgs/sage-conf_conda \
pip install --no-build-isolation --config-settings editable_mode=compat -v \
  -v --editable ./src
which sage
sage -c 'print(version())'

Now the env is ready for development. Use your favourite editor on the host to make changes and re-run sage as explained in the sage docs.

When done working with sage, just quit the docker container by exiting sage and the shell (with exit)

Re-using persisted environment

To resume development, re-run the container:

docker run -it --rm --name sage-dev --hostname sage-dev \
  --mount source=sage_env,target=/home/user/miniforge3/envs \
  --mount type=bind,source=${PWD},target=/home/user/src \

This once again drops you in a shell within the container. Activate the conda environment with: conda activate sage-dev

This will restore the env from the previous session. Rebuild/ run sage as usual.

Ephemeral docker container (fresh build every time)

Start the container:

  docker run --rm --name sage-builder -it ubuntu:22.04

Setup pre-requisities

apt update
apt -y upgrade
apt install -y git build-essential m4 tmux
# apt install -y binutils make m4 perl python3 tar bc gcc g++ ca-certificates
apt install -y python3 python3-pip curl

Setup mamba

curl -L -O \
  "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

The last step requires user interaction to accept user agreement.

Restart tmux session for the bashrc changes to take effect.


Clone source code

mkdir -p ~/src/
cd ~/src
git clone --origin upstream
cd sage
git checkout develop

Setup dependencies using mamba

mamba env create --file src/environment-dev-3.11-linux.yml --name sage-dev
conda activate sage-dev
pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable ./pkgs/sage-conf_conda \
pip install --no-build-isolation --config-settings editable_mode=compat -v \
  -v --editable ./src
which sage
sage -c 'print(version())'

Using WSL

This setup allows sage to be setup using WSL. The steps below can be run inside a folder on the Windows file-system (e.g., C:\Users\me\) or in a directory within the WSL file-system. If the files are on Windows file-system then it may be easier to edit them using IDEs installed on Windows. However, this is experimental and may result in problems due to the way Windows and Linux treat files.

Either way, start a bash-shell within WSL and change to the directory where you want to work with sage.

mkdir -p sage-dev
cd sage-dev

Setup the source code repository and the virtual env:

git clone --origin upstream
sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get -y upgrade && \
  sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential m4 tmux python3 python3-pip curl vim

curl -L -O "" && \
  bash -b -p ${HOME}/miniforge3 && \
  ${HOME}/miniforge3/bin/python -m conda init bash && \
  ${HOME}/miniforge3/bin/python -m mamba.mamba init

Bootstrap and build sage from sources:

export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=16  # Adjust to a value equal to number of cores on your system
cd sage
mamba env create --file src/environment-dev-3.11-linux.yml --name sage-dev
conda activate sage-dev
pip install --no-build-isolation -v -v --editable ./pkgs/sage-conf_conda \
pip install --no-build-isolation --config-settings editable_mode=compat -v \
  -v --editable ./src
which sage
sage -c 'print(version())'

Now the env is ready for development. Use your favourite editor on the host to make changes and re-run sage as explained in the sage docs.

When done working with sage, just quit sage and the virtual environment (with exit).