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322 lines (249 loc) · 13.6 KB

How to release Jolokia

There are two major steps required to release Jolokia:

  • test, build and deploy Jolokia artifacts to Maven Central
  • build and publish the website

Build and test

Building the project is a straightforward step. Jolokia is a Maven project and there's nothing unusual in build configuration, no exotic plugins involved and no antrun tasks.

mvn clean install

Maven build will involve invocation of standard unit and integration tests. If you have a firewall enabled, there may be problems running UDP multicast tests:

[ERROR] Tests run: 9, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.068 s <<< FAILURE! -- in TestSuite
[ERROR] org.jolokia.service.discovery.MulticastSocketListenerThreadTest.simple -- Time elapsed: 1.168 s <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: Exactly one in message with the send id should have been received expected [1] but found [0]
	at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals(
	at org.testng.Assert.assertEqualsImpl(
	at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(
	at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(
	at org.jolokia.service.discovery.MulticastSocketListenerThreadTest.simple(

[ERROR] org.jolokia.service.discovery.DiscoveryMulticastResponderTest.enabledLookup -- Time elapsed: 1.323 s <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: expected [false] but found [true]
	at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals(
	at org.testng.Assert.assertFalse(
	at org.testng.Assert.assertFalse(
	at org.jolokia.service.discovery.DiscoveryMulticastResponderTest.lookup(
	at org.jolokia.service.discovery.DiscoveryMulticastResponderTest.enabledLookup(

This can be fixed with proper firewall configuration. Here's an example of nft command on Fedora with FedoraServer default zone:

# firewall-cmd --get-default-zone 

# nft add rule inet firewalld filter_IN_FedoraServer_allow ip daddr accept

# nft -a list chain inet firewalld filter_IN_FedoraServer_allow
table inet firewalld {
	chain filter_IN_FedoraServer_allow { # handle 206
		ip daddr accept # handle 501

(run the tests)

# nft delete rule inet firewalld filter_IN_FedoraServer_allow handle 501

There are however additional tests that should be run a bit outside of standard mvn clean install.

Instead of complex configuration that would be required for frameworks like Selenium, Javascript tests are run from the web browser after running examples/client-javascript-test-app application:

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests jetty:run-war -f examples/client-javascript-test-app
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------< org.jolokia:jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app >-------
[INFO] Building jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ war ]---------------------------------
[INFO] Started o.e.j.m.p.MavenWebAppContext@11cc9e1e{JSON JMX Agent,/,file:///data/sources/,AVAILABLE}{/data/sources/}
[INFO] Started ServerConnector@714b6999{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
[INFO] Started Server@59e0d521{STARTING}[11.0.16,sto=0] @5879ms
[INFO] Scan interval ms = 10

JavaScript tests are run by browsing to one of:

JavaScript tests are run with the help of QUnit. To make the work smoother without a need to rebuild client/javascript and examples/client-javascript-test-app, there's one handy shell script (for Linux) that replaces the target files with symbolic links to original locations.

Just cd into correct directory and run the script:

$ cd examples/client-javascript-test-app/
$ ./ 
+ cd target/
++ find . -type d -name 'jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app-*'
+ WARUNPACKED=./jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ '[' -d ./jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT ']'
+ cd ./jolokia-example-client-javascript-test-app-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ rm jolokia-all-test.html
+ rm jolokia-chat.html
+ rm jolokia-poller-test.html
+ rm jolokia-simple-test.html
+ rm jolokia-test.html
+ rm demo/plot.html
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/jolokia-all-test.html .
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/jolokia-chat.html .
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/jolokia-poller-test.html .
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/jolokia-simple-test.html .
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/jolokia-test.html .
+ ln -s ../../src/main/webapp/demo/plot.html demo

With the symbolic links created, just change the test files or jolokia.js in your IDE of choice and re-run the tests.

Manage version numbers

There's an unresolved MRELEASE-798 issue for maven-release-plugin that describes a scenario which would be very useful in Jolokia project. mvn release:prepare + mvn release:perform is the standard deployment procedure for Maven projects, but it only automatically updates the versions in POM files, creating well known pairs of commits like:

* (2022-12-26 10:23:51 +0100) fffaa40d [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration <Roland Huß>
* (2022-12-26 10:23:47 +0100) 42dec09d [maven-release-plugin] prepare release v1.7.2 <Roland Huß> (tag: v1.7.2)

The problem is that Jolokia also includes JavaScript files (and descriptors like package.json) which contain version numbers.

There are well established practices used when a released version is used in Java applications - usually through *.properties files and Maven filtering. However when Javascript projects are intermixed with Java it's getting more difficult.

Jolokia 2 has exactly four versions stored in various places. However in some places the version is managed automatically (thanks to maven-release-plugin and Maven filtering).

