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277 lines (231 loc) · 14.4 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (231 loc) · 14.4 KB


  1. Handle string values properly in date components.
  2. Support nested routes in tabbed pages.

2.0.0 - 2020-01-21

  1. (BREAKING) Replace internal implementation of CommonSelect, CommonMultiSelect and CommonSuggest with Autocomplete. Upgrade dependency @material-ui/core >= 4.6.0.
  2. (BREAKING) wrapPickerUtilProvider calls must pass in a @date-io/moment or @date-io/date-fns utils.
  3. (BREAKING) Deprecate getInitialValues and related functionality in OmniSearchBar.
  4. (BREAKING) Removed legacy value from OmniSearch search values.
  5. (BREAKING) Deprecated ExportTableButton.
  6. (BREAKING) Deprecated Alert. Use Alert from @material-ui/lab instead.
  7. (BREAKING) Removed deprecated className prop from CommonCard.
  8. (BREAKING) Remove deprecated Navbar and renamed NavbarV2 to Navbar.
  9. (BREAKING) Rename CommonPageV2 to SlimPage. Rename CommonTabbedPageV2 to SlimTabbedPage.
  10. (BREAKING) TextInputV2 default variant is reverted to material-ui default "standard". "filled" variants must be defined explicitly.
  11. (BREAKING) TextInput is deprecated. TextInputV2 renamed to TextInput. readyOnly prop for original TextInput now renders the Material-UI TextField in readOnly mode, as opposed to ReadOnlyTextField.
  12. Simple / Paged tables can force headers to inline as opposed to wrap text.
  13. Simple / Paged tables have standardized header height.
  14. Standardize table header height.
  15. Fix selection logic to uncheck all checkboxes when checkbox header is indeterminate.
  16. Tables now support adjustToSelectableTable, which will align non-selectable table's first row to where it would be if there were a checkbox column to its left.
  17. Add pollyfill to TabbedPageV2 for ResizeObserver.
  18. Deprecate TextInput. Rename TextInputV2 to TextInput.

1.1.24 - 2019-12-03

  1. Fix margins on ExportButton, NotificationCard, and the "back" button in CommonDialogs.
  2. Add support for date-fns library for Date/Time pickers.
  3. Add PDFViewer Component.

1.1.21 - 2019-10-23

  1. AvatarIcon now accepts children.

1.1.20 - 2019-10-22

  1. Make LargeSimpleTable sortable.
  2. Add autosizeHeight prop to LargeSimpleTable.
  3. Add optional subheader prop to SignInPage.

1.1.19 - 2019-10-21

  1. Add hasColumnVisibilityChooser prop to SimpleTable and PagedTable which, if enabled, allows user to select which columns should be shown/hidden.

1.1.17 - 2019-10-21

  1. Support isVisible parameter on page configs in CommonTabbedPageV2.

1.1.16 - 2019-10-17

  1. Allow rows to be inverted in SelectionGrid.
  2. Add ability to disable tabs on CommonTabbedPageV2.
  3. Fix bug where observer call exceeding limit in CommonTabbedPageV2.
  4. Fix ExportButton to take a className.
  5. Fix ExternalLinkButton styling not to highlight like a link
  6. Fix CommonPageV2 where secondary actions were not rendering in disabled state.
  7. Add optional href prop to actions in CommonDropdownMenu.
  8. Make title larger in CommonPageV2.

1.1.13 - 2019-09-10

  1. Update /dist folder to fix import errors.

1.1.12 - 2019-09-10

  1. Fix bug to pass down onFocus and onBlur props in TextInputV2 component.

1.1.11 - 2019-09-06

  1. Change totalCount prop name to resultCount.
  2. Fix bug related to table pagination. For example when showing element 61 to 70 and user changes count per row to 25 per page, we now will show elements 51 to 75.

1.1.10 - 2019-09-06

  1. Add back old date picker for backward compatibility.
  2. Support variant for CommonSelect/CommonMultiSelect.
  3. Allow styling of DateInput/TimeInput to be more customizable.
  4. Support margin for CommonSelect/CommonMultiSelect.
  5. Add isWide prop to LargeSimpleTable, which allows columns to scroll horizontally rather than squeezing all columns into the viewable area.
  6. Add isIconButton to LinkButton.
  7. Add isLoading to TimelineCard.
  8. Fix major bug with the aforementioned isLoading prop that broke all existing TimelineCards.
  9. Add ExternalDomains type as Map or Object type.
  10. Make Navbar and Sidebars externalDomains optional, defaulting to dev mode Object.
  11. Add actions to CommonSuggest.
  12. Add accessibility text to logos. Include terms of service for GRAIL logo.
  13. Change noOptionsMessage for CommonMultiSelect when a user attempts to create a duplicate value.
  14. Add sortAccessor to PagedTableColumn which takes precedence over accessor to get passed to onSort.
  15. Columns on PagedTables that are not sortable no longer are clickable.
  16. Add CommonDropdownMenu component.
  17. Upgrade packages.
  18. Add isLoading to CommonPage, and Loading Spinner when true.
  19. Moved GrailLogo and backgroundImage (used for SignInPage) to new package @grail/common-private. When upgrading, you will need to specify logo and backgroundImage to NavBar and SignInPage as appropriate.
  20. Send { isUserSearchAction: true } when a user changes a value in OmniSearchBar.
  21. Add static footer to PagedTable for non-paginated tables, showing number of records.
  22. Add secondary actions button to CommonCard.
  23. Add some flexibility to CommonDropdownMenu, namely the ability to define anchor and transform origins and styling parameters.
  24. Add isLoading to CommonSelect and CommonMultiSelect, which adds an indefinite loading bar beneath the select when true.
  25. Remove default sidebar content and external domains. Should specify explicit content, such as from @grail/common-private.
  26. Add TextInputV2 component.
  27. Add resultCount parameter to tableOptions prop for PagedTable. This allows the display of the total number of results in table if it is known.
  28. Rename package to @grailbio/components, publish to github and npm.

