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Hydrogen Web Components - Ruby SDK

Installing this SDK in your project will give you the following functionality:

  • OAuth 2.0 Authorization of Web Components and WebViews
  • Generate App Tokens to authenticate Web Components and WebViews
  • Retrieve Nucleus Client and Card data used in Web Component and WebView embed codes as data attributes

For more information, please visit our documentation


  1. Ruby 2.7+


Install the gem locally:

gem build app_token_api.gemspec
gem install app_token_api-1.0.2.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./app_token_api-1.0.2.gem to install the development dependencies)

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'app_token_api', '~> 1.0.2'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please first follow the installation instructions. Then make sure you use the proper base URL:

Base URL

Follow steps to verify the base URL path:

  1. Go to configuration file located under lib folder.
  2. Search for @host and change/verify the URL according to the environment.

Base URL


Parameter Description
attribMap This parameter is used to set the Attributes
appName This parameter is used to set the list of apps you are retrieving a token for, such as card_balance or card_issuance
basePath This parameter is used to set the base path. Valid values are
authType This parameter is used to set the OAuth grant type. Valid values are client_credentials, password_credentials, client_token
accessToken This parameter is used to pass in the JWT Access Token if you authenticate outside of the SDK
clientToken This parameter is used to pass in the JWT Access Token for Custom Client Token apps if you authenticate outside of the SDK
clientId This parameter is used to set your OAuth client_id to authenticate if you don't pass in the JWT Access Token
clientSecret This Parameter is used to set your OAuth client_secret to authenticate if you don't pass in the JWT Access Token
username This parameter is used to pass in the Nucleus Client username of the user to authenticate password grant apps
password This parameter is used to pass in the Nucleus Client password of the user to authenticate password grant apps
isEmbed This parameter is used to return an HTML embed code in the response, including all passed data attributes. Valid values are true or false

Sample Code

Now you are ready to execute the following Ruby code:

# Load the gem
require 'admin_api'

#### Get App Token

api_instance =

attribMap = [{"name" => "public-key", "value" => "xxxx"},{"name" => "client-id", "value" => "xxxx"}, {"name" => "card-id", "value" => "xxxx"}]

appTokenConfig = {}
appTokenConfig['attribMap'] = attribMap
appTokenConfig['appName'] = [{'app_name':'card_balance'}]
appTokenConfig['basePath'] = ""
appTokenConfig['authType'] = "password_credentials"
appTokenConfig['clientId'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['clientSecret'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['accessToken'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['clientToken'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['username'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['password'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['isEmbed'] = TRUE

  result = api_instance.get_app_token_using_get(appTokenConfig)
  p result
rescue AdminApi::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AppTokenApi->get_app_token_using_get: #{e}"


The Hydrogen Technology Corporation