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Target Encoding

Author: R. Holbrook

Organization: Kaggle


Local notebook

Target Encoding

  • Supervised feature encoding engineering

    • a method of encoding categories as integer number
    • example: one-hot or label encoding
  • Target encoding

    • any kind of encoding replacing a feature's categories w/ some number derived from the target

    • simple and effect version: applying a group aggregation, like the mean

    • Automobiles: average price of each vehicle's make

      autos["make_encoded"] = autos.groupby("make")["price"].transform("mean")
    • mean encoding: applying a group aggregation w/ mean

    • other encodings: likelihood encoding, impact encoding, and leave-one-out encoding


  • Issues of encoding

    • unknown categories
      • creating a special risk of overfitting
      • required to be trained on an independent "encoding" split
      • imputation: filling in missing values for any categories
    • rare categories
      • any statistics on this group unlikely very accurate
      • example: Automobiles
        • Mercurcy make only occurred once
        • mean price not very representative of any Mercurcies
        • making overfitting more likely
      • solution: smoothing
  • Smoothing technique

    • blending the in-category average w/ the overall average

    • rare categories: less weight on their category average

    • missing categories: the overall average

    • pseudocode

      encoding = weight * in_category + (1 - weight) * overall

    • weight

      • a value btw 0 and 1 calculated from the catgory frequency
      • determining weight by computing m-estimate: $\text{weight } = n / (n + m)$
        • $n$: the total number of times the category occurred in the data
        • $m$: hyperparameter to determine the "smoothing factor"
      • value for $m \to$ how noisy expecting the categories to be
        • target values varying a great deal $\implies$ choosing a larger value for $m$
        • target values relatively stable $\implies$ choosing a smaller value
    • larger values of $m$ $\to$ more weight on the overall estimate

      M-estimate w/ categories count and smoothing factor
    • example: Automobiles

      • 3 cars w/ the make Chevrolet, $n = 3$
      • $m = 0.2$: $\text{chevrolet } = 0.6 \ast 6000.00 + 0.4 \ast 13285.03$
  • Use cases for target encoding

    • high-cardinality features:
      • a feature w/ large number of categories: troublesome to encode
      • one-hot encoding:
        • generating too many features and alternative
        • not appropriate for that feature
      • target encoding: deriving numbers for the categories w/ the relationship w/ the target
    • domain-motivated feature
      • prior experience: categorical feature probably not so important even if scored poorly w/ a feature metric
      • target encoding revealing a feature's true information

Example - MovieLens1M

  • Example: MovieLens1M
    • dataset: MovieLens1M

      • 1 million movie rating by users of the MovieLens website
      • features describing each user and movie
    • loading data and preparing plotting

      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      import numpy as np
      import pandas as pd
      import seaborn as sns
      import warnings
      plt.rc("figure", autolayout=True)
      df = pd.read_csv("data/a18/movielens1m.csv")
      df = df.astype(np.uint8, errors='ignore') # reduce memory footprint
      print("Number of Unique Zipcodes: {}".format(df["Zipcode"].nunique()))
      # Number of Unique Zipcodes: 3439
    • preparing the training dataset

      • a good candidate for target encoding: > 3000 categories
      • size of the dataset: over one-million rows
      • creating a 25% split to train the target encoder
      X = df.copy()
      y = X.pop('Rating')
      X_encode = X.sample(frac=0.25)
      y_encode = y[X_encode.index]
      X_pretrain = X.drop(X_encode.index)
      y_train = y[X_pretrain.index]
    • encoding w/ MEstimate encoder

      • utilizing m-estimate encoder w/ category_encoder lib
      • encoding Zipcode feature
      from category_encoders import MEstimateEncoder
      # Create the encoder instance. Choose m to control noise.
      encoder = MEstimateEncoder(cols=["Zipcode"], m=5.0)
      # Fit the encoder on the encoding split., y_encode)
      # Encode the Zipcode column to create the final training data
      X_train = encoder.transform(X_pretrain)
    • evaluating the encoded values

      • comparing the encoded values to the target
      • observing how informative the encoding
      • distribution of the encoded Zipcode feature
        • roughly following the distribution of the actual ratings
        • movie-watchers differed in the ratings from zipcode to zipcode
      • target encoding able to capture useful information
      ax = sns.distplot(y, kde=False, norm_hist=True)
      ax = sns.kdeplot(X_train.Zipcode, color='r', ax=ax)
      ax.legend(labels=['Zipcode', 'Rating']);
      Distribution of the encoded Zipcode feature w/ rating


  • Exercise: target encoding w/ Ames
    • Original notebook

    • dataset: Ames

    • loading data and preparing utilities

      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      import numpy as np
      import pandas as pd
      import seaborn as sns
      import warnings
      from category_encoders import MEstimateEncoder
      from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
      from xgboost import XGBRegressor
      # Set Matplotlib defaults"seaborn-whitegrid")
      plt.rc("figure", autolayout=True)
      def score_dataset(X, y, model=XGBRegressor()):
          # Label encoding for categoricals
          for colname in X.select_dtypes(["category", "object"]):
              X[colname], _ = X[colname].factorize()
          # Metric for Housing competition is RMSLE (Root Mean Squared Log Error)
          score = cross_val_score(
              model, X, y, cv=5, scoring="neg_mean_squared_log_error",
          score = -1 * score.mean()
          score = np.sqrt(score)
          return score
      df = pd.read_csv("data/a18/ames.csv")
    • identifying features for encoding

