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Serialization.ixi provides a framework to publish data referencing other pieces of data on the Tangle.

To do that we define two types of BundleFragment :

The ClassFragment represent the metadata of a DataFragment. The DataFragment to store the data (as a list of attributes) and the references to other pieces of data.

The attributes of a DataFragment are stored in it's message field. (maybe be on multiple transactions when required). The references to other DataFragment (or arbitrary transactions) are stored in address and extradata-digest fields of bundleFragment transactions.


A bundle fragment is a portion of standard IOTA bundle. Transactions in a bundle fragment are ordered by their trunk transaction (this characteristic is inherited from IOTA bundle). Just like IOTA bundles, bundle fragments have a head transaction and a tail transaction (which can be the same transaction when the bundle fragment contains only one transaction). We set a specific trit in the tag field to 1 to mark the head transaction of a bundle fragment. We set another trit of the tag field to 1 to mark the tail transaction of a bundle fragment. Those 2 trits must be 0 in all body transactions.


We define a ClassFragment as a Bundle fragment using trit at tag[4] set to 1 to indicate the fragment-head-transaction and the trit at tag[3] to indicate the fragment-tail-transaction.

The message of ClassFragment encode metadata about a data fragment :

  • trytes [0;27[ : the classname
  • trytes [27;54[ : data size
  • trytes [54;81[ : references count
  • trytes [81;108[ : attributes count

The following trits of the message field encode the sizes and names of attributes of the DataFragment. An attribute is a slice of the message of a DataFragment. The size of an attribute is encoded on 6 trytes. The name of an attribute is encoded on 27 trytes. When the size of the attribute is unknown or variable : the size is encoded as 0 ('999999')

Address field of the head transaction of a ClassFragment is always the NullHash.
Extradata-digest and address fields of a ClassFragment store the ClassHash of referenced fragments. A reference to an arbitrary transaction is denoted by the NULL_HASH. This allow the creation of "chain" of DataFragment, but also referencing non DataFragment.

We define the ClassHash as the hash (Curl-27) of the concatenation: <referenced ClassHash><attributes size>


We define a DataFragment as a Bundle fragment using trit at tag[6] set to 1 to indicate the fragment-head-transaction and the trit at tag[5] to indicate the fragment-tail-transaction.

The address field of the headTransaction is reserved to store the ClassHash of the ClassFragment for this DataFragment. The transaction hash of referenced data-fragment are stored in next extradata-digest and address fields of bundle fragment transactions.

The message field of a DataFragment encode the attributes values. An attribute of variable size is encoded in two parts : the 6 first trytes encode the size in trytes, then followed by the data itself.



public DataFragment buildDataFragment(DataFragment.Builder builder);
public ClassFragment buildClassFragment(ClassFragment.Builder builder);

* Build a DataFragment.Prepared for data.
* The DataFragment.Prepared can be used later to insert the dataFragment in Bundle.
* @return a prepared DataFragment.
public DataFragment.Prepared prepare(DataFragment.Builder builder);

* Build a ClassFragment.Prepared from builder.
* The ClassFragment.Prepared can be used later to insert the classFragment in a Bundle.
* @return a prepared ClassFragment.
public ClassFragment.Prepared prepareClassFragment(ClassFragment.Builder builder);

public <F extends BundleFragment,T extends BundleFragment.Builder<F>> F publishBundleFragment(T fragmentBuilder);

public <F extends BundleFragment,T extends BundleFragment.Builder<F>> F prepareBundleFragment(T fragmentBuilder);


* @param classHash searched classHash
* @return all DataFragment for a given classHash
public Set<DataFragment> findDataFragmentForClassHash(String classHash);

* @param referencedTransactionHash the transaction hash of the dataFragment to be referenced
* @return all DataFragment referencing *referencedTransactionHash*
public Set<DataFragment> findDataFragmentReferencing(String referencedTransactionHash, DataFragment.Filter filter);

* Allows querying metadata.
* @param referencedClassHash the classHash to be referenced
* @return all ClassFragment defining a reference with referencedClassHash
public Set<ClassFragment> findClassFragmentReferencing(String referencedClassHash, ClassFragment.Filter filter);
* @return the ClassFragment with head transaction identified by transactionHash,
* or null if the transaction is not the head of a valid ClassFragment.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when transactionHash is not a valid transaction hash (81 trytes)
public ClassFragment loadClassFragment(String transactionHash);

public ClassFragment loadClassFragmentForClassHash(String classHash);

* @return the DataFragment with head transaction identified by transactionHash,
* or null if the transaction is not the head of a DataFragment.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when transactionHash is not a valid transaction hash (81 trytes)
public DataFragment loadDataFragment(String transactionHash);

public DataFragment getFragmentAtIndex(DataFragment fragment, int index);

public String getAttribute(DataFragment dataFragment, int attributeIndex);


* Request submission of effect when dataFragment with a particular classHash is received.
* @param environmentId : environment where effect will be sent
public void registerDataListener(String classHash, String environmentId);

* Request submission of effect when dataFragment with a particular classHash is received.
* @param matcher  : a filter for fragment of interest
* @param environmentId : environment where effect will be sent
public void registerDataListener(DataFragment.Filter matcher, String environmentId);


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