  • Maven version - managed automatically by maven-release-plugin with -SNAPSHOT qualifier in-between releases. This version may be used in Java code with *.properties files stored in src/main/resources with filtering enabled. This version is available in filtered resources when using ${project.version} placeholder.
  • Current stable version - this is the recently released version defined in main pom.xml as <properties>/<currentStableVersion> value. This version is needed, because documentation should not refer to ${project.version} directly (which is -SNAPSHOT qualified most of the time). And usually documentation is being updated for some time after the release.
  • Jolokia protocol version - this is the version of protocol and is unrelated to Java/Maven version. Should be managed manually in main pom.xml using <protocolVersion> Maven property.
  • JavaScript package/client version - this is the version field of package.json for Jolokia JavaScript client. It uses different convention than Maven/Java version (no -SNAPSHOT qualifier for example).

Current stable version change

After successful release, main pom.xml should have <currentStableVersion> property updated to match the latest Maven version set by maven-release-plugin. Then we can continue work on documentation. There's no need to set this version anywhere else, because it's propagated through Maven properties to maven plugins that generate the site (like maven-site-plugin or npx invocation through frontend-maven-plugin).

However, during the deployment, a Maven Assembly is created that contains:

  • released jars
  • source code
  • reference manual

Reference manual is generated using Antora and version number is passed as asciidoctor attribute. That's why the <currentStableVersion> SHOULD be set just before the release to a value specified later as -DreleaseVersion parameter for mvn release:prepare invocation.

Maven version change

This is done automatically by using maven-release-plugin. No manual work should be required.

Jolokia protocol version change

This is done during normal development and such change is never part of the release process itself. Protocol version change should be related to particular GitHub issue.

JavaScript package/client version change

This can be done just before the release (recommended), but if there are only JavaScript code changes and we want to deploy new Jolokia JavaScript client package to NPM Registry, it's enough to:

  • run npm version <new version> command
  • commit and push the changes
  • continue with NPM release procedure

npm version updates version in package.json, but additionally (see man npm version) runs commands from scripts/version field of package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "version": "node --no-warnings ./scripts/update-version.mjs"

We'll get client/javascript/src/main/javascript/jolokia.js and client/javascript/src/main/javascript/jolokia-cubism.js updated as well.

Update the changelog

Before the release it's worth updating the changelog in src/changes/changes.xml, but it can also be done after the release, because this XML file is processed during mvn site generation.

It's also worth adding a release note to src/site/asciidoc/news.adoc.

Deploy and release

The important part of the release is to sign the artifacts with your GPG key. GPG keys can be checked using gpg -k command and the output should contains something like:

$ gpg -k
pub   rsa4096 2020-09-02 [SC]

Last 8 bytes of the public key fingerprint is the key ID. Here it's DB593BFCBBDC099E. This value should be set/used in -Dgpg.keyname parameter for maven-gpg-plugin. Adding -Dgpg.useagent=true will open OS specific dialog to provide key password (it is true by default).

Build release and deploy it to OSSRH

Jolokia uses Sonatype's Open Source Software Repository Hosting (OSSRH) service to deploy artifacts to Maven Central. Please check instructions and more information here. If developmentVersion, releaseVersion or tag properties are not specified, you'll be prompted to provide required values in the console.

git clone
cd jolokia
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/repo \
    -DdevelopmentVersion=2.0.4-SNAPSHOT \
    -DreleaseVersion=2.0.3 \
    -Dtag=v2.0.3 \ \
    -Pdist release:prepare
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/repo \
    -Pdist release:perform

Copy assembly to GitHub

  • Create a new release ("Draft a release" - Button)
  • Upload tar.gz and zip files from target/checkout/assembly/target
  • Upload all JavaScript files in target/checkout/client/javascript/target:
    • compressed/jolokia-*.js
    • scripts/jolokia*.js
  • Upload JVM debian package from
    • agent/jvm/target/*.deb

Deploy to Sonatype staging

(should be done automatically with mvn release:perform)

cd target/checkout
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/repo -DskipTests -Pdist deploy
cd ../..

Release on central maven repo

Release JavaScript client NPM package

Before performing the following commands, make sure you've logged in to the NPM registry with an account that has publish privilege to jolokia.js NPM package.

cd client/javascript
npm install
npm publish

Adapt metadata

Add new release to jolokia.meta

vi src/site/resources/jolokia.meta

Sign and create checksums

gpg --allow-weak-digest-algos --digest-algo=SHA1 --local-user -a -b src/site/resources/jolokia.meta
shasum src/site/resources/jolokia.meta > src/site/resources/jolokia.meta.sha1
md5sum src/site/resources/jolokia.meta > src/site/resources/jolokia.meta.md5

Recreate website (~/jolokia)

First, update skin version used in src/site/site.xml to new version.

Then just run maven-site-plugin. In Jolokia, we use Asciidoc and frontend-maven-plugin for npm/Javascript stuff. All plugins are configured in relevant Maven lifecycle phases, so it's enough to run:

mvn clean site -N -Pdist

While we could use com.github.github:site-maven-plugin, I've simply copied the content of target/site to gh-pages branch of Jolokia and pushed the changes:

git checkout gh-pages
# copy changed site
git add .
git commit -m '[site] Generate new Jolokia site'
git push origin HEAD