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AWS Step Function DSL

This document describes a domain specific language (DSL) for AWS Step Function (SFN) state machines. The using the Python stepfunctions library the DSL can be compiled down to the AWS States Language.

For more information on the Python stepfunctions library or its use visit the libraries page.

Copyright 2016 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Table of Contents:


When Amazon released AWS Step Functions they provided a language definition for writing state machine in. While functional, it is cumbersome to write and maintain state machines in their Json format. This DSL is designed to make it easier to read, write, and maintain step function state machines.

The biggest benefit of using the DSL for writing a state machine is that when compiled to the AWS Json format by a library like stepfunctions library the states can be automatically linked together, instead of manually having to specify the next state for each state.

The single flow control state has be translated into two of the basic flow control operations used in programming (if/elif/else and while loop).


The DSL's style is influenced by Python code style.

  • It is an indent based language where the level of indent is used to specify a block of code.
  • Strings can be defined using ', ", ''', """
  • Doc String style comments for states


The SFN DSL format is an optional top level comment followed by a list of states.


"""Simple Example of the SFN DSL"""

Execution of the state machine is started at the first state in the file and execution proceedes until the state at the end of the file is reached or until a state terminates execution.

In this example there is one state. The full ARN for the Lambda will be determined when the DSL is compiled into the AWS Json format. The full ARN can be passed if the desired Lambda doesn't reside in the same account or region as the connection used to compile and create the state machine.


Error Names

There is a predefined set of basic errors that can happen. State machine errors reference.


The SFN DSL supports comparison against timestamp values. The way a timestamp is determined, compared to a regular string, is that it can be parsed as a timestamp according to RFC3339. This format often looks like yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ. If a timestamp is not in the correct format the comparison will be performed as a string comparison.


State machines use a version of JsonPath for referencing data that is is being processed. State machine path reference.

Top-Level Fields

A SFN DSL file consists of three optional fields followed by a list of States.

"""State machine comment"""
version: "1.0"
timeout: int

The top level comment is the comment for the state machine that is created.

  • version: Is a string of the version number of the State Machine language to compile down to. Currently only "1.0" is supported.
  • timeout: The overall timeout in seconds for the whole state machine execution. If the state machine has not finished execution within this time the execution fails with a States.Timeout error.


The different types of state machine states are divided into two categories. Basic states are those that perform a single action and, potentially, link to another state. Flow control states are those that apply some flow control logic.

Basic States

Success State

A terminal state, Success() will cause the state machine to terminate execution successfully and return a result value.

    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    input: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath

States can have a Python style doc string. If given, the first line of the doc string is the state's name and the rest if the states comment. If no name is given (or an empty name) the state's name is built from the line number.


  • input: JsonPath selecting a value from the input object to be passed to the current state (Default: "$")
  • output: JsonPath selecting a value from the output object to be passed to the next state (Default: "$")

Fail State

A terminal state, Fail() will cause the state machine to terminate execution unsuccessfully with the given error and cause values.

Fail(error, cause)
    """State Name
    State Comment"""


  • error: String containing the error value
  • cause: String containing the error's cause, a more readable value

Pass State

A state that does nothing Pass() can be used to modify the data being passed around or inject new data into the results.

    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    input: JsonPath
    result: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath
        Key1: {"JSON": "Text"}
        Key2: "string-value"


  • result: JsonPath of where to place the results of the state, relative to the raw input (before the input modifier was applied) (Default: "$")
  • parameters: Keyword arguments to be passed in the API call. The value is JSON text. The parameters will override the the incoming input, but JsonPaths may be used to select from existing inputs. NOTE: If the value contains a JsonPath the key must end wit .$ AWS documentation:
  • data: A block of Json data that will be used as the result of the state

Task State

A task is a unit of work to be performed by the state machine and it is broken into two different categories. The first is AWS maintained APIs that can be used to execute a limited number of functions from other AWS services. The second is user created and/or maintained workers that perform whatever custom logic is coded.

AWS maintained APIs are in the format _Type_._Function_() and use the parameters block to pass argument. Some of the APIs are for asynchronous functions. By default Heaviside is configured to make these API calls as synchronous calls, so that the Step Function waits for the function's return. To disable this default behavior the sync: False parameter can be used in the parameters block to convert the API call back to a asynchronous call.

User maintained workers are either Lambda() or Activity(), with the difference being where the code that will be executed is located. For Lambda() the code is an AWS Lambda function. For Activity() the code can be running anywhere, and is responsible for polling AWS to see if there is new work for it to perform.

Activity ARNs are created in the Step Functions section of AWS (console or API). Once defined multiple workers can start polling for work and state machines can send data to the worker(s) for processing.

    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    timeout: int
    heartbeat: int
    input: JsonPath
    result: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath
        Key1: {"JSON": "Text"}
        Key2.$: "$"
    retry error(s) retry interval (seconds), max attempts, backoff rate
    catch error(s): JsonPath



  • name: The name of the Lambda or Activity. The full ARN will be created at compile time using the given AWS region and account information.
  • arn: The full ARN of an Activity, Lambda, or other AWS API to be executed. This allows calling Activities hosted in different regions / accounts or calling new AWS APIs before this library is updated to handle them.


