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StanShock (Hanson Lab Adaptation)

Original Author: Kevin Grogan

Current adaptation edited by: Jackie Zheng

Access binder through: Binder

Contained in this folder is StanShock v0.1. StanShock is a quasi-1D gas dynamics solver designed model shock tube experiments.

The provided version stanShock has the following capabilities:

Variable cross-sectional area
Boundary layer modeling
Multicomponent gas interfaces

Reaction Chemistry
Species and thermal diffusion
Geometric Optimization

StanShock is writen in object-oriented python, which allows the client to flexibly script and run stanShock cases. StanShock leverages several python modules listed below (tested version number given):

python 3.7.1
numpy 1.15.4 (common python package for scientific computations)
numba 0.41.0 (just-in-time compilation for significant speed-up)
cantera 2.4.0 (encapsulates the thermodynamics and kinetics)
matplotlib 3.0.2 (plotting module)
sciPy 1.1.0 (module with additional common numerical algorithms)

It is recommended to install an anaconda distribution (, which will contain all dependencies except cantera. Cantera ( will require a separate installation.

Included are six examples:

laminarFlame (laminar flame test case of stoichiometric H2/Air)
optimization (driver insert optimization)
validationCases (four validation test cases)
	case1 (baseline)
	case2 (step change in driver/driven area)
	case3 (driver insert case)
	case4 (disparate driver/driven mixtures)

Files include: (entirety of the StanShock solver code)
*.{xml,cti} (cantera files containing the thermodiffusive properties)
{laminarFlame,optimization,case{1..4}}.py (python driver scripts)
case{1..4}.csv (experimental shock tube data for the validation cases)
*.pyc (compiled python code)

Please report any issues or bugs to the author at


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