From e71ece1ee1691f8c632f6987291f3c4d56f79207 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Owl Bot Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 22:54:49 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] feat: add context manager support in client chore: fix docstring for first attribute of protos committer: @busunkim96 PiperOrigin-RevId: 401271153 Source-Link: Source-Link: Copy-Tag: eyJwIjoiLmdpdGh1Yi8uT3dsQm90LnlhbWwiLCJoIjoiODFkZWNmZmU5ZmM3MjM5NmE4MTUzZTc1NmQxZDY3YTZlZWNmZDYyMCJ9 --- owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc | 17 + owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 2 + owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst | 49 + owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ | 376 ++ owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst | 7 + owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst | 6 + owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst | 10 + owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst | 7 + .../v1/google/cloud/tpu/ | 65 + owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed | 2 + .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ | 66 + .../google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json | 133 + .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed | 2 + .../google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ | 15 + .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 22 + .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 1023 +++++ .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 1241 +++++ .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 384 ++ .../services/tpu/transports/ | 33 + .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 324 ++ .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 534 +++ .../services/tpu/transports/ | 539 +++ .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ | 62 + .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ | 775 ++++ owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini | 3 + owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 132 + .../v1/scripts/ | 186 + owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 54 + owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ | 16 + owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ | 16 + .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/ | 16 + .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ | 16 + .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ | 4006 +++++++++++++++++ 33 files changed, 10139 insertions(+) create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ create mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aee7c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +[run] +branch = True + +[report] +show_missing = True +omit = + google/cloud/tpu/ +exclude_lines = + # Re-enable the standard pragma + pragma: NO COVER + # Ignore debug-only repr + def __repr__ + # Ignore pkg_resources exceptions. + # This is added at the module level as a safeguard for if someone + # generates the code and tries to run it without pip installing. This + # makes it virtually impossible to test properly. + except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14ef934 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +recursive-include google/cloud/tpu *.py +recursive-include google/cloud/tpu_v1 *.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9af6a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +Python Client for Google Cloud Tpu API +================================================= + +Quick Start +----------- + +In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps: + +1. `Select or create a Cloud Platform project.`_ +2. `Enable billing for your project.`_ +3. Enable the Google Cloud Tpu API. +4. `Setup Authentication.`_ + +.. _Select or create a Cloud Platform project.: +.. _Enable billing for your project.: +.. _Setup Authentication.: + +Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Install this library in a `virtualenv`_ using pip. `virtualenv`_ is a tool to +create isolated Python environments. The basic problem it addresses is one of +dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. + +With `virtualenv`_, it's possible to install this library without needing system +install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system +dependencies. + +.. _`virtualenv`: + + +Mac/Linux +^^^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + source /bin/activate + /bin/pip install /path/to/library + + +Windows +^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + \Scripts\activate + \Scripts\pip.exe install \path\to\library diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6b6158 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# google-cloud-tpu documentation build configuration file +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os +import shlex + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) + +__version__ = "0.1.0" + +# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ + +# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. +needs_sphinx = "1.6.3" + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be +# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom +# ones. +extensions = [ + "sphinx.ext.autodoc", + "sphinx.ext.autosummary", + "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", + "sphinx.ext.coverage", + "sphinx.ext.napoleon", + "sphinx.ext.todo", + "sphinx.ext.viewcode", +] + +# autodoc/autosummary flags +autoclass_content = "both" +autodoc_default_flags = ["members"] +autosummary_generate = True + + +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. +templates_path = ["_templates"] + +# Allow markdown includes (so can include +# +source_parsers = {".md": "recommonmark.parser.CommonMarkParser"} + +# The suffix(es) of source filenames. +# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: +source_suffix = [".rst", ".md"] + +# The encoding of source files. +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' + +# The master toctree document. +master_doc = "index" + +# General information about the project. +project = u"google-cloud-tpu" +copyright = u"2020, Google, LLC" +author = u"Google APIs" # TODO: autogenerate this bit + +# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for +# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the +# built documents. +# +# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. +release = __version__ +# The short X.Y version. +version = ".".join(release.split(".")[0:2]) + +# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +# +# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. +# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. +language = None + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +# today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all +# documents. +# default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +# add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +# add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. They are ignored by default. +# show_authors = False + +# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. +pygments_style = "sphinx" + +# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. +# modindex_common_prefix = [] + +# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. +# keep_warnings = False + +# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. +todo_include_todos = True + + +# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for +# a list of builtin themes. +html_theme = "alabaster" + +# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme +# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +html_theme_options = { + "description": "Google Cloud Client Libraries for Python", + "github_user": "googleapis", + "github_repo": "google-cloud-python", + "github_banner": True, + "font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, sans", + "head_font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, serif", + "code_font_family": "'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', monospace", +} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +# html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# " v documentation". +# html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +# html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +# html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +# html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] + +# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or +# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied +# directly to the root of the documentation. +# html_extra_path = [] + +# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, +# using the given strftime format. +# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' + +# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to +# typographically correct entities. +# html_use_smartypants = True + +# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. +# html_sidebars = {} + +# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to +# template names. +# html_additional_pages = {} + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# html_domain_indices = True + +# If false, no index is generated. +# html_use_index = True + +# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. +# html_split_index = False + +# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. +# html_show_sourcelink = True + +# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_sphinx = True + +# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_copyright = True + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +# html_use_opensearch = '' + +# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +# html_file_suffix = None + +# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index. +# Sphinx supports the following languages: +# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja' +# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr' +# html_search_language = 'en' + +# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default. +# Now only 'ja' uses this config value +# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} + +# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that +# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used. +# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = "google-cloud-tpu-doc" + +# -- Options for warnings ------------------------------------------------------ + + +suppress_warnings = [ + # Temporarily suppress this to avoid "more than one target found for + # cross-reference" warning, which are intractable for us to avoid while in + # a mono-repo. + # See + # /2a65ffeef5c107c19084fabdd706cdff3f52d93c/sphinx/domains/ + "ref.python" +] + +# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- + +latex_elements = { + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + # 'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + # 'preamble': '', + # Latex figure (float) alignment + # 'figure_align': 'htbp', +} + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. 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List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [ + ( + master_doc, + "google-cloud-tpu", + u"Google Cloud Tpu Documentation", + [author], + 1, + ) +] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ( + master_doc, + "google-cloud-tpu", + u"google-cloud-tpu Documentation", + author, + "google-cloud-tpu", + "GAPIC library for Google Cloud Tpu API", + "APIs", + ) +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = { + "python": ("", None), + "gax": ("", None), + "google-auth": ("", None), + "google-gax": ("", None), + "google.api_core": ("", None), + "grpc": ("", None), + "requests": ("", None), + "proto": ("", None), + "protobuf": ("", None), +} + + +# Napoleon settings +napoleon_google_docstring = True +napoleon_numpy_docstring = True +napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False +napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True +napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False +napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False +napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False +napoleon_use_ivar = False +napoleon_use_param = True +napoleon_use_rtype = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..355bce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +API Reference +------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + tpu_v1/services + tpu_v1/types diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..166671b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Services for Google Cloud Tpu v1 API +==================================== +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + tpu diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a42bda --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Tpu +--------------------- + +.. automodule:: + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd1c09a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Types for Google Cloud Tpu v1 API +================================= + +.. automodule:: + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8705954 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +from import TpuClient +from import TpuAsyncClient + +from import AcceleratorType +from import CreateNodeRequest +from import DeleteNodeRequest +from import GetAcceleratorTypeRequest +from import GetNodeRequest +from import GetTensorFlowVersionRequest +from import ListAcceleratorTypesRequest +from import ListAcceleratorTypesResponse +from import ListNodesRequest +from import ListNodesResponse +from import ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest +from import ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse +from import NetworkEndpoint +from import Node +from import OperationMetadata +from import ReimageNodeRequest +from import SchedulingConfig +from import StartNodeRequest +from import StopNodeRequest +from import Symptom +from import TensorFlowVersion + +__all__ = ('TpuClient', + 'TpuAsyncClient', + 'AcceleratorType', + 'CreateNodeRequest', + 'DeleteNodeRequest', + 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', + 'GetNodeRequest', + 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', + 'ListNodesRequest', + 'ListNodesResponse', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', + 'NetworkEndpoint', + 'Node', + 'OperationMetadata', + 'ReimageNodeRequest', + 'SchedulingConfig', + 'StartNodeRequest', + 'StopNodeRequest', + 'Symptom', + 'TensorFlowVersion', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e122051 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-tpu package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27c7b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# + +from .services.tpu import TpuClient +from .services.tpu import TpuAsyncClient + +from .types.cloud_tpu import AcceleratorType +from .types.cloud_tpu import CreateNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import DeleteNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import GetAcceleratorTypeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import GetNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import GetTensorFlowVersionRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListAcceleratorTypesRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListAcceleratorTypesResponse +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListNodesRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListNodesResponse +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse +from .types.cloud_tpu import NetworkEndpoint +from .types.cloud_tpu import Node +from .types.cloud_tpu import OperationMetadata +from .types.cloud_tpu import ReimageNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import SchedulingConfig +from .types.cloud_tpu import StartNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import StopNodeRequest +from .types.cloud_tpu import Symptom +from .types.cloud_tpu import TensorFlowVersion + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuAsyncClient', +'AcceleratorType', +'CreateNodeRequest', +'DeleteNodeRequest', +'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', +'GetNodeRequest', +'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', +'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', +'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', +'ListNodesRequest', +'ListNodesResponse', +'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', +'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', +'NetworkEndpoint', +'Node', +'OperationMetadata', +'ReimageNodeRequest', +'SchedulingConfig', +'StartNodeRequest', +'StopNodeRequest', +'Symptom', +'TensorFlowVersion', +'TpuClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ac37b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ + { + "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods", + "language": "python", + "libraryPackage": "", + "protoPackage": "", + "schema": "1.0", + "services": { + "Tpu": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "TpuClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateNode": { + "methods": [ + "create_node" + ] + }, + "DeleteNode": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node" + ] + }, + "GetAcceleratorType": { + "methods": [ + "get_accelerator_type" + ] + }, + "GetNode": { + "methods": [ + "get_node" + ] + }, + "GetTensorFlowVersion": { + "methods": [ + "get_tensor_flow_version" + ] + }, + "ListAcceleratorTypes": { + "methods": [ + "list_accelerator_types" + ] + }, + "ListNodes": { + "methods": [ + "list_nodes" + ] + }, + "ListTensorFlowVersions": { + "methods": [ + "list_tensor_flow_versions" + ] + }, + "ReimageNode": { + "methods": [ + "reimage_node" + ] + }, + "StartNode": { + "methods": [ + "start_node" + ] + }, + "StopNode": { + "methods": [ + "stop_node" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "TpuAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "CreateNode": { + "methods": [ + "create_node" + ] + }, + "DeleteNode": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node" + ] + }, + "GetAcceleratorType": { + "methods": [ + "get_accelerator_type" + ] + }, + "GetNode": { + "methods": [ + "get_node" + ] + }, + "GetTensorFlowVersion": { + "methods": [ + "get_tensor_flow_version" + ] + }, + "ListAcceleratorTypes": { + "methods": [ + "list_accelerator_types" + ] + }, + "ListNodes": { + "methods": [ + "list_nodes" + ] + }, + "ListTensorFlowVersions": { + "methods": [ + "list_tensor_flow_versions" + ] + }, + "ReimageNode": { + "methods": [ + "reimage_node" + ] + }, + "StartNode": { + "methods": [ + "start_node" + ] + }, + "StopNode": { + "methods": [ + "stop_node" + ] + } + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e122051 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-tpu package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4de6597 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..935007e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import TpuClient +from .async_client import TpuAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuClient', + 'TpuAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad422a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +import google.api_core.client_options as ClientOptions # type: ignore +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore +from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.api_core import operation # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore +from import pagers +from import cloud_tpu +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import TpuClient + + +class TpuAsyncClient: + """Manages TPU nodes and other resources + TPU API v1 + """ + + _client: TpuClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = TpuClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = TpuClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + accelerator_type_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.accelerator_type_path) + parse_accelerator_type_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_accelerator_type_path) + node_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.node_path) + parse_node_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_node_path) + tensor_flow_version_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path) + parse_tensor_flow_version_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_tensor_flow_version_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + TpuAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return TpuClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(TpuAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + TpuAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return TpuClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(TpuAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> TpuTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + TpuTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(TpuClient).get_transport_class, type(TpuClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + transport: Union[str, TpuTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: ClientOptions = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the tpu client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.TpuTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = TpuClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def list_nodes(self, + request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager: + r"""Lists nodes. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [ListNodes][]. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListNodes][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_nodes, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.Node: + r"""Gets the details of a node. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [GetNode][]. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A TPU instance. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + node: cloud_tpu.Node = None, + node_id: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: + r"""Creates a node. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [CreateNode][]. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node (:class:``): + Required. The node. + This corresponds to the ``node`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_id (:class:`str`): + The unqualified resource name. + This corresponds to the ``node_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, node, node_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if node is not None: + request.node = node + if node_id is not None: + request.node_id = node_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation_async.from_gapic( + response, + self._client._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: + r"""Deletes a node. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [DeleteNode][]. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation_async.from_gapic( + response, + self._client._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def reimage_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: + r"""Reimages a node's OS. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [ReimageNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.reimage_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation_async.from_gapic( + response, + self._client._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def stop_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: + r"""Stops a node. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [StopNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.stop_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation_async.from_gapic( + response, + self._client._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def start_node(self, + request: cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: + r"""Starts a node. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [StartNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.start_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation_async.from_gapic( + response, + self._client._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_tensor_flow_versions(self, + request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager: + r"""List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_tensor_flow_versions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_tensor_flow_version(self, + request: cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion: + r"""Gets TensorFlow Version. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A tensorflow version that a Node can + be configured with. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_tensor_flow_version, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_accelerator_types(self, + request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager: + r"""Lists accelerator types supported by this API. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_accelerator_types, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_accelerator_type(self, + request: cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType: + r"""Gets AcceleratorType. + + Args: + request (:class:``): + The request object. Request for + [GetAcceleratorType][]. + name (:class:`str`): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A accelerator type that a Node can be + configured with. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_accelerator_type, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-cloud-tpu", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "TpuAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c22bd8b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from distutils import util +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import pkg_resources + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib # type: ignore +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore +from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.api_core import operation # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore +from import pagers +from import cloud_tpu +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import TpuGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class TpuClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the Tpu client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[TpuTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = TpuGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: str = None, + ) -> Type[TpuTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class TpuClient(metaclass=TpuClientMeta): + """Manages TPU nodes and other resources + TPU API v1 + """ + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*" and "*" to + "*" and "*" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "", "" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace("", "") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + TpuClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + TpuClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> TpuTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + TpuTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def accelerator_type_path(project: str,location: str,accelerator_type: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified accelerator_type string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/acceleratorTypes/{accelerator_type}".format(project=project, location=location, accelerator_type=accelerator_type, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_accelerator_type_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a accelerator_type path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/acceleratorTypes/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def node_path(project: str,location: str,node: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified node string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/nodes/{node}".format(project=project, location=location, node=node, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_node_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a node path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/nodes/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def tensor_flow_version_path(project: str,location: str,tensor_flow_version: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified tensor_flow_version string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/tensorFlowVersions/{tensor_flow_version}".format(project=project, location=location, tensor_flow_version=tensor_flow_version, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_tensor_flow_version_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a tensor_flow_version path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/tensorFlowVersions/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, TpuTransport, None] = None, + client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the tpu client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, TpuTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + + # Create SSL credentials for mutual TLS if needed. + use_client_cert = bool(util.strtobool(os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false"))) + + client_cert_source_func = None + is_mtls = False + if use_client_cert: + if client_options.client_cert_source: + is_mtls = True + client_cert_source_func = client_options.client_cert_source + else: + is_mtls = mtls.has_default_client_cert_source() + if is_mtls: + client_cert_source_func = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + else: + client_cert_source_func = None + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + else: + use_mtls_env = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_mtls_env == "never": + api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + elif use_mtls_env == "always": + api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + elif use_mtls_env == "auto": + if is_mtls: + api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + raise MutualTLSChannelError( + "Unsupported GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT value. Accepted " + "values: never, auto, always" + ) + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, TpuTransport): + # transport is a TpuTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + def list_nodes(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListNodesPager: + r"""Lists nodes. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [ListNodes][]. + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListNodes][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_nodes] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListNodesPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.Node: + r"""Gets the details of a node. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [GetNode][]. + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A TPU instance. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + node: cloud_tpu.Node = None, + node_id: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation.Operation: + r"""Creates a node. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [CreateNode][]. + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node ( + Required. The node. + This corresponds to the ``node`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_id (str): + The unqualified resource name. + This corresponds to the ``node_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation.Operation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent, node, node_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + if node is not None: + request.node = node + if node_id is not None: + request.node_id = node_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation.from_gapic( + response, + self._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation.Operation: + r"""Deletes a node. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [DeleteNode][]. + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation.Operation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation.from_gapic( + response, + self._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def reimage_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation.Operation: + r"""Reimages a node's OS. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [ReimageNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation.Operation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.reimage_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation.from_gapic( + response, + self._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def stop_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation.Operation: + r"""Stops a node. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [StopNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation.Operation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.stop_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation.from_gapic( + response, + self._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def start_node(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> operation.Operation: + r"""Starts a node. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [StartNode][]. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.api_core.operation.Operation: + An object representing a long-running operation. + + The result type for the operation will be + :class:`` A TPU instance. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.start_node] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Wrap the response in an operation future. + response = operation.from_gapic( + response, + self._transport.operations_client, + cloud_tpu.Node, + metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_tensor_flow_versions(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager: + r"""List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_tensor_flow_versions] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_tensor_flow_version(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion: + r"""Gets TensorFlow Version. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A tensorflow version that a Node can + be configured with. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_tensor_flow_version] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_accelerator_types(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, dict] = None, + *, + parent: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager: + r"""Lists accelerator types supported by this API. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + Response for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + + Iterating over this object will yield results and + resolve additional pages automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_accelerator_types] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_accelerator_type(self, + request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest, dict] = None, + *, + name: str = None, + retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: float = None, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType: + r"""Gets AcceleratorType. + + Args: + request (Union[, dict]): + The request object. Request for + [GetAcceleratorType][]. + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + + A accelerator type that a Node can be + configured with. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): + request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if name is not None: + = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_accelerator_type] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name",, + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + "google-cloud-tpu", + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + +__all__ = ( + "TpuClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7761e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from import cloud_tpu + + +class ListNodesPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_nodes`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``nodes`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListNodes`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``nodes`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse], + request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.Node]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.nodes + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListNodesAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_nodes`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``nodes`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListNodes`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``nodes`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]], + request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.Node]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.nodes: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTensorFlowVersionsPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_tensor_flow_versions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``tensorflow_versions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTensorFlowVersions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``tensorflow_versions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse], + request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.tensorflow_versions + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_tensor_flow_versions`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``tensorflow_versions`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListTensorFlowVersions`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``tensorflow_versions`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]], + request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.tensorflow_versions: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListAcceleratorTypesPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_accelerator_types`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``accelerator_types`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListAcceleratorTypes`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``accelerator_types`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse], + request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.accelerator_types + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_accelerator_types`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``accelerator_types`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListAcceleratorTypes`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``accelerator_types`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]], + request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, + response: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request ( + The initial request object. + response ( + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.accelerator_types: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..773eb98 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import TpuTransport +from .grpc import TpuGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[TpuTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = TpuGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuTransport', + 'TpuGrpcTransport', + 'TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7495575 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union +import packaging.version +import pkg_resources + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core # type: ignore +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore +from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from import cloud_tpu +from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore + +try: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( + gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( + 'google-cloud-tpu', + ).version, + ) +except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: + DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + +try: + # google.auth.__version__ was added in 1.26.0 + _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = google.auth.__version__ +except AttributeError: + try: # try pkg_resources if it is available + _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution("google-auth").version + except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: # pragma: NO COVER + _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = None + + +class TpuTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for Tpu.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + '', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = '' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + scopes_kwargs = self._get_scopes_kwargs(self._host, scopes) + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + # TODO(busunkim): This method is in the base transport + # to avoid duplicating code across the transport classes. These functions + # should be deleted once the minimum required versions of google-auth is increased. + + # TODO: Remove this function once google-auth >= 1.25.0 is required + @classmethod + def _get_scopes_kwargs(cls, host: str, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> Dict[str, Optional[Sequence[str]]]: + """Returns scopes kwargs to pass to google-auth methods depending on the google-auth version""" + + scopes_kwargs = {} + + if _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION and ( + packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) + >= packaging.version.parse("1.25.0") + ): + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": cls.AUTH_SCOPES} + else: + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes or cls.AUTH_SCOPES} + + return scopes_kwargs + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.list_nodes: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_nodes, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.reimage_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.reimage_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.stop_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.stop_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.start_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.start_node, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_tensor_flow_versions: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_tensor_flow_versions, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_tensor_flow_version: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_tensor_flow_version, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_accelerator_types: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_accelerator_types, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_accelerator_type: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_accelerator_type, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: + """Return the client designed to process long-running operations.""" + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.Node, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.Node] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], + Union[ + operations_pb2.Operation, + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], + Union[ + operations_pb2.Operation, + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], + Union[ + operations_pb2.Operation, + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], + Union[ + operations_pb2.Operation, + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def start_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], + Union[ + operations_pb2.Operation, + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], + Union[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType, + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..599676e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from import cloud_tpu +from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class TpuGrpcTransport(TpuTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for Tpu. + + Manages TPU nodes and other resources + TPU API v1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = '', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Sequence[str] = None, + channel: grpc.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + self._operations_client = None + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + credentials=self._credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = '', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: str = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: + """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same + client. + """ + # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. + if self._operations_client is None: + self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsClient( + self.grpc_channel + ) + + # Return the client from cache. + return self._operations_client + + @property + def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list nodes method over gRPC. + + Lists nodes. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodesRequest], + ~.ListNodesResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_nodes' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_nodes'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_nodes'] + + @property + def get_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], + cloud_tpu.Node]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node method over gRPC. + + Gets the details of a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodeRequest], + ~.Node]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.Node.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node'] + + @property + def create_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], + operations_pb2.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node method over gRPC. + + Creates a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node'] + + @property + def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], + operations_pb2.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node'] + + @property + def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], + operations_pb2.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the reimage node method over gRPC. + + Reimages a node's OS. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ReimageNodeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'reimage_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['reimage_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['reimage_node'] + + @property + def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], + operations_pb2.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the stop node method over gRPC. + + Stops a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StopNodeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'stop_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['stop_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['stop_node'] + + @property + def start_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], + operations_pb2.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the start node method over gRPC. + + Starts a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartNodeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['start_node'] + + @property + def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list tensor flow versions method over gRPC. + + List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], + ~.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_tensor_flow_versions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] + + @property + def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: + r"""Return a callable for the get tensor flow version method over gRPC. + + Gets TensorFlow Version. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], + ~.TensorFlowVersion]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_tensor_flow_version' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] + + @property + def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list accelerator types method over gRPC. + + Lists accelerator types supported by this API. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], + ~.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_accelerator_types' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] + + @property + def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: + r"""Return a callable for the get accelerator type method over gRPC. + + Gets AcceleratorType. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], + ~.AcceleratorType]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_accelerator_type' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81da9c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +import packaging.version + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from import cloud_tpu +from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import TpuGrpcTransport + + +class TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport(TpuTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for Tpu. + + Manages TPU nodes and other resources + TPU API v1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = '', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = '', + credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: aio.Channel = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, + client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + self._operations_client = None + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + credentials=self._credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient: + """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same + client. + """ + # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. + if self._operations_client is None: + self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient( + self.grpc_channel + ) + + # Return the client from cache. + return self._operations_client + + @property + def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list nodes method over gRPC. + + Lists nodes. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodesRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListNodesResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_nodes' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_nodes'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_nodes'] + + @property + def get_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.Node]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node method over gRPC. + + Gets the details of a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Node]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.Node.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node'] + + @property + def create_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node method over gRPC. + + Creates a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node'] + + @property + def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node'] + + @property + def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the reimage node method over gRPC. + + Reimages a node's OS. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ReimageNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'reimage_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['reimage_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['reimage_node'] + + @property + def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the stop node method over gRPC. + + Stops a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StopNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'stop_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['stop_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['stop_node'] + + @property + def start_node(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], + Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the start node method over gRPC. + + Starts a node. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartNodeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_node' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['start_node'] + + @property + def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list tensor flow versions method over gRPC. + + List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_tensor_flow_versions' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] + + @property + def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get tensor flow version method over gRPC. + + Gets TensorFlow Version. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], + Awaitable[~.TensorFlowVersion]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_tensor_flow_version' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] + + @property + def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list accelerator types method over gRPC. + + Lists accelerator types supported by this API. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_accelerator_types' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] + + @property + def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ + [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], + Awaitable[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get accelerator type method over gRPC. + + Gets AcceleratorType. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], + Awaitable[~.AcceleratorType]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_accelerator_type' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/', + request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04a8211 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .cloud_tpu import ( + AcceleratorType, + CreateNodeRequest, + DeleteNodeRequest, + GetAcceleratorTypeRequest, + GetNodeRequest, + GetTensorFlowVersionRequest, + ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, + ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, + ListNodesRequest, + ListNodesResponse, + ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, + ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, + NetworkEndpoint, + Node, + OperationMetadata, + ReimageNodeRequest, + SchedulingConfig, + StartNodeRequest, + StopNodeRequest, + Symptom, + TensorFlowVersion, +) + +__all__ = ( + 'AcceleratorType', + 'CreateNodeRequest', + 'DeleteNodeRequest', + 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', + 'GetNodeRequest', + 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', + 'ListNodesRequest', + 'ListNodesResponse', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', + 'NetworkEndpoint', + 'Node', + 'OperationMetadata', + 'ReimageNodeRequest', + 'SchedulingConfig', + 'StartNodeRequest', + 'StopNodeRequest', + 'Symptom', + 'TensorFlowVersion', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0930893 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ @@ -0,0 +1,775 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import proto # type: ignore + +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore + + +__protobuf__ = proto.module( + package='', + manifest={ + 'SchedulingConfig', + 'NetworkEndpoint', + 'Node', + 'ListNodesRequest', + 'ListNodesResponse', + 'GetNodeRequest', + 'CreateNodeRequest', + 'DeleteNodeRequest', + 'ReimageNodeRequest', + 'StopNodeRequest', + 'StartNodeRequest', + 'TensorFlowVersion', + 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', + 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', + 'AcceleratorType', + 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', + 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', + 'OperationMetadata', + 'Symptom', + }, +) + + +class SchedulingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Sets the scheduling options for this node. + + Attributes: + preemptible (bool): + Defines whether the node is preemptible. + reserved (bool): + Whether the node is created under a + reservation. + """ + + preemptible = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + reserved = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + +class NetworkEndpoint(proto.Message): + r"""A network endpoint over which a TPU worker can be reached. + + Attributes: + ip_address (str): + The IP address of this network endpoint. + port (int): + The port of this network endpoint. + """ + + ip_address = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + port = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + + +class Node(proto.Message): + r"""A TPU instance. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Output only. Immutable. The name of the TPU + description (str): + The user-supplied description of the TPU. + Maximum of 512 characters. + accelerator_type (str): + Required. The type of hardware accelerators + associated with this node. + ip_address (str): + Output only. DEPRECATED! Use network_endpoints instead. The + network address for the TPU Node as visible to Compute + Engine instances. + port (str): + Output only. DEPRECATED! Use network_endpoints instead. The + network port for the TPU Node as visible to Compute Engine + instances. + state ( + Output only. The current state for the TPU + Node. + health_description (str): + Output only. If this field is populated, it + contains a description of why the TPU Node is + unhealthy. + tensorflow_version (str): + Required. The version of Tensorflow running + in the Node. + network (str): + The name of a network they wish to peer the + TPU node to. It must be a preexisting Compute + Engine network inside of the project on which + this API has been activated. If none is + provided, "default" will be used. + cidr_block (str): + The CIDR block that the TPU node will use + when selecting an IP address. This CIDR block + must be a /29 block; the Compute Engine networks + API forbids a smaller block, and using a larger + block would be wasteful (a node can only consume + one IP address). Errors will occur if the CIDR + block has already been used for a currently + existing TPU node, the CIDR block conflicts with + any subnetworks in the user's provided network, + or the provided network is peered with another + network that is using that CIDR block. + service_account (str): + Output only. The service account used to run + the tensor flow services within the node. To + share resources, including Google Cloud Storage + data, with the Tensorflow job running in the + Node, this account must have permissions to that + data. + create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + Output only. The time when the node was + created. + scheduling_config ( + The scheduling options for this node. + network_endpoints (Sequence[]): + Output only. The network endpoints where TPU + workers can be accessed and sent work. It is + recommended that Tensorflow clients of the node + reach out to the 0th entry in this map first. + health ( + The health status of the TPU node. + labels (Sequence[]): + Resource labels to represent user-provided + metadata. + use_service_networking (bool): + Whether the VPC peering for the node is set up through + Service Networking API. The VPC Peering should be set up + before provisioning the node. If this field is set, + cidr_block field should not be specified. If the network, + that you want to peer the TPU Node to, is Shared VPC + networks, the node must be created with this this field + enabled. + api_version ( + Output only. The API version that created + this Node. + symptoms (Sequence[]): + Output only. The Symptoms that have occurred + to the TPU Node. + """ + class State(proto.Enum): + r"""Represents the different states of a TPU node during its + lifecycle. + """ + STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CREATING = 1 + READY = 2 + RESTARTING = 3 + REIMAGING = 4 + DELETING = 5 + REPAIRING = 6 + STOPPED = 8 + STOPPING = 9 + STARTING = 10 + PREEMPTED = 11 + TERMINATED = 12 + HIDING = 13 + HIDDEN = 14 + UNHIDING = 15 + + class Health(proto.Enum): + r"""Health defines the status of a TPU node as reported by + Health Monitor. + """ + HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + HEALTHY = 1 + DEPRECATED_UNHEALTHY = 2 + TIMEOUT = 3 + UNHEALTHY_TENSORFLOW = 4 + UNHEALTHY_MAINTENANCE = 5 + + class ApiVersion(proto.Enum): + r"""TPU API Version.""" + API_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + V1_ALPHA1 = 1 + V1 = 2 + V2_ALPHA1 = 3 + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + description = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + accelerator_type = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + ip_address = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + port = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=14, + ) + state = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=9, + enum=State, + ) + health_description = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + tensorflow_version = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + network = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=12, + ) + cidr_block = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + service_account = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=15, + ) + create_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + scheduling_config = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='SchedulingConfig', + ) + network_endpoints = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='NetworkEndpoint', + ) + health = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=22, + enum=Health, + ) + labels = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=24, + ) + use_service_networking = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=27, + ) + api_version = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=38, + enum=ApiVersion, + ) + symptoms = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='Symptom', + ) + + +class ListNodesRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [ListNodes][]. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + page_size (int): + The maximum number of items to return. + page_token (str): + The next_page_token value returned from a previous List + request, if any. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class ListNodesResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for [ListNodes][]. + + Attributes: + nodes (Sequence[]): + The listed nodes. + next_page_token (str): + The next page token or empty if none. + unreachable (Sequence[str]): + Locations that could not be reached. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + nodes = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Node', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class GetNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [GetNode][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class CreateNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [CreateNode][]. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + node_id (str): + The unqualified resource name. + node ( + Required. The node. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + node_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + node = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='Node', + ) + + +class DeleteNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [DeleteNode][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ReimageNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [ReimageNode][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The resource name. + tensorflow_version (str): + The version for reimage to create. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + tensorflow_version = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class StopNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [StopNode][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class StartNodeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for [StartNode][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class TensorFlowVersion(proto.Message): + r"""A tensorflow version that a Node can be configured with. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The resource name. + version (str): + the tensorflow version. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + version = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for + [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + page_size (int): + The maximum number of items to return. + page_token (str): + The next_page_token value returned from a previous List + request, if any. + filter (str): + List filter. + order_by (str): + Sort results. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + filter = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + order_by = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for + [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. + + Attributes: + tensorflow_versions (Sequence[]): + The listed nodes. + next_page_token (str): + The next page token or empty if none. + unreachable (Sequence[str]): + Locations that could not be reached. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + tensorflow_versions = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='TensorFlowVersion', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class AcceleratorType(proto.Message): + r"""A accelerator type that a Node can be configured with. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The resource name. + type_ (str): + the accelerator type. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + type_ = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for + [GetAcceleratorType][]. + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. The resource name. + """ + + name = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Request for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The parent resource name. + page_size (int): + The maximum number of items to return. + page_token (str): + The next_page_token value returned from a previous List + request, if any. + filter (str): + List filter. + order_by (str): + Sort results. + """ + + parent = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + page_size = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + filter = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + order_by = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class ListAcceleratorTypesResponse(proto.Message): + r"""Response for + [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. + + Attributes: + accelerator_types (Sequence[]): + The listed nodes. + next_page_token (str): + The next page token or empty if none. + unreachable (Sequence[str]): + Locations that could not be reached. