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File metadata and controls

384 lines (289 loc) · 10.4 KB


A framework for tscgen for creating code generation projects that are easy to maintain, update, and understand.

Table of contents

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is with the bootstrap tool. The instructions below are for setup in an existing project that already has typescript installed.

If you're setting up your project with the bootstrap tool, you can skip this section.

For an overview of how tscgen-framework works, see the Concepts section.


Install with NPM:

npm i -D tscgen tscgen-framework tscgen-cli

Install with Yarn:

yarn add --dev tscgen tscgen-framework tscgen-cli


Create a tscgen.yaml in your root directory with the following:

outDir: out
projectDir: template

tscgen will build your project from the projectDir and generate the output in the outDir.

Add additional typescript configurations to your project:

// tsconfig.tscgen.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "target": "ESNext",
    "module": "CommonJS",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "lib": ["ES2020"],
    "noEmit": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true
  // include both the `projectDir` and `outDir`
  "include": ["template", "out"]
// tsconfig.tscgen-build.json
  "extends": "./tsconfig.tscgen.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "noEmit": "false",
    "declaration": true,
    "outDir": "dist",
    "target": "ES5"
  "include": ["out"]

Add the following commands to your package.json

  "scripts": {
    "generate": "tscgen generate -p tsconfig.tscgen.json",
    "generate:build": "tsc -p tsconfig.tscgen-build.json"

You can call npm run generate to generate the code output, and npm run generate:build to transpile the generated code with typescript.


tscgen-framework aims to provide a declarative way to define both code AND your code output directory structure.

Directory structure

Every project structure for tscgen contains a projectDir and an outDir. These are defined in the tscgen.yaml file.

Each file in the projectDir is transpiled into a corresponding file in the outDir - whatever is put into the projectDir is outputted as a generated file as well.

Static Files vs Single Exports vs Mapped Exports

There are 3 types of files that can be created inside your projectDir.

1. Static Files - Files that are copied from the projectDir to outDir with no modifications. These files end in .static.ts.

2. Single Exports - Each Single Export File is generated into an output file.

3. Mapped Exports - Each Mapped Export File can be generated into multiple output files. It takes a list of inputs and generates an output file for each input. These files are in a folder with a path param, or the filename itself contains a path param (i.e. models/[name].ts or [path]/name.ts) where [] in the file/folder name denotes a path param.

See File Types for more detailed information or Sample Usage for examples.

Registering exports

For Single Exports and Mapped Exports, the value of a module's default export is used to generate the corresponding output file.

The default export is constructed by:

  1. Registering a list of names
import { register } from 'tscgen-framework';
import * as tscgen from 'tscgen';

const registeredNames = register('Colors', 'BlueColors', 'RedColors');
  1. Specifying inputs (for Mapped Exports only)
  2. Assign each registered name to a builder
export default registeredNames.generateExports(() => {
  const colors = []
  return {
    exports: {
      Colors: tscgen
  1. A list of import builders can be specified as well.

Sample Usage

Output an interface

// <projectDir>/colors.ts

// this file is a Single Export File (it generates a `colors.ts` file in
// outDir by calculating the output of this file)
import tscgen from 'tscgen';
import { register } from 'tscgen-framework';

export const getPath = __filename;

export default register('IColor').generateExports(() => {
  return {
    exports: {
      IColor: tscgen
          name: stringType(),
          r: numberType(),
          g: numberType(),
          b: numberType(),
          a: numberType(),

// <outDir>/colors.ts
export interface IColor {
  name: string;
  r: number;
  g: number;
  b: number;
  a: number;

Reference a Static File with a Single Export File

// <projectDir>/response.static.ts

// this file is a Static File (it gets copied to the output dir)
export interface Response {
  data: unknown;

// <projectDir>/errorResponse.ts

// this file is a Single Export File (it generates a `errorResponse.ts` file in
// outDir by calculating the output of this file)
import tscgen from 'tscgen';
import { register } from 'tscgen-framework';

export const getPath = __filename;

export default register('IErrorResponse').generateExports(() => {
  const Response = getStaticReference(

  return {
    imports: [Response.import],
    exports: {
      IErrorResponse: tscgen
          isError: tscgen.booleanType(true)

export interface Response {
  data: unknown;

import { Response } from './response';

export interface IErrorResponse extends Response {
  isError: true

A Mapped Export File

// <projectDir>/models/[name].ts

// this file is a Mapped Export File - it takes in an array of inputs
// of type Array<{ data: T, params: Record<string, string> }>.
// For each input, it calculates the name of the output path by
// substituting the `params` into the path and injecting the data
// into the generateExports function

import tscgen from 'tscgen';
import { register } from 'tscgen-framework';

export const getPath = __filename;

const outputs = register('Model').withInputs(() => {
  const data = [
    { name: 'Car', type: 'Vehicle' },
    { name: 'Dog', type: 'Animal' },
    { name: 'Tulip' type: 'Flower' }

  return => ({
    data: val,
    params: {
      name: `I${}Model`

export default outputs.generateExports(({ data, params }) => {
  return {
    exports: {
      Model: tscgen
          name: tscgen.stringType(,
          type: tsgen.stringType(data.type)

export interface ICarModel {
  name: 'Car';
  type: 'Vehicle';

export interface IDogModel {
  name: 'Dog';
  type: 'Animal';

export interface IDogModel {
  name: 'Tulip';
  type: 'Flower';


File types

Export Files

These include both Single Export Files & Mapped Export File

These files must:

  • Export the path of the file in the current dir with a getPath export
  • Provide a default export that tells the tscgen cli what to export.

The getPath Export

The getPath should be a constant assigned to a string. More specifically, it should be:

export const getPath = __filename;

Each file needs a getPath export so that relative imports between Export Files can be resolved automatically when generating the code output.

The Default Export

The default export tells the tscgen CLI what code to actually process. The default export needs:

Static Files

Static files are files that are copied from the projectDir to the outDir without any processing. Static files always end in the extension .static.ts. When copying static files, the .static extension in the filename is stripped (i.e. <projectDir>/file.static.ts -> <outDir>/file.ts)

Static files useful since it's not ideal to type to use the builders to output large amounts of code. It's much easier to understand and read code by itself.

Single Export File

Single Export Files are processed by tscgen and emit Typescript code in the project's outDir. A single export file has a one-to-one mapping relationship to its outDir (i.e: <projectDir>/file.ts -> <outDir>/file.ts)

Mapped Export File


The tscgen.yaml file is placed in the root of the directory (wherever node_modules is installed). When the tscgen cli runs, it looks for the tscgen.yaml. The only two fields are

  • projectDir - the dir of where the project is located
  • outDir the dir where the output is stored