// ==UserScript== // @name MusicBrainz: Import ARD radio dramas // @version 2023.4.16 // @namespace https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts // @author kellnerd // @description Imports German broadcast releases from the ARD radio drama database. // @homepageURL https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts#import-ard-radio-dramas // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/main/dist/importARDRadioDramas.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/main/dist/importARDRadioDramas.user.js // @supportURL https://github.com/kellnerd/musicbrainz-scripts/issues // @grant none // @match *://hoerspiele.dra.de/vollinfo.php // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const urlTypeIds = /** @type {const} */ ({ 'production': 72, 'amazon asin': 77, 'discography entry': 288, 'license': 301, 'get the music': 73, 'purchase for mail-order': 79, 'purchase for download': 74, 'download for free': 75, 'free streaming': 85, 'streaming': 980, 'crowdfunding page': 906, 'show notes': 729, 'other databases': 82, 'discogs': 76, 'vgmdb': 86, 'secondhandsongs': 308, 'allmusic': 755, 'BookBrainz': 850, }); /** * Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors. * @param {string} selectors * @param {ParentNode} node */ function qs(selectors, node = document) { return node.querySelector(selectors); } /** * Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors. * @param {string} selectors * @param {ParentNode} node */ function qsa(selectors, node = document) { return node.querySelectorAll(selectors); } /** * Builds an edit note for the given message sections and adds a footer section for the active userscript. * Automatically de-duplicates the sections to reduce auto-generated message and footer spam. * @param {...string} sections Edit note sections. * @returns {string} Complete edit note content. */ function buildEditNote(...sections) { sections = sections.map((section) => section.trim()); if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined') { sections.push(`${GM_info.script.name} (v${GM_info.script.version}, ${GM_info.script.namespace})`); } // drop empty sections and keep only the last occurrence of duplicate sections return sections .filter((section, index) => section && sections.lastIndexOf(section) === index) .join(editNoteSeparator); } const editNoteSeparator = '\n—\n'; /** * Extracts the entity type and ID from a MusicBrainz URL (can be incomplete and/or with additional path components and query parameters). * @param {string} url URL of a MusicBrainz entity page. * @returns {{ type: CoreEntityTypeT | 'mbid', mbid: MB.MBID } | undefined} Type and ID. */ function extractEntityFromURL(url) { const entity = url.match(/(area|artist|event|genre|instrument|label|mbid|place|recording|release|release-group|series|url|work)\/([0-9a-f-]{36})(?:$|\/|\?)/); return entity ? { type: entity[1], mbid: entity[2] } : undefined; } /** * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} entityType * @param {MB.MBID | 'add' | 'create'} mbid MBID of an existing entity or `create` for the entity creation page (`add` for releases). */ function buildEntityURL(entityType, mbid) { return `https://musicbrainz.org/${entityType}/${mbid}`; } /** * Constructs a tooltip for the given entity. * @param {MB.Entity} entity */ function getEntityTooltip(entity) { let tooltip = `${entity.type}: ${entity['sort-name'] ?? entity.title}`; // fallback for releases if (entity.disambiguation) tooltip += ` (${entity.disambiguation})`; return tooltip; } /** * Returns a promise that resolves after the given delay. * @param {number} ms Delay in milliseconds. */ function delay(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } // Adapted from https://thoughtspile.github.io/2018/07/07/rate-limit-promises/ function rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval) { let queue = Promise.resolve(); // empty queue is ready return (...args) => { const result = queue.then(() => operation(...args)); // queue the next operation // start the next delay, regardless of the last operation's success queue = queue.then(() => delay(interval), () => delay(interval)); return result; }; } /** * Limits the number of requests for the given operation within a time interval. * @template Params * @template Result * @param {(...args: Params) => Result} operation Operation that should be rate-limited. * @param {number} interval Time interval (in ms). * @param {number} requestsPerInterval Maximum number of requests within the interval. * @returns {(...args: Params) => Promise} Rate-limited version of the given operation. */ function rateLimit(operation, interval, requestsPerInterval = 1) { if (requestsPerInterval == 