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + accelerator_types = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='AcceleratorType', + ) + next_page_token = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class OperationMetadata(proto.Message): + r"""Metadata describing an [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] + + Attributes: + create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time the operation was created. + end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time the operation finished running. + target (str): + Target of the operation - for example + projects/project-1/connectivityTests/test-1 + verb (str): + Name of the verb executed by the operation. + status_detail (str): + Human-readable status of the operation, if + any. + cancel_requested (bool): + Specifies if cancellation was requested for + the operation. + api_version (str): + API version. + """ + + create_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + end_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + target = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + verb = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + status_detail = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + cancel_requested = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=6, + ) + api_version = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class Symptom(proto.Message): + r"""A Symptom instance. + + Attributes: + create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + Timestamp when the Symptom is created. + symptom_type ( + Type of the Symptom. + details (str): + Detailed information of the current Symptom. + worker_id (str): + A string used to uniquely distinguish a + worker within a TPU node. + """ + class SymptomType(proto.Enum): + r"""SymptomType represents the different types of Symptoms that a + TPU can be at. + """ + SYMPTOM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + LOW_MEMORY = 1 + OUT_OF_MEMORY = 2 + EXECUTE_TIMED_OUT = 3 + MESH_BUILD_FAIL = 4 + HBM_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 5 + PROJECT_ABUSE = 6 + + create_time = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + symptom_type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=SymptomType, + ) + details = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + worker_id = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4505b48 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[mypy] +python_version = 3.6 +namespace_packages = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..765ac89 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import pathlib +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + + +import nox # type: ignore + +CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() + +LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE = CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "constraints.txt" +PACKAGE_NAME = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "", "--name"], encoding="utf-8") + + +nox.sessions = [ + "unit", + "cover", + "mypy", + "check_lower_bounds" + # exclude update_lower_bounds from default + "docs", +] + +@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']) +def unit(session): + """Run the unit test suite.""" + + session.install('coverage', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'asyncmock', 'pytest-asyncio') + session.install('-e', '.') + + + 'py.test', + '--quiet', + '--cov=google/cloud/tpu_v1/', + '--cov-config=.coveragerc', + '--cov-report=term', + '--cov-report=html', + os.path.join('tests', 'unit', ''.join(session.posargs)) + ) + + +@nox.session(python='3.7') +def cover(session): + """Run the final coverage report. + This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit + test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. + """ + session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") +"coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") + +"coverage", "erase") + + +@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7']) +def mypy(session): + """Run the type checker.""" + session.install('mypy', 'types-pkg_resources') + session.install('.') + + 'mypy', + '--explicit-package-bases', + 'google', + ) + + +@nox.session +def update_lower_bounds(session): + """Update lower bounds in constraints.txt to match""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'update', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + + +@nox.session +def check_lower_bounds(session): + """Check lower bounds in are reflected in constraints file""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'check', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + +@nox.session(python='3.6') +def docs(session): + """Build the docs for this library.""" + + session.install("-e", ".") + session.install("sphinx<3.0.0", "alabaster", "recommonmark") + + shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) + + "sphinx-build", + "-W", # warnings as errors + "-T", # show full traceback on exception + "-N", # no colors + "-b", + "html", + "-d", + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), + os.path.join("docs", ""), + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), + ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8436916 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import argparse +import os +import libcst as cst +import pathlib +import sys +from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple) + + +def partition( + predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], + iterator: Sequence[Any] +) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: + """A stable, out-of-place partition.""" + results = ([], []) + + for i in iterator: + results[int(predicate(i))].append(i) + + # Returns trueList, falseList + return results[1], results[0] + + +class tpuCallTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer): + CTRL_PARAMS: Tuple[str] = ('retry', 'timeout', 'metadata') + METHOD_TO_PARAMS: Dict[str, Tuple[str]] = { + 'create_node': ('parent', 'node', 'node_id', ), + 'delete_node': ('name', ), + 'get_accelerator_type': ('name', ), + 'get_node': ('name', ), + 'get_tensor_flow_version': ('name', ), + 'list_accelerator_types': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', 'filter', 'order_by', ), + 'list_nodes': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'list_tensor_flow_versions': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', 'filter', 'order_by', ), + 'reimage_node': ('name', 'tensorflow_version', ), + 'start_node': ('name', ), + 'stop_node': ('name', ), + } + + def leave_Call(self, original: cst.Call, updated: cst.Call) -> cst.CSTNode: + try: + key = original.func.attr.value + kword_params = self.METHOD_TO_PARAMS[key] + except (AttributeError, KeyError): + # Either not a method from the API or too convoluted to be sure. + return updated + + # If the existing code is valid, keyword args come after positional args. + # Therefore, all positional args must map to the first parameters. + args, kwargs = partition(lambda a: not bool(a.keyword), updated.args) + if any(k.keyword.value == "request" for k in kwargs): + # We've already fixed this file, don't fix it again. + return updated + + kwargs, ctrl_kwargs = partition( + lambda a: a.keyword.value not in self.CTRL_PARAMS, + kwargs + ) + + args, ctrl_args = args[:len(kword_params)], args[len(kword_params):] + ctrl_kwargs.extend(cst.Arg(value=a.value, keyword=cst.Name(value=ctrl)) + for a, ctrl in zip(ctrl_args, self.CTRL_PARAMS)) + + request_arg = cst.Arg( + value=cst.Dict([ + cst.DictElement( + cst.SimpleString("'{}'".format(name)), +cst.Element(value=arg.value) + ) + # Note: the args + kwargs looks silly, but keep in mind that + # the control parameters had to be stripped out, and that + # those could have been passed positionally or by keyword. + for name, arg in zip(kword_params, args + kwargs)]), + keyword=cst.Name("request") + ) + + return updated.with_changes( + args=[request_arg] + ctrl_kwargs + ) + + +def fix_files( + in_dir: pathlib.Path, + out_dir: pathlib.Path, + *, + transformer=tpuCallTransformer(), +): + """Duplicate the input dir to the output dir, fixing file method calls. + + Preconditions: + * in_dir is a real directory + * out_dir is a real, empty directory + """ + pyfile_gen = ( + pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root, f)) + for root, _, files in os.walk(in_dir) + for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".py" + ) + + for fpath in pyfile_gen: + with open(fpath, 'r') as f: + src = + + # Parse the code and insert method call fixes. + tree = cst.parse_module(src) + updated = tree.visit(transformer) + + # Create the path and directory structure for the new file. + updated_path = out_dir.joinpath(fpath.relative_to(in_dir)) + updated_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + + # Generate the updated source file at the corresponding path. + with open(updated_path, 'w') as f: + f.write(updated.code) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="""Fix up source that uses the tpu client library. + +The existing sources are NOT overwritten but are copied to output_dir with changes made. + +Note: This tool operates at a best-effort level at converting positional + parameters in client method calls to keyword based parameters. + Cases where it WILL FAIL include + A) * or ** expansion in a method call. + B) Calls via function or method alias (includes free function calls) + C) Indirect or dispatched calls (e.g. the method is looked up dynamically) + + These all constitute false negatives. The tool will also detect false + positives when an API method shares a name with another method. +""") + parser.add_argument( + '-d', + '--input-directory', + required=True, + dest='input_dir', + help='the input directory to walk for python files to fix up', + ) + parser.add_argument( + '-o', + '--output-directory', + required=True, + dest='output_dir', + help='the directory to output files fixed via un-flattening', + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + input_dir = pathlib.Path(args.input_dir) + output_dir = pathlib.Path(args.output_dir) + if not input_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"input directory '{input_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if not output_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if os.listdir(output_dir): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' is not empty", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + fix_files(input_dir, output_dir) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cc9ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import io +import os +import setuptools # type: ignore + +version = '0.1.0' + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +readme_filename = os.path.join(package_root, 'README.rst') +with, encoding='utf-8') as readme_file: + readme = + +setuptools.setup( + name='google-cloud-tpu', + version=version, + long_description=readme, + packages=setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find(), + namespace_packages=('google', ''), + platforms='Posix; MacOS X; Windows', + include_package_data=True, + install_requires=( + 'google-api-core[grpc] >= 1.27.0, < 3.0.0dev', + 'libcst >= 0.2.5', + 'proto-plus >= 1.15.0', + 'packaging >= 14.3', ), + python_requires='>=3.6', + classifiers=[ + 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', + 'Intended Audience :: Developers', + 'Operating System :: OS Independent', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', + 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', + 'Topic :: Internet', + 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', + ], + zip_safe=False, +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54a5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54a5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54a5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54a5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..876031b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ @@ -0,0 +1,4006 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import mock +import packaging.version + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule + + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import future +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore +from google.api_core import operations_v1 +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from import TpuAsyncClient +from import TpuClient +from import pagers +from import transports +from import _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION +from import cloud_tpu +from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +import google.auth + + +# TODO(busunkim): Once google-auth >= 1.25.0 is required transitively +# through google-api-core: +# - Delete the auth "less than" test cases +# - Delete these pytest markers (Make the "greater than or equal to" tests the default). +requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 = pytest.mark.skipif( + packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) >= packaging.version.parse("1.25.0"), + reason="This test requires google-auth < 1.25.0", +) +requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 = pytest.mark.skipif( + packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) < packaging.version.parse("1.25.0"), + reason="This test requires google-auth >= 1.25.0", +) + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "" + api_mtls_endpoint = "" + sandbox_endpoint = "" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "" + non_googleapi = "" + + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + TpuClient, + TpuAsyncClient, +]) +def test_tpu_client_from_service_account_info(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == '' + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_tpu_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + TpuClient, + TpuAsyncClient, +]) +def test_tpu_client_from_service_account_file(client_class): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json") + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == '' + + +def test_tpu_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = TpuClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.TpuGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = TpuClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.TpuGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(TpuClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuClient)) +@mock.patch.object(TpuAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuAsyncClient)) +def test_tpu_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(TpuClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(TpuClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class() + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class() + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class() + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class() + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(TpuClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuClient)) +@mock.patch.object(TpuAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_tpu_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class() + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class() + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_tpu_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_tpu_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +def test_tpu_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = TpuClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + ) + + +def test_list_nodes(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + ) + response = client.list_nodes(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListNodesPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +def test_list_nodes_from_dict(): + test_list_nodes(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_nodes_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_nodes() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_nodes(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_nodes_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_nodes_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() + client.list_nodes(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse()) + await client.list_nodes(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_nodes_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_nodes( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +def test_list_nodes_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_nodes( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_nodes( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_nodes( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_list_nodes_pager(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_nodes(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.Node) + for i in results) + +def test_list_nodes_pages(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_nodes(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_async_pager(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_nodes(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.Node) + for i in responses) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_nodes_async_pages(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_nodes), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( + nodes=[ + cloud_tpu.Node(), + cloud_tpu.Node(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_nodes(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +def test_get_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + accelerator_type='accelerator_type_value', + ip_address='ip_address_value', + port='port_value', + state=cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING, + health_description='health_description_value', + tensorflow_version='tensorflow_version_value', + network='network_value', + cidr_block='cidr_block_value', + service_account='service_account_value', + health=cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY, + use_service_networking=True, + api_version=cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1, + ) + response = client.get_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.Node) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.accelerator_type == 'accelerator_type_value' + assert response.ip_address == 'ip_address_value' + assert response.port == 'port_value' + assert response.state == cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING + assert response.health_description == 'health_description_value' + assert response.tensorflow_version == 'tensorflow_version_value' + assert == 'network_value' + assert response.cidr_block == 'cidr_block_value' + assert response.service_account == 'service_account_value' + assert == cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY + assert response.use_service_networking is True + assert response.api_version == cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1 + + +def test_get_node_from_dict(): + test_get_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + accelerator_type='accelerator_type_value', + ip_address='ip_address_value', + port='port_value', + state=cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING, + health_description='health_description_value', + tensorflow_version='tensorflow_version_value', + network='network_value', + cidr_block='cidr_block_value', + service_account='service_account_value', + health=cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY, + use_service_networking=True, + api_version=cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1, + )) + response = await client.get_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.Node) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.accelerator_type == 'accelerator_type_value' + assert response.ip_address == 'ip_address_value' + assert response.port == 'port_value' + assert response.state == cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING + assert response.health_description == 'health_description_value' + assert response.tensorflow_version == 'tensorflow_version_value' + assert == 'network_value' + assert response.cidr_block == 'cidr_block_value' + assert response.service_account == 'service_account_value' + assert == cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY + assert response.use_service_networking is True + assert response.api_version == cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1 + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() + client.get_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node()) + await client.get_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_node_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_node( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +def test_get_node_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_node( + cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_node( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_node( + cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +def test_create_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + response = client.create_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +def test_create_node_from_dict(): + test_create_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + response = await client.create_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + client.create_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) + await client.create_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_node_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_node( + parent='parent_value', + node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), + node_id='node_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + assert args[0].node == cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value') + assert args[0].node_id == 'node_id_value' + + +def test_create_node_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_node( + cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), + node_id='node_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_node( + parent='parent_value', + node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), + node_id='node_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + assert args[0].node == cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value') + assert args[0].node_id == 'node_id_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_node( + cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), + node_id='node_id_value', + ) + + +def test_delete_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + response = client.delete_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +def test_delete_node_from_dict(): + test_delete_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + response = await client.delete_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + client.delete_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) + await client.delete_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_node_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_node( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +def test_delete_node_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_node( + cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_node( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_node( + cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +def test_reimage_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.reimage_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + response = client.reimage_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +def test_reimage_node_from_dict(): + test_reimage_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_reimage_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.reimage_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.reimage_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_reimage_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.reimage_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + response = await client.reimage_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_reimage_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_reimage_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_reimage_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.reimage_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + client.reimage_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_reimage_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.reimage_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) + await client.reimage_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_stop_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.stop_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + response = client.stop_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +def test_stop_node_from_dict(): + test_stop_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_stop_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.stop_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.stop_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_stop_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.stop_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + response = await client.stop_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_stop_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_stop_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_stop_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.stop_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + client.stop_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_stop_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.stop_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) + await client.stop_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_start_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + response = client.start_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +def test_start_node_from_dict(): + test_start_node(request_type=dict) + + +def test_start_node_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_node), + '__call__') as call: + client.start_node() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_node), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( + operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') + ) + response = await client.start_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, future.Future) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_node_async_from_dict(): + await test_start_node_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_start_node_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') + client.start_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_node_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_node), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) + await client.start_node(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + ) + response = client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_from_dict(): + test_list_tensor_flow_versions(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_tensor_flow_versions() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() + client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse()) + await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_tensor_flow_versions( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_tensor_flow_versions( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_tensor_flow_versions( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_pager(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) + for i in results) + +def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_pages(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_pager(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) + for i in responses) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_pages(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( + tensorflow_versions=[ + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion( + name='name_value', + version='version_value', + ) + response = client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version_from_dict(): + test_get_tensor_flow_version(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_tensor_flow_version() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion( + name='name_value', + version='version_value', + )) + response = await client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_tensor_flow_version_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() + client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion()) + await client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_tensor_flow_version( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_tensor_flow_version( + cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_tensor_flow_version( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_tensor_flow_version( + cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +def test_list_accelerator_types(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + ) + response = client.list_accelerator_types(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_from_dict(): + test_list_accelerator_types(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_accelerator_types() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + unreachable=['unreachable_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_accelerator_types(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_accelerator_types_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() + client.list_accelerator_types(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse()) + await client.list_accelerator_types(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_accelerator_types( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_accelerator_types( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_accelerator_types( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_accelerator_types( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_list_accelerator_types_pager(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_accelerator_types(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = [i for i in pager] + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) + for i in results) + +def test_list_accelerator_types_pages(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_accelerator_types(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_pager(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_accelerator_types(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) + for i in responses) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_pages(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( + accelerator_types=[ + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + async for page_ in (await client.list_accelerator_types(request={})).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +def test_get_accelerator_type(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType( + name='name_value', + type_='type__value', + ) + response = client.get_accelerator_type(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == 'type__value' + + +def test_get_accelerator_type_from_dict(): + test_get_accelerator_type(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_accelerator_type_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_accelerator_type() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_accelerator_type_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType( + name='name_value', + type_='type__value', + )) + response = await client.get_accelerator_type(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) + assert == 'name_value' + assert response.type_ == 'type__value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_accelerator_type_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_accelerator_type_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_accelerator_type_field_headers(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() + client.get_accelerator_type(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_accelerator_type_field_headers_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() + + = 'name/value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType()) + await client.get_accelerator_type(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name/value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_accelerator_type( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_error(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_accelerator_type( + cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_accelerator_type( + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0].name == 'name_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_error_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_accelerator_type( + cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(), + name='name_value', + ) + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = TpuClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = TpuClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = TpuClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.TpuGrpcTransport, + transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.TpuGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_tpu_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.TpuTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_tpu_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.TpuTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'list_nodes', + 'get_node', + 'create_node', + 'delete_node', + 'reimage_node', + 'stop_node', + 'start_node', + 'list_tensor_flow_versions', + 'get_tensor_flow_version', + 'list_accelerator_types', + 'get_accelerator_type', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + # Additionally, the LRO client (a property) should + # also raise NotImplementedError + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.operations_client + + +@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.TpuTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + '', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_base_transport_with_credentials_file_old_google_auth(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.TpuTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", scopes=( + '', + ), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_tpu_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.TpuTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + TpuClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + '', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_auth_adc_old_google_auth(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + TpuClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=( '',), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.TpuGrpcTransport, + transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( '',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.TpuGrpcTransport, + transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 +def test_tpu_transport_auth_adc_old_google_auth(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus") + adc.assert_called_once_with(scopes=( + '', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.TpuGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_tpu_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + '', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_tpu_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +def test_tpu_host_no_port(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint=''), + ) + assert client.transport._host == '' + + +def test_tpu_host_with_port(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint=''), + ) + assert client.transport._host == '' + +def test_tpu_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_tpu_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_tpu_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_tpu_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_tpu_grpc_lro_client(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + transport = client.transport + + # Ensure that we have a api-core operations client. + assert isinstance( + transport.operations_client, + operations_v1.OperationsClient, + ) + + # Ensure that subsequent calls to the property send the exact same object. + assert transport.operations_client is transport.operations_client + + +def test_tpu_grpc_lro_async_client(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc_asyncio', + ) + transport = client.transport + + # Ensure that we have a api-core operations client. + assert isinstance( + transport.operations_client, + operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient, + ) + + # Ensure that subsequent calls to the property send the exact same object. + assert transport.operations_client is transport.operations_client + + +def test_accelerator_type_path(): + project = "squid" + location = "clam" + accelerator_type = "whelk" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/acceleratorTypes/{accelerator_type}".format(project=project, location=location, accelerator_type=accelerator_type, ) + actual = TpuClient.accelerator_type_path(project, location, accelerator_type) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_accelerator_type_path(): + expected = { + "project": "octopus", + "location": "oyster", + "accelerator_type": "nudibranch", + } + path = TpuClient.accelerator_type_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_accelerator_type_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_node_path(): + project = "cuttlefish" + location = "mussel" + node = "winkle" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/nodes/{node}".format(project=project, location=location, node=node, ) + actual = TpuClient.node_path(project, location, node) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_node_path(): + expected = { + "project": "nautilus", + "location": "scallop", + "node": "abalone", + } + path = TpuClient.node_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_node_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_tensor_flow_version_path(): + project = "squid" + location = "clam" + tensor_flow_version = "whelk" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/tensorFlowVersions/{tensor_flow_version}".format(project=project, location=location, tensor_flow_version=tensor_flow_version, ) + actual = TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path(project, location, tensor_flow_version) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_tensor_flow_version_path(): + expected = { + "project": "octopus", + "location": "oyster", + "tensor_flow_version": "nudibranch", + } + path = TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_tensor_flow_version_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "cuttlefish" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = TpuClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "mussel", + } + path = TpuClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "winkle" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = TpuClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "nautilus", + } + path = TpuClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "scallop" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = TpuClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "abalone", + } + path = TpuClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "squid" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = TpuClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "clam", + } + path = TpuClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "whelk" + location = "octopus" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = TpuClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "oyster", + "location": "nudibranch", + } + path = TpuClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = TpuClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_withDEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.TpuTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.TpuTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = TpuClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() From 0225c95fd4b5b39c658b3957200e879fc57fe51f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Owl Bot Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 22:58:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] =?UTF-8?q?=F0=9F=A6=89=20Updates=20from=20OwlBot?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit See --- .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 6 + google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 18 +- .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 9 + .