By default, **kima** uses a set of priors for the model parameters (see [below](#default-priors)). If you don't set new ones in the `kima_setup.cpp` file, the default ones will be used and the model will run. But sometimes (most times?) you will want to consider different priors for some parameters. To change specific priors, we just need to re-define some variables inside the `RVmodel` constructor. **The rule is:** priors for the planet orbital parameters require the `conditional` object, those for other parameters don't. For example, we can define two new priors ```c++ RVmodel::RVmodel():fix(true),npmax(1) { // define new prior for the extra white noise parameter, s Jprior = make_prior(1., 20.); // m/s // get the conditional prior object auto conditional = planets.get_conditional_prior(); // define new prior for the orbital period(s) conditional->Pprior = make_prior(15, 0.1); // days } ``` Note the small difference in syntax when defining the two priors. > **Important:** > The priors for the orbital parameters are *the same* for all planets. > This is intentional! > If you're looking for a workaround, > see [this page]( The arguments between `<` `>` in the calls to `make_prior` (called *template* arguments) specify the prior distribution and the arguments inside parentheses set the parameters of each distribution. **kima** (and DNest4) currently implement the following distributions: | distribution | arguments | link | |----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Uniform` | lower, upper | | | `LogUniform` | lower, upper | [scipy]( | | `ModifiedLogUniform` | knee, upper | | | `Rayleigh` | scale | | | `Triangular` | lower, center, upper | | | `Laplace` | center, width | [wiki]( | | `Kumaraswamy` | alpha, beta | [wiki]( | | `Gaussian` | mean, stdev | | | `Exponential` | mean | | | `Cauchy` | location, scale | [wiki]( | | `Fixed` | value | | ### Checking if the priors are correct For any **kima** model, it's very easy to check if the priors are set up correctly. In the `OPTIONS` file, set the maximum number of levels to 1, and run the model as usual. With this setting, DNest4 will sample directly from the priors. The `kima-checkpriors` script is provided with the *pykima* package to make histograms of the samples of each parameter. Simply call it with the column of the parameter you want to check (look inside `sample.txt` to see which one is which) For example kima-checkpriors 1 might print Histogram of column 1: extra_sigma number of samples: 10000 max value: 1999.744937 min value: 0.000128 and display the histogram of the prior samples ### Default priors ```c++ // orbital periods and semi-amplitudes // if hyperpriors=true Pprior = make_shared(exp(log_muP), wP); Kprior = make_shared(exp(log_muK)); // if hyperpriors=false Pprior = make_shared(1.0, 1e5); Kprior = make_shared(1.0, 1e3); // eccentricities eprior = make_shared(0, 1); // another good option is // eprior = make_shared(0.867, 3.03); // orbital phase phiprior = make_shared(0, 2*M_PI); // argument of periastron wprior = make_shared(0, 2*M_PI); // systemic velocity; m/s Cprior = make_prior( data.get_RV_min(), data.get_RV_max() ); // so between the minimum and maximum RV // additional white noise; m/s Jprior = make_prior( min(1.0, 0.1*data.get_max_RV_span()), data.get_max_RV_span() ); // coefficients of the trend (if trend=true); // units are m/s/day, m/s/day², m/s/day³ slope_prior = make_prior( 0.0, pow(10, data.get_trend_magnitude(1)) ); quadr_prior = make_prior( 0.0, pow(10, data.get_trend_magnitude(2)) ); cubic_prior = make_prior( 0.0, pow(10, data.get_trend_magnitude(3)) ); // between-instrument offsets; m/s offsets_prior = make_prior( -data.get_RV_span(), data.get_RV_span() ); // GP hyperparameters log_eta1_prior = make_prior(-5, 5); eta2_prior = make_prior(1, 100); eta3_prior = make_prior(10, 40); log_eta4_prior = make_prior(-1, 1); // degrees of freedom for Student-t likelihood nu_prior = make_prior(2, 1000); // moving average parameters sigmaMA_prior = make_prior(-1, 1); tauMA_prior = make_prior(1, 100); // hyperparameters for orbital period and semi-amplitude hierachical priors // only if hyperpriors=true log_muP_prior = make_shared(log(365), 1.0, log(365)-21, log(365)+21); wP_prior = make_shared(0.1, 3.0); log_muK_prior = make_shared(0.0, 1.0, -21.0, 21.0); // correlation coefficients with activity indicators betaprior = make_prior(0, 1); ``` In the example `kima/examples/default_priors`, **kima** will sample from (some of) these default priors.