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Encoder 8to3

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Encoder 8to3

This code represents an 8-to-3 Encoder module in Verilog. The code is implemented at the Behavioral Level.

Correct Table

  • This block is described and simulated at the behavioral level:

                         |                                                 |
                         |          dataIn              codeOut            |
                         |          8'b00000001           000              |
                         |          8'b00000010           001              |
                         |          8'b00000100           010              |
                         |          8'b00001000           011              |
                         |          8'b00010000           100              |
                         |          8'b00100000           101              |
                         |          8'b01000000           110              |
                         |          8'b10000000           111              |
                         |          else                 3'bxxx            |


  • It takes an 8-bit input signal called "dataIn" and generates a 3-bit output signal called "codeOut" based on the input value.

  • Inside the always block, a case statement is used to compare the value of "dataIn" with different patterns. Depending on the input value, the corresponding 3-bit code is assigned to "codeOut". For example, if "dataIn" is 8'b00000001, then "codeOut" will be assigned 3'b000.

  • If the input value doesn't match any of the predefined patterns, the default case is executed, and "codeOut" is assigned 3'bxxx, indicating an invalid or don't care value.

  • The second module is a testbench (Encoder_8to3_TB) used to verify the functionality of the Encoder_8to3 module. It declares a reg type signal "dataIn" and a wire type signal "codeOut". The Encoder_8to3 module instance is created, connecting the input and output signals.

  • In the initial block, different test cases are executed. The value of "dataIn" is changed, and after a delay of 10 time units (#10), the values of "dataIn" and "codeOut" are displayed using the $display system task. Finally, the program finishes execution ($finish).

  • Overall, this code implements an 8-to-3 encoder module and its testbench to check the functionality of the module by providing different input values and observing the corresponding output codes.


Encoder 8to3
