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Interactive notebooks for the workshop Linking Twitter & Survey Data

This repository contains a set of interactive Jupyter Notebooks to accompany the part on Twitter data collection in the workshop Linking Twitter & Survey Data.

To access the interactive notebooks simply click the "Launch Binder" button below (might take a moment to load)


Clicking the button will open a website with interactive Jupyter Notebooks in your browser that allow you to try out the rtweet package for R and the tweepy, GetOldTweets3, twint, and Twitter Scraper libraries for Python without the need to install anything on your own computer. Plase note that loading the website with the notebooks might take a moment.

If you have not worked with Jupyter Notebooks before, here are the basic things you need to know to be able to use them: Once the website has loaded after you clicked the "Launch binder" button, you can open files by double-clicking them in the explorer view on the lefthand side. The notebooks are the .ipynb files. Jupyter Notebooks consist of cells. These can be code or text (Markdown) cells. You can you can run cells by selecting them and clicking on the Play Symbol button in the menu at the top of the notebook. When a code cell is running an asterisk * is shown in the square brackets next to it (when a code cell has finished running there will be a number which indicates the order in which the cells have been run). To edit a cell, you can just click anywhere in the cell (double-click for text cells). You can download files to save them locally by right-clicking on the respective file in the explorer view on the lefthand side and selecting "Download".

If you want to learn more about Jupyter Notebooks, including how you can run and create them locally, there are many tutorials available on the web. A good starting point is the one by Dataquest. This Medium post by Towards Data Science provides an overview of helpful keyboard shortcuts for Jupyter Notebooks.

If you have worked with Jupyter Notebooks before, you might want to know that the GESIS Notebooks project for this workshop uses Jupyter Lab and Binder.

NB: This GESIS Notebooks project is only meant for demonstration purposes. It should not be used for actually collecting data. If you want to use (code from) the notebooks to collect your own data, please download the notebook(s) and run them locally on your machine (or your own server). The easiest way to run and create Jupyter Notebooks on your local machine is installing and using Anaconda. If you do this, you will also need to install the libraries imported in the notebooks before you can use them.

Also note that any changes you make to the files in the GESIS Notebooks project are not persistent and will be lost at the end of your user session. If you want to keep the changes you made, you can either download the files and continue to use them locally or create/use a user account by clicking the Login button at the top of the GESIS Notebooks page. In addition to being able to save their changes, authenticated users also get allocated more memory and have a longer inactivity timeout limit (see the GESIS Notebooks FAQ).

License for the notebooks in this repository

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag CC BY-SA 4.0