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Real- and Complex- valued Variational Dropout

This is the core module for the real- and complex- valued Bayesian sparsification.


The basic pipeline for applying Bayesian sparsification methods is to train a non-Bayesian model and then promote the select layers to their Bayesian variants. A non pytorch-friendly way is to perform surgery on the existing model, replacing layers (in ._modules ordered dict) and copying weight. A more transparent and orthodox method is to pass a type substitution dict to __init__ and propagate it to submodules.

Below is a real-valued classifier (Complex-valued is similar, but requires input of type cplx.Cplx):

import torch

from torch.nn import Module, Sequential, Flatten, ReLU
from torch.nn import Linear

from cplxmodule.nn.relevance import LinearARD
from cplxmodule.nn.masked import LinearMasked

class MNISTFullyConnected(Module):
    def __init__(self, n_hidden=400, **types):
        # types dict serves as the layer class substitution table

        linear = types.get("linear", Linear)

        # features just flatten the channel and spatial dims
        self.features = Sequential(
            Flatten(-3, -1)

        # use the provided Linear layer type
        self.classifier = Sequential(
            linear(28 * 28, n_hidden, bias=True),
            linear(n_hidden, 10, bias=True),

    def forward(self, input):
        return self.classifier(self.features(input))

models = {
    "dense": MNISTFullyConnected(400),
    "bayes": MNISTFullyConnected(400, linear=LinearARD),
    "masked": MNISTFullyConnected(400, linear=LinearMasked)

Important: complex-valued alternatives can be readily plugged in instead of real-valued layers, except one would have to prepend a real-to-complex transformation layer to features, and append a complex-to-real transformation to the classifier.

Collecting KL divergence terms for the loss

The variational dropout and relevance determination techniques require a penalty term to be introduced to the loss objective. The term is given by the Kullback-Leibler divergences of the variational approximation from the assumed prior distribution.

Each layer, which inherits from BaseARD, is responsible for computing the KL divergence terms related to the variational approximations of and only its own parameters, e.g. children submodules in turn compute their own divergences. Therefore the layer must implement a the .penalty read-only property, which is responsible for computing the divergence, based on its current variational distribution.

The following functions return generators, that yield the penalties of all eligible submodules. If a layer is not a subclass of BaseARD then it is ignored.

  • named_penalties(module, reduction="sum", prefix='') much like the .named_modules method of any pytorch Module, this generator yields submodule's name and penalty value pairs. The penalty values are taken from .penalty and reduced, depending on the reduction setting.

  • penalties(module, reduction="sum") the same as named_penalties(), but yields the penalty values only. Handy if one needs a quick way to accumulate penalties into the loss expression (sum of an empty iterator is always zero):

from cplxmodule.nn.relevance import penalties

model = models["dense"]  # models["bayes"] or even models["masked"]

# `coef` has the most profound effect on sparsity, `threshold` -- not so much
coef = 1e-2 / effective_dataset_size

# ... somewhere inside the train loop.
loss = criterion(model(X), y) + coef * sum(penalties(model, reduction="sum"))

Transferring learnt weights from/to non-variational modules

Since variational approximations use additive noise reparameterization, each variational dropout module in nn.relevance has a log_sigma2 learnable parameter, used to compute \log \alpha on-the-fly when needed by .penalty or .log_alpha read-only properties.

Deploying trained weights from a non-Bayesian model to a Bayesian requires

state_dict = models["dense"].state_dict()

models["bayes"].load_state_dict(state_dict,  strict=False)

Since non-Bayesian models do not model their parameters through factorized Gaussian variational approximation, the above operation copies weights of the dense network into the means of the distributions of appropriate layers in the bayes network. It is necessary to set strict=False in .load_state_dict(), since non-Bayesian models lack .log_sigma2 parameters, which are initialized to -10 upon Bayesian layer instantiation. This effectively renders the great bulk of copied weights relevant.

Transferring in the opposite direction requires strict=False as well, since .log_sigma2 have to be ignored by the receiving model.

