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This service provides forms that enable users to contact HMRC for five distinct reasons:

  1. reporting a technical problem ('Is this page not working properly?')
  2. providing feedback on a beta service ('Send your feedback')
  3. getting help with their tax account ('Help and contact')
  4. providing post-support feedback to the HMRC Digital Technical Support Team ('Survey')
  5. reporting an accessibility problem with a service ('Report an accessibility problem')

contact-frontend will validate the user's input (for example, to ensure that email addresses are valid), and pass user requests to the relevant downstream service - to Deskpro for 'Is this page not working properly?', 'Help and contact', 'Send your feedback' and 'Report an accessibility problem', and to an internal auditing service for 'Survey' (contact #team-platui if you require more information about this).


Integration guide

Frontend services

Frontend services built using play-frontend-hmrc will typically integrate with contact-frontend in one or two pre-defined ways. If these don't meet your specific needs, please contact the PlatUI team via #team-plat-ui to discuss.

Enabling users to report technical issues with the service

You should use the HmrcReportTechnicalIssueHelper to add a link to your service's main layout template, to enable users to report technical issues from any page in the service.

For an example of the resulting form, please see the Appendix.

Enabling users to provide feedback on a service in beta

When your new service is in beta, you should use the Beta Feedback banner to add a banner that tells the user the service is in beta, and includes a link for them to provide feedback.

For an example of the resulting form, please see the Appendix.

Other services

Services that don't have a frontend (eg. mobile or API services) should instead integrate directly with the deskpro-ticket-queue API.

User details attached to submitted tickets

In addition to the information provided by the user, the service collects the following context data:

  • Referrer - this is the URL of the page on which the user initiated the contact journey, as passed on the URL as a query string parameter. Deskpro uses it to classify issues. In the absence of a referrerURL parameter, the value will be taken from the HTTP Referer header.
  • HTTP UserAgent header - this tells us what browser the user is using.
  • Javascript? - whether the user's browser has Javascript enabled
  • authId - as provided in the HeaderCarrier object
  • sessionId - as provided in the HeaderCarrier object
  • User tax identifiers - if the user is signed-in, any related tax identifiers will be attached to the tickets. These are stored in deskpro-ticket-queue and can later be viewed from Deskpro. They can include, but are not limited to:
    • National Insurance Number (NINO)
    • Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
    • VAT registration number
    • PAYE reference

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Further information

Getting help

Maintenance documentation

Maintenance documentation for the owning team, including architectural decision records (ADRs) can be found here.

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Appendix - Example forms

Contacting HMRC - Is this page not working properly?

This form provides the primary way for users to report technical issues with tax services. Here is a screenshot of the form:

alt tag

This contact form consists of the following fields:

  • the user's name
  • the user's email address
  • the action performed by the user
  • the error seen by the user

Form submissions are forwarded to Deskpro with the subject "Support Request". The contents of the action and error fields are concatenated and stored in the ticket body.

To link to this form, it is recommended that services follow the integration steps detailed in play-frontend-hmrc. By using the play-frontend-hmrc helper, the required query string parameters service and referrerUrl will be bound correctly to the link.

The format for the link should be rendered as follows:

  • https://www.{environment}${serviceId}&referrerUrl=${urlOfPageContainingLink}
URL parameter Description
service an identifier for your service unlikely to be used by any other service, excluding whitespace and special characters
referrerUrl the full, absolute, properly encoded URL of the page the user was on before they navigated to the contact form

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Providing Beta feedback about services

alt tag

This form consists of the following fields:

  • service rating (radio button group with 5 values)
  • user's name
  • user's email address
  • additional comments (optional)

Feedback responses are forwarded to Deskpro with the subject "Beta feedback submission"

To use this form, render a link on your page to:

  • https://www.{environment}${serviceId}&additional parameters

'{environment}.' is not included in the case of the production environment.

URL parameter Description
service an identifier for your service unlikely to be used by any other service, excluding whitespace and special characters
canOmitComments consuming services can decide whether the 'comments' field is optional. To make this the case, the consuming service must add 'canOmitComments=true' field to the request
backUrl an optional 'Back' button redirecting the user back to the consuming service can be embedded into the Beta Feedback form. In order to achieve this, the consuming service has to specify a destination URL
referrerUrl the full, absolute, properly encoded URL of the page the user was on before they navigated to the contact form. For example, a link from the SCP sign in page would look like

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Contacting HMRC - Help and contact

⚠️ This form is deprecated, as experience has shown that it is used to report things that DTST can't help with, for example forgotten login credentials.

This form is very similar to the Is this page not working properly? form, with the following differences:

This contact form contains only three input fields:

  • name
  • email address
  • comments

Requests of this type are forwarded to Deskpro with the subject "Contact form submission"

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Providing feedback about the Digital Technical Support Team ('Customer Satisfaction')

⚠️ This functionality is used by Deskpro and is not to be used by any consuming service directly.

Upon resolving a customer issue, response emails are sent by the Digital Technical Support Team containing a link inviting users to complete a survey about the customer's satisfaction with the way their issue was handled.

Here is an example of the email received by the user:

alt tag

Emails received from Deskpro by tax users will contain link in the following format:


'{environment}.' is not included in the case of the production environment.

This link then takes the user to the survey page, which looks like this:

alt tag

Feedback survey results currently are stored as explicit audit events with the following properties:

  • auditSource - "frontend"
  • auditType - "DeskproSurvey"
  • details
    • helpful - the response to the question about user satisfaction
    • speed - the response about satisfaction with the speed of DTST's reply
    • improve - contents of the textual field with improvement suggestions
    • ticketId - the reference of the case (same as in email)
    • serviceId - an identifier of the service - same as provided in the Is this page not working properly? page

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Reporting an accessibility problem

⚠️ This form is linked to from accessibility-statement-frontend and is not to be used directly.

alt tag

This form consists of the following fields:

  • Description of accessibility problem
  • user's name
  • user's email address

Accessibility problems are forwarded to Deskpro with the subject "Accessibility Problem".

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