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 3 + .../services/tpu/transports/ | 3 + google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ | 15 + owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc | 17 - owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 2 - owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst | 49 - owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ | 376 -- owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst | 7 - owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst | 6 - owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst | 10 - owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst | 7 - .../v1/google/cloud/tpu/ | 65 - owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed | 2 - .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ | 66 - .../google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json | 133 - .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed | 2 - .../google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ | 15 - .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 22 - .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 1023 ----- .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 1241 ----- .../cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ | 384 -- .../services/tpu/transports/ | 33 - .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 324 -- .../tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ | 534 --- .../services/tpu/transports/ | 539 --- .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ | 62 - .../v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ | 775 ---- owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini | 3 - owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 132 - .../v1/scripts/ | 186 - owl-bot-staging/v1/ | 54 - owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ | 16 - owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ | 16 - .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/ | 16 - .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ | 16 - .../v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ | 4006 ----------------- tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ | 50 + 40 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 10143 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ delete mode 100644 owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ index cd928ad..3d2c92a 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -952,6 +952,12 @@ async def get_accelerator_type( # Done; return the response. return response + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + try: DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ index 38f4715..b1c3fec 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ @@ -383,10 +383,7 @@ def __init__( client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, client_info=client_info, - always_use_jwt_access=( - Transport == type(self).get_transport_class("grpc") - or Transport == type(self).get_transport_class("grpc_asyncio") - ), + always_use_jwt_access=True, ) def list_nodes( @@ -1184,6 +1181,19 @@ def get_accelerator_type( # Done; return the response. return response + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + try: DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ index 2514ebe..512db45 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -197,6 +197,15 @@ def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): ), } + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + @property def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: """Return the client designed to process long-running operations.""" diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ index 6566f06..7aecd4d 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -532,5 +532,8 @@ def get_accelerator_type( ) return self._stubs["get_accelerator_type"] + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + __all__ = ("TpuGrpcTransport",) diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ index 31edb8d..383c8ff 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ @@ -544,5 +544,8 @@ def get_accelerator_type( ) return self._stubs["get_accelerator_type"] + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + __all__ = ("TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport",) diff --git a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ index 376d7f4..3bc1502 100644 --- a/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ +++ b/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class SchedulingConfig(proto.Message): r"""Sets the scheduling options for this node. + Attributes: preemptible (bool): Defines whether the node is preemptible. @@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ class SchedulingConfig(proto.Message): class NetworkEndpoint(proto.Message): r"""A network endpoint over which a TPU worker can be reached. + Attributes: ip_address (str): The IP address of this network endpoint. @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ class NetworkEndpoint(proto.Message): class Node(proto.Message): r"""A TPU instance. + Attributes: name (str): Output only. Immutable. The name of the TPU @@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ class ApiVersion(proto.Enum): class ListNodesRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [ListNodes][]. + Attributes: parent (str): Required. The parent resource name. @@ -242,6 +246,7 @@ class ListNodesRequest(proto.Message): class ListNodesResponse(proto.Message): r"""Response for [ListNodes][]. + Attributes: nodes (Sequence[]): The listed nodes. @@ -262,6 +267,7 @@ def raw_page(self): class GetNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [GetNode][]. + Attributes: name (str): Required. The resource name. @@ -272,6 +278,7 @@ class GetNodeRequest(proto.Message): class CreateNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [CreateNode][]. + Attributes: parent (str): Required. The parent resource name. @@ -288,6 +295,7 @@ class CreateNodeRequest(proto.Message): class DeleteNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [DeleteNode][]. + Attributes: name (str): Required. The resource name. @@ -298,6 +306,7 @@ class DeleteNodeRequest(proto.Message): class ReimageNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [ReimageNode][]. + Attributes: name (str): The resource name. @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ class ReimageNodeRequest(proto.Message): class StopNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [StopNode][]. + Attributes: name (str): The resource name. @@ -321,6 +331,7 @@ class StopNodeRequest(proto.Message): class StartNodeRequest(proto.Message): r"""Request for [StartNode][]. + Attributes: name (str): The resource name. @@ -331,6 +342,7 @@ class StartNodeRequest(proto.Message): class TensorFlowVersion(proto.Message): r"""A tensorflow version that a Node can be configured with. + Attributes: name (str): The resource name. @@ -405,6 +417,7 @@ def raw_page(self): class AcceleratorType(proto.Message): r"""A accelerator type that a Node can be configured with. + Attributes: name (str): The resource name. @@ -479,6 +492,7 @@ def raw_page(self): class OperationMetadata(proto.Message): r"""Metadata describing an [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] + Attributes: create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): The time the operation was created. @@ -510,6 +524,7 @@ class OperationMetadata(proto.Message): class Symptom(proto.Message): r"""A Symptom instance. + Attributes: create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): Timestamp when the Symptom is created. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc deleted file mode 100644 index 0aee7c6..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[run] -branch = True - -[report] -show_missing = True -omit = - google/cloud/tpu/ -exclude_lines = - # Re-enable the standard pragma - pragma: NO COVER - # Ignore debug-only repr - def __repr__ - # Ignore pkg_resources exceptions. - # This is added at the module level as a safeguard for if someone - # generates the code and tries to run it without pip installing. This - # makes it virtually impossible to test properly. - except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index 14ef934..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -recursive-include google/cloud/tpu *.py -recursive-include google/cloud/tpu_v1 *.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a9af6a5..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -Python Client for Google Cloud Tpu API -================================================= - -Quick Start ------------ - -In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps: - -1. `Select or create a Cloud Platform project.`_ -2. `Enable billing for your project.`_ -3. Enable the Google Cloud Tpu API. -4. `Setup Authentication.`_ - -.. _Select or create a Cloud Platform project.: -.. _Enable billing for your project.: -.. _Setup Authentication.: - -Installation -~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Install this library in a `virtualenv`_ using pip. `virtualenv`_ is a tool to -create isolated Python environments. The basic problem it addresses is one of -dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. - -With `virtualenv`_, it's possible to install this library without needing system -install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system -dependencies. - -.. _`virtualenv`: - - -Mac/Linux -^^^^^^^^^ - -.. code-block:: console - - python3 -m venv - source /bin/activate - /bin/pip install /path/to/library - - -Windows -^^^^^^^ - -.. code-block:: console - - python3 -m venv - \Scripts\activate - \Scripts\pip.exe install \path\to\library diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ deleted file mode 100644 index f6b6158..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,376 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -# -# google-cloud-tpu documentation build configuration file -# -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its -# containing dir. -# -# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this -# autogenerated file. -# -# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out -# serve to show the default. - -import sys -import os -import shlex - -# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, -# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the -# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) - -__version__ = "0.1.0" - -# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ - -# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -needs_sphinx = "1.6.3" - -# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation -# for a list of supported languages. -# -# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. -# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. -language = None - -# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some -# non-false value, then it is used: -# today = '' -# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' - -# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and -# directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ["_build"] - -# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all -# documents. -# default_role = None - -# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -# add_function_parentheses = True - -# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description -# unit titles (such as .. function::). -# add_module_names = True - -# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the -# output. 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For a list of options available for each theme, see the -# documentation. -html_theme_options = { - "description": "Google Cloud Client Libraries for Python", - "github_user": "googleapis", - "github_repo": "google-cloud-python", - "github_banner": True, - "font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, sans", - "head_font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, serif", - "code_font_family": "'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', monospace", -} - -# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -# html_theme_path = [] - -# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to -# " v documentation". -# html_title = None - -# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -# html_short_title = None - -# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top -# of the sidebar. -# html_logo = None - -# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the -# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 -# pixels large. -# html_favicon = None - -# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, -# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, -# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ["_static"] - -# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or -# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. 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Default is True. -# html_show_sphinx = True - -# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -# html_show_copyright = True - -# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will -# contain a tag referring to it. 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If empty, the default will be used. -# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' - -# Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = "google-cloud-tpu-doc" - -# -- Options for warnings ------------------------------------------------------ - - -suppress_warnings = [ - # Temporarily suppress this to avoid "more than one target found for - # cross-reference" warning, which are intractable for us to avoid while in - # a mono-repo. - # See - # /2a65ffeef5c107c19084fabdd706cdff3f52d93c/sphinx/domains/ - "ref.python" -] - -# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- - -latex_elements = { - # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). - # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', - # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). - # 'pointsize': '10pt', - # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. - # 'preamble': '', - # Latex figure (float) alignment - # 'figure_align': 'htbp', -} - -# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. 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List of tuples -# (source start file, target name, title, author, -# dir menu entry, description, category) -texinfo_documents = [ - ( - master_doc, - "google-cloud-tpu", - u"google-cloud-tpu Documentation", - author, - "google-cloud-tpu", - "GAPIC library for Google Cloud Tpu API", - "APIs", - ) -] - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -# texinfo_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -# texinfo_domain_indices = True - -# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' - -# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. -# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False - - -# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. -intersphinx_mapping = { - "python": ("", None), - "gax": ("", None), - "google-auth": ("", None), - "google-gax": ("", None), - "google.api_core": ("", None), - "grpc": ("", None), - "requests": ("", None), - "proto": ("", None), - "protobuf": ("", None), -} - - -# Napoleon settings -napoleon_google_docstring = True -napoleon_numpy_docstring = True -napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False -napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True -napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False -napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False -napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False -napoleon_use_ivar = False -napoleon_use_param = True -napoleon_use_rtype = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 355bce3..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -API Reference -------------- -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - tpu_v1/services - tpu_v1/types diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 166671b..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/services.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -Services for Google Cloud Tpu v1 API -==================================== -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - tpu diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2a42bda..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/tpu.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -Tpu ---------------------- - -.. automodule:: - :members: - :inherited-members: - -.. automodule:: - :members: - :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bd1c09a..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/tpu_v1/types.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -Types for Google Cloud Tpu v1 API -================================= - -.. automodule:: - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8705954..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# - -from import TpuClient -from import TpuAsyncClient - -from import AcceleratorType -from import CreateNodeRequest -from import DeleteNodeRequest -from import GetAcceleratorTypeRequest -from import GetNodeRequest -from import GetTensorFlowVersionRequest -from import ListAcceleratorTypesRequest -from import ListAcceleratorTypesResponse -from import ListNodesRequest -from import ListNodesResponse -from import ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest -from import ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse -from import NetworkEndpoint -from import Node -from import OperationMetadata -from import ReimageNodeRequest -from import SchedulingConfig -from import StartNodeRequest -from import StopNodeRequest -from import Symptom -from import TensorFlowVersion - -__all__ = ('TpuClient', - 'TpuAsyncClient', - 'AcceleratorType', - 'CreateNodeRequest', - 'DeleteNodeRequest', - 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', - 'GetNodeRequest', - 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', - 'ListNodesRequest', - 'ListNodesResponse', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', - 'NetworkEndpoint', - 'Node', - 'OperationMetadata', - 'ReimageNodeRequest', - 'SchedulingConfig', - 'StartNodeRequest', - 'StopNodeRequest', - 'Symptom', - 'TensorFlowVersion', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed deleted file mode 100644 index e122051..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu/py.typed +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -# Marker file for PEP 561. -# The google-cloud-tpu package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index 27c7b17..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# - -from .services.tpu import TpuClient -from .services.tpu import TpuAsyncClient - -from .types.cloud_tpu import AcceleratorType -from .types.cloud_tpu import CreateNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import DeleteNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import GetAcceleratorTypeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import GetNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import GetTensorFlowVersionRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListAcceleratorTypesRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListAcceleratorTypesResponse -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListNodesRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListNodesResponse -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse -from .types.cloud_tpu import NetworkEndpoint -from .types.cloud_tpu import Node -from .types.cloud_tpu import OperationMetadata -from .types.cloud_tpu import ReimageNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import SchedulingConfig -from .types.cloud_tpu import StartNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import StopNodeRequest -from .types.cloud_tpu import Symptom -from .types.cloud_tpu import TensorFlowVersion - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuAsyncClient', -'AcceleratorType', -'CreateNodeRequest', -'DeleteNodeRequest', -'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', -'GetNodeRequest', -'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', -'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', -'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', -'ListNodesRequest', -'ListNodesResponse', -'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', -'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', -'NetworkEndpoint', -'Node', -'OperationMetadata', -'ReimageNodeRequest', -'SchedulingConfig', -'StartNodeRequest', -'StopNodeRequest', -'Symptom', -'TensorFlowVersion', -'TpuClient', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0ac37b5..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/gapic_metadata.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ - { - "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods", - "language": "python", - "libraryPackage": "", - "protoPackage": "", - "schema": "1.0", - "services": { - "Tpu": { - "clients": { - "grpc": { - "libraryClient": "TpuClient", - "rpcs": { - "CreateNode": { - "methods": [ - "create_node" - ] - }, - "DeleteNode": { - "methods": [ - "delete_node" - ] - }, - "GetAcceleratorType": { - "methods": [ - "get_accelerator_type" - ] - }, - "GetNode": { - "methods": [ - "get_node" - ] - }, - "GetTensorFlowVersion": { - "methods": [ - "get_tensor_flow_version" - ] - }, - "ListAcceleratorTypes": { - "methods": [ - "list_accelerator_types" - ] - }, - "ListNodes": { - "methods": [ - "list_nodes" - ] - }, - "ListTensorFlowVersions": { - "methods": [ - "list_tensor_flow_versions" - ] - }, - "ReimageNode": { - "methods": [ - "reimage_node" - ] - }, - "StartNode": { - "methods": [ - "start_node" - ] - }, - "StopNode": { - "methods": [ - "stop_node" - ] - } - } - }, - "grpc-async": { - "libraryClient": "TpuAsyncClient", - "rpcs": { - "CreateNode": { - "methods": [ - "create_node" - ] - }, - "DeleteNode": { - "methods": [ - "delete_node" - ] - }, - "GetAcceleratorType": { - "methods": [ - "get_accelerator_type" - ] - }, - "GetNode": { - "methods": [ - "get_node" - ] - }, - "GetTensorFlowVersion": { - "methods": [ - "get_tensor_flow_version" - ] - }, - "ListAcceleratorTypes": { - "methods": [ - "list_accelerator_types" - ] - }, - "ListNodes": { - "methods": [ - "list_nodes" - ] - }, - "ListTensorFlowVersions": { - "methods": [ - "list_tensor_flow_versions" - ] - }, - "ReimageNode": { - "methods": [ - "reimage_node" - ] - }, - "StartNode": { - "methods": [ - "start_node" - ] - }, - "StopNode": { - "methods": [ - "stop_node" - ] - } - } - } - } - } - } -} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed deleted file mode 100644 index e122051..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/py.typed +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -# Marker file for PEP 561. -# The google-cloud-tpu package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4de6597..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ deleted file mode 100644 index 935007e..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from .client import TpuClient -from .async_client import TpuAsyncClient - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuClient', - 'TpuAsyncClient', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ deleted file mode 100644 index ad422a0..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1023 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from collections import OrderedDict -import functools -import re -from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union -import pkg_resources - -import google.api_core.client_options as ClientOptions # type: ignore -from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore -from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore -from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore - -from google.api_core import operation # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore -from import pagers -from import cloud_tpu -from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore -from .transports.base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO -from .transports.grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport -from .client import TpuClient - - -class TpuAsyncClient: - """Manages TPU nodes and other resources - TPU API v1 - """ - - _client: TpuClient - - DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = TpuClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = TpuClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT - - accelerator_type_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.accelerator_type_path) - parse_accelerator_type_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_accelerator_type_path) - node_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.node_path) - parse_node_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_node_path) - tensor_flow_version_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path) - parse_tensor_flow_version_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_tensor_flow_version_path) - common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_billing_account_path) - parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) - common_folder_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_folder_path) - parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_folder_path) - common_organization_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_organization_path) - parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_organization_path) - common_project_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_project_path) - parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_project_path) - common_location_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.common_location_path) - parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(TpuClient.parse_common_location_path) - - @classmethod - def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): - """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials - info. - - Args: - info (dict): The service account private key info. - args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - - Returns: - TpuAsyncClient: The constructed client. - """ - return TpuClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(TpuAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore - - @classmethod - def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): - """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials - file. - - Args: - filename (str): The path to the service account private key json - file. - args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - - Returns: - TpuAsyncClient: The constructed client. - """ - return TpuClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(TpuAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore - - from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file - - @property - def transport(self) -> TpuTransport: - """Returns the transport used by the client instance. - - Returns: - TpuTransport: The transport used by the client instance. - """ - return self._client.transport - - get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(TpuClient).get_transport_class, type(TpuClient)) - - def __init__(self, *, - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - transport: Union[str, TpuTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", - client_options: ClientOptions = None, - client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) -> None: - """Instantiates the tpu client. - - Args: - credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify the application to the service; if none - are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the - credentials from the environment. - transport (Union[str, ~.TpuTransport]): The - transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen - automatically. - client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It - won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. - (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the - default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT - environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: - "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always - use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the - default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is - the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes - precedence if provided. - (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable - is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used - to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If - not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if - present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not - set, no client certificate will be used. - - Raises: - google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport - creation failed for any reason. - """ - self._client = TpuClient( - credentials=credentials, - transport=transport, - client_options=client_options, - client_info=client_info, - - ) - - async def list_nodes(self, - request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager: - r"""Lists nodes. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [ListNodes][]. - parent (:class:`str`): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListNodes][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.list_nodes, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__aiter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def get_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.Node: - r"""Gets the details of a node. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [GetNode][]. - name (:class:`str`): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A TPU instance. - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.get_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def create_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - node: cloud_tpu.Node = None, - node_id: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: - r"""Creates a node. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [CreateNode][]. - parent (:class:`str`): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - node (:class:``): - Required. The node. - This corresponds to the ``node`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - node_id (:class:`str`): - The unqualified resource name. - This corresponds to the ``node_id`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent, node, node_id]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - if node is not None: - request.node = node - if node_id is not None: - request.node_id = node_id - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.create_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation_async.from_gapic( - response, - self._client._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def delete_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: - r"""Deletes a node. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [DeleteNode][]. - name (:class:`str`): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.delete_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation_async.from_gapic( - response, - self._client._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def reimage_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: - r"""Reimages a node's OS. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [ReimageNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.reimage_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation_async.from_gapic( - response, - self._client._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def stop_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: - r"""Stops a node. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [StopNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.stop_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation_async.from_gapic( - response, - self._client._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def start_node(self, - request: cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation_async.AsyncOperation: - r"""Starts a node. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [StartNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation_async.AsyncOperation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.start_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation_async.from_gapic( - response, - self._client._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def list_tensor_flow_versions(self, - request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager: - r"""List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - parent (:class:`str`): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.list_tensor_flow_versions, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__aiter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def get_tensor_flow_version(self, - request: cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion: - r"""Gets TensorFlow Version. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. - name (:class:`str`): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A tensorflow version that a Node can - be configured with. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.get_tensor_flow_version, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def list_accelerator_types(self, - request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager: - r"""Lists accelerator types supported by this API. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - parent (:class:`str`): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.list_accelerator_types, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__aiter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def get_accelerator_type(self, - request: cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType: - r"""Gets AcceleratorType. - - Args: - request (:class:``): - The request object. Request for - [GetAcceleratorType][]. - name (:class:`str`): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A accelerator type that a Node can be - configured with. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " - "the individual field arguments should be set.") - - request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(request) - - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( - self._client._transport.get_accelerator_type, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = await rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - async def __aenter__(self): - return self - - async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): - await self.transport.close() - -try: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( - gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( - "google-cloud-tpu", - ).version, - ) -except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() - - -__all__ = ( - "TpuAsyncClient", -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ deleted file mode 100644 index c22bd8b..