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title: 404 Not Found description: "404 Not Found Error: no page by this name!" thumbnail: /static/img/logo/logo-unifrakturmaguntia-lowercase-h.png thumbnail-text: "'I think you went too far.' [Image of Fraktur/blackletter lowercase letter 'H', alluding to the 'G' Fraktur logo of, humorously implying that the reader who has triggered the 404-Not-Found error did so by going too far alphabetically past the 'G'.]" created: 2009-01-27 modified: 2022-04-19 status: finished confidence: log importance: 0 css-extension: dropcaps-de-zs index: true error404: true backlink: False ...

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> Every shrub, every tree—
if one has not forgotten
where they were planted—
has beneath the fallen snow
some vestige of its form. > > Shōtetsu

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[Melatonin](/melatonin){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Anime Crop Datasets: Faces, Figures, & Hands](/crop "Branwen et al 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Banner Ads Considered Harmful](/banner "Branwen 2017"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [In Defense Of Inclusionism](/inclusionism){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Archiving URLs](/archiving){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Choose-Your-Own-Adventure AI Dungeon Games](/cyoa "Branwen 2021"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Miscellaneous](/note/note "Branwen 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [_Evangelion 2.0: The Complete Records Collection_](/doc/anime/eva/2010-crc "‘Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection’, Hikawa et al 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Prediction markets](/prediction-market){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Time-lock encryption](/self-decrypting "Branwen 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Genetics and Eugenics in Frank Herbert’s Dune-verse](/dune-genetics "Branwen 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [CO2 Coin: Carbon Capture Blockchains](/co2-coin "Branwen 2021"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - 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[Tool AIs Want to Be Agent AIs](/tool-ai "Branwen 2016"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2021/01`](/newsletter/2021/01 "‘January 2021 News’, Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [GPT-3 Nonfiction Experiments](/gpt-3-nonfiction "'GPT-3 Nonfiction', Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/08`](/newsletter/2020/08 "‘August 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/07`](/newsletter/2020/07 "‘July 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/10`](/newsletter/2020/10 "‘October 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/11`](/newsletter/2020/11 "‘November 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Terrorism is not about Terror](/terrorism-is-not-about-terror){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Sunk costs](/sunk-cost "‘Are Sunk Costs Fallacies?’, Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Magnesium Self-Experiments](/nootropic/magnesium "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The Math of Hunting Lions](/note/lion){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/04`](/newsletter/2020/04 "‘April 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/12`](/newsletter/2020/12 "‘December 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2021/06`](/newsletter/2021/06 "‘June 2021 News’, Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Silk Road 1: Theory & Practice](/doc/darknet-market/index "Branwen 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Potassium sleep experiments](/zeo/potassium "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [June 1996 _NewType_ Interview with Hideaki Anno](/doc/anime/eva/1996-newtype-anno-interview "Anno & Inoue 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} [Statistical notes](/note/statistic){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Creatine Cognition Meta-analysis](/creatine "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Culture is not about Esthetics](/culture-is-not-about-esthetics){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["The Iron Law Of Evaluation And Other Metallic Rules"](/doc/sociology/1987-rossi "Rossi 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [On Having Enough Socks](/socks "Branwen 2017"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The Replication Crisis: Flaws in Mainstream Science](/replication "Branwen 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2021/02`](/newsletter/2021/02 "‘February 2021 News’, Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Timing Technology: Lessons From _The Media Lab_](/timing "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The Kelly Coin-Flipping Game: Exact Solutions](/coin-flip "Branwen et al 2017"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/nootropic/quantified-self/index`](/doc/nootropic/quantified-self/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Iodine and Adult IQ meta-analysis](/iodine "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Dual _n_-Back Meta-Analysis](/dnb-meta-analysis "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [When Should I Check The Mail?](/mail-delivery "Branwen 2015"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2021/04`](/newsletter/2021/04 "‘April 2021 News’, Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The Existential Risk of Mathematical Error](/math-error "‘The Existential Risk of Math Errors’, Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["Ero-Anime: Manga Comes Alive"](/doc/anime/2010-sarrazin){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The "Screwfly Solution" Solution: Bi-Sexuality](/screwfly){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Predicting Google closures](/google-shutdown "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/narrowing-circle`](/narrowing-circle "‘The Narrowing Circle’, Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [_The Notenki Memoirs: Studio Gainax And The Men Who Created Evangelion_](/doc/anime/eva/notenki-memoirs/2002-takeda-notenkimemoirs "Takeda 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Who Wrote The _Death Note_ Script?](/death-note-script "Branwen 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Rubrication Design Examples](/red "Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Longevity decision analysis](/longevity "‘Life Extension Cost-Benefits’, Branwen 