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The Imixs-AI-Workflow module provides Adapter classes, CDI Beans and Service EJBs to integrate the Imixs-AI framework into the workflow processing life cycle.

  • LLMAdapter
    The Workflow Adapter class 'LLMAdapter' is used within the processing life cycle on a workflow instance to execute a LLM prompt. The adapter builds the prompt based on a given Prompt Template and evaluates the result object.

  • LLM-Definition
    A data structure holding the information of a single LLM service endpoint

  • LLM-Service
    A service EJB interacting with a Imixs-AI service endpoint

  • LLM-Controller
    The CDI bean 'LLMController' is used for user interaction like data input, data verification and data confirmation.

The LLMAdapter

The adapter 'org.imixs.llm.workflow.LLMAdapter' is used to send a prompt to the MML Service endpoint. The LLMAdaper automatically builds the prompt based on a prompt-template and stores the result into the corresponding workitem.

Configuration by Properties

The LLMAdapter can be configured by the following

  • llm.service.endpoint - defines the serivce endpoint of tha Imixs-AI service

The parameters can be set in the or as environment variables:


These parameters can be overwritten by the model.

Configuration by the Model

The main prompt configuration of the LLMAdapter is done through the model by defining a workflow result item named 'llm-config'.

See the following example:

<llm-config name="PROMPT">



Property Type Description
endpoint URL Rest API endpoint for the llama-cpp server
result-item Text Item name to store the result returned by the LLM Server
result-event Text Optional event identifier to process the result returned by the LLM Server

Note: The llm-config name PROMPT is mandatory. It defines the prompt definition and the service endpoint.

The Prompt Definition

The prompt definition can be defined by a BPMN Data item containing the prompt template. The Prompt Template is defined by a XML document containing the model ID and teh prompt. See the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    [INST] You are a clerk in a logistics company and you job is to check invoices documents. [/INST]		

    [INST] Extract the language the invoice is written in and the company name.

    Output the information in a JSON object. 
    Create only the json object. Do not provide explanations or notes.

    Example JSON Object:

        "language": "German",
        "": "Kraxi GmbH",


Note: The prompt layout itself is defined by the Large Language Model and can diversify for each LLM.

The Build-Events

Before a prompt is send to the llama-cpp service endpoint, the prompt-template is processed by Imixs-AI by so called PromptBuilder classes. These are CDI beans reacting on the LLMPromptEvent and are responsible to adapt the content of a prompt-template with content provided by the current workitem. There are some standard PromptBuilder classes that can be used out of the box:


The LLMIAdaptTextBuilder can be used to adapt all kind of text elements supported by the Imixs-Workflow Adapt Text Feature. For example you add item values to any part of the prompt-template


to place the 'invoice.summary' item into the template,


to place the userid of the current editor into the template.

Find more about Text adapters:


The LLMFileContextBuilder is used to place the content of files attached to the current workitem into the prompt-template. The Builder scans for all files matching a given filename or regular expression and adds the file content into the prompt-template. For example:


will place the content of the attached file `example.txt' into the prompt-template, or


will place the content of all PDF files into the prompt-template.

You can place the <FILECONTEXT> tag multiple times into one prompt-template.

The Result-Events

To process the result returned by the LLM in an individual way you can specify a optional result-adapter-class. This class is expected as a CDI bean which is triggered by CDI events send from the LLMWorkflow Service during prompt processing

The Events are defined by the classes:

  • LLMResultEvent - a CDI event fired by the LLMWorkflow. This even can be used in a observer pattern to provide alternative text processing after the LLM result is available.

Depending on the event type a CDI bean can react on a LLMResultEvent or ignore it.

Example of a definition

<llm-config name="PROMPT">

The configuration will trigger a LLMResultEvent with the event type 'JSON'. A CDI Bean can react on this event type:

    public void onEvent(@Observes LLMResultEvent event) {
        if (event.getWorkitem() == null) {
        if ("JSON".equals(event.getEventType())) {
            String jsonString = event.getPromptResult();

Suggest Items

The llm-config can contain an optional suggest configuration providing a item list and a suggest mode.

<llm-config name="SUGGEST"> 

The field 'items' contains a list of item names. This list will be stored in the item ai.suggest.items. An UI can use this information for additional input support (e.g. a suggest list) The field 'mode' provides a suggest mode for a UI component. The information is stored in the item ai.suggest.mode