1) { return rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval); } const queues = Array(requestsPerInterval).fill().map(() => rateLimitedQueue(operation, interval)); let queueIndex = 0; return (...args) => { queueIndex = (queueIndex + 1) % requestsPerInterval; // use the next queue return queues[queueIndex](...args); // return the result of the operation }; } /** * Calls to the MusicBrainz API are limited to one request per second. * https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_API */ const callAPI = rateLimit(fetch, 1000); /** * Requests the given entity from the MusicBrainz API. * @param {string} url (Partial) URL which contains the entity type and the entity's MBID. * @param {string[]} inc Include parameters which should be added to the API request. * @returns {Promise} */ function fetchEntity(url, inc) { const entity = extractEntityFromURL(url); if (!entity) throw new Error('Invalid entity URL'); const endpoint = [entity.type, entity.mbid].join('/'); return fetchFromAPI(endpoint, {}, inc); } /** * Makes a request to the MusicBrainz API of the currently used server and returns the results as JSON. * @param {string} endpoint Endpoint (e.g. the entity type) which should be queried. * @param {Record} query Query parameters. * @param {string[]} inc Include parameters which should be added to the query parameters. */ async function fetchFromAPI(endpoint, query = {}, inc = []) { if (inc.length) { query.inc = inc.join(' '); // spaces will be encoded as `+` } query.fmt = 'json'; const headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', // 'User-Agent': 'Application name/ ( contact-url )', }; const response = await callAPI(`https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/${endpoint}?${new URLSearchParams(query)}`, { headers }); if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw response; } } /** * Converts an array with a single element into a scalar. * @template T * @param {T | T[]} maybeArray * @returns A scalar or `undefined` if the conversion is not possible. */ function toScalar(maybeArray) { if (Array.isArray(maybeArray)) { if (maybeArray.length === 1) return maybeArray[0]; } else { return maybeArray; } } /** * Converts the name from kebab case into title case. * @param {string} name */ function kebabToTitleCase(name) { return name.split('-') .map(upperCaseFirstLetter) .join(' '); } /** @param {string} word */ function upperCaseFirstLetter(word) { return word.replace(/^./, c => c.toUpperCase()); } /** * Creates an input element where you can paste an MBID or an MB entity URL. * It automatically validates the content on paste, loads the name of the entity and sets the MBID as a data attribute. * @param {string} id ID and name of the input element. * @param {CoreEntityTypeT[]} [allowedEntityTypes] Entity types which are allowed for this input, defaults to all. * @param {string} [initialValue] Initial value of the input element. */ function createMBIDInput(id, allowedEntityTypes, initialValue) { /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const mbidInput = document.createElement('input'); mbidInput.className = 'mbid'; mbidInput.name = mbidInput.id = id; mbidInput.placeholder = `MBID or URL (${allowedEntityTypes?.join('/') ?? 'any entity'})`; const mbidAttribute = 'data-mbid'; const defaultEntityTypeRoute = toScalar(allowedEntityTypes) ?? 'mbid'; if (initialValue) { setInputValue(initialValue); } mbidInput.addEventListener('input', async function () { const entity = await setInputValue(this.value.trim()); if (entity) { mbidInput.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('mbid-input', { detail: entity })); } }); return mbidInput; /** @param {string} entityURL */ async function setInputValue(entityURL) { // create a complete entity identifier for an MBID only input if (entityURL.match(/^[0-9a-f-]{36}$/)) { entityURL = [defaultEntityTypeRoute, entityURL].join('/'); } // reset previous validation results mbidInput.removeAttribute(mbidAttribute); mbidInput.classList.remove('error', 'success'); mbidInput.title = ''; // validate entity type and MBID try { const entity = extractEntityFromURL(entityURL); if (entity) { if (typeof allowedEntityTypes === 'undefined' || allowedEntityTypes.includes(entity.type)) { const result = await fetchEntity(entityURL); result.type ||= kebabToTitleCase(entity.type); // fallback for missing type mbidInput.setAttribute(mbidAttribute, result.id); mbidInput.value = result.name || result.title; // releases only have a title attribute mbidInput.classList.add('success'); mbidInput.title = getEntityTooltip(result); return result; } else { throw new Error(`Entity type '${kebabToTitleCase(entity.type)}' is not allowed`); } } } catch (error) { mbidInput.classList.add('error'); mbidInput.title = error.message ?? error.statusText; } } } /** * @template Params * @template Result * @template {string | number} Key */ class FunctionCache { /** * @param {(...params: Params) => Result | Promise} expensiveFunction Expensive function whose results should be cached. * @param {Object} options * @param {(...params: Params) => Key[]} options.keyMapper Maps the function parameters to the components of the cache's key. * @param {string} [options.name] Name of the cache, used as storage key (optional). * @param {Storage} [options.storage] Storage which should be used to persist the cache (optional). * @param {Record} [options.data] Record which should be used as cache (defaults to an empty record). */ constructor(expensiveFunction, options) { this.expensiveFunction = expensiveFunction; this.keyMapper = options.keyMapper; this.name = options.name ?? `defaultCache`; this.storage = options.storage; this.data = options.data ?? {}; } /** * Looks up the result for the given parameters and returns it. * If the result is not cached, it will be calculated and added to the cache. * @param {Params} params */ async get(...params) { const keys = this.keyMapper(...params); const lastKey = keys.pop(); if (!lastKey) return; const record = this._get(keys); if (record[lastKey] === undefined) { // create a new entry to cache the result of the expensive function const newEntry = await this.expensiveFunction(...params); if (newEntry !== undefined) { record[lastKey] = newEntry; } } return record[lastKey]; } /** * Manually sets the cache value for the given key. * @param {Key[]} keys Components of the key. * @param {Result} value */ set(keys, value) { const lastKey = keys.pop(); this._get(keys)[lastKey] = value; } /** * Loads the persisted cache entries. */ load() { const storedData = this.storage?.getItem(this.name); if (storedData) { this.data = JSON.parse(storedData); } } /** * Persists all entries of the cache. */ store() { this.storage?.setItem(this.name, JSON.stringify(this.data)); } /** * Clears all entries of the cache and persists the changes. */ clear() { this.data = {}; this.store(); } /** * Returns the cache record which is indexed by the key. * @param {Key[]} keys Components of the key. */ _get(keys) { let record = this.data; keys.forEach((key) => { if (record[key] === undefined) { // create an empty record for all missing keys record[key] = {}; } record = record[key]; }); return record; } } /** * @template Params * @template Result * @template {string | number} Key * @extends {FunctionCache} */ class SimpleCache extends FunctionCache { /** * @param {Object} options * @param {string} [options.name] Name of the cache, used as storage key (optional). * @param {Storage} [options.storage] Storage which should be used to persist the cache (optional). * @param {Record} [options.data] Record which should be used as cache (defaults to an empty record). */ constructor(options) { // use a dummy function to make the function cache fail without actually running an expensive function super((...params) => undefined, { ...options, keyMapper: (...params) => params, }); } } /** @type {SimpleCache<[entityType: CoreEntityTypeT, name: string], MB.MBID>} */ const nameToMBIDCache = new SimpleCache({ name: 'nameToMBIDCache', storage: window.localStorage, }); /** * Loads the MBIDs of cached entity names for the given release seed. * @param {MB.ReleaseSeed} release * @returns Name, type and MBID (if already given or found in the cache) of the related entities. */ async function loadCachedEntitiesForRelease(release) { return Promise.all([ ...loadCachedArtists(release.artist_credit), ...loadCachedLabels(release), ...release.mediums?.flatMap( (medium) => medium.track?.flatMap( (track) => loadCachedArtists(track.artist_credit) ) ?? [] ) ?? [], ]).then((entities) => entities.filter((entity) => entity)); } /** @param {MB.ArtistCreditSeed} artistCredit */ function loadCachedArtists(artistCredit) { return artistCredit?.names.map((credit) => loadCachedMBID(credit, 'artist', credit.artist?.name ?? credit.name)) ?? []; } /** @param {MB.ReleaseSeed} release */ function loadCachedLabels(release) { return release.labels?.map((label) => loadCachedMBID(label, 'label', label.name)) ?? []; } /** * @param {{ mbid: MB.MBID }} entity * @param {CoreEntityTypeT} type * @param {string} name * @returns Type and name of the entity if it was not found in the cache. */ async function loadCachedMBID(entity, type, name) { let mbid = entity.mbid; if (!mbid) { mbid = await nameToMBIDCache.get(type, name); if (mbid) { entity.mbid = mbid; } } return { type, name, mbid }; } /** * Creates a hidden input element. * @param {string} name Name