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Language Framework From Strategy Bundler
TypeScript Angular Local ESM None

This repo demonstrates how to use @arcgis/core ES modules with Angular 12.

How lo load assets from the CDN instead of local: ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Apps with ES Modules (hax) - min 34:21

Known issues

  • To prevent Unhandled Promise Rejection errors when using Angular with Zone.js, upgrade to Angular 11.2.5 or greater, Zone.js 0.11.4or greater, and switch the to es2017 or greater.

  • if you are seeing CommonJS or AMD dependency warnings you can supress them in your build output thought a property setting in angular.json. Suppressing won't affect functionality. Also, consider upgrading by running npm i @arcgis/core@latest.


  "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

Get Started

Step 1 - Run npm install and then start adding modules.

Step 2 Configure CSS.


  @import '';

For additional information, see the Build with ES modules Guide topic in the SDK.


  • If you are using Zone.js, the minimum version is 0.11.4 (February 10, 2021) or greater.


Currently, due to limitations in TypeScript, the APIs autocasting functionality works best in non-TypeScript applications. No changes are required if you are already using the API without any TypeScript build errors.

Required version is ~4.2.3.


For a list of all available npm commands see the scripts in package.json.

Development server

Run ng serve --open for a dev server that will automatically open a browser window. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. You need to install Angular CLI before you can compile the app.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.


The original code from

Starter apps maintenance and support

This starter apps are maintained by the community. If you find something broken or outdated and the code from the starter app comes from another repository please open the issue there, if it doesn't feel free to open an issue on this repo.

Note that frameworks and bundlers are outside of the scope of support from the Esri Technical Support. In any case, you can use the issues repositories related to each starter app to interact with the community for support.