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[BUG] Slow scrolling/cursor movement on macOS with large window #2217

strayer opened this issue Dec 20, 2019 · 30 comments

[BUG] Slow scrolling/cursor movement on macOS with large window #2217

strayer opened this issue Dec 20, 2019 · 30 comments
is:upstream Originates from outside the project and cannot be fully addressed here os:macOS Pertains specifically to MacOS re:perf Pertains to startup speed and general snappiness status:unknown Cause unknown; cannot be reproduced; cannot investigate further todo:move to discourse This should be moved to Discourse (once it's up)


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strayer commented Dec 20, 2019

What did you expect to happen?
Smooth performance when scrolling and moving cursor.

What actually happened?
Stuttery movement when the emacs window is maximized.

Additional details:

Video that shows the slow cursor movement:

Profiler info with large window:



Profiler info with small window:



I'm using emacs 27 installed via homebrew:
brew install emacs-plus --HEAD --without-spacemacs-icon --with-jansson --without-multicolor-fonts

I did experience the same problem with emacs 26 too though.

System information:

  (version . "27.0.50")
  (build . "Dec 20, 2019")
  (buildopts "--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --enable-locallisppath=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp --infodir=/usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/HEAD-85a60da/share/info/emacs --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/HEAD-85a60da --with-xml2 --without-dbus --with-gnutls --with-imagemagick --with-json --with-modules --with-rsvg --with-ns --disable-ns-self-contained")
  (windowsys . batch)
  (daemonp . server-running))
  (version . "2.0.9")
  (build . "HEAD, origin/develop, origin/HEAD 6d40f30a0 2019-12-20 05:01:44 -0500"))
  (type . darwin)
  (config . "x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0")
  (shell . "/usr/local/bin/fish")
  (uname . "Darwin 19.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.2.0: Sat Nov  9 03:47:04 PST 2019; root:xnu-6153.61.1~20/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64")
  (path "~/.local/bin" "~/.poetry/bin" "~/.cargo/bin" "~/.bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "~/Library/Android/sdk/tools" "~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools" "~/.asdf/shims" "~/.asdf/bin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/sbin" "/opt/X11/bin" "/Applications/VMware" "" "/Applications/" "/Applications/VMware" "" "~/.local/bin" "/usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/HEAD-85a60da/libexec/emacs/27.0.50/x86_64-apple-darwin19.2.0"))
  (envfile . envvar-file)
  (elc-files . 0)
  (modules :completion company ivy :ui doom doom-dashboard doom-quit hl-todo modeline nav-flash neotree ophints (popup +all +defaults) vc-gutter vi-tilde-fringe window-select workspaces :editor (evil +everywhere) file-templates fold format multiple-cursors rotate-text snippets :emacs dired electric ibuffer vc :tools ansible direnv docker editorconfig (eval +overlay) flycheck (lookup +docsets) magit terraform :lang data elixir emacs-lisp erlang javascript markdown (org +dragndrop +present) php python sh web :config (default +bindings +smartparens))
  (packages "n/a")
  (elpa "n/a")))
@strayer strayer added the is:bug Something isn't working as intended label Dec 20, 2019
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hlissner commented Dec 20, 2019

Possibly a duplicate of #1301.

This is a general and common Emacs and MacOS issue, unfortunately: Both are very prone to redisplay slowness like this.

You could try disabling line numbers with (setq display-line-numbers-type nil) and switching to our light modeline (but changing modeline to (modeline +light) in ~/.doom.d/init.el).

Perhaps this might help too:

(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(inhibit-double-buffering . t))

Also try another font. Emacs seems to disagree with some fonts. Fira Code is known to work well with Emacs.

If none of that helps, it may be beyond me or Doom to fix it. Emacs is, sadly, very prone to scrolling slowness, and much more so on MacOS than on Linux.

@hlissner hlissner added is:upstream Originates from outside the project and cannot be fully addressed here re:perf Pertains to startup speed and general snappiness and removed is:bug Something isn't working as intended labels Dec 20, 2019
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strayer commented Dec 20, 2019

All of those do help, it seems. Fira Code also boosts scrolling performance considerably, which I find very annoying (I like Pragmata Pro!).

Its still much slower when maximized compared to the small window (or actually ANY other editor/IDE I have on my machine like Neovim, VS Code or IntelliJ IDEs), making emacs still quite annoying. After some more reading it seems like rendering on macOS is simply a second-class citizen for emacs. Ref:

I tried an Ubuntu VM just for fun, but the performance of VMware Fusion with retina-resolution apparently sucks too much to compare anything.

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zyeri commented Dec 22, 2019

Also try another font. Emacs seems to disagree with some fonts. Fira Code is known to work well with Emacs.

