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File metadata and controls

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Instance Admin API

After creating a Client <>, you can interact with individual instances for a project.

List Instances

If you want a comprehensive list of all existing instances, make a ListInstances API request with Client.list_instances() <>:

instances = client.list_instances()

Instance Factory

To create an Instance <> object:

instance = client.instance(instance_id, display_name=display_name)
  • display_name is optional. When not provided, display_name defaults to the instance_id value.

You can also use Client.instance to create a local wrapper for instances that have already been created with the API, or through the web console:

instance = client.instance(existing_instance_id)

Create a new Instance

After creating the instance object, make a CreateInstance API request with create() <>:

instance.display_name = 'My very own instance'

Check on Current Operation


When modifying an instance (via a CreateInstance request), the Bigtable API will return a long-running operation and a corresponding Operation <> object will be returned by create() <>.

You can check if a long-running operation (for a create() <> has finished by making a GetOperation request with Operation.finished() <>:

>>> operation = instance.create()
>>> operation.finished()


Once an Operation <> object has returned True from finished() <>, the object should not be re-used. Subsequent calls to finished() <> will result in a ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>.

Get metadata for an existing Instance

After creating the instance object, make a GetInstance API request with reload() <>:


This will load display_name for the existing instance object.

Update an existing Instance

After creating the instance object, make an UpdateInstance API request with update() <>:

instance.display_name = 'New display_name'

Delete an existing Instance

Make a DeleteInstance API request with delete() <>:


Next Step

Now we go down the hierarchy from Instance <> to a Table <>.

Head next to learn about the table-api.