  • timeout: Number of seconds before the task times out (Default: 60 seconds)
  • heatbeat: Number of seconds before the task times out if no heartbeat has been received from the task. Needs to be less than the timeout value.
  • parameters: Keyword arguments to be passed in the API call. The value is a JSON text, which may be a JsonPath referencing data from the state's input data object. NOTE: If the value contains a JsonPath the key must end with .$
  • retry: If the given error(s) were encountered, rerun the state
    • error(s): A single string, array of strings, or empty array of errors to match against. An empty array matches against all errors.
    • retry interval: Number of seconds to wait before the first retry
    • max attempts: Number of retries to attempt before passing errors to catch modifiers. Zero (0) is a valid value, meaning don't retry.
    • backoff rate: The multipler that increases the retry interval on each attempt
  • catch: If the given error(s) were encountered and not handled by a retry then execute the given states. If the states in the catch block don't terminate, then execution will continue on the next valid state.
    • error(s): A single string, array of strings, or empty array of errors to match against. An empty array matches against all errors.
    • JsonPath: An optional JsonPath string about where to place the error information in relationship to the errored state's input. By default the error information will replace the errored state's input. Error information is a dictionary containing the key 'Error' and possibly the key 'Cause'.

Note: Ordering of everything besides retry and catch is currently fixed. There can be multiple retry and catch statements and there is no ordering of those modifiers.

Wait State

There are four different versions of the Wait() state, but each pauses execution for a given amount of time.

    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    input: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath


  • seconds: Number of seconds to wait
  • timestamp: Wait until the specified time
  • seconds_path: Read the number of seconds to wait from the given JsonPath
  • timestamp_path: Read the timestamp to wait until from the givne JsonPath

Map State

This state defines an independent state machine that runs on each element of the input array.


  • iterator: Required - the independent state machine is defined here.
  • max_concurrency: The maximum instances of the iterator that may run in parallel.
  • items_path: JsonPath to the array to run the map on. Defaults to "$".
  • parameters: Keyword arguments to be passed in the API call. The value is a JSON text, which may be a JsonPath referencing data from the state's input data object. NOTE: If the value contains a JsonPath the key must end with .$
  • result: JsonPath of where to place the results of the state, relative to the raw input (before the input modifier was applied) (Default: "$")
  • output: JsonPath selecting a value from the output object to be passed to the next state (Default: "$")
  • retry: If the given error(s) were encountered, rerun the state
    • error(s): A single string, array of strings, or empty array of errors to match against. An empty array matches against all errors.
    • retry interval: Number of seconds to wait before the first retry
    • max attempts: Number of retries to attempt before passing errors to catch modifiers. Zero (0) is a valid value, meaning don't retry.
    • backoff rate: The multipler that increases the retry interval on each attempt
  • catch: If the given error(s) were encountered and not handled by a retry then execute the given states. If the states in the catch block don't terminate, then execution will continue on the next valid state.
    • error(s): A single string, array of strings, or empty array of errors to match against. An empty array matches against all errors.
    • JsonPath: An optional JsonPath string about where to place the error information in relationship to the errored state's input. By default the error information will replace the errored state's input. Error information is a dictionary containing the key 'Error' and possibly the key 'Cause'.

Example showing map used modifiers:

version: "1.0"
timeout: 60
    result: '$'
            "the_array": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            "foo": "bar"
        foo.$: "$.foo"
        element.$: "$$.Map.Item.Value"
    items_path: "$.the_array"
    result: "$.transformed"
    output: "$.transformed"
    max_concurrency: 4
    retry [] 1 0 1.0 
    catch []:

Flow Control States

Comparison Operators

Value Type Supported Operators
Boolean ==, !=
Integer ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Float ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
String ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Timestamp ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=

Comparison operators can be composed using (order of list is order of precedence):

  • ()
  • not
  • and
  • or


The basic if statement. Multiple (or no) elif statements can be included. The else statement is also optional.

if JsonPath operator value:
    """State Name
    State Comment"""
elif JsonPath operator value:
    input: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath

The transform block contains the same input and output modifiers that the simple states use.


  • input: JsonPath selecting a value from the input object to be passed to the current state, applied before performing the comparison (Default: "$")
  • output: JsonPath selecting a value from the output object to be passed to the next state, applied before executing the first state in the selected branch (Default: "$")


The basic switch statement. Multiple case statements are compared against the JsonPath variable in the switch statement. The default statement is optional.

switch JsonPath:
    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    case value:
    input: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath

While Loop

The basic while loop the continues to execute the given states until the condition is no longer true.

while JsonPath operator value:
    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    input: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath


The parallel control structure allows running multiple branches of execution in parallel. The parallel state waits until all branches have finished before moving to the next state. If there is any unhandled error in any branch, the whole state is considered to have failed.

The state's input is passed to the first state in each branch and the results of the parallel state is an array of outputs from each branch.

    """State Name
    State Comment"""
    input: JsonPath
    result: JsonPath
    output: JsonPath
    retry error(s) retry interval (seconds), max attempts, backoff rate
    catch error(s): JsonPath

The transform block contains the same input, result, and output modifiers that the simple states use.


  • input: JsonPath selecting a value from the input object to be passed to the first state in each parallel branch (Default: "$")
  • result: JsonPath of where to place the array of results from each of the parallel branches (before the input modifier was applied) (Default: "$")
  • output: JsonPath selecting a value from the output object to be passed to the next state (Default: "$")

The error block contains the same retry and catch modifiers as the task state.


The goto control statement allows jumping to another state. This can be used to create common error handling routines (among other uses).

The state can only target states within the current branch of execution. This means either the main body of the Step Function or within a branch of a Parallel state.

goto "State Name"