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About this document

This Blocky reference guide collects all the documentation from the Blocky source code repository into one document. The file doc.lisp contains the code for the extraction, which reformats the docstrings from the Lisp source code as an alphabetized, indexed file for Emacs Orgmode. Org-mode can easily export its files to HTML, LaTeX, and various other formats.

The latest version of this document may be found at

What is Common Lisp?

Because Blocky is an extension to the Common Lisp programming language, it will help to familiarize yourself with how to read bits of Lisp code. The wikipedia page for Common Lisp has a reasonable capsule explanation of the syntax, with links to further resources.

You don’t need to learn the entire language to begin working with Blocky, though—being able to at least read and understand the examples from the Wikipedia page should be enough to help you read the Blocky examples in the next sections.

Installing Blocky

Documentation can be found in the INSTALL file.

Handling Lisp in your text editor

If you clicked the link in the last section to the Wikipedia page on Common Lisp and looked at the code examples, you probably noticed all the parentheses. The heavy use of parentheses marks Lisp off from other languages and makes it feel unfamiliar. But once you are able to read and write the basics, it all falls together naturally. The unusual syntax of Lisp is actually the key to many of its coolest features.

Matching up parentheses and indenting things properly is best handled automatically by a text editor with support for editing Lisp code, such as Vim, which can be used with Slimv — the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim. I myself use the GNU Emacs text editor along with Slime.

Using one of these options—Emacs with Slime, or Vim with Slimv—is probably the best way to develop and test Lisp code made with Blocky. With Slime or Slimv you can edit Lisp code efficiently, send commands to the underlying Lisp environment that Blocky is running in, or redefine methods and functions in order to alter object behaviors while the system is running.

Both Emacs and Vim are highly customizable development environments, not just text editors; in fact, I have developed and tested Blocky (all ~8KLOC) entirely with GNU Emacs as my IDE.

Furthermore, Emacs and Vim are Free software, will run on basically any platform, are of very high quality, and have large, friendly user communities.

That being said, you can edit Lisp code in basically any text editor, and it’s quite possible that the text editor you already use has a plugin or script available for editing Lisp code and matching those parentheses. If you’re unsure about Vim and Emacs, try looking around to see if you can find Lisp support for your existing editor.

Using Blocky’s object system

Blocky is built on an alternative view of object-orientation called Prototype-based programming. Instead of partitioning the objects in your program into classes arranged in an inheritance tree, the objects in a prototype-based system inherit behavior and data directly from each other in linear fashion through “cloning”. The following sections explain how Blocky objects define and access this data and behavior.

The cloning process takes an existing object and creates a new object with a link to the original—now called a “superobject”—from which it will inherit methods and data fields. When a method is invoked (or a field is referenced) and no local value is found, the superobject is checked for a value, and then its superobject if any, and so on. Methods are stored in fields, so if you want to replace a clone’s method definition with something else, just define the new method on the clone, and the superobject’s version will be hidden.

You might define a Lisp variable to refer to a color swatch, and assign a new swatch to it:

;; asterisks are a convention for global variables
(defvar *my-color*)
;; the NEW function creates objects and passes initializer arguments
(setf *my-color* (new 'color "blue"))

You can execute these expressions at a SLIME or SLIMV prompt, or type them in the Lisp listener in Blocky itself if you want to play with the resulting objects in the IDE.

The data members of an object are called fields. For example, the X and Y position of a block are stored as fields in the object, named :X and :Y, and the cooresponding X and Y values are called field values.

Notice the colon character in the field names :X and :Y. A symbol prefixed with a colon is a keyword symbol in Common Lisp. (Notice also the single quote in front of the prototype name in the SETF statement above: “‘color”. The single quote (as opposed to colon) prefix is usually required, but the reasons for this are a bit beyond the scope of the present document—it relates to the Common Lisp package system.)

To read or write a field’s value, you can use the function FIELD-VALUE with one of these keyword symbols naming the desired field:

(setf (field-value :name *my-color*) "red")
(message (field-value :name *my-color*))

There is an equivalent shorthand, recommended if you don’t wish to keep typing FIELD-VALUE:

(setf (%name *my-color*) "red")
(message (%name *my-color*))

The function %NAME is a simple accessor, which returns the field value for :NAME in the object that is the function’s sole argument.