1.0.0 - 2019-06-17

  1. Bug fixes and improved unit tests.
  2. Update react peer dependency to 16.8 for hooks usage.
  3. Update to Material-UI and Material-UI date-picker to 4.0.0
  4. Fix sidebar to grow and shrink using flex-grow/shrink.
  5. Add isFullBleed to PagedTable to allow for non-card based paged table that expands to 100% of the height of the parent element.
  6. Add hasTableMargin to PagedTable to enable/disable table margin.
  7. Add DateValue, DateTimeValue, and HumanizedDateTime.
  8. Standardize CommonPage-based components subtitle size.
  9. CommonPage now takes children, allowing shared components to be held or displayed across pages.
  10. CommonTabbedPage tabs now take a tabClasses prop to specify classes for each individual tab.
  11. CommonTabbedPage now has SpinnerOverlay built-in. If isLoading is provided and true, the overlay will be displayed over the page content.
  12. CommonTypeahead removed from dev components.
  13. Add SelectionGrid.
  14. CollapsableList is now identified as a specific component of NavBar.
  15. NavBar sidebar does not support placeholders anymore.
  16. Update CommonDialog and CommonMultiPageDialog to use body scrolling by default, and correct style to match latest Material UI. Delete unneeded enableOverflow.
  17. Update CSS of TwoColumnGrid so that padding doesn't obscure clickable areas.
  18. Add rowHeight prop to LargeSimpleTable. Row height for the table rows default to 50px. rowHeight can either be a number or function.
  19. Set default row width for LargeSimpleTable to 100px. This change allows a more comprehensive snapshot testing of the rendered table.
  20. Update CommonTabbedPage classes and tab styling.
  21. Update breakpoints.scss to use material-ui breakpoint values. Previously they were using bootstrap ones.
  22. Introduce new NavbarV2, a slimmer version of the original Navbar. Tag Navbar as a soon-to-be-deprecated component.
  23. Convert OmniDropdown to OmniDialog to correctly handle scroll.
  24. Add LinkButton component and use it in CommonPage. As part of this, add react-router-dom as a peer dependency.
  25. Add shadeOnHover prop to SimpleTable and PagedTable (works only when onHighlightRow is defined). Enables rows to be highlighted when hovered over.
  26. Introduce CommonPageV2 and CommonTabbedPageV2 which are slimmer versions of the original CommonPage and CommonTabbedPage.
  27. Add common.scss styles for bold purple links, etc.
  28. Update primary colors for Material components, and default plain button color.
  29. Increase button weight.
  30. Replaces ExportTableButton with ExportButton which has a slightly different signature and shows a modal to give user options (e.g. CSV/TSV) before downloading. Mark ExportTableButton as deprecated (although in the meantime it just wraps ExportButton).
  31. Update PagedTable to use new ExportButton.
  32. Rename PagedTable prop from includeExportAsCsvButton to includeExportButton.
  33. Add fetchBulkExportRows prop to PagedTable to specify bulk data to be exported when using the Export button.
  34. Support input labels for CommonSelect/CommonMultiSelect.
  35. Increase padding-left for the first column of full-bleed tables.
  36. Update buggy CSS media query for CommonDialog and get rid of unused size CSS classes.
  37. Add header option to TwoColumnGrid.

