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Decoder 2to4

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Decoder 2to4

This is a Verilog code that implements a 2to4 Decoder module and a testbench to verify its functionality.


  • Let's explain the code in detail:

  • The not_gates module:

                       *                                                                                 *
                       *       - It takes one input signal, `in`.                                        *
                       *       - It has one output signal, `out`.                                        *
                       *       - The output signal `out` is assigned the inverted value of the input     *
                       *         signal `in` using the `~` operator.                                     *
                       *                                                                                 *
  • The nand_gate module:

               *                                                                                                     *
               *       - It takes three input signals, `a`, `b`, and `c`.                                            *
               *       - It has one output signal, `out`.                                                            *
               *       - The output signal `out` is assigned the inverted value of the logical                       *
               *         AND operation (`&`) between the input signals `a`, `b`, and `c` using the `~` operator.     *
               *                                                                                                     *
  • The decoder_2to4 module:

               *                                                                                                     *
               *   ---> It takes two input signals, `x` and `y`, and one enable signal `E`.                          *
               *   ---> It has four output signals, `D0`, `D1`, `D2`, and `D3`.                                      *
               *   ---> The assignment of the output signals determines the behavior of the 2-to-4 decoder.          *
               *   ---> `D0` is assigned the logical AND operation between `x`, the inverted value of `y`, and `E`.  *  
               *   ---> `D1` is assigned the logical AND operation between `x`, the inverted value of `y`, and `E`.  *
               *   ---> `D2` is assigned the logical AND operation between `x`, `y`, and the inverted value of `E`.  *
               *   ---> `D3` is assigned the logical AND operation between `x`, `y`, and `E`.                        *
               *                                                                                                     *
  • The decoder_2to4_tb module (testbench):

       *                                                                                                                        *
       *   ---> It declares three registers, `x`, `y`, and `E`, as inputs to the testbench.                                     *
       *   ---> It declares four wires, `D0`, `D1`, `D2`, and `D3`, as the outputs of the testbench.                            *
       *   ---> It instantiates a `decoder_2to4` module instance called `dut` and connects its input and output ports           *
       *        to the signals in the  testbench.                                                                               *
       *   ---> The testbench includes an `initial` block to simulate the behavior and perform the test cases.                  *
       *   ---> The values of `x`, `y`, and `E` are changed in different modes to simulate different input combinations.        *
       *   ---> After each change in inputs, a delay of 10 time units (`#10`) is added, allowing the signals to propagate.      *
       *   ---> Then, the results are displayed using the `$display` function.                                                  *
       *   ---> The displayed output values are compared to the expected values for each test case using the `!==` operator.    *
       *        If any of the test cases fail, an error message is displayed.                                                   *
       *   ---> Finally, after all the test cases have been executed, a message is displayed indicating if all the test         *
       *        cases passed or not.                                                                                            *
       *                                                                                                                        *
  • The testbench verifies the functionality of the decoder_2to4 module by testing it with eight different input modes and checking the corresponding output values. If all the test cases pass, a success message is displayed; otherwise, a failure message is displayed.