You can read and update other fields similarly:

(message "My x-coordinate is ~S, my y-coordinate is ~S."
         (%x *my-color*) (%y *my-color*))

It may look strange in that both SETF statements above appear to be setting the value of a function call, but this is not exactly the case. SETF works with a high-level feature of Common Lisp called “generalized variables”. That is, not only variables can identify places to store data—many expressions can identify a “place”, that can qualify as the destination for a SETF statement. Behind the scenes, this expression is transformed into appropriate code by Common Lisp.

Now let’s try defining a simple custom block with some of its own methods, which are fields with function values. These behavioral members of an object can be created with the macro DEFINE-METHOD, but first we need to create a prototype:

(define-block monster
  (hits :initform 5
        :documentation "Number of remaining hit points before monster dies.")
  (speed :initform 2
         :documentation "Distance to move on each update.")          
  (hunger :initform 0
          :documentation "Number of recently eaten adventurers."))

First we have DEFINE-BLOCK, then the name of your new block “MONSTER” as a symbol, and then two field declarations. These declarations are each of the form:

(<field-name> :initform <value> :documentation <value>...

You’ll often see this pattern in Common Lisp, called keyword arguments. The keywords can appear in any order, and each keyword is followed by its corresponding value.

Now that our monster is defined, let’s define a behavior.

(define-method munch monster ()
  ;; seek out the player when hungry
  (when (zerop (%hunger self))
    (aim-at-thing self (player))
    (forward (%speed self))

Notice you can invoke methods on SELF and get field values from SELF as described above. SELF refers to the current object this method is being invoked on. You can simplify the above to:

(define-method hunt monster ()
  (when (zerop %hunger)
    (aim-at-thing self (player))
    (forward %speed)))

That is, when %FOO appears as a variable name, it is taken as shorthand for (%foo self), which becomes (field-value :foo self).

Every timestep, a method called UPDATE is invoked on all active game objects in the simulation. We can now redefine the update method to make our monster seek the player whenever hungry.

(define-method update monster ()
  (hunt self))

Under construction…

Now let’s define what happens if we hit the player.

(define-method collide monster (thing)
  (when (is-a 'adventurer thing)
    (destroy thing)
    (decf %hunger)))



Document method properties and extended arglists

How to define game objects with Lisp code

While a longer text explanation is in the works, there are several code examples and video tutorials available on To get a quick overview of basic game-making tasks in Blocky, check out these links:

  • This video talk shows interactive development of a mini-game called “Vomac”. Lightning talk 4 (Ogg Theora version) Lightning talk 4 (MP4 version)
  • The source code and images/sounds for the example are included for you to experiment with.
  • There is another example here involving a turtle and ladybug, and more are forthcoming. Here’s a video of the Turtle example: Lightning talk 2 (Ogg Theora version) Lightning talk 2 (MP4 version)
  • My work-in-progress game Xalcyon is made entirely with Blocky, here is the source code. There are videos on the Xalcyon page.
  • A slightly more complex game called MicroXONG is available for you to remix and share. The approximately 600 line microxong.lisp uses the Blocky game engine to create a player who can fire bullets and destroy enemies, a score display, some basic enemies to fight, a simple arrows-and-spacebar control scheme, and the rudiments of a level generator to play with. There are also some remixable graphics, music, and sound effects included. You can remix and share MicroXONG thanks to the GPL and Creative Commons licenses it carries; see here for more information.
  • I’m working on a package with four or five more game skeletons for people to expand and remix.

An overview of the blocks model

Note: You can skip this section if you don’t need to learn about the GUI features of Blocky just yet.

Blocks are the visual programming elements that programs in the Blocky language are built up from. The prototypal block defined in BLOCKS.LISP establishes the default properties and behaviors of blocks, and the default means of composing individual blocks into larger programs.

