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Events Management Application

We're going full CRUD and building a simple event-management application.



By now you should be familiar with basic sinatra apps and creating simple websites. This problem will give you a chance to demonstrate your proficiency with the web by writing code for controllers, authentication, views, and basic HTML forms with a little bit of CSS.

Authentication is a central concern of most web applications. We're going to start by creating a simple app that does nothing more than authenticate a user.

User Model

You have an empty User model and a database with a users table. Add validations to the User model which guarantee the following:

  1. Every user has an email
  2. Every user's email is unique
  3. Every email looks like @.*
  4. Every user has a password

You should not store the user's password directly in the database.

Sign Up, Log In, Log Out

  1. Sign up as a new user
  2. Log in as an existing user
  3. Log out as an existing user


We have users and events. Users can attend many events and an event can be attended by many users. Events are user-created, too, so an event belongs to a user and a user can create multiple events.


We've already defined the three models for you. Create the correct associations between them.

The User model should have three associations on it. Given a user, make it so that


returns the list of events created by user and


returns the list of events user is attending or has attended.

You'll need to use the :class_name argument to specify the associated class for the created_events and attended_events associations, like so:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :created_events,
           :class_name => 'Event'

ActiveRecord normally tries to guess the class name from the association name. In this case, because the association is called events_created, ActiveRecord would try guess that CreatedEvent is the class name. There's no such class and ActiveRecord would raise an exception.

Search for "class_name" in A Guide to Active Record Associations to see other examples.


With user authentication in place, create pages which lets the user see their created events, show, edit, and destroy events.

Ajaxify it

On the user's events page, where we list all of the events created by the user, add the new event form on that page and ajaxify it. Meaning, when a user adds a new event, without refreshing the page, we want to append that event to the list of created event.