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Kit CLI Reference

kit info

Show the configuration for a modelkit


Print the contents of a modelkit config to the screen.

By default, kit will check local storage for the specified modelkit. To see the configuration for a modelkit stored on a remote registry, use the --remote flag.

kit info [flags] MODELKIT


# See configuration for a local modelkit:
kit info mymodel:mytag

# See configuration for a local modelkit by digest:
kit info mymodel@sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a

# See configuration for a remote modelkit if not present locally:
kit info


  -h, --help         help for info
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
  -r, --remote       Check remote registry even if modelkit is present locally
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit inspect

Inspect a modelkit's manifest


Print the contents of a modelkit manifest to the screen.

By default, kit will check local storage for the specified modelkit. To inspect a modelkit stored on a remote registry, use the --remote flag.

kit inspect [flags] MODELKIT


# Inspect a local modelkit:
kit inspect mymodel:mytag

# Inspect a local modelkit by digest:
kit inspect mymodel@sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a

# Inspect a remote modelkit if not present locally:
kit inspect


  -h, --help         help for inspect
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
  -r, --remote       Check remote registry even if modelkit is present locally
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit list

List modelkits in a repository


Displays a list of modelkits available in a repository.

This command provides an overview of modelkits stored either in the local repository or a specified remote repository. It displays each modelkit along with its associated tags and the cumulative size of its contents. Modelkits comprise multiple artifacts, including models, datasets, code, and configuration, designed to enhance reusability and modularity. However, this command focuses on the aggregate rather than listing individual artifacts.

Each modelkit entry includes its DIGEST, a unique identifier that ensures distinct versions of a modelkit are easily recognizable, even if they share the same name or tags. Modelkits with multiple tags or repository names will appear multiple times in the list, distinguished by their DIGEST.

The SIZE displayed for each modelkit represents the total storage space occupied by all its components.

kit list [flags] [REPOSITORY]


# List local modelkits
kit list

# List modelkits from a remote repository
kit list


  -h, --help         help for list
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit login

Log in to an OCI registry


Log in to a specified OCI-compatible registry. Credentials are saved and used automatically for future CLI operations

kit login [flags] [REGISTRY]


# Login to
kit login -u github_user -p personal_token


  -h, --help              help for login
  -p, --password string   registry password or token
      --password-stdin    read password from stdin
      --plain-http        Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
      --tls-verify        Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)
  -u, --username string   registry username

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit logout

Log out from an OCI registry


Log out from a specified OCI-compatible registry. Any saved credentials are removed from storage.

kit logout [flags] REGISTRY


# Log out from
kit logout


  -h, --help   help for logout

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit pack

Pack a modelkit


Pack a modelkit from a kitfile using the given context directory.

The packing process involves taking the configuration and resources defined in your kitfile and using them to create a modelkit. This modelkit is then stored in your local registry, making it readily available for further actions such as pushing to a remote registry for collaboration.

Unless a different location is specified, this command looks for the kitfile at the root of the provided context directory. Any relative paths defined within the kitfile are interpreted as being relative to this context directory.

kit pack [flags] DIRECTORY


# Pack a modelkit using the kitfile in the current directory
kit pack .

# Pack a modelkit with a specific kitfile and tag
kit pack . -f /path/to/your/Kitfile -t registry/repository:modelv1


  -f, --file string   Specifies the path to the Kitfile if it's not located at the root of the context directory
  -h, --help          help for pack
  -t, --tag string    Assigns one or more tags to the built modelkit. Example: -t registry/repository:tag1,tag2

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit pull

Retrieve modelkits from a remote registry to your local environment.


Downloads modelkits from a specified registry. The downloaded modelkits are stored in the local registry.

kit pull [flags] registry/repository[:tag|@digest]


# Pull the latest version of a modelkit from a remote registry
kit pull


  -h, --help         help for pull
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit push

Upload a modelkit to a specified registry


This command pushes modelkits to a remote registry.

The modelkits should be tagged with the target registry and repository before they can be pushed

kit push [flags] registry/repository[:tag|@digest]


# Push the latest modelkits to a remote registry
kit push

# Push a specific version of a modelkits using a tag:
kit push


  -h, --help         help for push
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit remove

Remove a modelkit from local storage


Removes a modelkit from storage on the local disk.

The model to be removed may be specifed either by a tag or by a digest. If specified by digest, that modelkit will be removed along with any tags that might refer to it. If specified by tag (and the --force flag is not used), the modelkit will only be removed if no other tags refer to it; otherwise it is only untagged.

kit remove [flags] registry/repository[:tag|@digest]


kit remove
kit remove<digest>
kit remove,tag2,tag3


  -f, --force   remove manifest even if other tags refer to it
  -h, --help    help for remove

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit tag

Create a tag that refers to a modelkit


Create or update a tag {target-modelkit} that refers to {source-modelkit}

This command assigns a new tag to an existing modelkit (source-modelkit) or updates an existing tag, effectively renaming or categorizing modelkits for better organization and version control. Tags are identifiers linked to specific modelkit versions within a repository.

A full modelkit reference has the following format:


  • HOST: Optional. The registry hostname where the ModelKit is located. Defaults to localhost if unspecified. Must follow standard DNS rules (excluding underscores).

  • PORT_NUMBER: Optional. Specifies the registry's port number if a hostname is provided.

  • NAMESPACE: Represents a user or organization's namespace, consisting of slash-separated components that may include lowercase letters, digits, and specific separators (periods, underscores, hyphens).

  • REPOSITORY: The name of the repository, typically corresponding to the modelkit's name.

  • TAG: A human-readable identifier for the modelkit version or variant. Valid ASCII characters include lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, underscores, periods, and hyphens. It cannot start with a period or hyphen and is limited to 128 characters.

Tagging is a powerful way to manage different versions or configurations of your modelkits, making it easier to organize, retrieve, and deploy specific iterations. Ensure tags are meaningful and consistent across your team or organization to maintain clarity and avoid confusion.



kit tag


  -h, --help   help for tag

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)

kit unpack

Produce the components from a modelkit on the local filesystem


Produces all or selected components of a modelkit on the local filesystem.

This command unpacks a modelkit's components, including models, code, datasets, and configuration files, to a specified directory on the local filesystem. By default, it attempts to find the modelkit in local storage; if not found, it searches the remote registry and retrieves it. This process ensures that the necessary components are always available for unpacking, optimizing for efficiency by fetching only specified components from the remote registry when necessary

kit unpack [flags] [registry/]repository[:tag|@digest]


# Unpack all components of a modelkit to the current directory
kit unpack myrepo/my-model:latest -d /path/to/unpacked

# Unpack only the model and datasets of a modelkit to a specified directory
kit unpack myrepo/my-model:latest --model --datasets -d /path/to/unpacked

# Unpack a modelkit from a remote registry with overwrite enabled
kit unpack -o -d /path/to/unpacked


      --code         Unpack only code
      --config       Unpack only config file
      --datasets     Unpack only datasets
  -d, --dir string   The target directory to unpack components into. This directory will be created if it does not exist
  -h, --help         help for unpack
      --model        Unpack only model
  -o, --overwrite    Overwrites existing files and directories in the target unpack directory without prompting
      --plain-http   Use plain HTTP when connecting to remote registries
      --tls-verify   Require TLS and verify certificates when connecting to remote registries (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbose   Include additional information in output (default false)

kit version

Display the version information for the CLI


The version command prints detailed version information.

This information includes the current version of the tool, the Git commit that the version was built from, the build time, and the version of Go it was compiled with.

kit version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Alternate path to root storage directory for CLI
  -v, --verbose         Include additional information in output (default false)