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kati6 edited this page Dec 17, 2021 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the Video2X Wiki. Please use the navigation section to find what you need. If what you're looking for is not present, or if you want to improve the wiki, open a new issue and we'll have that resolved. All items with a link are pages that have already been created. All items without a link are pages scheduled to be created in the future.

Official Discussion Group (Telegram):

A Discord server is also available. Please note that most developers are only on Telegram. If you join the Discord server, the developers might not be able to see your questions and help you. It is mostly for user-user interactions and those who do not want to use Telegram.

  • Full: full package comes pre-configured with all dependencies like FFmpeg and waifu2x-caffe.
  • Light: ligt package comes with only Video2X binaries and a template configuration file. The user will either have to run the setup script or install and configure dependencies themselves.

Go to the Quick Start section for usages.

In case you're unable to download the releases directly from GitHub, you can try downloading from the mirror site hosted by the author. Only releases will be updated in this directory, not nightly builds.

You need to be logged into GitHub to be able to download GitHub Actions artifacts.

Nightly builds are built automatically every time a new commit is pushed to the master branch. The lates nightly build is always up-to-date with the latest version of the code, but is less stable and may contain bugs. Nightly builds are handled by GitHub's integrated CI/CD tool, GitHub Actions.

To download the latest nightly build, go to the GitHub Actions tab, enter the last run of workflow "Video2X Nightly Build, and download the artifacts generated from the run.

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