Is there a list of fonts known to work well with Emacs? I'm using Iosevka and am experiencing similar issues with scrolling/movement speed under macOS.

Edit: Emacs is installed as brew install emacs-mac --with-modules --with-rsvg --with-natural-title-bar.

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I have the same exact issue. My macos setup behaves exactly like OPs video.

FYI, display-line-numbers-type and the inhibit-double-buffering didn't do much for me. Changing the font to "Monaco" did the trick. Like OP, it is still not "buttery-smooth" but now at least I get about the same scrolling performance as spacemacs.

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@zyeri I'm also using Iosevka with emacs-plus and have the same problem, for example in spacemacs scrolling was smooth, maybe they have some workaround.

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pcesar22 commented Jan 3, 2020

@testarossaaaaa Yea spacemacs seems to not suffer from this despite being emacs based as well... I've enjoyed doom immensely and for me this is the only thing stopping me from making the switch :(

If anyone knows some sort of workaround I would greatly appreciate it!

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dsdshcym commented Jan 4, 2020

One difference I noticed between spacemacs and doom-emacs is the value of scroll-conservatively:

  • In spacemacs, scroll-conservatively = 101
  • In doom-emacs, scroll-conservatively = 10

Maybe you can try (setq scroll-conservatively 101) and see if it helps?

hlissner added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 4, 2020
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hlissner commented Jan 6, 2020

I've set scroll-conservatively to 101 in 8c7aaa6. I don't think it'll help with OPs issue specifically, but it may help with page-wise or long-distance motions, as recentering the window can be expensive. Still, I am no closer to figuring out what Spacemacs does that we don't. If anyone can bisect their configs until the issue goes away, and narrow down its origin, it'd be a huge help.

@hlissner hlissner added help wanted Cannot be resolved without outside help os:macOS Pertains specifically to MacOS status:unknown Cause unknown; cannot be reproduced; cannot investigate further labels Jan 6, 2020
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hlian commented Feb 7, 2020

For what it's worth, I can reproduce this on Emacs HEAD with no configuration. I don't think it's Doom-specific, but I'll try using Spacemacs and report back. Maybe they're doing something to accidentally fix it? (For now, I'm reverting to the Emacs 27 branch, which I don't think has this problem.)

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Possibly a duplicate of #1301.

This is a general and common Emacs and MacOS issue, unfortunately: Both are very prone to redisplay slowness like this.

You could try disabling line numbers with (setq display-line-numbers-type nil) and switching to our light modeline (but changing modeline to (modeline +light) in ~/.doom.d/init.el).

Perhaps this might help too:

(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(inhibit-double-buffering . t))

Also try another font. Emacs seems to disagree with some fonts. Fira Code is known to work well with Emacs.

If none of that helps, it may be beyond me or Doom to fix it. Emacs is, sadly, very prone to scrolling slowness, and much more so on MacOS than on Linux.

I experiencing same issue as OP, setting (setq display-line-numbers-type nil) helped - lag is much less noticeable now.

(modeline +light) with (setq display-line-numbers-type t) seems to have little effect on my machine. (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(inhibit-double-buffering . t)) didn't do much either.

I'm using 26.3 brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport and Iosevka size: 13 from brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts

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honnix commented Apr 17, 2020

Having the same issue for a while, I eventually spent a few hours to troubleshoot my particular setup. Hope it can be useful.

My setup is:

  • brew install emacs-plus --without-spacemacs-icon --HEAD --with-emacs-27-branch --with-jansson --with-xwidgets
  • doom-themes
  • Menlo font

I tried different combinations to nail it down and here are my findings:

A quick thing to fix is hl-line. When that is enabled, moving cursor is slow. I solved it by using hl-line+ where I can configure only highlight when idling, so moving cursor would not result highlighting current line, and thus no much redrawing I guess. My configuration is as following:

(use-package hl-line+
  :load-path "3rd" # or wherever you put hl-line+.el
  (hl-line-when-idle-interval 0.3)
  (toggle-hl-line-when-idle 1))

My biggest problem is having both display-line-numbers and highlight-indent-guides enabled at the same time, while using the default unicode char \x2502 as guides character.

If I disable either of those, it is much more responsive; if I use a different but similar looking unicode (\xFFE8 in my case, it's a bit dashed unfortunately), I can keep both of them enabled while having a good responsiveness.

Overall here is my configuration:

(use-package doom-themes
  :ensure t
  ;; Global settings (defaults)
  (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t    ; if nil, bold is universally disabled
        doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled
  (load-theme 'doom-one t)

  ;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors

  (use-package doom-themes-ext-treemacs
    (setq doom-themes-treemacs-theme "doom-colors")) ; use the colorful treemacs theme)

  ;; Corrects (and improves) org-mode's native fontification.

