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Next Steps with Kit

In this guide you'll learn how to:

  • Make your own Kitfile
  • The power of unpack
  • Read the Kitfile or manifest from a ModelKit
  • Tag ModelKits and keep your registry tidy

Making your own Kitfile

A Kitfile is the configuration document for your ModelKit. It's written in YAML so it's easy to read. There are four main parts to a Kitfile:

  1. The package section: Metadata about the ModelKit, including the author, description, and license
  2. The code section: Path to any codebases related to the project, including Jupyter notebook folders
  3. The datasets section: Path to any datasets
  4. The model section: Path to the serialized model

A Kitfile only needs the package section, plus one of the other sections.

The datasets and code sections can include multiple assets, but the model section can only contain a single model (you can chain models by using multiple ModelKits).

Here's an example Kitfile:

manifestVersion: v1.0.0

  - Jozu
  description: Small language model based on Mistral-7B fine tuned for answering film photography questions.
  license: Apache-2.0
  name: FilmSLM

  description: Film photography Q&A model using Mistral-7B
  framework: Mistral-7B
  license: Apache-2.0
  name: FilmSLM
  path: ./models/film_slm:champion
  version: 1.2.6

- description: Forum postings from sites like rangefinderforum, DPreview, PhotographyTalk, and r/AnalogCommunity
  name: training data
  path: ./data/forum-to-2023-train.csv
- description: validation data
  name: validation data
  path: ./data/test.csv

- description: Jupyter notebook with model training code in Python
  path: ./notebooks

A minimal ModelKit for distributing a pair of datasets might look like this:

manifestVersion: v1.0.0

- name: training data
  path: ./data/train.csv
- description: validation data
  name: validation data
  path: ./data/validate.csv

Once you've authored a Kitfile for your AI/ML project you can pack it up and store it in your local or remote repository.

If you don't provide a registry Kit assumes you're operating against your local registry. For example:

kit pack . -t film-slm:champion

Will create a new tag champion in the film-slm repository in your local registry.

If you want to push to a remote registry there are two steps - tagging then pushing. Let's imagine we want to push our champion tag to Docker Hub:

First, you need to tag the image in your local registry with the remote registry's name:

kit pack . -t

Second, you push your local image to the remote registry:

kit push

The power of unpack

Models and their datasets can be very large and take a long time to push or pull, so Kit includes the unpack command that allows you to pull only pieces of the ModelKit you need, saving time and storage space:

unpack can take arguments for partial pulling of a ModelKit:

  • --model to pull only the model to the destination file system
  • --datasets to pull only the datasets to the destination file system
  • --code to pull only the code bases to the destination file system
  • --config to pull only the Kitfile to the destination file system

For example:

kit unpack mymodel:challenger --model -d ./model

Will extract the model from the mymodel:challenger ModelKit and place it in a local directory called /model.

The unpack command is part of the typical push and pull commands:

  • pack will pack up a set of assets into a ModelKit package.
  • push will push the whole ModelKit to a registry.
  • pull will pull the whole ModelKit from a registry.
  • unpack will extract all the assets from the ModelKit package.

Read the Kitfile or manifest from a ModelKit

For any ModelKit in your local or remote registry you can easily read the Kitfile without pulling or unpacking it. This is a great way to understand what's in a ModelKit you might be interested in without needing to execute the more time-consuming unpack/pull comamnds.

kit info mymodel:challenger

Will print the following to your terminal:

manifestVersion: v1.0.0
  name: Finetuning_SLM
  description: This Kitfile contains all the necessary files required for finetuning SLM.
  license: Apache-2.0
  authors: [Rajat]
  name: keras Model
  path: ./model_adapter
  framework: Scikit-learn
  version: 1.0.0
  description: Flight satisfaction and trait analysis model using Scikit-learn
  license: Apache-2.0
  - path: ./SLM_Finetuning.ipynb
    description: Jupyter notebook with model training code in Python
  - name: training data
    path: ./slm_tuning_dataset.csv
    description: UCF Video Dataset

If you need more details, like the size or file format of the contents, you can print the manifest to the terminal using the inspect command:

kit inspect mymodel:challenger
  "schemaVersion": 2,
  "config": {
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.kitops.modelkit.config.v1+json",
    "digest": "sha256:58444ef30d1cc7ee0fd2a24697e26252c38bf4317bfc791cd30c5af0d6f91f8f",
    "size": 619
  "layers": [
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.kitops.modelkit.code.v1.tar+gzip",
      "digest": "sha256:144ad8a89c3946ab794455450840f1b401511cdd8befc95884826376ef56d861",
      "size": 12657
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.kitops.modelkit.dataset.v1.tar+gzip",
      "digest": "sha256:7d0f8d60895bba5c56e032f509c92553cfba1b014eee58f01e46d7af923099e8",
      "size": 13787789
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.kitops.modelkit.model.v1.tar+gzip",
      "digest": "sha256:25646107e93d62ccd55b2cf14dfd55f7bbf426e5492a42d3d7f1bfd2cde30035",
      "size": 122

Tag ModelKits and keep your registry tidy

Tagging is a great way to version your ModelKits as they move through the development lifecycle. For example, during development the model I'm working on currently may always be tagged as the latest so my team knows which is most current. At the same time the model that's operating in production for my customers may be tagged the champion.

However, after testing my latest model, I find that its scores are much higher than the current champion model. At that point I may want to tag it challenger so everyone knows that this is likely to be the next model we deploy to production, to replace our current champion model.

To do that I can simply add a new tag based on the existing latest tag.

kit tag mymodel:latest mymodel:challenger

If you run kit list you'll now see that you have two models in your local registry:

kit list

mymodel     latest      Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

mymodel     challenger  Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

You'll notice that the digest of the two ModelKits is the same so while you have two tags, the ModelKit itself is only stored once for efficiency. This makes tags an efficient way to mark models that have hit specific milestones that are meaningful to your organization's development lifecycle.

Now let's imagine that we deploy our challenger model. At that point we'd tag it as champion:

kit tag mymodel:challenger mymodel:champion

If you run kit list you'll now see that you have two models in your local registry:

kit list

mymodel     latest      Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

mymodel     challenger  Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

mymodel     champion    Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

Now we no longer want this ModelKit to be tagged as challenger because it's the champion so we can remove it from our registry:

kit remove mymodel:challenger

Removed localhost/mymodel:challenger (digest sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c)

Running kit list again will show our updated local registry contents:

kit list

mymodel     latest      Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

mymodel     champion    Rajat        Finetuning_SLM   13.1 MiB   sha256:f268a74ff85a00f2a68400dfc17b045bc7c1638da7f096c7ae400ad5bdfd520c

You can learn more about all the Kit CLI commands from our command reference doc.

Thanks for taking some time to play with Kit. We'd love to hear what you think. Feel free to drop us an issue in our GitHub repository or join our Discord server.