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Hedgehog with convenience attributes for


  • Test method arguments generated with a custom
  • ...or with a custom Generator.
  • Property.check called for each test.

Getting Started in F#

This readme is for C#. Go here for F# documentation.

Getting Started in C#

Install the Hedgehog.Xunit package from Visual Studio's Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Hedgehog.Xunit

Suppose you have a test that uses Hedgehog.Experimental and looks similar to the following:

using Hedgehog;
using Hedgehog.Linq;
using Hedgehog.Xunit;
using Property = Hedgehog.Linq.Property;

public class DocumentationSamples
    public void Reversing_a_list_twice_yields_the_original_list()
        var gen =<List<int>>();
        var prop = from xs in Property.ForAll(gen)
                   let testList = Enumerable.Reverse(xs).Reverse().ToList()
                   select Assert.Equal(xs, testList);

Then using Hedgehog.Xunit, you can simplify the above test to

public void Reversing_a_list_twice_yields_the_original_list_with_xunit(List<int> xs)
    var testList = Enumerable.Reverse(xs).Reverse().ToList();
    Assert.Equal(xs, testList);


Hedgehog.Xunit provides the following attributes:

👉 All code in this document is available here.

🔖 [Property]

Methods with [Property] have their arguments generated by

using global::Xunit.Abstractions;

public class DocumentationSamples
    private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

    public DocumentationSamples(ITestOutputHelper output)
        _output = output;

    public void Can_generate_an_int(
      int i)
        _output.WriteLine($"Test input: {i}");
Test input: 0
Test input: -1
Test input: 1
Test input: 522317518
Test input: 404306656
Test input: 1550509078

Property.check is called.

public bool Will_fail(bool value) => value;
System.Exception: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 5 tests):
Hedgehog.Xunit.TestReturnedFalseException: Test returned `false`.

If the test returns FSharp.Control.Async<T> or Task<T>, then Async.RunSynchronously is called, which blocks the thread. This may have significant performance implications as tests run 100 times by default.

public async Task Task_with_exception_shrinks(int i)
    await Task.Delay(100);
    if (i > 10) throw new Exception();
System.Exception: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 14 tests and 2 shrinks):
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.)
 ---> System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.

A test returning an FSharp.Core.Result in an Error state will be treated as a failure.

public FSharpResult<int, string> Result_with_Error_shrinks(int i) =>
    i < 10
        ? FSharpResult<int, string>.NewOk(i)
        : FSharpResult<int, string>.NewError("humbug!");
System.Exception: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 15 tests and 1 shrink):
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.Exception: Result is in the Error case with the following value:

Tests returning Async<Result<T, TError>> or Task<Result<T, TError>> are run synchronously and are expected to be in the Ok state.

Tests returning a Property<unit> or Property<bool> will have Property.check automatically called:

public Property<bool> Returning_a_failing_property_bool_with_an_external_number_gen_fails_and_shrinks(int i) =>
    from fifty in Property.ForAll(Hedgehog.Gen.constant(50))
    select i <= fifty;
System.Exception: *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 25 tests and 4 shrinks):

⚙️ [Property] Configuration

[Property]'s constructor may take several arguments:

The Property attribute extends Xunit.FactAttribute, so it may also take DisplayName, Skip, and Timeout.

🧰 AutoGenConfig and AutoGenConfigArgs

GenX.defaults is the AutoGenConfig used by default.

Here's how to add your own generators:

  1. Create a class with a single static property or method that returns an instance of AutoGenConfig.
  2. Provide the type of this class as an argument to [Property]. (This works around the constraint that Attribute parameters must be a constant.)
public class AutoGenConfigContainer
    public static AutoGenConfig _ =>

public bool This_test_passes_because_always_13(int i) => i == 13;

If the method takes arguments, you must provide them using AutoGenConfigArgs.

public class ConfigWithArgs
    public static AutoGenConfig _(
        string word,
        int number) =>

[Property(AutoGenConfig = typeof(ConfigWithArgs), AutoGenConfigArgs = new object[] { "foo", 13 })]
public bool This_also_passes(string s, int i) =>
    s == "foo" && i == 13;

🧰 Tests

Specifies the number of tests to be run, though more or less may occur due to shrinking or early failure.

[Property(tests: 3)]
public void This_runs_3_times() => _output.WriteLine($"Test run");

🧰 Shrinks

Specifies the maximal number of shrinks that may run.

[Property(Shrinks = 0]
public void No_shrinks_occur(int i)
    if (i > 50)
        throw new Exception("oops");

🧰 Size

Sets the Size to a value for all runs.

[Property(Size = 2)]
public void i_mostly_ranges_between_neg_1_and_1(int i) => _output.WriteLine(i.ToString());

🔖 [Properties]

This optional attribute can decorate modules or classes. It sets default arguments for AutoGenConfig, AutoGenConfigArgs, Tests, Shrinks, and Size. These will be overridden by any explicit arguments on [Property].

public class Int13
    public static AutoGenConfig _ => GenX.defaults.WithGenerator(Hedgehog.Gen.constant(13));

public class Int2718
    public static AutoGenConfig _ => GenX.defaults.WithGenerator(Hedgehog.Gen.constant(2718));

[Properties(typeof(Int13), 1)]
public class PropertiesSample
    public bool this_passes_and_runs_once(
        int i) =>
        i == 13;

    [Property(typeof(Int2718), 2)]
    public bool this_passes_passes_and_runs_twice(
        int i) =>
        i == 2718;

🔖 GenAttribute

To assign a generator to a test's parameter, extend GenAttribute and override Generator:

public class Five : GenAttribute<int>
    public override Gen<int> Generator => Gen.Int32(Range.FromValue(5));

public bool Can_set_parameter_as_5(
    [Five] int five) =>
        five == 5;

Here's a more complex example of GenAttribute that takes a parameter and overrides Property's AutoGenConfig:

public class AutoGenConfigContainer
    public static AutoGenConfig _ =>

public class ConstInt : GenAttribute<int>
    private readonly int _i;
    public ConstInt(int i)
        _i = i;
    public override Gen<int> Generator => Gen.Int32(Range.FromValue(_i));

public bool GenAttribute_overrides_Property_AutoGenConfig(int thirteen, [ConstInt(6)] int six) =>
    thirteen == 13 && six == 6;,

🔖 [Recheck]

This optional method attribute invokes Property.recheck with the given Size and Seed. It must be used with Property.

public bool this_passes(int i) => i == 12345;


Use named arguments to select the desired constructor overload.

[Properties(Tests = 13, AutoGenConfig = typeof(AutoGenConfigContainer))]
public class __

    [Property(AutoGenConfig = typeof(AutoGenConfigContainer), Tests = 2718, Skip = "just because")]
    public void Not_sure_why_youd_do_this_but_okay()


Consider extending PropertyAttribute or PropertiesAttribute to hardcode commonly used arguments. It also works with GenAttribute.

public class Five : GenAttribute<int>
    public override Gen<int> Generator => Gen.Int32(Range.FromValue(5));

public class Int13
    public static AutoGenConfig _ =>

public class PropertyInt13Attribute : PropertyAttribute
    public PropertyInt13Attribute() : base(typeof(Int13)) { }

public bool This_passes(int thirteen, [Five] int five) => thirteen == 13 && five == 5;

public class PropertiesInt13Attribute : PropertiesAttribute
    public PropertiesInt13Attribute() : base(typeof(Int13)) { }

public class ___
    public bool This_also_passes(int thirteen, [Five] int five) => thirteen == 13 && five == 5;