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Releases: hicknhack-software/Qt-Creator

Release refs/tags/v5.0.2-patched-2021-10-03

03 Oct 20:47
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QtCreator 5.0.2 + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs v1.20.1 patched 2021-10-03
* Usable msbuild project generator
* C++2b and C++2a support for msvction is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.2-patched-snapshot-2021-09-26

latest QtCreator 5.0.2 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs v1.20.1 patched snapshot 2021-09-01
* Usable msbuild project generator
* C++2b and C++2a support for msvction is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.1-patched-snapshot-2021-09-11

latest QtCreator 5.0.1 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs v1.20.0 patched snapshot 2021-09-01
* Usable msbuild project generator
* C++2b and C++2a support for msvction is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.1-patched-snapshot-2021-09-01

latest QtCreator 5.0.1 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs v1.20.0 patched snapshot 2021-09-01
* Usable msbuild project generator
* C++2b and C++2a support for msvction is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.0-patched-snapshot-2021-08-21

latest QtCreator 5.0.0 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs v1.20.0 patched snapshot 2021-08-21
* Usable msbuild project generator
* C++2b and C++2a support for msvction is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.0-beta1-patched-snapshot-2021-08-07

latest QtCreator 5.0.0-beta1 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs 1.20.0 snapshot + patches:
* fixed Qt6.0 support on Windows
* cxxLanguageVersion: "c++2a" is allowed. Note: It will trigger "/c++latest" for msvc
* visual studio (msbuild) project generation is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.0-rc1-patched-snapshot-2021-07-25

latest QtCreator 5.0.0-rc1 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs 1.19.2 snapshot + patches:
* fixed Qt6.0 support on Windows
* cxxLanguageVersion: "c++2a" is allowed. Note: It will trigger "/c++latest" for msvc
* visual studio (msbuild) project generation is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.0-rc1-patched-snapshot-2021-07-16

latest QtCreator 5.0.0-rc1 snapshot + patches:

* Improved QML/JS formatting
* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs 1.19.2 snapshot + patches:
* fixed Qt6.0 support on Windows
* cxxLanguageVersion: "c++2a" is allowed. Note: It will trigger "/c++latest" for msvc
* visual studio (msbuild) project generation is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v5.0.0-beta1-patched-snapshot-2021-07-10

* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing

* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs 1.19.2 snapshot + patches:
* fixed Qt6.0 support on Windows
* cxxLanguageVersion: "c++2a" is allowed. Note: It will trigger "/c++latest" for msvc
* visual studio (msbuild) project generation is more usable (still opinionated)

Release refs/tags/v4.15.2-patched-snapshot-2021-07-10

latest QtCreator 4.15.2 snapshot + patches:

* Fixed MSVC output window link parsing
* Support for trailing return types in quickfixes
* Qbs Action to debug with Visual Studio
* Qbs Action to generate Visual Studio 2019 project
* extended macro expander for ActiveProject and CurrentTarget
* suppress pragma once warnings in headers
* error navigation in compile output window
* display snapshot version in about dialog
* properly indented line comments
* no jump to task list after build errors
* use patched qbs for Windows build
* use "c++2a" (gcc/clang) / "c++latest" (msvc) from qbs for clang code model

Qbs 1.19.2 snapshot + patches:
* fixed Qt6.0 support on Windows
* cxxLanguageVersion: "c++2a" is allowed. Note: It will trigger "/c++latest" for msvc
* visual studio (msbuild) project generation is more usable (still opinionated)