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File metadata and controls

19 lines (12 loc) · 753 Bytes

Check.rb - simple checklists with ruby and prawn

Use this script to turn plaintext checklists into something a bit more special. Here's a sample checklist:

Checklist title here:
- This item is done! @done
- This item isn't
* You can use asterisks if you'd prefer

This is a new group on the same checklist:
* Here is another item

Installation and use

Download and place somewhere safe. Symlink check.rb into your $PATH. Then, in terminal, run:

check [--out=OUTPUT] file1.txt [file2...]

By default, this will turn file1.txt into a PDF called file1.pdf. If you specify a file using --out, it'll output to that file instead. If you specify a folder using --out, it'll output to file1.pdf in that folder.