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feat(firestore): allow passing POJOs as field values throughout API r…
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Ported from firebase/firebase-android-sdk#76
  • Loading branch information
Praful Makani authored and BenWhitehead committed Nov 25, 2019
1 parent ec1b680 commit 180f5a9
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import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,13 +170,13 @@ public void remove() {
* Adds a new document to this collection with the specified data, assigning it a document ID
* automatically.
* @param fields A Map containing the data for the new document.
* @param fields The Map or POJO containing the data for the new document.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved with the DocumentReference of the newly created
* document.
* @see #document()
public ApiFuture<DocumentReference> add(@Nonnull final Map<String, Object> fields) {
public ApiFuture<DocumentReference> add(@Nonnull final Object fields) {
final DocumentReference documentReference = document();
ApiFuture<WriteResult> createFuture = documentReference.create(fields);

Expand All @@ -192,23 +191,6 @@ public DocumentReference apply(WriteResult writeResult) {

* Adds a new document to this collection with the specified POJO as contents, assigning it a
* document ID automatically.
* @param pojo The POJO that will be used to populate the contents of the document
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved with the DocumentReference of the newly created
* document.
* @see #document()
public ApiFuture<DocumentReference> add(Object pojo) {
Object converted = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(pojo);
if (!(converted instanceof Map)) {
FirestoreException.invalidState("Can't set a document's data to an array or primitive");
return add((Map<String, Object>) converted);

/** Returns a resource path pointing to this collection. */
ResourcePath getResourcePath() {
return options.getParentPath().append(options.getCollectionId());
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Expand Up @@ -135,24 +135,11 @@ public T apply(List<T> results) {

* Creates a new Document at the DocumentReference's Location. It fails the write if the document
* exists.
* @param fields A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> create(@Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();
return extractFirst(writeBatch.create(this, fields).commit());

* Creates a new Document at the DocumentReference location. It fails the write if the document
* exists.
* @param pojo A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @param pojo The Map or POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
Expand All @@ -165,11 +152,12 @@ public ApiFuture<WriteResult> create(@Nonnull Object pojo) {
* Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If no document exists yet, it
* will be created. If a document already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param fields A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @param fields The fields to write to the document (e.g. a Map or a POJO containing the desired
* document contents).
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields) {
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Object fields) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();
return extractFirst(writeBatch.set(this, fields).commit());
Expand All @@ -179,45 +167,17 @@ public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields) {
* exist, it will be created. If you pass {@link SetOptions}, the provided data can be merged into
* an existing document.
* @param fields A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @param fields The fields to write on the document (e.g. a Map or a POJO containing the desired
* document contents).
* @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(
@Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields, @Nonnull SetOptions options) {
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Object fields, @Nonnull SetOptions options) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();
return extractFirst(writeBatch.set(this, fields, options).commit());

* Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If no document exists yet, it
* will be created. If a document already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param pojo The POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Object pojo) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();
return extractFirst(writeBatch.set(this, pojo).commit());

* Writes to the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If the document does not yet
* exist, it will be created. If you pass {@link SetOptions}, the provided data can be merged into
* an existing document.
* @param pojo The POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
* @return An ApiFuture that will be resolved when the write finishes.
public ApiFuture<WriteResult> set(@Nonnull Object pojo, @Nonnull SetOptions options) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = firestore.batch();
return extractFirst(writeBatch.set(this, pojo, options).commit());

* Updates fields in the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If the document doesn't
* exist yet, the update will fail.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,19 @@ public Object get(@Nonnull String field) {
return get(FieldPath.fromDotSeparatedString(field));

* Returns the value at the field, converted to a POJO, or null if the field or document doesn't
* exist.
* @param field The path to the field
* @param valueType The Java class to convert the field value to.
* @return The value at the given field or null.
public <T> T get(@Nonnull String field, @Nonnull Class<T> valueType) {
return get(FieldPath.fromDotSeparatedString(field), valueType);

* Returns the value at the field or null if the field doesn't exist.
Expand All @@ -280,6 +293,20 @@ public Object get(@Nonnull FieldPath fieldPath) {
return convertToDateIfNecessary(decodedValue);

* Returns the value at the field, converted to a POJO, or null if the field or document doesn't
* exist.
* @param fieldPath The path to the field
* @param valueType The Java class to convert the field value to.
* @return The value at the given field or null.
public <T> T get(@Nonnull FieldPath fieldPath, Class<T> valueType) {
Object data = get(fieldPath);
return data == null ? null : CustomClassMapper.convertToCustomClass(data, valueType, docRef);

private Object convertToDateIfNecessary(Object decodedValue) {
if (decodedValue instanceof Timestamp) {
if (!this.firestore.areTimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled()) {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -105,13 +105,16 @@ private static Map<String, Object> expandObject(Map<FieldPath, Object> data) {
* exists.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to create.
* @param fields A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @param fields The Map or POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T create(
@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields) {
return performCreate(documentReference, fields);
public T create(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Object fields) {
Object data = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(fields);
if (!(data instanceof Map)) {
FirestoreException.invalidState("Can't set a document's data to an array or primitive");
return performCreate(documentReference, (Map<String, Object>) data);

private T performCreate(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,33 +149,16 @@ private Mutation addMutation() {
return mutation;