2015"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2019/13`](/newsletter/2019/13 "‘2019 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - 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[`/komm-susser-tod`](/komm-susser-tod){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/bitcoin/index`](/doc/bitcoin/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [CO2/ventilation sleep experiment](/zeo/co2 "Branwen 2016"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [ZMA Sleep Experiment](/zeo/zma "Branwen 2017"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [_MLP_: Immanetizing The Equestrian](/review/mlp "Branwen 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/03`](/newsletter/2020/03 "‘March 2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["Scanners Live in Vain" as realistic SF](/scanners "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Lizardman Constant in Surveys](/note/lizardman "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Anime Reviews](/review/anime "Branwen 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Resorting Media Ratings](/resorter "Branwen 2015"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Caffeine wakeup experiment](/zeo/caffeine "Branwen 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Terrorism is not Effective](/terrorism-is-not-effective){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["Shiny Balls of Mud"](/doc/japan/art/2002-gibson "‘Shiny balls of Mud: William Gibson Looks at Japanese Pursuits of Perfection’, Gibson 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/anime/index`](/doc/anime/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [SMPY Bibliography](/smpy "Branwen 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Cat Psychology & Domestication: Are We Good Owners?](/review/cat "Branwen 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Wooden pillows](/wood-pillow "‘Wooden Pillow’, Branwen 2008"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/psychology/index`](/doc/psychology/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/note/scaling`](/note/scaling "‘Machine Learning Scaling’, Branwen 2021"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Origins of Innovation: Bakewell & Breeding](/review/bakewell "Branwen 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Conscientiousness and online education](/conscientiousness "‘Conscientiousness & Online Education’, Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [The Ups and Downs of the Hope Function](/doc/statistics/bayes/1994-falk "‘The Ups and Downs of the Hope Function In a Fruitless Search’, Falk et al 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/ai/nn/transformer/gpt/index`](/doc/ai/nn/transformer/gpt/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["Loyal to the Group of Seventeen’s Story—The Just Man"](/doc/culture/1983-wolfe-thecitadeloftheautarch-thejustman "Wolfe 2018"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Charity is not about helping](/charity-is-not-about-helping){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Slowing Moore’s Law: How It Could Happen](/slowing-moores-law "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Immoral Books](/immoral-book){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [A/B testing long-form readability on](/ab-test "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [_McNamara's Folly_: The Denial of Individual Differences](/review/mcnamara){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Nash 1955](/doc/cs/cryptography/nash/1955-nash "‘John Nash on cryptography’, Nash 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Does Mouse Utopia Exist?](/mouse-utopia "Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Ordinary Incompetence](/note/competence){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/newsletter/2020/13`](/newsletter/2020/13 "‘2020 News’, Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [An Abortion Dialogue](/abortion){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [On Seeing Through and Unseeing: The Hacker Mindset](/unseeing "Branwen 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [What Is The Collecting Mindset?](/collecting){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Tea Reviews](/review/tea "Branwen 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [On the (Non) Existence of Powerful Natural Languages](/language "Branwen 2016"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/insight-porn/index`](/doc/insight-porn/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/index`](/doc/index "Documents, N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Fake Journal Club: Teaching Critical Reading](/fake-journal-club "Branwen 2022"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Wikipedia resume](/wikipedia-resume "‘Wikipedia Résumé’, Branwen 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Choosing Software](/choosing-software){.backlink-not .icon-not} - ["Otaku Talk"](/doc/anime/eva/little-boy/2004-okada){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Reasons of State: Why Didn’t Denmark Sell Greenland?](/greenland "Branwen 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Efficient Attention: Breaking The Quadratic Transformer Bottleneck](/note/attention "Branwen 2020"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [May 1997 _AnimeLand_ Interview with Hideaki Anno (English)](/doc/anime/eva/1997-anno-english "Anno 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [RNN Metadata for Mimicking Author Style](/rnn-metadata "Branwen 2015"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/japan/poetry/teika/teika`](/doc/japan/poetry/teika/teika "‘The Poems of Fujiwara no Teika’, Teika 2011"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Lithium in ground-water and well-being](/lithium "Branwen 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Making Anime With BigGAN](/biggan "Branwen 2019"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Superrationality, Hofstadter 1985](/doc/existential-risk/1985-hofstadter "‘Metamagical Themas: Sanity and Survival’, Hofstadter 2012"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Music and distraction](/music-distraction){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Dune notes](/dune "Branwen 2010"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [`/doc/nootropic/index`](/doc/nootropic/index "'Essays', N/A 2009"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [_Radiance: A Novel_](/doc/radiance/2002-scholz-radiance "Scholz et al 2013"){.backlink-not .icon-not} - [Catnip immunity and alternatives](/catnip "Branwen 2015"){.backlink-not .icon-not}