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Welcome to Kent's NLP analysis of Crunchbase's 2013 Snapshot!

To get started, install a virtual environment using the requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Accessing the Data - Setting up MySQL

The Crunchbase 2013 snapshot is available here after registering for a free account. It is available for download through their api upon receiving a key. As it's in MySQL format, I also installed the MySQL v5.7.28 community edition here following instructions here. MySQL v8.0.11+ is incompatible with some of the options that have since been deprecated and removed, namely SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,POSTGRESQL', so be sure to install the correct version.

For me (after adding export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH to my environment), the command for starting mysql is sudo -u root mysqld --datadir /usr/local/mysql/data --user=_mysql & and stopping it is mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown. There is also a MySQL gui under preferences that can do the same. Test that the server is running with mysqladmin -u root -p version.

Concatenate all the sql files to execute in mysql shell. (Use different extension to avoid possible infinite loop.) cat *.sql > all_cb.sql1.

Start the mysql shell with mysql -u root -p --binary-mode=1 then create a database and select it. NOTE: binary mode is necessary for parsing data in python. create database crunchdb; use crunchdb;. Finally execute the data migration. \. all_cb.sql1.

Alternatively, you can skip the data ingestion and pick up where I load in pickle files.

Online viewing

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Topic Modeling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation on Crunchbase Snapshot 2013






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