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1241 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from collections import OrderedDict -from distutils import util -import os -import re -from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union -import pkg_resources - -from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib # type: ignore -from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore -from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore -from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore -from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore -from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore -from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore - -from google.api_core import operation # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore -from import pagers -from import cloud_tpu -from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore -from .transports.base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO -from .transports.grpc import TpuGrpcTransport -from .transports.grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport - - -class TpuClientMeta(type): - """Metaclass for the Tpu client. - - This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving - support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance - objects. - """ - _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[TpuTransport]] - _transport_registry["grpc"] = TpuGrpcTransport - _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport - - def get_transport_class(cls, - label: str = None, - ) -> Type[TpuTransport]: - """Returns an appropriate transport class. - - Args: - label: The name of the desired transport. If none is - provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. - - Returns: - The transport class to use. - """ - # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. - if label: - return cls._transport_registry[label] - - # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one - # in the dictionary). - return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) - - -class TpuClient(metaclass=TpuClientMeta): - """Manages TPU nodes and other resources - TPU API v1 - """ - - @staticmethod - def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): - """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. - - Convert "*" and "*" to - "*" and "*" respectively. - Args: - api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. - Returns: - str: converted mTLS api endpoint. - """ - if not api_endpoint: - return api_endpoint - - mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( - r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" - ) - - m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) - name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() - if mtls or not googledomain: - return api_endpoint - - if sandbox: - return api_endpoint.replace( - "", "" - ) - - return api_endpoint.replace("", "") - - DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "" - DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore - DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - ) - - @classmethod - def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): - """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials - info. - - Args: - info (dict): The service account private key info. - args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - - Returns: - TpuClient: The constructed client. - """ - credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) - kwargs["credentials"] = credentials - return cls(*args, **kwargs) - - @classmethod - def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): - """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials - file. - - Args: - filename (str): The path to the service account private key json - file. - args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. - - Returns: - TpuClient: The constructed client. - """ - credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( - filename) - kwargs["credentials"] = credentials - return cls(*args, **kwargs) - - from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file - - @property - def transport(self) -> TpuTransport: - """Returns the transport used by the client instance. - - Returns: - TpuTransport: The transport used by the client - instance. - """ - return self._transport - - @staticmethod - def accelerator_type_path(project: str,location: str,accelerator_type: str,) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified accelerator_type string.""" - return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/acceleratorTypes/{accelerator_type}".format(project=project, location=location, accelerator_type=accelerator_type, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_accelerator_type_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parses a accelerator_type path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/acceleratorTypes/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def node_path(project: str,location: str,node: str,) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified node string.""" - return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/nodes/{node}".format(project=project, location=location, node=node, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_node_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parses a node path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/nodes/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def tensor_flow_version_path(project: str,location: str,tensor_flow_version: str,) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified tensor_flow_version string.""" - return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/tensorFlowVersions/{tensor_flow_version}".format(project=project, location=location, tensor_flow_version=tensor_flow_version, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_tensor_flow_version_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parses a tensor_flow_version path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)/tensorFlowVersions/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" - return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" - return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" - return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" - return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - @staticmethod - def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: - """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" - return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) - - @staticmethod - def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: - """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" - m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) - return m.groupdict() if m else {} - - def __init__(self, *, - credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, - transport: Union[str, TpuTransport, None] = None, - client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None, - client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - ) -> None: - """Instantiates the tpu client. - - Args: - credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify the application to the service; if none - are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the - credentials from the environment. - transport (Union[str, TpuTransport]): The - transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen - automatically. - client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the - client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. - (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the - default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT - environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: - "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always - use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the - default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is - the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes - precedence if provided. - (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable - is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used - to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If - not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if - present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not - set, no client certificate will be used. - client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): - The client info used to send a user-agent string along with - API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. - Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing - your own client library. - - Raises: - google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport - creation failed for any reason. - """ - if isinstance(client_options, dict): - client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) - if client_options is None: - client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() - - # Create SSL credentials for mutual TLS if needed. - use_client_cert = bool(util.strtobool(os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false"))) - - client_cert_source_func = None - is_mtls = False - if use_client_cert: - if client_options.client_cert_source: - is_mtls = True - client_cert_source_func = client_options.client_cert_source - else: - is_mtls = mtls.has_default_client_cert_source() - if is_mtls: - client_cert_source_func = mtls.default_client_cert_source() - else: - client_cert_source_func = None - - # Figure out which api endpoint to use. - if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: - api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint - else: - use_mtls_env = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") - if use_mtls_env == "never": - api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - elif use_mtls_env == "always": - api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT - elif use_mtls_env == "auto": - if is_mtls: - api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT - else: - api_endpoint = self.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - else: - raise MutualTLSChannelError( - "Unsupported GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT value. Accepted " - "values: never, auto, always" - ) - - # Save or instantiate the transport. - # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport - # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. - if isinstance(transport, TpuTransport): - # transport is a TpuTransport instance. - if credentials or client_options.credentials_file: - raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " - "provide its credentials directly.") - if client_options.scopes: - raise ValueError( - "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " - "directly." - ) - self._transport = transport - else: - Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) - self._transport = Transport( - credentials=credentials, - credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, - host=api_endpoint, - scopes=client_options.scopes, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, - quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, - client_info=client_info, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - def list_nodes(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, dict] = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListNodesPager: - r"""Lists nodes. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [ListNodes][]. - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListNodes][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_nodes] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__iter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListNodesPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def get_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.Node: - r"""Gets the details of a node. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [GetNode][]. - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A TPU instance. - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def create_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - node: cloud_tpu.Node = None, - node_id: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation.Operation: - r"""Creates a node. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [CreateNode][]. - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - node ( - Required. The node. - This corresponds to the ``node`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - node_id (str): - The unqualified resource name. - This corresponds to the ``node_id`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation.Operation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent, node, node_id]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - if node is not None: - request.node = node - if node_id is not None: - request.node_id = node_id - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation.from_gapic( - response, - self._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def delete_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation.Operation: - r"""Deletes a node. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [DeleteNode][]. - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation.Operation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation.from_gapic( - response, - self._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def reimage_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation.Operation: - r"""Reimages a node's OS. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [ReimageNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation.Operation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.reimage_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation.from_gapic( - response, - self._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def stop_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation.Operation: - r"""Stops a node. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [StopNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation.Operation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.stop_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation.from_gapic( - response, - self._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def start_node(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> operation.Operation: - r"""Starts a node. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [StartNode][]. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - google.api_core.operation.Operation: - An object representing a long-running operation. - - The result type for the operation will be - :class:`` A TPU instance. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest(request) - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.start_node] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Wrap the response in an operation future. - response = operation.from_gapic( - response, - self._transport.operations_client, - cloud_tpu.Node, - metadata_type=cloud_tpu.OperationMetadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def list_tensor_flow_versions(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, dict] = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager: - r"""List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_tensor_flow_versions] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__iter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def get_tensor_flow_version(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest, dict] = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion: - r"""Gets TensorFlow Version. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A tensorflow version that a Node can - be configured with. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_tensor_flow_version] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def list_accelerator_types(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, dict] = None, - *, - parent: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager: - r"""Lists accelerator types supported by this API. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - This corresponds to the ``parent`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - Response for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - - Iterating over this object will yield results and - resolve additional pages automatically. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([parent]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if parent is not None: - request.parent = parent - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_accelerator_types] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("parent", request.parent), - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides - # an `__iter__` convenience method. - response = pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager( - method=rpc, - request=request, - response=response, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def get_accelerator_type(self, - request: Union[cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest, dict] = None, - *, - name: str = None, - retry: retries.Retry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, - timeout: float = None, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), - ) -> cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType: - r"""Gets AcceleratorType. - - Args: - request (Union[, dict]): - The request object. Request for - [GetAcceleratorType][]. - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - This corresponds to the ``name`` field - on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this - should not be set. - retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, - should be retried. - timeout (float): The timeout for this request. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - - Returns: - - A accelerator type that a Node can be - configured with. - - """ - # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. - # Sanity check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have - # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. - has_flattened_params = any([name]) - if request is not None and has_flattened_params: - raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' - 'the individual field arguments should be set.') - - # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes - # in a cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest. - # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified - # there are no flattened fields. - if not isinstance(request, cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): - request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(request) - # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the - # request, apply these. - if name is not None: - = name - - # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, - # and friendly error handling. - rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_accelerator_type] - - # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; - # add these here. - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ("name",, - )), - ) - - # Send the request. - response = rpc( - request, - retry=retry, - timeout=timeout, - metadata=metadata, - ) - - # Done; return the response. - return response - - def __enter__(self): - return self - - def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): - """Releases underlying transport's resources. - - .. warning:: - ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared - with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport - and may cause errors in other clients! - """ - self.transport.close() - - - -try: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( - gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( - "google-cloud-tpu", - ).version, - ) -except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() - - -__all__ = ( - "TpuClient", -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7761e73..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,384 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator - -from import cloud_tpu - - -class ListNodesPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_nodes`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its - ``nodes`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional - ``ListNodes`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``nodes`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse], - request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiate the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.Node]: - for page in self.pages: - yield from page.nodes - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) - - -class ListNodesAsyncPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_nodes`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its - ``nodes`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional - ``ListNodes`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``nodes`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]], - request: cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiates the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.Node]: - async def async_generator(): - async for page in self.pages: - for response in page.nodes: - yield response - - return async_generator() - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) - - -class ListTensorFlowVersionsPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_tensor_flow_versions`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its - ``tensorflow_versions`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional - ``ListTensorFlowVersions`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``tensorflow_versions`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse], - request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiate the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: - for page in self.pages: - yield from page.tensorflow_versions - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) - - -class ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_tensor_flow_versions`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its - ``tensorflow_versions`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional - ``ListTensorFlowVersions`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``tensorflow_versions`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]], - request: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiates the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: - async def async_generator(): - async for page in self.pages: - for response in page.tensorflow_versions: - yield response - - return async_generator() - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) - - -class ListAcceleratorTypesPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_accelerator_types`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its - ``accelerator_types`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional - ``ListAcceleratorTypes`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``accelerator_types`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse], - request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiate the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - def pages(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: - for page in self.pages: - yield from page.accelerator_types - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) - - -class ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager: - """A pager for iterating through ``list_accelerator_types`` requests. - - This class thinly wraps an initial - :class:`` object, and - provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its - ``accelerator_types`` field. - - If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional - ``ListAcceleratorTypes`` requests and continue to iterate - through the ``accelerator_types`` field on the - corresponding responses. - - All the usual :class:`` - attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only - the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. - """ - def __init__(self, - method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]], - request: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, - response: cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, - *, - metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): - """Instantiates the pager. - - Args: - method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and - which instantiated this pager. - request ( - The initial request object. - response ( - The initial response object. - metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be - sent along with the request as metadata. - """ - self._method = method - self._request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(request) - self._response = response - self._metadata = metadata - - def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: - return getattr(self._response, name) - - @property - async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: - yield self._response - while self._response.next_page_token: - self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token - self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) - yield self._response - - def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: - async def async_generator(): - async for page in self.pages: - for response in page.accelerator_types: - yield response - - return async_generator() - - def __repr__(self) -> str: - return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ deleted file mode 100644 index 773eb98..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from collections import OrderedDict -from typing import Dict, Type - -from .base import TpuTransport -from .grpc import TpuGrpcTransport -from .grpc_asyncio import TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport - - -# Compile a registry of transports. -_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[TpuTransport]] -_transport_registry['grpc'] = TpuGrpcTransport -_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuTransport', - 'TpuGrpcTransport', - 'TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ deleted file mode 100644 index 7495575..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import abc -from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union -import packaging.version -import pkg_resources - -import google.auth # type: ignore -import google.api_core # type: ignore -from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions # type: ignore -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore -from google.api_core import retry as retries # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore -from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore - -from import cloud_tpu -from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore - -try: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( - gapic_version=pkg_resources.get_distribution( - 'google-cloud-tpu', - ).version, - ) -except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: - DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() - -try: - # google.auth.__version__ was added in 1.26.0 - _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = google.auth.__version__ -except AttributeError: - try: # try pkg_resources if it is available - _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution("google-auth").version - except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: # pragma: NO COVER - _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION = None - - -class TpuTransport(abc.ABC): - """Abstract transport class for Tpu.""" - - AUTH_SCOPES = ( - '', - ) - - DEFAULT_HOST: str = '' - def __init__( - self, *, - host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, - scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, - client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, - **kwargs, - ) -> None: - """Instantiate the transport. - - Args: - host (Optional[str]): - The hostname to connect to. - credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify the application to the service; if none - are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the - credentials from the environment. - credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can - be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. - This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. - scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. - quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing - and quota. - client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): - The client info used to send a user-agent string along with - API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. - Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing - your own client library. - always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should - be used for service account credentials. - """ - # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. - if ':' not in host: - host += ':443' - self._host = host - - scopes_kwargs = self._get_scopes_kwargs(self._host, scopes) - - # Save the scopes. - self._scopes = scopes - - # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate - # defaults. - if credentials and credentials_file: - raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") - - if credentials_file is not None: - credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( - credentials_file, - **scopes_kwargs, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id - ) - - elif credentials is None: - credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) - - # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. - if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): - credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) - - # Save the credentials. - self._credentials = credentials - - # TODO(busunkim): This method is in the base transport - # to avoid duplicating code across the transport classes. These functions - # should be deleted once the minimum required versions of google-auth is increased. - - # TODO: Remove this function once google-auth >= 1.25.0 is required - @classmethod - def _get_scopes_kwargs(cls, host: str, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> Dict[str, Optional[Sequence[str]]]: - """Returns scopes kwargs to pass to google-auth methods depending on the google-auth version""" - - scopes_kwargs = {} - - if _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION and ( - packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) - >= packaging.version.parse("1.25.0") - ): - scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": cls.AUTH_SCOPES} - else: - scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes or cls.AUTH_SCOPES} - - return scopes_kwargs - - def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): - # Precompute the wrapped methods. - self._wrapped_methods = { - self.list_nodes: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.list_nodes, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.get_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.get_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.create_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.create_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.delete_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.delete_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.reimage_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.reimage_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.stop_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.stop_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.start_node: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.start_node, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.list_tensor_flow_versions: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.list_tensor_flow_versions, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.get_tensor_flow_version: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.get_tensor_flow_version, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.list_accelerator_types: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.list_accelerator_types, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - self.get_accelerator_type: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( - self.get_accelerator_type, - default_timeout=None, - client_info=client_info, - ), - } - - def close(self): - """Closes resources associated with the transport. - - .. warning:: - Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared - with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! - """ - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: - """Return the client designed to process long-running operations.""" - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def get_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.Node, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.Node] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def create_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], - Union[ - operations_pb2.Operation, - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], - Union[ - operations_pb2.Operation, - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], - Union[ - operations_pb2.Operation, - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], - Union[ - operations_pb2.Operation, - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def start_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], - Union[ - operations_pb2.Operation, - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - @property - def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], - Union[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType, - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType] - ]]: - raise NotImplementedError() - - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuTransport', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ deleted file mode 100644 index 599676e..