0.10.0 - 2019-04-01

  1. TabbedTimelineCard tabs are now fixed at the top of the card.
  2. Fix timeline card styling to properly handle custom heights.
  3. Timelines now support displaying the day of the week (Mon Tue Wed)
  4. TabbedTimelineCard now takes objects for each key which specify content, isTimeVisible, and isDayVisible
  5. Refactor to use new Api search types like SearchOptionsV2. See D24185
  6. Add LargeSimpleTable to render lots (100-millions) of rows of tabular data, performantly. Similar signature to SimpleTable.
  7. Make very minor adjustment to padding of SimpleTable checkboxes.
  8. Ensure that CommonSelect logs exceptions in loadOptions callback.
  9. Add Clear button to CommonSuggest and remove button padding.
  10. Add max-height and overflow to CommonSuggest popdown.
  11. Move value suggest logic to common lib.
  12. Deprecate Selector component.
  13. Add Export to CSV button in PagedTable. Can be disabled by passing includeExportAsCsvButton={false}.
  14. Add ExportTableButton which exports a CSV containing any generic data that is passed into it.
  15. Add UploadButton component to handle file uploads through a Button component.
  16. Add file utils to extract content from uploaded files.
  17. Un-export components that are used internally for testing (e.g. ExampleBlock, TestWrapper, ExampleWrapper).

0.9.0 - 2019-01-17

  1. Add a hidden element to Sidebar to collapse all content. This allows tests to consistently control the sidebar state.
  2. Dialog buttons are now variant="text" when disabled.
  3. Added more options for PagedTable pagination numbers.
  4. Add ability to use custom Components in CommonPage headeractions.
  5. Add TabbedTimelineCard.
  6. Add isClearable to CommonSelect
  7. Allow the user to choose falsey values for CommonSelect.
  8. Cleanup Flow types.
  9. Include flow definitions in build.
  10. Bug fixes.
  11. Test updates.
  12. Styleguidist updates.
  13. When rendering an omnibar on page that has been searched before, restore the last used search values. See T14858

0.8.0 - 2018-11-07

  1. Deprecate old TimelineGraph component.
  2. Rename CommonTimelineGraph to TimelineGraph.
  3. Fix TimelineGraph bug where width of content did not match the width of the card, displaying the username in different places along the timeline graph.
  4. Add OmniChip component, and communication mechanism for OmniSearchBar.
  5. No longer open omni dropdown on focus or click.
  6. OmniSearchBar localStorage now includes omni- prefix.
  7. If omni search values don't change, don't trigger a search request.
  8. Add CommonPage which provides a skeleton for a page with a title, subtitle, and optional side menu (with links to anchors on the page).
  9. Add CommonTabbedPage which extends CommonPage to allow for tabs.
  10. Add classes object to Alert component to allow more custom styling.
  11. For CommonDialog, changed color of "Close" button to "primary"
  12. Add CommonSuggest, development implementation of a free form text input with suggestions. (Dev)
  13. Add read-only functionality to CommonSelect.

0.7.0 - 2018-10-24

  1. Bug Fixes
  2. Improve testing
  3. Update PagedTable and CommonTable: scroll only the table body and limit the max-height
  4. Allow for highlighting of table rows in PagedTable and SimpleTable
  5. Add chips to PagedTable header to indicate searched fields
  6. Adjust PagedTable and SimpleTable to make scrolling more obvious.
  7. Allow custom date formats for DateInput and DateTimeInput
  8. Convert Omni-bar field to act more like Omni search. The first search field will act as global search (only if its type is OMNI_TEXT_SEARCH_TYPE). This maintains backward compatibility. Ideally, we can require an omni field definition.
  9. Create New CommonTimelineGraph and TimelineCard components, which uses Material-UI components rather than SVGs, allowing for more customization.
  10. Add classes object to some components that didn't have it before, such as CommonPanel and TwoColumnGrid
  11. Make CommonDialog scrollable

0.6.0 - 2018-08-15

CommonTypeahead will soon be deprecated for CommonSelect. CommonSelect supports all of the same features as CommonTypeahead.

  1. Added AvatarIcon.
  2. Added TabbedCard.
  3. Refactor CommonTypeahead to be entirely controlled.
  4. TwoColumnGrid rows objects now take other key-values.
  5. Pass ...otherProps to common components.
  6. Support multi-select for async select type.
  7. Support multi-select for creatable select type.
  8. Support custom content for suggestion items (formatOption).
  9. Support loading initial values into async select type.
  10. Add option to disable selectAll in CommonTable.

0.5.0 - 2018-07-31

  1. Fix pipeline navigation links.
  2. Standardized onChange behavior for CommonTypeahead.

0.4.0 - 2018-07-27

  1. Upgraded CommonTypeahead to use react-select 2.0.
  2. Revamped asyc CommonTypeahead API.
  3. Pinned DatePicker to use material-ui-pickers 1.0.0-rc.11 due to babel issue.
  4. Added notification center.
  5. Add number of selected items to table header.

0.3.0 - 2018-07-17

  1. Add classes prop to CommonCard and CommonDialog.
  2. Add error handling to Selector.
  3. Refactor CommonTypeahead (src/dev).
  4. Add MultiPageDialog.
  5. Add CommonSwitch.
  6. Fix DateInput and DateTimeInput bugs.
  7. Fix Navbar logo.

0.2.0 - 2018-06-22

  1. Use @babel/plugin-transform-runtime.
  2. Renamed package to @grail/components.

0.1.0 - 2018-06-20

1.Initial release!