Computing relevance masks

The variational dropout and relevance determination methods use special fully factorised Gaussian approximation with mean \mu and variance \alpha \lvert \mu \rvert^2. The \alpha is essentially the ratio of mean to standard deviation and is learnt either directly, or through additive reparameterization (used in this implementation). It effectively scores the irrelevance of the parameter it is associated with: \alpha is close to zero, then the parameter is more relevant, rather than the parameter with \alpha above 1.

In order to decide if a parameter is relevant it is necessary to compare its irrelevance score against a threshold. The following functions can be used for returning the masks of kept/dropped out (sparsified) parameters:

  • named_relevance(module, threshold=...) much like the .named_penalties, this generator yields submodule's name and the computed relevance mask, which is nonzero at those parameter elements, which have \log\alpha below the given threshold. This generator accepts keyworded parameters for future extensions. For example, \ell_0 regularization layers uses hard to force the returned mask to be binary, while Bayesian layers (VD and ARD) ignore it.

  • compute_ard_masks(module, threshold=...) also returns the sparsity mask, but unlike named_relevance returns a dictionary of masks, keyed by parameter manes compatible with the masking interface of the layers in nn.masked. Like named_relevance, this generator accepts keyworded parameters for future extensions.

Interfacing with masked layers

Layer sparsification with Bayesian dropout layers is performed in two steps:

  1. relevance masks are computed based on the used-supplied threshold for \log \alpha
  2. masks are merged the layers parameters and deployed onto a maskable layer

Below is a handy recipe to facilitate mask transfer:

from cplxmodule.nn.relevance import compute_ard_masks
from cplxmodule.nn.masked import binarize_masks

def state_dict_with_masks(model, **kwargs):
    """Harvest and binarize masks, then cleanup the zeroed parameters."""
    with torch.no_grad():
        masks = compute_ard_masks(model, **kwargs)
        state_dict, masks = binarize_masks(model.state_dict(), masks)

    return state_dict, masks

# threshold of -0.5 lose in performance a little, but gives much stronger sparsity
state_dict, masks = state_dict_with_masks(models["bayes"], threshold=-0.5)

# state dict for loading, masks for analysis
models["masked"].load_state_dict(state_dict,  strict=False)

Masked layers have only the .weight parameter and optionally .bias, hence it is necessary to set strict=False in .load_state_dict().



The modules in nn.relevance implement both real- and complex valued Bayesian sparisfication methods.

  • Real-valued Variational dropout layers (log-uniform prior)

    • LinearVD, Conv1dVD, Conv2dVD, Conv3dVD, BilinearVD from nn.relevance.real
  • Complex-valued Variational dropout layers (log-uniform prior pow-2)

    • CplxLinearVD, CplxConv1dVD, CplxConv2dVD, CplxConv3dVD, CplxBilinearVD from nn.relevance.complex
  • Automatic Relevance Determination (factorized Gaussian prior with learnt precision) from nn.relevance.ard

    • (real) LinearARD, Conv1dARD, Conv2dARD, Conv3dARD, BilinearARD
    • (complex) CplxLinearARD, CplxConv1dARD, CplxConv2dARD, CplxConv3dARD, CplxBilinearARD
  • Variational dropout with bogus forward values, but exact gradients from nn.relevance.extensions. This layer avoids device-host-device transfer, and specifically bypasses a single-threaded computation of a special function, which is slow, especially for large dense layers.

    • (complex only) CplxLinearVDBogus, CplxConv1dVDBogus, CplxConv2dVDBogus, CplxConv3dVDBogus, CplxBilinearVDBogus

Versions of the library prior to 1.0 had mixed up names of variational dropout (VD) and automatic relevance determination (ARD) layers: nn.relevance.real and nn.relevance.complex implemented log-uniform priors while incorrectly calling themselves ARD (Gaussian with learnable precision). From version 0.9.0 correctly named methods could be imported from nn.relevance.extensions, which was renamed to nn.relevance.ard prior to 0.9.8. Starting with version 1.0 correct layers have become directly importable from nn.relevance.

Subclassing Modules

Since BaseARD does not have __init__, it can be placed anywhere in the list of base classes in the definition when subclassing or multiply inheriting from BaseARD.


As of 2020-02-28 the modules and their API was designed so as to comply with the public interface exposed in pytorch 1.4.