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  • This project is to provide a complete ecosystem to do local Kafka development w/out the need to connect to external systems.

  • Each directory has its own docker-compose.yml and its own docker-compose project defined in the .env property file.

    • this makes it easy to start/stop only what you need.

    • the network is created as external to allow for the containers between compose files to communicate while also not requiring any specific docker compose to be running.

  • Even though you are running all of the Kafka components from docker containers, you will want the software installed locally so you can use the command line operations; personally, I install the confluent community edition installation locally in /usr/local/confluent, and add /usr/local/confluent/bin to my path.

  • Go to Confluent's get-started, select the here link (javascript so I cannot deep link it) in the Download Confluent Platform section to get the download for community edition.

    • On A Mac M1 Laptop, Java 17 or later is needed. The KSQL_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS as deprecated settings, if you run into issues

    • /usr/local/confluent/ksql-run-class


      KSQL_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS="-server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:NewRatio=1 -Djava.awt.headless=true"


      KSQL_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS="-server -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:NewRatio=1 -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  • Projects are being added to allow for a rich set of applications to be used in a local environment. Some are still incubating, some are well tested.


  • This is the Apache Kafka Cluster and is the core pieces needed for working with Kafka Brokers

  • 1 Zookeeper

  • 4 Brokers

  • 1 Schema Registry

  • If you are running on a machine with limited resources, considering commenting out broker-4.

  • Having 4 brokers showcases how Kafka works better, in that most topics have a replication factor of 3, and this showcases that some brokers do not have any data for a given partition of a topic.

  • Only one zookeeper is provided, in an actual setup we would have 3 or 5 zookeepers. As of Kafka 2.8 it is possible to explore Kafka w/out the use of Zookeeper for the quorum.

  • Only one schema registry is provided, in an actual setup we would have 2 for high-availability reasons.


  • As of Kafka 2.6 (confluent-community 6.0) most of the bundled connectors were removed; this is great in that it allows for easier upgrading of connectors w/out having to upgrade connect.

  • Place the desired connectors (unzipped) into the ./jars directory.


  • this is an optional set of containers to monitor the health of Kafka

  • Grafana provides a dashboard to monitoring the Kafka metrics.

    • http://localhost:3000

    • username: admin

    • password: grafana

  • kowl and kafka-ui are provided for kafka exploration through a UI interface. I have not used kafka-ui, but looks promising. I enjoy using kowl. Other options to use would be akhq, kafdrop and conduktor.


  • a single KSQL Server

  • to access the command line interface have confluent community installed locally, or uncomment out the client images and use the following:

    docker exec -it kl_ksql-client bash
    % ksql http://ksql-server:8088


  • ability to add a load-balancer in front of each broker.

  • scripts to add network latency to each broker to test various scenarios

  • see the "LB" advetised listener in the kafka docker-compose file for the port used for such setup


  • provides elasticsearch and kabana containers


  • provides a postgres database, with the write-ahead log (wal) enabled for change-data-capture from Debezium.

  • see Debezium connector in connectors for accessing data with CDC.

  • Standard port is exposed 5432 for easy integration into developers tools.


  • provides a MySQL v8 database, bin-log enabled by default with v8.

  • see Debezium connector in connectors for accessing data with CDC.

  • Standard port is exposed 3306 for easy integration into developers tools.


  • provides a MySQL v5 database with bin-log enabled

  • see Debezium connector in connectors for accessing data with CDC.

  • Internal 3306 port exposed as 3307 to avoid conflics with mysql instance.


  • Mongo with a single replica set created, to allow for Debezium to properly use it with change-data-capture.

  • The secret.key can be used as-is, or you can replace it with a new secret key using the set.

  • The secret.key is required to allow for authentication and replica sets, since in a multi-node deployment, each replica would need the same secret key.


  • An Apache Cassandra v4 instance.


  • A complete setup for running Druid. Druid image is amd64, so running the provided image is rather slow. The .env is stood up for allowing different images, and building your own arm64 image is rather easy, details to come.

  • Details (and referenced project) for building arm64 based images druid-m1.

  • All druid ports are exposed with prefixing with a 4, such as coordinator's 8081 is 48081.


  • this is a rather new container setup, but I have used to for a POC.


  • Minio is a s3 compliant object store. Great for testing s3 connectors locally.


  • 1 Job Manager

    • Please uber-jars in ./jars to make the accessible to the job manager for scheduling.

    • Use ./data folder for any output - easier to use for development and validation.

  • 2 Task Managers, easily scaled with deploy.replicas.


  • provides an Oracle datbase with logminer enabled

  • see kafka-connect-logminer in connectors for accessing data with CDC.

  • the Oracle container must be built, see README.


Local Environment Based on Docker Compose for Real-Time Development






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