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Image Quality Evaluation

We provide FID evaluation based on DM-GAN repo.


Download 30K image-caption pairs that are used for FID evaluation.

# pip install gdown
gdown 1au9DI9tr-dcfGMFxFkFrJt0p_htojxH2

The uid_caption.csv file consists of 30K image-caption pairs. The images are sampled from COCO val2014 split. For each image, a caption out of 5 paired captions is randomly sampled. The file has two keys:

  • uid: {COCO img id}_mscoco_{caption index}
  • caption: paired caption

Below are the first few lines of uid_caption.csv:

346904_mscoco_0,A bus driving down a road by a building.
416478_mscoco_2,A woman and two men looking at a laptop screen.
155051_mscoco_0,a close of up a clock that makes the moon look small next to it
135161_mscoco_3,A bathroom being renovated featuring a toilette and shower.
280036_mscoco_2,A boy in black sweater standing on beach flying a kite.
439969_mscoco_0,A rusted pink fire hydrant in the grass

Calculate FID

  1. Download pre-computed COCO statistics for FID from DM-GAN repo.
# pip install gdown
gdown 10NYi4XU3_bLjPEAg5KQal-l8A_d8lnL5 -O FID/coco_val.npz
  1. Generate 30K images from the captions of uid_caption.csv in a directory $image_dir. The images should be either .jpg or .png format.

  2. Calculate FID

cd FID
python \
    --batch-size 100 \
    --gpu 0 \
    --path1 coco_val.npz \
    --path2 $image_dir