* Creates a new Document at the DocumentReference location. It fails the write if the document
* exists.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to create.
* @param pojo A map of the fields and values for the document.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T create(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Object pojo) {
Object data = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(pojo);
if (!(data instanceof Map)) {
FirestoreException.invalidState("Can't set a document's data to an array or primitive");
return performCreate(documentReference, (Map<String, Object>) data);

* Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If the document doesn't exist
* yet, it will be created. If a document already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to overwrite.
* @param fields A map of the field paths and values for the document.
* @param fields The Map or POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T set(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields) {
public T set(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Object fields) {
return set(documentReference, fields, SetOptions.OVERWRITE);

Expand All @@ -182,47 +168,16 @@ public T set(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Map<String,
* an existing document.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to overwrite.
* @param fields A map of the field paths and values for the document.
* @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T set(
@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference,
@Nonnull Map<String, Object> fields,
@Nonnull SetOptions options) {
return performSet(documentReference, fields, options);

* Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If the document doesn't exist
* yet, it will be created. If a document already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to overwrite.
* @param pojo The POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T set(@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference, @Nonnull Object pojo) {
return set(documentReference, pojo, SetOptions.OVERWRITE);

* Overwrites the document referred to by this DocumentReference. If the document doesn't exist
* yet, it will be created. If you pass {@link SetOptions}, the provided data can be merged into
* an existing document.
* @param documentReference The DocumentReference to overwrite.
* @param pojo The POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @param fields The Map or POJO that will be used to populate the document contents.
* @param options An object to configure the set behavior.
* @return The instance for chaining.
public T set(
@Nonnull DocumentReference documentReference,
@Nonnull Object pojo,
@Nonnull Object fields,
@Nonnull SetOptions options) {
Object data = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(pojo);
Object data = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(fields);
if (!(data instanceof Map)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set a document's data to an array or primitive");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,8 +426,9 @@ private T performUpdate(
@Nonnull FieldPath fieldPath,
@Nullable Object value,
Object[] moreFieldsAndValues) {
Object data = CustomClassMapper.convertToPlainJavaTypes(value);
Map<FieldPath, Object> fields = new HashMap<>();
fields.put(fieldPath, value);
fields.put(fieldPath, data);

moreFieldsAndValues.length % 2 == 0, "moreFieldsAndValues must be key-value pairs.");
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -89,8 +89,10 @@ public final class LocalFirestoreHelper {
public static final Map<String, Value> SINGLE_FIELD_PROTO;
public static final DocumentSnapshot SINGLE_FIELD_SNAPSHOT;
public static final Value SINGLE_FIELD_VALUE;
public static final SingleField UPDATE_SINGLE_FIELD_OBJECT;
public static final Map<String, Object> UPDATED_FIELD_MAP;
public static final Map<String, Value> UPDATED_FIELD_PROTO;
public static final Map<String, Value> UPDATED_SINGLE_FIELD_PROTO;

public static final Map<String, Float> SINGLE_FLOAT_MAP;
public static final Map<String, Value> SINGLE_FLOAT_PROTO;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,10 +733,21 @@ public boolean equals(Object o) {
Value.Builder singleFieldValueBuilder = Value.newBuilder();
UPDATE_SINGLE_FIELD_OBJECT = new SingleField(); = "foobar";

UPDATED_FIELD_MAP = map("foo", (Object) "foobar");
UPDATED_FIELD_PROTO = map("foo", Value.newBuilder().setStringValue("foobar").build());

ImmutableMap.<String, Value>builder()
.putFields("foo", Value.newBuilder().setStringValue("foobar").build()))
SERVER_TIMESTAMP_MAP.put("foo", FieldValue.serverTimestamp());
SERVER_TIMESTAMP_MAP.put("inner", new HashMap<String, Object>());
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +111,25 @@ public void updateDocument() throws Exception {
assertEquals(commit(writes.toArray(new Write[] {})), commitRequest);

public void updateDocumentWithPOJO() throws Exception {
doReturn(commitResponse(1, 0))
commitCapture.capture(), Matchers.<UnaryCallable<CommitRequest, CommitResponse>>any());

batch.update(documentReference, "foo", UPDATE_SINGLE_FIELD_OBJECT);
assertEquals(1, batch.getMutationsSize());

List<WriteResult> writeResults = batch.commit().get();
assertEquals(1, writeResults.size());

CommitRequest actual = commitCapture.getValue();
CommitRequest expected =
commit(update(UPDATED_SINGLE_FIELD_PROTO, Collections.singletonList("foo")));
assertEquals(expected, actual);

public void setDocument() throws Exception {
doReturn(commitResponse(4, 0))
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