of the input element. * @param {string} value Value of the input element. */ function createHiddenInput(name, value) { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); input.name = name; input.value = value; return input; } /** * Creates a form with hidden inputs for the given data. * @param {import('../types').FormDataRecord} data Record with one or multiple values for each key. */ function createHiddenForm(data) { const form = document.createElement('form'); form.append(... Object.entries(data).flatMap(([key, value]) => { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.map((singleValue) => createHiddenInput(key, singleValue)); } return createHiddenInput(key, value); }) ); return form; } /** * Flattens the given (deep) object to a single level hierarchy. * Concatenates the keys in a nested structure which lead to a value with dots. * @param {object} object * @param {string[]} preservedKeys Keys whose values will be preserved. * @returns {object} */ function flatten(object, preservedKeys = []) { const flatObject = {}; for (const key in object) { let value = object[key]; if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !preservedKeys.includes(key)) { // also matches arrays value = flatten(value, preservedKeys); for (const childKey in value) { flatObject[key + '.' + childKey] = value[childKey]; // concatenate keys } } else { // value is already flat (e.g. a string) or should be preserved flatObject[key] = value; // keep the key } } return flatObject; } /** * Creates a form with hidden inputs and a submit button to seed a new release on MusicBrainz. * @param {MB.ReleaseSeed} releaseData Data of the release. */ function createReleaseSeederForm(releaseData) { const form = createHiddenForm(flatten(releaseData, ['type'])); form.action = buildEntityURL('release', 'add'); form.method = 'POST'; form.target = '_blank'; form.name = 'musicbrainz-release-seeder'; const importButton = document.createElement('button'); const icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.src = '//musicbrainz.org/favicon.ico'; importButton.append(icon, 'Import into MusicBrainz'); importButton.title = 'Import this release into MusicBrainz (open a new tab)'; form.appendChild(importButton); return form; } /** * Creates a DOM element from the given HTML fragment. * @param {string} html HTML fragment. */ function createElement(html) { const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstElementChild; } /** * Creates a style element from the given CSS fragment and injects it into the document's head. * @param {string} css CSS fragment. * @param {string} userscriptName Name of the userscript, used to generate an ID for the style element. */ function injectStylesheet(css, userscriptName) { const style = document.createElement('style'); if (userscriptName) { style.id = [userscriptName, 'userscript-css'].join('-'); } style.innerText = css; document.head.append(style); } /** * Creates an object from the given arrays of keys and corresponding values. * @param {string[]} keys * @param {any[]} values */ function zipObject(keys, values) { return Object.fromEntries(keys.map((_, index) => [keys[index], values[index]])); } // clean up the release URL const releaseURL = new URL(window.location); const releaseId = releaseURL.searchParams.get('dukey'); releaseURL.search = new URLSearchParams({ dukey: releaseId }); // extract data const authors = Array.from(qsa('.hspaut a')).map((a) => a.textContent.trim()); const title = qs('.hsprhti').textContent.trim(); qs('.hspunti')?.textContent.trim(); qs('.hsprti')?.textContent.trim(); Array.from(qsa('.vollinfoblock p > span.prefix')).map((span) => { const line = span.parentNode.textContent.trim(); return line.split(/:\s+/, 2); // split prefix (attribute name) and content (attribute values) }); const voiceActorCredits = Array.from(qsa('.mitwirkende tr')).map((row) => { // three cells which should contain: 1. actor/actress, 2. empty, 3. role(s) or empty const cells = row.childNodes; if (cells.length !== 3 || cells[0].nodeName !== 'TD') return; // skip headers and empty rows return Array.from(cells).map((cell) => cell.textContent.trim()).filter((text) => text); }).filter((credit) => credit); const sidebarText = Array.from(qsa('.sectionC div:not(.noPrint) > p')) .filter((p) => p.childElementCount === 0) // skip headings, keep only text nodes .map((p) => p.textContent.trim()); let broadcasters = [], radioEvents = [], duration = ''; sidebarText.forEach((line) => { // line format: ` `, year is optional const productionMatch = line.match(/^(\D+?)(?:\s+(\d{4}))?