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File metadata and controls

43 lines (37 loc) · 2.08 KB


Step 1: commit and publish notebooks

  • Expliquer dans le README le pourquoi de la double indirection pour .gitignore, Makefile, etc. dans mes notebooks (python_notebooks, fft_notebook, ...) : ça évite d'avoir dans le référentiel des liens qui pointent vers l'extérieur. L'uilitsateur a alors deux choix possibles : soit ipynb est un répertoire qui contient le sous-module Git "jdhp-docs/notebook_skeleton" ; soit c'est un lien symbolique vers le dossier qui contient "jdhp-docs/notebook_skeleton".
  • Add a script to remove all results from .ipynb files, use it in the Makefile (in the "clean" target) and add instruction to explain how use it automatically with Git.
  • Makefile: add a "publish" target = publish .ipynb (with outputs) and .html on JDHP.
  • Improve the style in the HTML output: make the output more "natural" for readers who have never heard about Jupyter and IPython. Get inspiration from blog engines listed there: .
  • Add social buttons ("share on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/...") in HTML generated files
  • Add Disqus in HTML generated files or an alternative:
  • Add documentation in the README file.
  • Switch to GitLab (?)

Step 2: write notebooks

Step 3

  • Add a script to improve the result of the following command: "jupyter nbconvert --to python file.ipynb". The resulting Python file should be a "natural" JDHP snippet. Use this script to duplicate Notebooks in JDHP snippets (which are more convenient to consult from a terminal). Should it use RST instead Markdown for text (RST titles are more ascii friendly, ...) ?
  • Add documentation in the README file.