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Keiths Little Backup Container


This container is designed to provide really simple backups and store these backups in a remote S3 bucket.

Current functionality:

  • Connect to a mysql/mariadb database, backup to remote S3 bucket
  • Retain a set number of days backup

To do:

  • Nofitication of backup (summary)
  • File Backup
  • Helm chart deployment

Environment Variables

Variable Description
DB_HOST Hostname or IP address of the database server
DB_USER Username for the database connection
DB_PASSWORD Password for the database connection
DB_NAME Name of the database to backup
APP_DIR Directory where the backup files will be stored
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key ID for the AWS S3 bucket
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Secret access key for the AWS S3 bucket
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION AWS region where the S3 bucket is located
AWS_HOST Hostname or IP address of the AWS S3 endpoint
BUCKET Name of the AWS S3 bucket
PUB_PRIV Access level for the S3 bucket (public or private)
S3_PATH Path within the S3 bucket to store the backup files
OLDER_THAN_DAYS Delete backups older than this number of days



Simple Run

kubectl run backup --image=keithhubner/klbc:latest --env=DB_HOST=mariadb --env=DB_USER=wordpress --env=APP_DIR=/data --env=DB_PASSWORD=YOU_DB_PW --env=DB_NAME=YOUR_DB_NAME --env=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY --env=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --env=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=YOUR_AWS_REGION --env=AWS_HOST=YOUR_AWS_HOST --env=BUCKET=YOUR_BUCKET --env=PUB_PRIV=private --env=S3_PATH=YOUR_S3_PATH

Example backing up wordpress db to Civo Object Store:

kubectl run backup --image=keithhubner/klbc:latest --env=DB_HOST=mariadb --env=DB_USER=wordpress --env=APP_DIR=/data --env=DB_PASSWORD=PASSWORD --env=DB_NAME=wordpress --env=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=CIVO_KEY --env=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=CIVO_SECRET --env=AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=LON1 --env=AWS_HOST= --env=BUCKET=wordpress-db --env=PUB_PRIV=private --env=S3_PATH=wordpress-db -n wordpress

K8s Job

It may be that you want to run a regular job in K8s to backup every x hours/days:

Create a config map to hold the non sensitive values (replace values with your own)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-configmap
  namespace: wordpress
  DB_HOST: "mariadb"
  DB_USER: "wordpress"
  DB_NAME: "wordpress"
  APP_DIR: "/data"
  AWS_HOST: ""
  BUCKET: "wordpress-db" 
  PUB_PRIV: "private"
  S3_PATH: "wordpress-db"

Example using K8s secrets, you may wish to replace with external secrets manager

Create the secret values using kubectl:

kubectl create secret generic my-secret -namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE \

Create a job to run on a schedule:

You will want to replace the schedule and also some other settings in the job to suit your requirements.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: backup-cronjob
  namespace: wordpress
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"  # Cron expression for running the job every minute
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3  # Keep up to 3 successful job completions
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3      # Keep up to 3 failed job completions
          - name: backup-container
            image: keithhubner/klbc:latest
            - configMapRef:
                name: my-configmap
            - secretRef:
                name: my-secret                                                     
          restartPolicy: OnFailure  # Specifies what to do when the container exits


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