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,534 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import warnings -from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union - -from google.api_core import grpc_helpers # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore -import google.auth # type: ignore -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore -from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore - -import grpc # type: ignore - -from import cloud_tpu -from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore -from .base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO - - -class TpuGrpcTransport(TpuTransport): - """gRPC backend transport for Tpu. - - Manages TPU nodes and other resources - TPU API v1 - - This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the - primary client can load the underlying transport implementation - and call it. - - It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on - top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. - """ - _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] - - def __init__(self, *, - host: str = '', - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - credentials_file: str = None, - scopes: Sequence[str] = None, - channel: grpc.Channel = None, - api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, - client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, - ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, - quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, - client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, - ) -> None: - """Instantiate the transport. - - Args: - host (Optional[str]): - The hostname to connect to. - credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify the application to the service; if none - are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the - credentials from the environment. - This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can - be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. - This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is - ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through - which to make calls. - api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. - If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create - a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from - ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. - client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): - Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and - private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if - ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. - ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials - for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): - A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, - both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is - ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. - quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing - and quota. - client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): - The client info used to send a user-agent string along with - API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. - Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing - your own client library. - always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should - be used for service account credentials. - - Raises: - google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport - creation failed for any reason. - google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` - and ``credentials_file`` are passed. - """ - self._grpc_channel = None - self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials - self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} - self._operations_client = None - - if api_mtls_endpoint: - warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) - if client_cert_source: - warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) - - if channel: - # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. - credentials = False - # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. - self._grpc_channel = channel - self._ssl_channel_credentials = None - - else: - if api_mtls_endpoint: - host = api_mtls_endpoint - - # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application - # default SSL credentials. - if client_cert_source: - cert, key = client_cert_source() - self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( - certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key - ) - else: - self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials - - else: - if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: - cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() - self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( - certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key - ) - - # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes - super().__init__( - host=host, - credentials=credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - scopes=scopes, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - client_info=client_info, - always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, - ) - - if not self._grpc_channel: - self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( - self._host, - credentials=self._credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - scopes=self._scopes, - ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - - # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists - self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) - - @classmethod - def create_channel(cls, - host: str = '', - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - credentials_file: str = None, - scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, - **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: - """Create and return a gRPC channel object. - Args: - host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. - credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify this application to the service. If - none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain - the credentials from the environment. - credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can - be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. - This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. - scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this - service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and - are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. - quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing - and quota. - kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the - channel creation. - Returns: - grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. - - Raises: - google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` - and ``credentials_file`` are passed. - """ - - return grpc_helpers.create_channel( - host, - credentials=credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, - scopes=scopes, - default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, - **kwargs - ) - - @property - def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: - """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. - """ - return self._grpc_channel - - @property - def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: - """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. - - This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same - client. - """ - # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. - if self._operations_client is None: - self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsClient( - self.grpc_channel - ) - - # Return the client from cache. - return self._operations_client - - @property - def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]: - r"""Return a callable for the list nodes method over gRPC. - - Lists nodes. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListNodesRequest], - ~.ListNodesResponse]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_nodes' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_nodes'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_nodes'] - - @property - def get_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], - cloud_tpu.Node]: - r"""Return a callable for the get node method over gRPC. - - Gets the details of a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetNodeRequest], - ~.Node]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.Node.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_node'] - - @property - def create_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], - operations_pb2.Operation]: - r"""Return a callable for the create node method over gRPC. - - Creates a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.CreateNodeRequest], - ~.Operation]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'create_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['create_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['create_node'] - - @property - def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], - operations_pb2.Operation]: - r"""Return a callable for the delete node method over gRPC. - - Deletes a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.DeleteNodeRequest], - ~.Operation]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'delete_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['delete_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['delete_node'] - - @property - def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], - operations_pb2.Operation]: - r"""Return a callable for the reimage node method over gRPC. - - Reimages a node's OS. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ReimageNodeRequest], - ~.Operation]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'reimage_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['reimage_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['reimage_node'] - - @property - def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], - operations_pb2.Operation]: - r"""Return a callable for the stop node method over gRPC. - - Stops a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.StopNodeRequest], - ~.Operation]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'stop_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['stop_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['stop_node'] - - @property - def start_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], - operations_pb2.Operation]: - r"""Return a callable for the start node method over gRPC. - - Starts a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.StartNodeRequest], - ~.Operation]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'start_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['start_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['start_node'] - - @property - def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: - r"""Return a callable for the list tensor flow versions method over gRPC. - - List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], - ~.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_tensor_flow_versions' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] - - @property - def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]: - r"""Return a callable for the get tensor flow version method over gRPC. - - Gets TensorFlow Version. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], - ~.TensorFlowVersion]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_tensor_flow_version' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] - - @property - def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: - r"""Return a callable for the list accelerator types method over gRPC. - - Lists accelerator types supported by this API. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], - ~.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_accelerator_types' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] - - @property - def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]: - r"""Return a callable for the get accelerator type method over gRPC. - - Gets AcceleratorType. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], - ~.AcceleratorType]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_accelerator_type' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] - - def close(self): - self.grpc_channel.close() - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuGrpcTransport', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ deleted file mode 100644 index 81da9c8..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/services/tpu/transports/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,539 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import warnings -from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union - -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore -from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore -from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore -import packaging.version - -import grpc # type: ignore -from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore - -from import cloud_tpu -from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore -from .base import TpuTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO -from .grpc import TpuGrpcTransport - - -class TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport(TpuTransport): - """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for Tpu. - - Manages TPU nodes and other resources - TPU API v1 - - This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the - primary client can load the underlying transport implementation - and call it. - - It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on - top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. - """ - - _grpc_channel: aio.Channel - _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} - - @classmethod - def create_channel(cls, - host: str = '', - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, - scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, - **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: - """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. - Args: - host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. - credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify this application to the service. If - none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain - the credentials from the environment. - credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can - be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. - This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this - service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and - are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. - quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing - and quota. - kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the - channel creation. - Returns: - aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. - """ - - return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( - host, - credentials=credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, - scopes=scopes, - default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, - **kwargs - ) - - def __init__(self, *, - host: str = '', - credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, - credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, - scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, - channel: aio.Channel = None, - api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, - client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, - ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, - ) -> None: - """Instantiate the transport. - - Args: - host (Optional[str]): - The hostname to connect to. - credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The - authorization credentials to attach to requests. These - credentials identify the application to the service; if none - are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the - credentials from the environment. - This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can - be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. - This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this - service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and - are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. - channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through - which to make calls. - api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. - If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create - a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from - ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. - client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): - Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and - private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if - ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. - ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials - for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. - client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): - A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, - both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is - ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. - quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing - and quota. - client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): - The client info used to send a user-agent string along with - API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. - Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing - your own client library. - always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should - be used for service account credentials. - - Raises: - google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport - creation failed for any reason. - google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` - and ``credentials_file`` are passed. - """ - self._grpc_channel = None - self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials - self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} - self._operations_client = None - - if api_mtls_endpoint: - warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) - if client_cert_source: - warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) - - if channel: - # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. - credentials = False - # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. - self._grpc_channel = channel - self._ssl_channel_credentials = None - else: - if api_mtls_endpoint: - host = api_mtls_endpoint - - # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application - # default SSL credentials. - if client_cert_source: - cert, key = client_cert_source() - self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( - certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key - ) - else: - self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials - - else: - if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: - cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() - self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( - certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key - ) - - # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes - super().__init__( - host=host, - credentials=credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - scopes=scopes, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - client_info=client_info, - always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, - ) - - if not self._grpc_channel: - self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( - self._host, - credentials=self._credentials, - credentials_file=credentials_file, - scopes=self._scopes, - ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, - quota_project_id=quota_project_id, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - - # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists - self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) - - @property - def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: - """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. - - This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return - the same channel. - """ - # Return the channel from cache. - return self._grpc_channel - - @property - def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient: - """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. - - This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same - client. - """ - # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. - if self._operations_client is None: - self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient( - self.grpc_channel - ) - - # Return the client from cache. - return self._operations_client - - @property - def list_nodes(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse]]: - r"""Return a callable for the list nodes method over gRPC. - - Lists nodes. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListNodesRequest], - Awaitable[~.ListNodesResponse]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_nodes' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_nodes'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_nodes'] - - @property - def get_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.Node]]: - r"""Return a callable for the get node method over gRPC. - - Gets the details of a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Node]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.Node.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_node'] - - @property - def create_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest], - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: - r"""Return a callable for the create node method over gRPC. - - Creates a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.CreateNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Operation]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'create_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['create_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['create_node'] - - @property - def delete_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest], - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: - r"""Return a callable for the delete node method over gRPC. - - Deletes a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.DeleteNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Operation]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'delete_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['delete_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['delete_node'] - - @property - def reimage_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest], - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: - r"""Return a callable for the reimage node method over gRPC. - - Reimages a node's OS. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ReimageNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Operation]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'reimage_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['reimage_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['reimage_node'] - - @property - def stop_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest], - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: - r"""Return a callable for the stop node method over gRPC. - - Stops a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.StopNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Operation]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'stop_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['stop_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['stop_node'] - - @property - def start_node(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest], - Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation]]: - r"""Return a callable for the start node method over gRPC. - - Starts a node. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.StartNodeRequest], - Awaitable[~.Operation]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'start_node' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['start_node'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, - ) - return self._stubs['start_node'] - - @property - def list_tensor_flow_versions(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]]: - r"""Return a callable for the list tensor flow versions method over gRPC. - - List TensorFlow versions supported by this API. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest], - Awaitable[~.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_tensor_flow_versions' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_tensor_flow_versions'] - - @property - def get_tensor_flow_version(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion]]: - r"""Return a callable for the get tensor flow version method over gRPC. - - Gets TensorFlow Version. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest], - Awaitable[~.TensorFlowVersion]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_tensor_flow_version' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_tensor_flow_version'] - - @property - def list_accelerator_types(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]]: - r"""Return a callable for the list accelerator types method over gRPC. - - Lists accelerator types supported by this API. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest], - Awaitable[~.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'list_accelerator_types' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['list_accelerator_types'] - - @property - def get_accelerator_type(self) -> Callable[ - [cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], - Awaitable[cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType]]: - r"""Return a callable for the get accelerator type method over gRPC. - - Gets AcceleratorType. - - Returns: - Callable[[~.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest], - Awaitable[~.AcceleratorType]]: - A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC - on the server. - """ - # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make - # the request. - # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need - # to pass in the functions for each. - if 'get_accelerator_type' not in self._stubs: - self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( - '/', - request_serializer=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest.serialize, - response_deserializer=cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType.deserialize, - ) - return self._stubs['get_accelerator_type'] - - def close(self): - return self.grpc_channel.close() - - -__all__ = ( - 'TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ deleted file mode 100644 index 04a8211..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -from .cloud_tpu import ( - AcceleratorType, - CreateNodeRequest, - DeleteNodeRequest, - GetAcceleratorTypeRequest, - GetNodeRequest, - GetTensorFlowVersionRequest, - ListAcceleratorTypesRequest, - ListAcceleratorTypesResponse, - ListNodesRequest, - ListNodesResponse, - ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest, - ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse, - NetworkEndpoint, - Node, - OperationMetadata, - ReimageNodeRequest, - SchedulingConfig, - StartNodeRequest, - StopNodeRequest, - Symptom, - TensorFlowVersion, -) - -__all__ = ( - 'AcceleratorType', - 'CreateNodeRequest', - 'DeleteNodeRequest', - 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', - 'GetNodeRequest', - 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', - 'ListNodesRequest', - 'ListNodesResponse', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', - 'NetworkEndpoint', - 'Node', - 'OperationMetadata', - 'ReimageNodeRequest', - 'SchedulingConfig', - 'StartNodeRequest', - 'StopNodeRequest', - 'Symptom', - 'TensorFlowVersion', -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0930893..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/tpu_v1/types/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,775 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import proto # type: ignore - -from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore - - -__protobuf__ = proto.module( - package='', - manifest={ - 'SchedulingConfig', - 'NetworkEndpoint', - 'Node', - 'ListNodesRequest', - 'ListNodesResponse', - 'GetNodeRequest', - 'CreateNodeRequest', - 'DeleteNodeRequest', - 'ReimageNodeRequest', - 'StopNodeRequest', - 'StartNodeRequest', - 'TensorFlowVersion', - 'GetTensorFlowVersionRequest', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest', - 'ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse', - 'AcceleratorType', - 'GetAcceleratorTypeRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesRequest', - 'ListAcceleratorTypesResponse', - 'OperationMetadata', - 'Symptom', - }, -) - - -class SchedulingConfig(proto.Message): - r"""Sets the scheduling options for this node. - - Attributes: - preemptible (bool): - Defines whether the node is preemptible. - reserved (bool): - Whether the node is created under a - reservation. - """ - - preemptible = proto.Field( - proto.BOOL, - number=1, - ) - reserved = proto.Field( - proto.BOOL, - number=2, - ) - - -class NetworkEndpoint(proto.Message): - r"""A network endpoint over which a TPU worker can be reached. - - Attributes: - ip_address (str): - The IP address of this network endpoint. - port (int): - The port of this network endpoint. - """ - - ip_address = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - port = proto.Field( - proto.INT32, - number=2, - ) - - -class Node(proto.Message): - r"""A TPU instance. - - Attributes: - name (str): - Output only. Immutable. The name of the TPU - description (str): - The user-supplied description of the TPU. - Maximum of 512 characters. - accelerator_type (str): - Required. The type of hardware accelerators - associated with this node. - ip_address (str): - Output only. DEPRECATED! Use network_endpoints instead. The - network address for the TPU Node as visible to Compute - Engine instances. - port (str): - Output only. DEPRECATED! Use network_endpoints instead. The - network port for the TPU Node as visible to Compute Engine - instances. - state ( - Output only. The current state for the TPU - Node. - health_description (str): - Output only. If this field is populated, it - contains a description of why the TPU Node is - unhealthy. - tensorflow_version (str): - Required. The version of Tensorflow running - in the Node. - network (str): - The name of a network they wish to peer the - TPU node to. It must be a preexisting Compute - Engine network inside of the project on which - this API has been activated. If none is - provided, "default" will be used. - cidr_block (str): - The CIDR block that the TPU node will use - when selecting an IP address. This CIDR block - must be a /29 block; the Compute Engine networks - API forbids a smaller block, and using a larger - block would be wasteful (a node can only consume - one IP address). Errors will occur if the CIDR - block has already been used for a currently - existing TPU node, the CIDR block conflicts with - any subnetworks in the user's provided network, - or the provided network is peered with another - network that is using that CIDR block. - service_account (str): - Output only. The service account used to run - the tensor flow services within the node. To - share resources, including Google Cloud Storage - data, with the Tensorflow job running in the - Node, this account must have permissions to that - data. - create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): - Output only. The time when the node was - created. - scheduling_config ( - The scheduling options for this node. - network_endpoints (Sequence[]): - Output only. The network endpoints where TPU - workers can be accessed and sent work. It is - recommended that Tensorflow clients of the node - reach out to the 0th entry in this map first. - health ( - The health status of the TPU node. - labels (Sequence[]): - Resource labels to represent user-provided - metadata. - use_service_networking (bool): - Whether the VPC peering for the node is set up through - Service Networking API. The VPC Peering should be set up - before provisioning the node. If this field is set, - cidr_block field should not be specified. If the network, - that you want to peer the TPU Node to, is Shared VPC - networks, the node must be created with this this field - enabled. - api_version ( - Output only. The API version that created - this Node. - symptoms (Sequence[]): - Output only. The Symptoms that have occurred - to the TPU Node. - """ - class State(proto.Enum): - r"""Represents the different states of a TPU node during its - lifecycle. - """ - STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 - CREATING = 1 - READY = 2 - RESTARTING = 3 - REIMAGING = 4 - DELETING = 5 - REPAIRING = 6 - STOPPED = 8 - STOPPING = 9 - STARTING = 10 - PREEMPTED = 11 - TERMINATED = 12 - HIDING = 13 - HIDDEN = 14 - UNHIDING = 15 - - class Health(proto.Enum): - r"""Health defines the status of a TPU node as reported by - Health Monitor. - """ - HEALTH_UNSPECIFIED = 0 - HEALTHY = 1 - DEPRECATED_UNHEALTHY = 2 - TIMEOUT = 3 - UNHEALTHY_TENSORFLOW = 4 - UNHEALTHY_MAINTENANCE = 5 - - class ApiVersion(proto.Enum): - r"""TPU API Version.""" - API_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 - V1_ALPHA1 = 1 - V1 = 2 - V2_ALPHA1 = 3 - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - description = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - accelerator_type = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=5, - ) - ip_address = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=8, - ) - port = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=14, - ) - state = proto.Field( - proto.ENUM, - number=9, - enum=State, - ) - health_description = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=10, - ) - tensorflow_version = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=11, - ) - network = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=12, - ) - cidr_block = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=13, - ) - service_account = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=15, - ) - create_time = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=16, - message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, - ) - scheduling_config = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=17, - message='SchedulingConfig', - ) - network_endpoints = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=21, - message='NetworkEndpoint', - ) - health = proto.Field( - proto.ENUM, - number=22, - enum=Health, - ) - labels = proto.MapField( - proto.STRING, - proto.STRING, - number=24, - ) - use_service_networking = proto.Field( - proto.BOOL, - number=27, - ) - api_version = proto.Field( - proto.ENUM, - number=38, - enum=ApiVersion, - ) - symptoms = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=39, - message='Symptom', - ) - - -class ListNodesRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [ListNodes][]. - - Attributes: - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - page_size (int): - The maximum number of items to return. - page_token (str): - The next_page_token value returned from a previous List - request, if any. - """ - - parent = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - page_size = proto.Field( - proto.INT32, - number=2, - ) - page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - - -class ListNodesResponse(proto.Message): - r"""Response for [ListNodes][]. - - Attributes: - nodes (Sequence[]): - The listed nodes. - next_page_token (str): - The next page token or empty if none. - unreachable (Sequence[str]): - Locations that could not be reached. - """ - - @property - def raw_page(self): - return self - - nodes = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=1, - message='Node', - ) - next_page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - - -class GetNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [GetNode][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class CreateNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [CreateNode][]. - - Attributes: - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - node_id (str): - The unqualified resource name. - node ( - Required. The node. - """ - - parent = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - node_id = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - node = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=3, - message='Node', - ) - - -class DeleteNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [DeleteNode][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class ReimageNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [ReimageNode][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - The resource name. - tensorflow_version (str): - The version for reimage to create. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - tensorflow_version = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - - -class StopNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [StopNode][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class StartNodeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for [StartNode][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class TensorFlowVersion(proto.Message): - r"""A tensorflow version that a Node can be configured with. - - Attributes: - name (str): - The resource name. - version (str): - the tensorflow version. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - version = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - - -class GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for - [GetTensorFlowVersion][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - - Attributes: - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - page_size (int): - The maximum number of items to return. - page_token (str): - The next_page_token value returned from a previous List - request, if any. - filter (str): - List filter. - order_by (str): - Sort results. - """ - - parent = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - page_size = proto.Field( - proto.INT32, - number=2, - ) - page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - filter = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=5, - ) - order_by = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=6, - ) - - -class ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse(proto.Message): - r"""Response for - [ListTensorFlowVersions][]. - - Attributes: - tensorflow_versions (Sequence[]): - The listed nodes. - next_page_token (str): - The next page token or empty if none. - unreachable (Sequence[str]): - Locations that could not be reached. - """ - - @property - def raw_page(self): - return self - - tensorflow_versions = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=1, - message='TensorFlowVersion', - ) - next_page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - - -class AcceleratorType(proto.Message): - r"""A accelerator type that a Node can be configured with. - - Attributes: - name (str): - The resource name. - type_ (str): - the accelerator type. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - type_ = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - - -class GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for - [GetAcceleratorType][]. - - Attributes: - name (str): - Required. The resource name. - """ - - name = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - - -class ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(proto.Message): - r"""Request for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - - Attributes: - parent (str): - Required. The parent resource name. - page_size (int): - The maximum number of items to return. - page_token (str): - The next_page_token value returned from a previous List - request, if any. - filter (str): - List filter. - order_by (str): - Sort results. - """ - - parent = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=1, - ) - page_size = proto.Field( - proto.INT32, - number=2, - ) - page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - filter = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=5, - ) - order_by = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=6, - ) - - -class ListAcceleratorTypesResponse(proto.Message): - r"""Response for - [ListAcceleratorTypes][]. - - Attributes: - accelerator_types (Sequence[]): - The listed nodes. - next_page_token (str): - The next page token or empty if none. - unreachable (Sequence[str]): - Locations that could not be reached. - """ - - @property - def raw_page(self): - return self - - accelerator_types = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=1, - message='AcceleratorType', - ) - next_page_token = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=2, - ) - unreachable = proto.RepeatedField( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - - -class OperationMetadata(proto.Message): - r"""Metadata describing an [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] - - Attributes: - create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): - The time the operation was created. - end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): - The time the operation finished running. - target (str): - Target of the operation - for example - projects/project-1/connectivityTests/test-1 - verb (str): - Name of the verb executed by the operation. - status_detail (str): - Human-readable status of the operation, if - any. - cancel_requested (bool): - Specifies if cancellation was requested for - the operation. - api_version (str): - API version. - """ - - create_time = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=1, - message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, - ) - end_time = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=2, - message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, - ) - target = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - verb = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=4, - ) - status_detail = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=5, - ) - cancel_requested = proto.Field( - proto.BOOL, - number=6, - ) - api_version = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=7, - ) - - -class Symptom(proto.Message): - r"""A Symptom instance. - - Attributes: - create_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): - Timestamp when the Symptom is created. - symptom_type ( - Type of the Symptom. - details (str): - Detailed information of the current Symptom. - worker_id (str): - A string used to uniquely distinguish a - worker within a TPU node. - """ - class SymptomType(proto.Enum): - r"""SymptomType represents the different types of Symptoms that a - TPU can be at. - """ - SYMPTOM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 - LOW_MEMORY = 1 - OUT_OF_MEMORY = 2 - EXECUTE_TIMED_OUT = 3 - MESH_BUILD_FAIL = 4 - HBM_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 5 - PROJECT_ABUSE = 6 - - create_time = proto.Field( - proto.MESSAGE, - number=1, - message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, - ) - symptom_type = proto.Field( - proto.ENUM, - number=2, - enum=SymptomType, - ) - details = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=3, - ) - worker_id = proto.Field( - proto.STRING, - number=4, - ) - - -__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 4505b48..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -[mypy] -python_version = 3.6 -namespace_packages = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index 765ac89..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import os -import pathlib -import shutil -import subprocess -import sys - - -import nox # type: ignore - -CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() - -LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE = CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "constraints.txt" -PACKAGE_NAME = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "", "--name"], encoding="utf-8") - - -nox.sessions = [ - "unit", - "cover", - "mypy", - "check_lower_bounds" - # exclude update_lower_bounds from default - "docs", -] - -@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']) -def unit(session): - """Run the unit test suite.""" - - session.install('coverage', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'asyncmock', 'pytest-asyncio') - session.install('-e', '.') - - - 'py.test', - '--quiet', - '--cov=google/cloud/tpu_v1/', - '--cov-config=.coveragerc', - '--cov-report=term', - '--cov-report=html', - os.path.join('tests', 'unit', ''.join(session.posargs)) - ) - - -@nox.session(python='3.7') -def cover(session): - """Run the final coverage report. - This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit - test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. - """ - session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") -"coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") - -"coverage", "erase") - - -@nox.session(python=['3.6', '3.7']) -def mypy(session): - """Run the type checker.""" - session.install('mypy', 'types-pkg_resources') - session.install('.') - - 'mypy', - '--explicit-package-bases', - 'google', - ) - - -@nox.session -def update_lower_bounds(session): - """Update lower bounds in constraints.txt to match""" - session.install('google-cloud-testutils') - session.install('.') - - - 'lower-bound-checker', - 'update', - '--package-name', - PACKAGE_NAME, - '--constraints-file', - str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), - ) - - -@nox.session -def check_lower_bounds(session): - """Check lower bounds in are reflected in constraints file""" - session.install('google-cloud-testutils') - session.install('.') - - - 'lower-bound-checker', - 'check', - '--package-name', - PACKAGE_NAME, - '--constraints-file', - str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), - ) - -@nox.session(python='3.6') -def docs(session): - """Build the docs for this library.""" - - session.install("-e", ".") - session.install("sphinx<3.0.0", "alabaster", "recommonmark") - - shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) - - "sphinx-build", - "-W", # warnings as errors - "-T", # show full traceback on exception - "-N", # no colors - "-b", - "html", - "-d", - os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), - os.path.join("docs", ""), - os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), - ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8436916..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,186 +0,0 @@ -#! /usr/bin/env python3 -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import argparse -import os -import libcst as cst -import pathlib -import sys -from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple) - - -def partition( - predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], - iterator: Sequence[Any] -) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: - """A stable, out-of-place partition.""" - results = ([], []) - - for i in iterator: - results[int(predicate(i))].append(i) - - # Returns trueList, falseList - return results[1], results[0] - - -class tpuCallTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer): - CTRL_PARAMS: Tuple[str] = ('retry', 'timeout', 'metadata') - METHOD_TO_PARAMS: Dict[str, Tuple[str]] = { - 'create_node': ('parent', 'node', 'node_id', ), - 'delete_node': ('name', ), - 'get_accelerator_type': ('name', ), - 'get_node': ('name', ), - 'get_tensor_flow_version': ('name', ), - 'list_accelerator_types': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', 'filter', 'order_by', ), - 'list_nodes': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), - 'list_tensor_flow_versions': ('parent', 'page_size', 'page_token', 'filter', 'order_by', ), - 'reimage_node': ('name', 'tensorflow_version', ), - 'start_node': ('name', ), - 'stop_node': ('name', ), - } - - def leave_Call(self, original: cst.Call, updated: cst.Call) -> cst.CSTNode: - try: - key = original.func.attr.value - kword_params = self.METHOD_TO_PARAMS[key] - except (AttributeError, KeyError): - # Either not a method from the API or too convoluted to be sure. - return updated - - # If the existing code is valid, keyword args come after positional args. - # Therefore, all positional args must map to the first parameters. - args, kwargs = partition(lambda a: not bool(a.keyword), updated.args) - if any(k.keyword.value == "request" for k in kwargs): - # We've already fixed this file, don't fix it again. - return updated - - kwargs, ctrl_kwargs = partition( - lambda a: a.keyword.value not in self.CTRL_PARAMS, - kwargs - ) - - args, ctrl_args = args[:len(kword_params)], args[len(kword_params):] - ctrl_kwargs.extend(cst.Arg(value=a.value, keyword=cst.Name(value=ctrl)) - for a, ctrl in zip(ctrl_args, self.CTRL_PARAMS)) - - request_arg = cst.Arg( - value=cst.Dict([ - cst.DictElement( - cst.SimpleString("'{}'".format(name)), -cst.Element(value=arg.value) - ) - # Note: the args + kwargs looks silly, but keep in mind that - # the control parameters had to be stripped out, and that - # those could have been passed positionally or by keyword. - for name, arg in zip(kword_params, args + kwargs)]), - keyword=cst.Name("request") - ) - - return updated.with_changes( - args=[request_arg] + ctrl_kwargs - ) - - -def fix_files( - in_dir: pathlib.Path, - out_dir: pathlib.Path, - *, - transformer=tpuCallTransformer(), -): - """Duplicate the input dir to the output dir, fixing file method calls. - - Preconditions: - * in_dir is a real directory - * out_dir is a real, empty directory - """ - pyfile_gen = ( - pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root, f)) - for root, _, files in os.walk(in_dir) - for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".py" - ) - - for fpath in pyfile_gen: - with open(fpath, 'r') as f: - src = - - # Parse the code and insert method call fixes. - tree = cst.parse_module(src) - updated = tree.visit(transformer) - - # Create the path and directory structure for the new file. - updated_path = out_dir.joinpath(fpath.relative_to(in_dir)) - updated_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) - - # Generate the updated source file at the corresponding path. - with open(updated_path, 'w') as f: - f.write(updated.code) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( - description="""Fix up source that uses the tpu client library. - -The existing sources are NOT overwritten but are copied to output_dir with changes made. - -Note: This tool operates at a best-effort level at converting positional - parameters in client method calls to keyword based parameters. - Cases where it WILL FAIL include - A) * or ** expansion in a method call. - B) Calls via function or method alias (includes free function calls) - C) Indirect or dispatched calls (e.g. the method is looked up dynamically) - - These all constitute false negatives. The tool will also detect false - positives when an API method shares a name with another method. -""") - parser.add_argument( - '-d', - '--input-directory', - required=True, - dest='input_dir', - help='the input directory to walk for python files to fix up', - ) - parser.add_argument( - '-o', - '--output-directory', - required=True, - dest='output_dir', - help='the directory to output files fixed via un-flattening', - ) - args = parser.parse_args() - input_dir = pathlib.Path(args.input_dir) - output_dir = pathlib.Path(args.output_dir) - if not input_dir.is_dir(): - print( - f"input directory '{input_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", - file=sys.stderr, - ) - sys.exit(-1) - - if not output_dir.is_dir(): - print( - f"output directory '{output_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", - file=sys.stderr, - ) - sys.exit(-1) - - if os.listdir(output_dir): - print( - f"output directory '{output_dir}' is not empty", - file=sys.stderr, - ) - sys.exit(-1) - - fix_files(input_dir, output_dir) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5cc9ccd..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import io -import os -import setuptools # type: ignore - -version = '0.1.0' - -package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - -readme_filename = os.path.join(package_root, 'README.rst') -with, encoding='utf-8') as readme_file: - readme = - -setuptools.setup( - name='google-cloud-tpu', - version=version, - long_description=readme, - packages=setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find(), - namespace_packages=('google', ''), - platforms='Posix; MacOS X; Windows', - include_package_data=True, - install_requires=( - 'google-api-core[grpc] >= 1.27.0, < 3.0.0dev', - 'libcst >= 0.2.5', - 'proto-plus >= 1.15.0', - 'packaging >= 14.3', ), - python_requires='>=3.6', - classifiers=[ - 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', - 'Intended Audience :: Developers', - 'Operating System :: OS Independent', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', - 'Topic :: Internet', - 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', - ], - zip_safe=False, -) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ deleted file mode 100644 index b54a5fc..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ deleted file mode 100644 index b54a5fc..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ deleted file mode 100644 index b54a5fc..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index b54a5fc..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ deleted file mode 100644 index 876031b..0000000 --- a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4006 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# Copyright 2020 Google LLC -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. -# -import os -import mock -import packaging.version - -import grpc -from grpc.experimental import aio -import math -import pytest -from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule - - -from google.api_core import client_options -from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions -from google.api_core import future -from google.api_core import gapic_v1 -from google.api_core import grpc_helpers -from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async -from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore -from google.api_core import operations_v1 -from google.api_core import path_template -from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials -from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError -from import TpuAsyncClient -from import TpuClient -from import pagers -from import transports -from import _GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION -from import cloud_tpu -from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 -from google.oauth2 import service_account -from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore -import google.auth - - -# TODO(busunkim): Once google-auth >= 1.25.0 is required transitively -# through google-api-core: -# - Delete the auth "less than" test cases -# - Delete these pytest markers (Make the "greater than or equal to" tests the default). -requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 = pytest.mark.skipif( - packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) >= packaging.version.parse("1.25.0"), - reason="This test requires google-auth < 1.25.0", -) -requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 = pytest.mark.skipif( - packaging.version.parse(_GOOGLE_AUTH_VERSION) < packaging.version.parse("1.25.0"), - reason="This test requires google-auth >= 1.25.0", -) - -def client_cert_source_callback(): - return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" - - -# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. -# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different -# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. -def modify_default_endpoint(client): - return "" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - - -def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): - api_endpoint = "" - api_mtls_endpoint = "" - sandbox_endpoint = "" - sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "" - non_googleapi = "" - - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint - assert TpuClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ - TpuClient, - TpuAsyncClient, -]) -def test_tpu_client_from_service_account_info(client_class): - creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: - factory.return_value = creds - info = {"valid": True} - client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info) - assert client.transport._credentials == creds - assert isinstance(client, client_class) - - assert client.transport._host == '' - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ - (transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), - (transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), -]) -def test_tpu_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): - with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: - creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) - transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) - use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) - - with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: - creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) - transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) - use_jwt.assert_not_called() - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ - TpuClient, - TpuAsyncClient, -]) -def test_tpu_client_from_service_account_file(client_class): - creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: - factory.return_value = creds - client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json") - assert client.transport._credentials == creds - assert isinstance(client, client_class) - - client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json") - assert client.transport._credentials == creds - assert isinstance(client, client_class) - - assert client.transport._host == '' - - -def test_tpu_client_get_transport_class(): - transport = TpuClient.get_transport_class() - available_transports = [ - transports.TpuGrpcTransport, - ] - assert transport in available_transports - - transport = TpuClient.get_transport_class("grpc") - assert transport == transports.TpuGrpcTransport - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ - (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), - (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), -]) -@mock.patch.object(TpuClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuClient)) -@mock.patch.object(TpuAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuAsyncClient)) -def test_tpu_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): - # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. - with mock.patch.object(TpuClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: - transport = transport_class( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - ) - client = client_class(transport=transport) - gtc.assert_not_called() - - # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. - with mock.patch.object(TpuClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: - client = client_class(transport=transport_name) - gtc.assert_called() - - # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. - options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class(client_options=options) - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host="squid.clam.whelk", - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is - # "never". - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class() - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is - # "always". - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class() - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has - # unsupported value. - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): - with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): - client = client_class() - - # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client = client_class() - - # Check the case quota_project_id is provided - options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class(client_options=options) - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id="octopus", - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ - (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), - (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), - (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), - (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), -]) -@mock.patch.object(TpuClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuClient)) -@mock.patch.object(TpuAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(TpuAsyncClient)) -@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) -def test_tpu_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): - # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default - # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. - - # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on - # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): - options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class(client_options=options) - - if use_client_cert_env == "false": - expected_client_cert_source = None - expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - else: - expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback - expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT - - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=expected_host, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on - # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): - with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): - if use_client_cert_env == "false": - expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT - expected_client_cert_source = None - else: - expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT - expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback - - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class() - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=expected_host, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. - with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class() - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ - (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), - (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), -]) -def test_tpu_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): - # Check the case scopes are provided. - options = client_options.ClientOptions( - scopes=["1", "2"], - ) - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class(client_options=options) - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, - scopes=["1", "2"], - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ - (TpuClient, transports.TpuGrpcTransport, "grpc"), - (TpuAsyncClient, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), -]) -def test_tpu_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): - # Check the case credentials file is provided. - options = client_options.ClientOptions( - credentials_file="credentials.json" - ) - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: - patched.return_value = None - client = client_class(client_options=options) - patched.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file="credentials.json", - host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - -def test_tpu_client_client_options_from_dict(): - with mock.patch('') as grpc_transport: - grpc_transport.return_value = None - client = TpuClient( - client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} - ) - grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( - credentials=None, - credentials_file=None, - host="squid.clam.whelk", - scopes=None, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, - quota_project_id=None, - client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, - always_use_jwt_access=True, - ) - - -def test_list_nodes(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - ) - response = client.list_nodes(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListNodesPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -def test_list_nodes_from_dict(): - test_list_nodes(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_nodes_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - client.list_nodes() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - )) - response = await client.list_nodes(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListNodesAsyncPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_async_from_dict(): - await test_list_nodes_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_nodes_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() - client.list_nodes(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse()) - await client.list_nodes(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_list_nodes_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.list_nodes( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -def test_list_nodes_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.list_nodes( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.list_nodes( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.list_nodes( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -def test_list_nodes_pager(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - - metadata = () - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ('parent', ''), - )), - ) - pager = client.list_nodes(request={}) - - assert pager._metadata == metadata - - results = [i for i in pager] - assert len(results) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.Node) - for i in results) - -def test_list_nodes_pages(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = list(client.list_nodes(request={}).pages) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_async_pager(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - async_pager = await client.list_nodes(request={},) - assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' - responses = [] - async for response in async_pager: - responses.append(response) - - assert len(responses) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.Node) - for i in responses) - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_nodes_async_pages(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_nodes), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListNodesResponse( - nodes=[ - cloud_tpu.Node(), - cloud_tpu.Node(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = [] - async for page_ in (await client.list_nodes(request={})).pages: - pages.append(page_) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -def test_get_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node( - name='name_value', - description='description_value', - accelerator_type='accelerator_type_value', - ip_address='ip_address_value', - port='port_value', - state=cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING, - health_description='health_description_value', - tensorflow_version='tensorflow_version_value', - network='network_value', - cidr_block='cidr_block_value', - service_account='service_account_value', - health=cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY, - use_service_networking=True, - api_version=cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1, - ) - response = client.get_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.Node) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.description == 'description_value' - assert response.accelerator_type == 'accelerator_type_value' - assert response.ip_address == 'ip_address_value' - assert response.port == 'port_value' - assert response.state == cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING - assert response.health_description == 'health_description_value' - assert response.tensorflow_version == 'tensorflow_version_value' - assert == 'network_value' - assert response.cidr_block == 'cidr_block_value' - assert response.service_account == 'service_account_value' - assert == cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY - assert response.use_service_networking is True - assert response.api_version == cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1 - - -def test_get_node_from_dict(): - test_get_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.get_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node( - name='name_value', - description='description_value', - accelerator_type='accelerator_type_value', - ip_address='ip_address_value', - port='port_value', - state=cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING, - health_description='health_description_value', - tensorflow_version='tensorflow_version_value', - network='network_value', - cidr_block='cidr_block_value', - service_account='service_account_value', - health=cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY, - use_service_networking=True, - api_version=cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1, - )) - response = await client.get_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.Node) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.description == 'description_value' - assert response.accelerator_type == 'accelerator_type_value' - assert response.ip_address == 'ip_address_value' - assert response.port == 'port_value' - assert response.state == cloud_tpu.Node.State.CREATING - assert response.health_description == 'health_description_value' - assert response.tensorflow_version == 'tensorflow_version_value' - assert == 'network_value' - assert response.cidr_block == 'cidr_block_value' - assert response.service_account == 'service_account_value' - assert == cloud_tpu.Node.Health.HEALTHY - assert response.use_service_networking is True - assert response.api_version == cloud_tpu.Node.ApiVersion.V1_ALPHA1 - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_get_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() - client.get_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node()) - await client.get_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_get_node_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.get_node( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -def test_get_node_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.get_node( - cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_node_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.Node() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.Node()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.get_node( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_node_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.get_node( - cloud_tpu.GetNodeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -def test_create_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - response = client.create_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -def test_create_node_from_dict(): - test_create_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_create_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.create_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_create_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - response = await client.create_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_create_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_create_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_create_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - client.create_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_create_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) - await client.create_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_create_node_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.create_node( - parent='parent_value', - node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), - node_id='node_id_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - assert args[0].node == cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value') - assert args[0].node_id == 'node_id_value' - - -def test_create_node_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.create_node( - cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), - node_id='node_id_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_create_node_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.create_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.create_node( - parent='parent_value', - node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), - node_id='node_id_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - assert args[0].node == cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value') - assert args[0].node_id == 'node_id_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_create_node_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.create_node( - cloud_tpu.CreateNodeRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - node=cloud_tpu.Node(name='name_value'), - node_id='node_id_value', - ) - - -def test_delete_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - response = client.delete_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -def test_delete_node_from_dict(): - test_delete_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_delete_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.delete_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_delete_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - response = await client.delete_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_delete_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_delete_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_delete_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - client.delete_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_delete_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) - await