      • candidate: feature w/ large number of categories

      • number of categories for each categorical feature

        # MSSubClass       16    MSZoning          7    Street            2    Alley             3
        # LotShape          4    LandContour       4    Utilities         3    LotConfig         5
        # LandSlope         3    Neighborhood     28    Condition1        9    Condition2        8
        # BldgType          5    HouseStyle        8    OverallQual      10    OverallCond       9
        # RoofStyle         6    RoofMatl          8    Exterior1st      16    Exterior2nd      17
        # MasVnrType        5    ExterQual         4    ExterCond         5    Foundation        6
        # BsmtQual          6    BsmtCond          6    BsmtExposure      5    BsmtFinType1      7
        # BsmtFinType2      7    Heating           6    HeatingQC         5    CentralAir        2
        # Electrical        6    KitchenQual       5    Functional        8    FireplaceQu       6
        # GarageType        7    GarageFinish      4    GarageQual        6    GarageCond        6
        # PavedDrive        3    PoolQC            5    Fence             5    MiscFeature       6
        # SaleType         10    SaleCondition     6
    • choosing features for encoding

      • M-estimate encoding using smoothing to improve estimates for rare categories
      • using value_counts to observe how many times a category in the dataset
      • only showing the counts for SaleType here, but other considered as well
      • Neighborhood feature w/ most categories and some rare categories, like Green_Hiils and Landmark
      • other features SaleType, MSSubClass, Exterior1st, Exterior2nd worth considering
      • almost any of the nominal features worth trying due to the prevalence of rare categories
      # WD       2536     New       239    COD        87     ConLD      26
      # CWD        12     ConLI       9    ConLw       8     Oth         7
      # Con         5     VWD         1
      # North_Ames            443    College_Creek                              267
      # Old_Town              239    Edwards                                    194
      # Somerset              182    Northridge_Heights                         166
      # Gilbert               165    Sawyer                                     151
      # Northwest_Ames        131    Sawyer_West                                125
      # Mitchell              114    Brookside                                  108
      # Crawford              103    Iowa_DOT_and_Rail_Road                      93
      # Timberland             72    Northridge                                  71
      # Stone_Brook            51    South_and_West_of_Iowa_State_University     48
      # Clear_Creek            44    Meadow_Village                              37
      # Briardale              30    Bloomington_Heights                         28
      # Veenker                24    Northpark_Villa                             23
      # Blueste                10    Greens                                       8
      # Green_Hills             2    Landmark                                     1
    • applying M-estimate encoding

      • avoiding overfitting by fit the encoder on data heldout from the training data
      • creating the encoding and training splits
      • applying a target encoding to the selected categorical features
      • hyperparameter, smoothing: $m = 1.0$
      • comparing the encoded values to the target to see how informative encoding might be
      • evaluating target encoding
        • features probably ended up w/ a score significantly worse than the baseline
        • extra information gained by the encoding not making up for the loss of data used for the encoding
      # Encoding split
      X_encode = df.sample(frac=0.20, random_state=0)
      y_encode = X_encode.pop("SalePrice")
      # Training split
      X_pretrain = df.drop(X_encode.index)
      y_train = X_pretrain.pop("SalePrice")
      # Choose a set of features to encode and a value for m
      encoder = MEstimateEncoder(cols=["Neighborhood"], m=0.6)        # left diagram
      encoder = MEstimateEncoder(cols=["Neighborhood", "SaleType", \
        "MSSubClass", "Exterior1st", "Exterior2nd"], m=0.6)           # right diagram
      # Fit the encoder on the encoding split, y_encode)
      # Encode the training split
      X_train = encoder.transform(X_pretrain, y_train)
      # plot distribution
      feature = encoder.cols
      ax = sns.distplot(y_train, kde=True, hist=False)
      ax = sns.distplot(X_train[feature], color='r', ax=ax, hist=True, kde=False, norm_hist=True)
    • exploring overfitting issue

      • illustrating importance of training fitting target encoders on data held-out from the training set
      • fitting the encoder and the model w/ the same model
      • mean-encoding a feature w/o relationship w/ SalePrice, a count: 0, 1, 2, ...
      • observing how dramatic the overfitting can be
      • Count: never w/ any duplicate values
      • mean-encoded Count:
        • essentially an exact copy of the target
        • mean-encoding turned a completely meaningless feature into a perfect feature
      • training XGBoost on the same set to train the encoder
      • using a hold-out set instead, none of this "fake" encoding transferred to the training data
        • using a target encoder, important to use separate data sets for training the encoder and training the model
        • otherwise the results able to be very disappointing
      X = df.copy()
      y = X.pop("SalePrice")
      score_base = score_dataset(X, y)
      score_new = score_dataset(X_train, y_train)
      print(f"Baseline Score: {score_base:.4f} RMSLE")
      print(f"Score with Encoding: {score_new:.4f} RMSLE")
      # Baseline Score: 0.1428 RMSLE
      # Score with Encoding: 0.1445 RMSLE
      # Try experimenting with the smoothing parameter m
      # Try 0, 1, 5, 50
      m = 0
      X = df.copy()
      y = X.pop('SalePrice')
      # Create an uninformative feature
      X["Count"] = range(len(X))
      X["Count"][1] = 0  
      # actually need one duplicate value to circumvent error-checking in MEstimateEncoder
      # fit and transform on the same dataset
      encoder = MEstimateEncoder(cols="Count", m=m)
      X = encoder.fit_transform(X, y)
      # Results
      score =  score_dataset(X, y)
      print(f"Score: {score:.4f} RMSLE")
      # m =  0: Score: 0.0293 RMSLE
      # m =  1: Score: 0.1428 RMSLE
      # m =  5: Score: 0.0294 RMSLE
      # m = 50: Score: 0.0311 RMSLE
      ax = sns.distplot(y, kde=True, hist=False)
      ax = sns.distplot(X["Count"], color='r', ax=ax, hist=True, kde=False, norm_hist=True)