Blocky programs have some aspects of display trees, in that all blocks know how to draw themselves, track the mouse or touchscreen, and respond to keyboard input and other events. But these trees have a double role as computation structures wherein arbitrary Lisp data can flow from block to block—typically from leaf nodes upward to the root. In this way Blocky expressions also mimic abstract syntax trees, and this makes it possible to create ‘visual macros’.

With very few exceptions, all the properties and behaviors of blocks may be changed via the prototypal inheritance mechanism (also called Traits inheritance) implemented in prototypes.lisp. These changes can be made for each prototype that blocks will be `cloned’ from. (See also the function `clone’.)

Any object defined with `define-block’ will inherit certain fields and methods from this common base. All the blocks in a Blocky program are therefore visually accessible, whether they are in-game entities such as monsters or bullets, or menus and buttons used to implement the user interface, or still yet, animations to be shown or musical cues to be played.

The purpose of this everything-is-a-Blockness is to mimic the Lisp-nature, in which everything is a symbolic expression. Like Lisp expressions, all blocks have a computed value—some piece of Lisp data considered as the result of the entire block. This value is returned by the block method `evaluate’ and different blocks can override these methods to control evaluation.

Also like Lisp expressions, Blocks are designed to be composed with each other in a tree-structure of arbitrary depth. A block’s ‘child nodes’ are stored in a list called %INPUTS. (As in the prototypes example above, the percent-sign prefix refers to a field value of the current object.) The choice of the word `inputs’ for the name of this field reflects the idea of Blocks as nodes in a data-flow tree where each node controls the computation of the results it needs from its child blocks. Accordingly the computed values of the child blocks (if any) are stored in a similar list called %RESULTS, and by default this field is filled with the values of calling EVALUATE on the corresponding child blocks in %INPUTS. How a given object implements the EVALUATE method will influence whether and when that object’s %INPUTS are themselves evaluated, as with a Lisp macro.

Similarly, methods like DRAW can decide how, whether, and when to draw a block’s children; the method LAYOUT controls the placement and sizing of a Block and its children, and HIT enables customization of the way mouse movements and clicks are assigned to individual objects.

Mouse response (drag-and-drop) and analog joystick support are controlled by `on-point’, `on-press’, `on-release’, `on-tap’, and many other methods. Other input events (usually from the keyboard or other controllers) are bound with `bind-event’ and simliar methods, and handled by the method `on-event’ when triggered. The choice of how to propagate events down the tree may be determined dynamically at each and every node of the tree, with full polymorphism available at all times to influence dataflow, event handling, layout, positioning, graphical rendering, and hit-testing. In other words, despite Blocks all having many universal methods and properties in common, nothing is sacred; everything can be redefined at every step, since the blocks themselves control the computation. See also shell.lisp.

Blocky programs also have the quality of `liveness’; everything can be interacted with, and objects are always ready to react to events and display information to the user. (In fact, all blocks can behave as sprites in Blocky.) Processes that occur over time may be implemented as repeated computations whose updating occurs during the method `on-update’ at some user-requested frequency. A simple event scheduler is also built in to the base block; see `add-task’, `remove-task’ `later’, `later-at’, `later-while’.

For more on the topic of `liveness’ and directness, see this research paper about Self Morphic:

Where applicable, Blocky programs may be compiled into equivalent Lisp programs with fewer blocks (or even without blocks at all.) The method `recompile’ is a counterpart to `evaluate’, and allows each block to control how the Blockyness can be compiled away.

Blocks are easily serializable with the functions `serialize’ and `deserialize’. (Hash tables and arbitrary Blocky objects are supported, but otherwise all field values must print readably.) Every block has a UUID (univerally unique identifier) which survives the deep freeze of serialization.

The `halo’ is a feature borrowed from Squeak Morphic; an array of pop-up interactive `handles’ that surround a given onscreen object, allowing the user to inspect or resize or delete or otherwise interact with the object. See also halo.lisp.

Block appearance may be defined with arbitrary OpenGL. Hardware acceleration is strongly recommended for using Blocky.

Blocks are user-programmable, in that visual `message’ blocks allow any block method to be invoked interactively, with point-and-click control over its argument values as well as being able to choose the recipient of the message.

Messages and lists are among a number of basic utility blocks defined in library.lisp and listener.lisp.