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File metadata and controls

93 lines (73 loc) · 4.85 KB

Aggregator & Processor Plugins

Telegraf has the concept of aggregator and processor plugins, which sit between inputs and outputs. These plugins allow a user to do additional processing or aggregation to collected metrics.

│           │
│    CPU    │───┐
│           │   │
└───────────┘   │
┌───────────┐   │                                              ┌───────────┐
│           │   │                                              │           │
│  Memory   │───┤                                          ┌──▶│ InfluxDB  │
│           │   │                                          │   │           │
└───────────┘   │    ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐   │   └───────────┘
                │    │             │     │Aggregators  │   │
┌───────────┐   │    │Processors   │     │ - mean      │   │   ┌───────────┐
│           │   │    │ - transform │     │ - quantiles │   │   │           │
│   MySQL   │───┼───▶│ - decorate  │────▶│ - min/max   │───┼──▶│   File    │
│           │   │    │ - filter    │     │ - count     │   │   │           │
└───────────┘   │    │             │     │             │   │   └───────────┘
                │    └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘   │
┌───────────┐   │                                          │   ┌───────────┐
│           │   │                                          │   │           │
│   SNMP    │───┤                                          └──▶│   Kafka   │
│           │   │                                              │           │
└───────────┘   │                                              └───────────┘
┌───────────┐   │
│           │   │
│  Docker   │───┘
│           │


Processors are run first, then aggregators, then processors a second time.

Allowing processors to run again after aggregators gives users the opportunity to run a processor on any aggregated metrics. This behavior can be a bit surprising to new users and may cause weird behavior in metrics. For example, if the user scales data, it could get scaled twice!

To disable this behavior set the skip_processors_after_aggregators agent configuration setting to true. Another option is to use metric filtering as described below.

Metric Filtering

Use metric filtering to control which metrics are passed through a processor or aggregator. If a metric is filtered out the metric bypasses the plugin and is passed downstream to the next plugin.


Processor plugins process metrics as they pass through and immediately emit results based on the values they process. For example, this could be printing all metrics or adding a tag to all metrics that pass through.

See the processors for a full list of processor plugins available.


Aggregator plugins, on the other hand, are a bit more complicated. Aggregators are typically for emitting new aggregate metrics, such as a running mean, minimum, maximum, or standard deviation. For this reason, all aggregator plugins are configured with a period. The period is the size of the window of metrics that each aggregate represents. In other words, the emitted aggregate metric will be the aggregated value of the past period seconds.

Since many users will only care about their aggregates and not every single metric gathered, there is also a drop_original argument, which tells Telegraf to only emit the aggregates and not the original metrics.

Since aggregates are created for each measurement, field, and unique tag combination the plugin receives, you can make use of taginclude to group aggregates by specific tags only.

See the aggregators for a full list of aggregator plugins available.

Note: Aggregator plugins only aggregate metrics within their periods (i.e. now() - period). Data with a timestamp earlier than now() - period cannot be included.