(use-package hl-line+
  :load-path "3rd"
  (hl-line-when-idle-interval 0.3)
  (toggle-hl-line-when-idle 1))

(use-package display-line-numbers
  :ensure nil
  (setq display-line-numbers-width-start t)

(use-package highlight-indent-guides
  :ensure t
  :delight highlight-indent-guides-mode
  (setq highlight-indent-guides-method 'character
        ;; default is \x2502 but it is very slow on Mac
        highlight-indent-guides-character ?\xFFE8
        highlight-indent-guides-responsive 'top))

hlian added a commit to hlian/emacs-d that referenced this issue Apr 17, 2020
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Using locally compiled emacs 27.0.91 the scrolling speed is pretty good.

Steps of what I did:

git clone
cd emacs
git checkout emacs-27.0.91
# if configure works then run
make install

Strangely enough, the >28 version of emacs had the same slow scrolling problem.

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pcesar22 commented Jun 3, 2020

I decided to give doom another shot, and am still having issues.

I tried again with emacs-27 and the issue is still apparent. The "Monaco" font switch still is still the thing that does the most.

Setting "display-line-numbers" to null also helps a bit, but not much.

@honnix could you give more details as to what you need to do to configure hl-line+? Being fairly new to Doom I'm still not sure where to place your snippet. Neither packages.el nor config.el did the trick for me.

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jonasagx commented Jun 3, 2020

Sorry you are still experiencing the issue. emacs-27 worked for me once I compiled the whole application locally FYI.

A possible way to track the the source of the slowness is via explain-pause-mode on startup it can bring insights on what hogs resources.

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m3dwards commented Jun 5, 2020

I too have slow scrolling on a retina MacBook with emacs 28. Spacemacs config on the same emacs scrolls well. I've switched to the same font and size in my Spacemacs config and it helps a bit but not much. Displaying line numbers seems to be the biggest offender and it's quite respectable with it off. To my surprise Spacemacs actually scrolls much faster with line numbers on. As far as I can tell it uses the same display-line-numbers-mode. Setting to relative or normal makes no difference.

I have tried profiling and using explain-pause-mode but there doesn't seem to be anything obvious in the reports.

I'm using GUI emacs and if I make the window small, it scrolls well.

I feel like a nit picker but I spend a lot of time in an editor and being able to smoothly and quickly scroll though text makes a difference to how pleasurable your editor is to use.

I'm a little bit out my depth knowing where to look to improve it, i've tried searching though spacemacs code for scrolling and line numbers to see if they applied anything specific and the only thing I found was (setq scroll-conservatively 101) which didn't make a difference for me.

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hlissner commented Jun 5, 2020

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m3dwards commented Jun 5, 2020

Thanks @hlissner. I've gone through that list and line numbers does make a big difference but the biggest thing by far is simply dragging the window smaller. I don't know what Spacemacs is doing but this is a rendering thing on MacOS retina screens with emacs. I was disappointed in the emacs reddit links posted above that the maintainers suggested that it was a MacOS problem and not an Emacs problem, seems they don't even acknowledge it's an issue.

Changing the font and making the font bigger sped it up by just under 10%.

Weirdest thing is that spacemacs gets faster with line numbers switched on! Something strange is going on.

Thanks for your work on Doom.

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I'm running Emacs 27 on a Macbook Pro with a 4K external monitor. For me, simply switching from the default hl-line mode to the hl-line+ and idle config made a huge difference and scrolling now is pretty acceptable. I also like to keep line numbers on (old habit I suppose).

But I also like @hlissner 's advice to navigate in a more "evil" manner:

Don’t mash j (or C-n) to scroll. Evil users can scroll long distances with C-d and C-u, for instance, to avoid that slowness. Otherwise, use search mechanisms to move around, like isearch (C-s) or evil-search (/).

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benhili commented Jun 6, 2020

I've actually had a huge improvement after upgrading to Emacs 27 via emacs-plus scrolling seems as fast as vim now this is with hl-line+ set. I did a full reinstall as part of the upgrade so that may have helped?

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honnix commented Jun 6, 2020

I had another complication as I described here jwiegley/use-package#835 , fixing that also gave me a huge boost and I could revert back to hl-line.

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honnix commented Jun 6, 2020

@jonasagx Not sure whether you have figured out how to configure hl-line+.

Here is what I did. I downloaded hl-line+.el and put it to to .emacs.d/3rd, and have the following in .emacs.d/init.el.

(use-package hl-line+
  :load-path "3rd"
  (hl-line-when-idle-interval 0.3)
  (toggle-hl-line-when-idle 1))

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For me, changing the font (Jetbrains Mono -> Fira Code) fixed the issue.