client.delete_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_delete_node_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.delete_node( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -def test_delete_node_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.delete_node( - cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_delete_node_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.delete_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.delete_node( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_delete_node_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.delete_node( - cloud_tpu.DeleteNodeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -def test_reimage_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.reimage_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - response = client.reimage_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -def test_reimage_node_from_dict(): - test_reimage_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_reimage_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.reimage_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.reimage_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_reimage_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.reimage_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - response = await client.reimage_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_reimage_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_reimage_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_reimage_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.reimage_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - client.reimage_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_reimage_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ReimageNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.reimage_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) - await client.reimage_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_stop_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.stop_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - response = client.stop_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -def test_stop_node_from_dict(): - test_stop_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_stop_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.stop_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.stop_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_stop_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.stop_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - response = await client.stop_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_stop_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_stop_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_stop_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.stop_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - client.stop_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_stop_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.StopNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.stop_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) - await client.stop_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_start_node(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.start_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - response = client.start_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -def test_start_node_from_dict(): - test_start_node(request_type=dict) - - -def test_start_node_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.start_node), - '__call__') as call: - client.start_node() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_start_node_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.start_node), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall( - operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/spam') - ) - response = await client.start_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, future.Future) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_start_node_async_from_dict(): - await test_start_node_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_start_node_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.start_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op') - client.start_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_start_node_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.StartNodeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.start_node), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(operations_pb2.Operation(name='operations/op')) - await client.start_node(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - ) - response = client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_from_dict(): - test_list_tensor_flow_versions(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - client.list_tensor_flow_versions() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - )) - response = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListTensorFlowVersionsAsyncPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_from_dict(): - await test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() - client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse()) - await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.list_tensor_flow_versions( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.list_tensor_flow_versions( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.list_tensor_flow_versions( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_pager(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - - metadata = () - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ('parent', ''), - )), - ) - pager = client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={}) - - assert pager._metadata == metadata - - results = [i for i in pager] - assert len(results) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) - for i in results) - -def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_pages(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = list(client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={}).pages) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_pager(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - async_pager = await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={},) - assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' - responses = [] - async for response in async_pager: - responses.append(response) - - assert len(responses) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) - for i in responses) - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_tensor_flow_versions_async_pages(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_tensor_flow_versions), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListTensorFlowVersionsResponse( - tensorflow_versions=[ - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = [] - async for page_ in (await client.list_tensor_flow_versions(request={})).pages: - pages.append(page_) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion( - name='name_value', - version='version_value', - ) - response = client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.version == 'version_value' - - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version_from_dict(): - test_get_tensor_flow_version(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - client.get_tensor_flow_version() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion( - name='name_value', - version='version_value', - )) - response = await client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.version == 'version_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_async_from_dict(): - await test_get_tensor_flow_version_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() - client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion()) - await client.get_tensor_flow_version(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.get_tensor_flow_version( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.get_tensor_flow_version( - cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_tensor_flow_version), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.TensorFlowVersion()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.get_tensor_flow_version( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_tensor_flow_version_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.get_tensor_flow_version( - cloud_tpu.GetTensorFlowVersionRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -def test_list_accelerator_types(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - ) - response = client.list_accelerator_types(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_from_dict(): - test_list_accelerator_types(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - client.list_accelerator_types() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - next_page_token='next_page_token_value', - unreachable=['unreachable_value'], - )) - response = await client.list_accelerator_types(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListAcceleratorTypesAsyncPager) - assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' - assert response.unreachable == ['unreachable_value'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_from_dict(): - await test_list_accelerator_types_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() - client.list_accelerator_types(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest() - - request.parent = 'parent/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse()) - await client.list_accelerator_types(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'parent=parent/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.list_accelerator_types( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.list_accelerator_types( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.list_accelerator_types( - parent='parent_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].parent == 'parent_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.list_accelerator_types( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest(), - parent='parent_value', - ) - - -def test_list_accelerator_types_pager(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - - metadata = () - metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( - gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( - ('parent', ''), - )), - ) - pager = client.list_accelerator_types(request={}) - - assert pager._metadata == metadata - - results = [i for i in pager] - assert len(results) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) - for i in results) - -def test_list_accelerator_types_pages(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__') as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = list(client.list_accelerator_types(request={}).pages) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_pager(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - async_pager = await client.list_accelerator_types(request={},) - assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' - responses = [] - async for response in async_pager: - responses.append(response) - - assert len(responses) == 6 - assert all(isinstance(i, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) - for i in responses) - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_list_accelerator_types_async_pages(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.list_accelerator_types), - '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: - # Set the response to a series of pages. - call.side_effect = ( - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='abc', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[], - next_page_token='def', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - next_page_token='ghi', - ), - cloud_tpu.ListAcceleratorTypesResponse( - accelerator_types=[ - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType(), - ], - ), - RuntimeError, - ) - pages = [] - async for page_ in (await client.list_accelerator_types(request={})).pages: - pages.append(page_) - for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): - assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token - -def test_get_accelerator_type(transport: str = 'grpc', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType( - name='name_value', - type_='type__value', - ) - response = client.get_accelerator_type(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.type_ == 'type__value' - - -def test_get_accelerator_type_from_dict(): - test_get_accelerator_type(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_accelerator_type_empty_call(): - # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, - # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - client.get_accelerator_type() - call.assert_called() - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_accelerator_type_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, - # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. - request = request_type() - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType( - name='name_value', - type_='type__value', - )) - response = await client.get_accelerator_type(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() - - # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. - assert isinstance(response, cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType) - assert == 'name_value' - assert response.type_ == 'type__value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_accelerator_type_async_from_dict(): - await test_get_accelerator_type_async(request_type=dict) - - -def test_get_accelerator_type_field_headers(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() - client.get_accelerator_type(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_accelerator_type_field_headers_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as - # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. - request = cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest() - - = 'name/value' - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType()) - await client.get_accelerator_type(request) - - # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0] == request - - # Establish that the field header was sent. - _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] - assert ( - 'x-goog-request-params', - 'name=name/value', - ) in kw['metadata'] - - -def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - client.get_accelerator_type( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_error(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client.get_accelerator_type( - cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. - with mock.patch.object( - type(client.transport.get_accelerator_type), - '__call__') as call: - # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. - call.return_value = cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType() - - call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cloud_tpu.AcceleratorType()) - # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, - # using the keyword arguments to the method. - response = await client.get_accelerator_type( - name='name_value', - ) - - # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected - # request object values. - assert len(call.mock_calls) - _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] - assert args[0].name == 'name_value' - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_get_accelerator_type_flattened_error_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened - # fields is an error. - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - await client.get_accelerator_type( - cloud_tpu.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest(), - name='name_value', - ) - - -def test_credentials_transport_error(): - # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport, - ) - - # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client = TpuClient( - client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, - transport=transport, - ) - - # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - with pytest.raises(ValueError): - client = TpuClient( - client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, - transport=transport, - ) - - -def test_transport_instance(): - # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - client = TpuClient(transport=transport) - assert client.transport is transport - -def test_transport_get_channel(): - # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - channel = transport.grpc_channel - assert channel - - transport = transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - channel = transport.grpc_channel - assert channel - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ - transports.TpuGrpcTransport, - transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, -]) -def test_transport_adc(transport_class): - # Test default credentials are used if not provided. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport_class() - adc.assert_called_once() - -def test_transport_grpc_default(): - # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - assert isinstance( - client.transport, - transports.TpuGrpcTransport, - ) - -def test_tpu_base_transport_error(): - # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error - with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): - transport = transports.TpuTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - credentials_file="credentials.json" - ) - - -def test_tpu_base_transport(): - # Instantiate the base transport. - with mock.patch('') as Transport: - Transport.return_value = None - transport = transports.TpuTransport( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - ) - - # Every method on the transport should just blindly - # raise NotImplementedError. - methods = ( - 'list_nodes', - 'get_node', - 'create_node', - 'delete_node', - 'reimage_node', - 'stop_node', - 'start_node', - 'list_tensor_flow_versions', - 'get_tensor_flow_version', - 'list_accelerator_types', - 'get_accelerator_type', - ) - for method in methods: - with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): - getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) - - with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): - transport.close() - - # Additionally, the LRO client (a property) should - # also raise NotImplementedError - with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): - transport.operations_client - - -@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): - # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('') as Transport: - Transport.return_value = None - load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport = transports.TpuTransport( - credentials_file="credentials.json", - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", - scopes=None, - default_scopes=( - '', -), - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - - -@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_base_transport_with_credentials_file_old_google_auth(): - # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('') as Transport: - Transport.return_value = None - load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport = transports.TpuTransport( - credentials_file="credentials.json", - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", scopes=( - '', - ), - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - - -def test_tpu_base_transport_with_adc(): - # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('') as Transport: - Transport.return_value = None - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport = transports.TpuTransport() - adc.assert_called_once() - - -@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_auth_adc(): - # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - TpuClient() - adc.assert_called_once_with( - scopes=None, - default_scopes=( - '', -), - quota_project_id=None, - ) - - -@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_auth_adc_old_google_auth(): - # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - TpuClient() - adc.assert_called_once_with( - scopes=( '',), - quota_project_id=None, - ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - "transport_class", - [ - transports.TpuGrpcTransport, - transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, - ], -) -@requires_google_auth_gte_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): - # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use - # ADC credentials. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) - adc.assert_called_once_with( - scopes=["1", "2"], - default_scopes=( '',), - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - "transport_class", - [ - transports.TpuGrpcTransport, - transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, - ], -) -@requires_google_auth_lt_1_25_0 -def test_tpu_transport_auth_adc_old_google_auth(transport_class): - # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use - # ADC credentials. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc: - adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) - transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus") - adc.assert_called_once_with(scopes=( - '', -), - quota_project_id="octopus", - ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize( - "transport_class,grpc_helpers", - [ - (transports.TpuGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), - (transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) - ], -) -def test_tpu_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): - # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use - # ADC credentials. - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( - grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True - ) as create_channel: - creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - adc.return_value = (creds, None) - transport_class( - quota_project_id="octopus", - scopes=["1", "2"] - ) - - create_channel.assert_called_with( - "", - credentials=creds, - credentials_file=None, - quota_project_id="octopus", - default_scopes=( - '', -), - scopes=["1", "2"], - default_host="", - ssl_credentials=None, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - - -@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) -def test_tpu_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( - transport_class -): - cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - - # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: - mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() - transport_class( - host="squid.clam.whelk", - credentials=cred, - ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds - ) - mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( - "squid.clam.whelk:443", - credentials=cred, - credentials_file=None, - scopes=None, - ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, - quota_project_id=None, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - - # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls - # is used. - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): - with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: - transport_class( - credentials=cred, - client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback - ) - expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() - mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( - certificate_chain=expected_cert, - private_key=expected_key - ) - - -def test_tpu_host_no_port(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint=''), - ) - assert client.transport._host == '' - - -def test_tpu_host_with_port(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint=''), - ) - assert client.transport._host == '' - -def test_tpu_grpc_transport_channel(): - channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) - - # Check that channel is used if provided. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcTransport( - host="squid.clam.whelk", - channel=channel, - ) - assert transport.grpc_channel == channel - assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" - assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None - - -def test_tpu_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): - channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) - - # Check that channel is used if provided. - transport = transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport( - host="squid.clam.whelk", - channel=channel, - ) - assert transport.grpc_channel == channel - assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" - assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None - - -# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are -# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. -@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) -def test_tpu_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( - transport_class -): - with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: - mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() - grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred - - mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() - grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel - - cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() - with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): - with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: - adc.return_value = (cred, None) - transport = transport_class( - host="squid.clam.whelk", - api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", - client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, - ) - adc.assert_called_once() - - grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( - certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" - ) - grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( - "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", - credentials=cred, - credentials_file=None, - scopes=None, - ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, - quota_project_id=None, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel - assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred - - -# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are -# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. -@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.TpuGrpcTransport, transports.TpuGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) -def test_tpu_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( - transport_class -): - mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() - with mock.patch.multiple( - "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", - __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), - ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), - ): - with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: - mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() - grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel - mock_cred = mock.Mock() - - with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): - transport = transport_class( - host="squid.clam.whelk", - credentials=mock_cred, - api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", - client_cert_source=None, - ) - - grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( - "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", - credentials=mock_cred, - credentials_file=None, - scopes=None, - ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, - quota_project_id=None, - options=[ - ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), - ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), - ], - ) - assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel - - -def test_tpu_grpc_lro_client(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc', - ) - transport = client.transport - - # Ensure that we have a api-core operations client. - assert isinstance( - transport.operations_client, - operations_v1.OperationsClient, - ) - - # Ensure that subsequent calls to the property send the exact same object. - assert transport.operations_client is transport.operations_client - - -def test_tpu_grpc_lro_async_client(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport='grpc_asyncio', - ) - transport = client.transport - - # Ensure that we have a api-core operations client. - assert isinstance( - transport.operations_client, - operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient, - ) - - # Ensure that subsequent calls to the property send the exact same object. - assert transport.operations_client is transport.operations_client - - -def test_accelerator_type_path(): - project = "squid" - location = "clam" - accelerator_type = "whelk" - expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/acceleratorTypes/{accelerator_type}".format(project=project, location=location, accelerator_type=accelerator_type, ) - actual = TpuClient.accelerator_type_path(project, location, accelerator_type) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_accelerator_type_path(): - expected = { - "project": "octopus", - "location": "oyster", - "accelerator_type": "nudibranch", - } - path = TpuClient.accelerator_type_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_accelerator_type_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_node_path(): - project = "cuttlefish" - location = "mussel" - node = "winkle" - expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/nodes/{node}".format(project=project, location=location, node=node, ) - actual = TpuClient.node_path(project, location, node) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_node_path(): - expected = { - "project": "nautilus", - "location": "scallop", - "node": "abalone", - } - path = TpuClient.node_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_node_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_tensor_flow_version_path(): - project = "squid" - location = "clam" - tensor_flow_version = "whelk" - expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/tensorFlowVersions/{tensor_flow_version}".format(project=project, location=location, tensor_flow_version=tensor_flow_version, ) - actual = TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path(project, location, tensor_flow_version) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_tensor_flow_version_path(): - expected = { - "project": "octopus", - "location": "oyster", - "tensor_flow_version": "nudibranch", - } - path = TpuClient.tensor_flow_version_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_tensor_flow_version_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_common_billing_account_path(): - billing_account = "cuttlefish" - expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) - actual = TpuClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): - expected = { - "billing_account": "mussel", - } - path = TpuClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_common_folder_path(): - folder = "winkle" - expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) - actual = TpuClient.common_folder_path(folder) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_common_folder_path(): - expected = { - "folder": "nautilus", - } - path = TpuClient.common_folder_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_common_organization_path(): - organization = "scallop" - expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) - actual = TpuClient.common_organization_path(organization) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_common_organization_path(): - expected = { - "organization": "abalone", - } - path = TpuClient.common_organization_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_common_project_path(): - project = "squid" - expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) - actual = TpuClient.common_project_path(project) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_common_project_path(): - expected = { - "project": "clam", - } - path = TpuClient.common_project_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_common_project_path(path) - assert expected == actual - -def test_common_location_path(): - project = "whelk" - location = "octopus" - expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) - actual = TpuClient.common_location_path(project, location) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_parse_common_location_path(): - expected = { - "project": "oyster", - "location": "nudibranch", - } - path = TpuClient.common_location_path(**expected) - - # Check that the path construction is reversible. - actual = TpuClient.parse_common_location_path(path) - assert expected == actual - - -def test_client_withDEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO(): - client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() - - with mock.patch.object(transports.TpuTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - client_info=client_info, - ) - prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) - - with mock.patch.object(transports.TpuTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: - transport_class = TpuClient.get_transport_class() - transport = transport_class( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - client_info=client_info, - ) - prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) - - -@pytest.mark.asyncio -async def test_transport_close_async(): - client = TpuAsyncClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport="grpc_asyncio", - ) - with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: - async with client: - close.assert_not_called() - close.assert_called_once() - -def test_transport_close(): - transports = { - "grpc": "_grpc_channel", - } - - for transport, close_name in transports.items(): - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport - ) - with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: - with client: - close.assert_not_called() - close.assert_called_once() - -def test_client_ctx(): - transports = [ - 'grpc', - ] - for transport in transports: - client = TpuClient( - credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), - transport=transport - ) - # Test client calls underlying transport. - with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: - close.assert_not_called() - with client: - pass - close.assert_called() diff --git a/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ b/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ index fc88067..15e542a 100644 --- a/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ +++ b/tests/unit/gapic/tpu_v1/ @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async from google.api_core import operation_async # type: ignore from google.api_core import operations_v1 +from google.api_core import path_template from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError from import TpuAsyncClient @@ -3100,6 +3101,9 @@ def test_tpu_base_transport(): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + # Additionally, the LRO client (a property) should # also raise NotImplementedError with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): @@ -3633,3 +3637,49 @@ def test_client_withDEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO(): credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), client_info=client_info, ) prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = TpuAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object( + type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close" + ) as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object( + type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close" + ) as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + "grpc", + ] + for transport in transports: + client = TpuClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called()