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File metadata and controls

339 lines (254 loc) · 7.58 KB


How to reproduce this project.

Note: review the Makefiles to determine which AWS and Docker commands are executed.

Git repo

# clone the repo with SSH
git clone
# without SSH
git clone


The project depends on the following packages.

  • Docker
  • Python3 (3.9.16)
    • pip
  • Node (18.15.0)
    • pnpm
  • GNU Make
  • AWS CLI v2
  • Rclone (optional)

Install instructions for the Nix package manager:

nix-env -iA \
	nixpkgs.python39 \
	nixpkgs.python39Packages.pip \
	nixpkgs.nodejs-18_x \
	nixpkgs.nodePackages_latest.pnpm \
	nixpkgs.awscli2 \

Optional: use the Nix package manager with direnv for an automated dev. environment.

Project settings

First, setup all the necessary configuration.

  • Airtable database

    • create a new base
    • create a todos table with the following columns
      • id (Autonumber)
      • description (Long text)
      • label (Single select)
      • done (Checkbox)
    • create a personal access token
      • scope: data.records:read, data.records:write
      • access: only the current base
    • create a .env file in lambdas/todos/
      • store the credentials
      • refer to the .env.example for more info
    • create a shared view link and copy the url
  • AWS credentials

    • optional: create a new AWS account with AWS Organizations
    • login to the AWS console
    • create an IAM user for deployment and Github CI/CD
      • for example: projectname-deploy
      • add the inline policies from the code block below
    • create an access key for the new user
    • store key in lambdas/todos/.aws/.env and/or Github Actions
      • refer to the .env.template for more info

Note: updating policies can take some time!

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "demodash",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Make sure that the key works:

# verify AWS credentials
source lambdas/todos/.aws/.env && aws sts get-caller-identity
  • frontend app/.env.development

    • set the VITE_ENDPOINT
      • for example: http://localhost:8000/new_todo
      • or replace localhost with your vm/devserver ip
    • set the VITE_AIRTABLE_BASE
      • copy-paste the Airtable shared view URL
  • frontend app/.env.production

    • set the production environment later in this guide

  • CORS domain

    • if you also want to deploy to production later:
      • set CORS_DOMAIN in lambdas/todos/.env
  • Pytest config

    • set PYTEST_URL_LOCAL in lambdas/todos/.make.pytest
      • default: http://localhost:8000

The project is now ready for local testing without Docker

Local development

Before deploying let's test the configuration with a local setup.


Start with the backend. Run a FastAPI dev server.

# create Python environment
cd lambdas/todos
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# run the development server
make api
# test the endpoint
make pytest-local # make sure the .venv is activated
# verify in Airtable


Open a React/Vite development server.

# install node_modules and run the development server
make dev
# open the Vite development url

Verify the endpoint with the todo widget.

Deploy to production

Make sure Docker is installed

Create a private AWS ECR container repository

We need to store the Docker container image in AWS. Let's create a repository.

  • config lambdas/todos/.make.docker:
    • set AWS_ARN
    • set AWS_REGION
    • set AWS_ACCOUNT_ID (same as ARN)
    • set ECR_DOCKER_REPO_NAME (or use default value)
    • set ECR_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME (or use default value)

You can find your Arn/AccountId with aws sts get-caller-identity

# create ECR repository
make repo

AWS Docs

Test Docker locally

Now we can test the Docker build commands and the container locally.

# build the image
make build
# run the container
make run
# test the function
make pytest-docker
# verify the Airtable shared view

The project is ready to deploy.

Deploy backend to production

If everything works, lets continue with the production deployment.

Create an IAM role

We need a role for the Lambda execution.

# create an IAM role
make iamrole

Create the Lambda function

Before we can deploy the image/container we need to create the function.

# create the function
make lambda-create
# test
make invoke
# create a function url
make lambda-url
# allow public access
make lambda-public
# set the Airtable environment variables
make lambda-env


Now we're finally ready to push the Docker image and update the function.

# login in to the registry
make auth
# deploy container
make update
  • Copy the FunctionUrl and set the value to the PYTEST_URL_LAMBDA variable in:
    • lambdas/todos/.make.pytest for the backend
    • and app/.env.production for the frontend
# test production endpoint
make pytest-prod

Verify the deployment in Airtable

Deploy frontend to production

Last step, deploy the React app to a S3 bucket. First, test the build process.

# get the function URL
aws lambda get-function-url-config --function-name <your_function_name>
# or,
make lambda-get-url

Remember to set the correct endpoint in app/.env.production

Currently, in the frontend, the VITE URL has to end with /new_todo

# from the frontend directory
# build the app
make build
# test build
make preview
# note: the production URL blocks CORS from localhost
  • AWS S3 (or similar)
    • open the AWS console
    • open S3 page
    • create a bucket
    • copy the dist folder to your bucket
    • enable bucket websites
    • test the production URL
    • create a CNAME record in your DNS provider
      • point it to the S3 bucket-website


You can use Rclone to automate the synchronization with S3. Review the CI/CD config in the .github directory for some reference.

Update CI/CD

  • Automate the deployment with Github Actions:
    • fork the repository
    • first follow all the above steps to create a manual deployment
      • so that all the environment variables and policies are set
    • edit .github/workflows/deploy.yml
      • set all the correct environment variables
      • set all the correct variables in Github Actions
    • modify code
    • push to or merge with main