$/); if (productionMatch) { broadcasters.push(...productionMatch[1].split(/\s+\/\s+/)); productionMatch[2]; } // line format: `(Deutsche) Erstsendung: | | (ca.) `; // parts in parentheses, station and duration are optional if (/Erstsendung/.test(line)) { const event = {}; line.split('|').forEach((fragment, column) => { const dateMatch = fragment.match(/\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}/); const durationMatch = fragment.match(/\d+'\d{2}/); if (dateMatch) { event.date = zipObject(['day', 'month', 'year'], dateMatch[0].split('.')); } else if (durationMatch) { duration = durationMatch[0].replace("'", ':'); } else if (column === 1) { event.station = fragment.trim(); } }); radioEvents.push(event); } }); // parse and standardize the title let episodeTitle = title; let standardizedFullTitle = title; let disambiguationComment; const episodeMatch = title.match(/(.+?)\s+\((?:(\d+)\.\s+(Folge|Teil)(?:\s+\((.+?)\))?(?::\s+)?)?(.*)?\)$/); if (episodeMatch) { standardizedFullTitle = episodeMatch[1]; // main title or series title const episodeNumber = episodeMatch[2]; if (episodeNumber) { standardizedFullTitle += `, ${episodeMatch[3]} ${episodeNumber}`; } disambiguationComment = episodeMatch[4]; episodeTitle = episodeMatch[5]; if (episodeTitle) { standardizedFullTitle += ': ' + episodeTitle; } } /** @type {MB.ReleaseSeed} */ const release = { name: standardizedFullTitle, artist_credit: { names: authors.map((author, index) => ({ name: author, artist: { name: author, }, join_phrase: index === authors.length - 1 ? '' : ', ', })), }, type: ['Broadcast', 'Audio drama'], events: radioEvents.map(makeReleaseEvent), labels: broadcasters.map((name) => ({ name })), language: 'deu', script: 'Latn', status: 'Official', barcode: 'none', packaging: 'None', mediums: [{ format: 'Digital Media', track: [{ number: 1, name: episodeTitle ?? standardizedFullTitle, length: duration, }], }], urls: [{ url: releaseURL.href, link_type: urlTypeIds['discography entry'], }], edit_note: buildEditNote(`Imported radio drama from ${releaseURL}`), }; if (disambiguationComment) release.comment = disambiguationComment; /** * @param {Object} radioEvent * @param {PartialDateT} radioEvent.date * @param {string} radioEvent.station */ function makeReleaseEvent(radioEvent) { return { date: radioEvent.date, country: getCountryOfStation(radioEvent.station), }; } // TODO: find a list of all stations used by dra.de and improve (AT/CH/DD/LI?) function getCountryOfStation(station) { if (/\bORF\b|Ö\d/.test(station)) return 'AT'; else if (/\bSRF\b/.test(station)) return 'CH'; else return 'DE'; } /** @param {MB.ReleaseSeed} release */ async function injectUI(release) { // load the MBIDs for all cached entity names nameToMBIDCache.load(); const relatedEntities = await loadCachedEntitiesForRelease(release); // create a table where the user can enter entity name to MBID mappings const entityMappings = createElement(`
`); relatedEntities.forEach((entity, index) => { const id = `mbid-mapping-${index}`; const tr = createElement(`${entity.name}`); const td = document.createElement('td'); let initialMappingValue; if (entity.mbid) { initialMappingValue = [entity.type, entity.mbid].join('/'); } const mbidInput = createMBIDInput(id, [entity.type], initialMappingValue); td.appendChild(mbidInput); tr.appendChild(td); entityMappings.appendChild(tr); // update cache and importer form if the user pasted an MBID mapping mbidInput.addEventListener('mbid-input', async (event) => { const mbid = event.detail.id; nameToMBIDCache.set([entity.type, entity.name], mbid); nameToMBIDCache.store(); await loadCachedEntitiesForRelease(release); injectImporterForm(); }); }); // inject into an empty sidebar section const importerContainer = qs('.sectionC .noPrint > p'); importerContainer.prepend(entityMappings); injectImporterForm(); // inject a button to copy credits /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const copyButton = createElement(''); copyButton.addEventListener('click', () => { navigator.clipboard?.writeText(voiceActorCredits.map((credit) => `${credit[1] ?? ''} - ${credit[0]}`).join('\n')); }); copyButton.style.marginTop = '5px'; importerContainer.appendChild(copyButton); function injectImporterForm() { const form = createReleaseSeederForm(release); const existingForm = qs(`form[name="${form.getAttribute('name')}"]`); if (existingForm) { existingForm.replaceWith(form); } else { importerContainer.appendChild(form); } } } const styles = ` input.error { background: #EBB1BA !important; } input.success { background: #B1EBB0; } form[name="musicbrainz-release-seeder"] button img { display: inline; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 5px; } #mbid-mapping { border-spacing: revert; } #mbid-mapping caption { font-weight: bold; }`; injectUI(release); injectStylesheet(styles, 'musicbrainz-importer'); })();