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A C++ testing framework that's as easy as sipping a latte.


To use this library, install buckaroo and buck. Once installed, initialize buckaroo in your project folder and run the following command:

# Add the latest version
buckaroo add
# Install dependencies
buckaroo install

To run the tests, simply run:

buck test :test

buck only supports Google's and Boost's test library causing the test to fail at the end, but this should be ignored.


latte is a testing framework that's heavily inspired by mocha and chai. It started from an effort to become the spiritual successor of macchiato.


latte isn't complete without your help. Submit a pull request or start a discussion. I'd be glad to add some sweetness to latte.



Function Description
describe(string description) Describes a pending test suite.
describe(string description, function<void> callback) Describes the test suite and can be nested.
describe.only(string description) Describes a pending test suite that is strictly performed.
describe.only(string description, function<void> callback) Describes the test suite that is strictly performed and can be nested.
it(string description) Describes a pending test case.
it(string description, function<(void)> callback) Describes the test case.
it.only(string description) Describes a pending test case that is stricly performed.
it.only(string description, function<(void)> callback) Describes the test case that is strictly performed.


Function Description
expect(T actual) Returns a pointer of type expect_t that provides a chainable API.


#include <iostream>
#include <latte.hpp>
using namespace latte;
using latte::style::expect;

latte::runner([&] () {
  describe("Car", [&]() {
    // Test values with the same type.
    it("should have 4 wheels", [&]() {

    // Test values with different types
    it("should determine if engine has started", [&] () {

    // Test values with same or different types using a comparator function (lambda).
    it("should have foor doors 4 doors. (comparator function)", [&] () {
      auto comparator = [&] (Car a, int b) {
        return a.getNumDoors() == b;
      expect(Car()).to->equal(4, comparator);


Behaviour driven development (BDD)

  • expect
    • expect(actual).then->then->then->equal(expected);

Language Chains

Provided as chainable getters to improve the readability of your assertions. They do not provide testing capabilities.

  • to
  • be
  • been
  • is
  • that
  • which
  • then:
    • substitute for and because and is a reserved keyword in C++
  • has
  • have
  • with
  • at
  • of
  • same

Chainable Test API

These provide actual functionality in the chain.

Member Alias(s) Description Example
never Negates any of assertions following in the chain. substitute for not because not is a reserved keyword in C++ expect(3).to->never->equal->(3);
equal(U value) eql(...) Asserts that the target loosely equals (==) to value.
equal(U value, latte_comparator comparator) eql(...) Asserts that the target loosely equals (==) to value.
strict_equal(U value, latte_comparator comparator) seql(...) Asserts that the target strictly equals (==) to value.
close_to(double expected, double tolerance) Asserts that the target is equal to expected, to within a +/- tolerance range.
within(double lower, double upper) Asserts that the target is within a range.
above(double value) gt(...), greater_than(...) Asserts that the target is greater than value.
least(double value) gte(...) Asserts that the target is greater than or equal to value.
below(double value) lt(...), lessThan(...) Asserts that the target is less than value.
most(double value) lte(...) Asserts that the target is less than or equal to value.
satisfy(function<bool, T> test, function<string, T, expect_flags> fail?) Asserts that the target passes a given truth test.
satisfy(bool test_result_bool, string fail_message) Asserts that the target passes a given truth test.


A C++ testing framework that's as easy as sipping a latte.




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