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does anyone know what it is about certain fonts that make them perform better? perhaps it pertains to unicode layout and volume?

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Can confirm the hl-line+ mod along with disabling line numbers made a huge difference. I'm using 1440p monitors with Mac. Scroll speed is almost as fast as vim. I'm on Emacs 26.

I added the use-package to my custom config.el in the /user/.doom.d folder

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For me, changing the font (Jetbrains Mono -> Fira Code) fixed the issue.

Actually, it didn't help. It was the Emacs restart, that helped.
Some time after I changed the font the slowness started again, then I accidently resized the Emacs window from maximized to half the size and back and lags disappear.

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i-oliva commented Jul 10, 2020

Can confirm the hl-line+ mod along with disabling line numbers made a huge difference. I'm using 1440p monitors with Mac. Scroll speed is almost as fast as vim. I'm on Emacs 26.

I added the use-package to my custom config.el in the /user/.doom.d folder

This fixed it for me!!

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fdschmidt93 commented Jul 15, 2020

Linux user here coming over from neovim to check out Doom Emacs as I've heard good things, and it seems like a great project :) I'll surely dive into the emacs universe more deeply.

Scrolling issue applies for me too though and is baffling. j (C-e) scrolls down sluggishly (smoothly), while k (C-y) scrolls smoothly (sluggishly). Not sure what's truly different underneath. The issue can be entirely fixed with turning off relative line numbering (other stuff mentioned here does not work), though I'm afraid that's too prohibitive for me. Maybe scrolling with j & C-e helps people coming here as I haven't seen this bypass posted yet anywhere (in case it works for others).

Edit: To add to that, when Doom Emacs is ran in Alacritty, hardware accelerated rendering seems to similarly alleviate, though not remedy entirely, the scrolling issue as well.

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Hey @hlissner. I've spent some time on this and got some good results by disabling solaire-mode. I see that, conveniently and luckily 😄 , the mode was your creation so maybe we can get to the bottom of this once and forever.
This finding would also explain why the issue isn't visible in Spacemacs - because, as far as I could tell, solaire-mode is not installed there.

I'm happy to help dig into the issue even further, but I need some guidance on what to look for.

Thanks for Doom!

Not the best quality demo incoming:


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Confirmed that disabling solaire-mode in the current buffer results in a dramatic improvement for me.

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hlissner commented Mar 7, 2021

I think this is just one of Emacs' Schrödinger trolls. I don't think a single solution exists for this problem. The accounts in this thread and Discord are all over the place, on top of everything that I've already listed in Why is Emacs/Doom slow?.

I will document what's been reported here in (which is an expanded version that will replace the "Why is Doom Slow" entry in the FAQ) and keep an ear to the ground, but for the time being I will close this thread because:

  1. Github is a poor archive for long discussions,
  2. I am cleaning up our Github for our transition to discourse,
  3. And there is nothing immediately actionable in this thread (we're going to use Discourse as our issue tracker and relegate our Github to internal and actionable tickets for myself and collaborators).

If you haven't already, I suggest signing up on the Discourse and reading It's temporarily login-gated while I finish setting things up, but this post may offer more insight.

I see that, conveniently and luckily smile , the mode was your creation so maybe we can get to the bottom of this once and forever.

Unfortunately, not much can be done there. Solaire-mode is using the face-remap library (built into Emacs) If Emacs is struggling to remap faces for you, there is no avoiding disabling it altogether. i.e. There is no more efficient way of pulling what it does off. Your best bet is to upgrade Emacs, perhaps adopt native-comp if you haven't already. I've heard the 26.3->27.1 divide introduces a couple performance boosts for faces, even more so between 27.1 and native-comp. But knowing Emacs, you may have a completely different experience. You'll just have to try!

@hlissner hlissner closed this as completed Mar 7, 2021
@hlissner hlissner added todo:move to discourse This should be moved to Discourse (once it's up) and removed help wanted Cannot be resolved without outside help labels Mar 7, 2021
dmalyuta added a commit to dmalyuta/dotfiles that referenced this issue May 8, 2021
- Solaire mode turns out to be slowing down Emacs due to face-remap library, so
  turn it off when viewing same buffer in more than 1 window, which is when
  things start to really slow down for me (see
  doomemacs/doomemacs#2217 (comment))
@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jun 5, 2021
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is:upstream Originates from outside the project and cannot be fully addressed here os:macOS Pertains specifically to MacOS re:perf Pertains to startup speed and general snappiness status:unknown Cause unknown; cannot be reproduced; cannot investigate further todo:move to discourse This should be moved to Discourse (once it's up)
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