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chore: Update discovery artifacts (#1450)
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## Deleted keys were detected in the following stable discovery artifacts:
chat v1 8e39e1e
dns v1 e2ba913

## Deleted keys were detected in the following pre-stable discovery artifacts:
dns v1beta2 e2ba913

## Discovery Artifact Change Summary:
feat(analyticsadmin): update the api a2e2d76
feat(androiddeviceprovisioning): update the api 83151f4
feat(chat): update the api 8e39e1e
feat(cloudasset): update the api ebd9b97
feat(cloudfunctions): update the api 06332af
feat(cloudsearch): update the api 4aab613
feat(content): update the api c65f297
feat(datacatalog): update the api af28eef
feat(dns): update the api e2ba913
feat(documentai): update the api d1b9df7
feat(file): update the api 0cd6277
feat(firebaseappcheck): update the api f8c3901
feat(firebasestorage): update the api 66b6961
feat(gameservices): update the api 31fd4dc
feat(gkehub): update the api 58ae34d
feat(ml): update the api 15e0de3
feat(monitoring): update the api 2b52d9f
feat(notebooks): update the api c4698a8
feat(people): update the api a646e56
feat(recommender): update the api ef997b0
feat(secretmanager): update the api 489541e
feat(spanner): update the api acdb8fc
feat(testing): update the api e2bde19
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yoshi-code-bot committed Jul 20, 2021
1 parent fcfe9d0 commit 0770807
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Showing 456 changed files with 8,260 additions and 13,135 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/dyn/admin_reports_v1.activities.html
Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ <h3>Method Details</h3>
<pre>Retrieves a list of activities for a specific customer&#x27;s account and application such as the Admin console application or the Google Drive application. For more information, see the guides for administrator and Google Drive activity reports. For more information about the activity report&#x27;s parameters, see the activity parameters reference guides.

userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. (required)
userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. Must not be a deleted user. For a deleted user, call `users.list` in Directory API with `showDeleted=true`, then use the returned `ID` as the `userKey`. (required)
applicationName: string, Application name for which the events are to be retrieved. (required)
Allowed values
access_transparency - The Google Workspace Access Transparency activity reports return information about different types of Access Transparency activity events.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ <h3>Method Details</h3>
endTime: string, Sets the end of the range of time shown in the report. The date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z. The default value is the approximate time of the API request. An API report has three basic time concepts: - *Date of the API&#x27;s request for a report*: When the API created and retrieved the report. - *Report&#x27;s start time*: The beginning of the timespan shown in the report. The `startTime` must be before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current time when the request is made, or the API returns an error. - *Report&#x27;s end time*: The end of the timespan shown in the report. For example, the timespan of events summarized in a report can start in April and end in May. The report itself can be requested in August. If the `endTime` is not specified, the report returns all activities from the `startTime` until the current time or the most recent 180 days if the `startTime` is more than 180 days in the past.
eventName: string, The name of the event being queried by the API. Each `eventName` is related to a specific Google Workspace service or feature which the API organizes into types of events. An example is the Google Calendar events in the Admin console application&#x27;s reports. The Calendar Settings `type` structure has all of the Calendar `eventName` activities reported by the API. When an administrator changes a Calendar setting, the API reports this activity in the Calendar Settings `type` and `eventName` parameters. For more information about `eventName` query strings and parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in `applicationName`.
filters: string, The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list. The list is composed of event parameters that are manipulated by relational operators. Event parameters are in the form `parameter1 name[parameter1 value],parameter2 name[parameter2 value],...` These event parameters are associated with a specific `eventName`. An empty report is returned if the filtered request&#x27;s parameter does not belong to the `eventName`. For more information about `eventName` parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in `applicationName`. In the following Admin Activity example, the &lt;&gt; operator is URL-encoded in the request&#x27;s query string (%3C%3E): GET...&amp;eventName=CHANGE_CALENDAR_SETTING &amp;filters=NEW_VALUE%3C%3EREAD_ONLY_ACCESS In the following Drive example, the list can be a view or edit event&#x27;s `doc_id` parameter with a value that is manipulated by an &#x27;equal to&#x27; (==) or &#x27;not equal to&#x27; (&lt;&gt;) relational operator. In the first example, the report returns each edited document&#x27;s `doc_id`. In the second example, the report returns each viewed document&#x27;s `doc_id` that equals the value 12345 and does not return any viewed document&#x27;s which have a `doc_id` value of 98765. The &lt;&gt; operator is URL-encoded in the request&#x27;s query string (%3C%3E): GET...&amp;eventName=edit&amp;filters=doc_id GET...&amp;eventName=view&amp;filters=doc_id==12345,doc_id%3C%3E98765 The relational operators include: - `==` - &#x27;equal to&#x27;. - `&lt;&gt;` - &#x27;not equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `&lt;` - &#x27;less than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C). - `&lt;=` - &#x27;less than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `&gt;` - &#x27;greater than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `&gt;=` - &#x27;greater than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E=). *Note:* The API doesn&#x27;t accept multiple values of a parameter. If a particular parameter is supplied more than once in the API request, the API only accepts the last value of that request parameter. In addition, if an invalid request parameter is supplied in the API request, the API ignores that request parameter and returns the response corresponding to the remaining valid request parameters. If no parameters are requested, all parameters are returned.
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e. the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
maxResults: integer, Determines how many activity records are shown on each response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response&#x27;s `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The `maxResults` query string is optional in the request. The default value is 1000.
orgUnitID: string, ID of the organizational unit to report on. Activity records will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn&#x27;t appear in the filtered results.
pageToken: string, The token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` query string.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ <h3>Method Details</h3>
<pre>Start receiving notifications for account activities. For more information, see Receiving Push Notifications.

userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. (required)
userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. Must not be a deleted user. For a deleted user, call `users.list` in Directory API with `showDeleted=true`, then use the returned `ID` as the `userKey`. (required)
applicationName: string, Application name for which the events are to be retrieved. (required)
Allowed values
access_transparency - The Google Workspace Access Transparency activity reports return information about different types of Access Transparency activity events.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ <h3>Method Details</h3>
endTime: string, Sets the end of the range of time shown in the report. The date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z. The default value is the approximate time of the API request. An API report has three basic time concepts: - *Date of the API&#x27;s request for a report*: When the API created and retrieved the report. - *Report&#x27;s start time*: The beginning of the timespan shown in the report. The `startTime` must be before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current time when the request is made, or the API returns an error. - *Report&#x27;s end time*: The end of the timespan shown in the report. For example, the timespan of events summarized in a report can start in April and end in May. The report itself can be requested in August. If the `endTime` is not specified, the report returns all activities from the `startTime` until the current time or the most recent 180 days if the `startTime` is more than 180 days in the past.
eventName: string, The name of the event being queried by the API. Each `eventName` is related to a specific Google Workspace service or feature which the API organizes into types of events. An example is the Google Calendar events in the Admin console application&#x27;s reports. The Calendar Settings `type` structure has all of the Calendar `eventName` activities reported by the API. When an administrator changes a Calendar setting, the API reports this activity in the Calendar Settings `type` and `eventName` parameters. For more information about `eventName` query strings and parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in `applicationName`.
filters: string, The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list. The list is composed of event parameters that are manipulated by relational operators. Event parameters are in the form `parameter1 name[parameter1 value],parameter2 name[parameter2 value],...` These event parameters are associated with a specific `eventName`. An empty report is returned if the filtered request&#x27;s parameter does not belong to the `eventName`. For more information about `eventName` parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in `applicationName`. In the following Admin Activity example, the &lt;&gt; operator is URL-encoded in the request&#x27;s query string (%3C%3E): GET...&amp;eventName=CHANGE_CALENDAR_SETTING &amp;filters=NEW_VALUE%3C%3EREAD_ONLY_ACCESS In the following Drive example, the list can be a view or edit event&#x27;s `doc_id` parameter with a value that is manipulated by an &#x27;equal to&#x27; (==) or &#x27;not equal to&#x27; (&lt;&gt;) relational operator. In the first example, the report returns each edited document&#x27;s `doc_id`. In the second example, the report returns each viewed document&#x27;s `doc_id` that equals the value 12345 and does not return any viewed document&#x27;s which have a `doc_id` value of 98765. The &lt;&gt; operator is URL-encoded in the request&#x27;s query string (%3C%3E): GET...&amp;eventName=edit&amp;filters=doc_id GET...&amp;eventName=view&amp;filters=doc_id==12345,doc_id%3C%3E98765 The relational operators include: - `==` - &#x27;equal to&#x27;. - `&lt;&gt;` - &#x27;not equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `&lt;` - &#x27;less than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C). - `&lt;=` - &#x27;less than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `&gt;` - &#x27;greater than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `&gt;=` - &#x27;greater than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E=). *Note:* The API doesn&#x27;t accept multiple values of a parameter. If a particular parameter is supplied more than once in the API request, the API only accepts the last value of that request parameter. In addition, if an invalid request parameter is supplied in the API request, the API ignores that request parameter and returns the response corresponding to the remaining valid request parameters. If no parameters are requested, all parameters are returned.
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e. the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
maxResults: integer, Determines how many activity records are shown on each response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response&#x27;s `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The `maxResults` query string is optional in the request. The default value is 1000.
orgUnitID: string, ID of the organizational unit to report on. Activity records will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn&#x27;t appear in the filtered results.
pageToken: string, The token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` query string.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/dyn/admin_reports_v1.userUsageReport.html
Expand Up @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ <h3>Method Details</h3>
<pre>Retrieves a report which is a collection of properties and statistics for a set of users with the account. For more information, see the User Usage Report guide. For more information about the user report&#x27;s parameters, see the Users Usage parameters reference guides.

userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. (required)
userKey: string, Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a user&#x27;s unique Google Workspace profile ID or their primary email address. Must not be a deleted user. For a deleted user, call `users.list` in Directory API with `showDeleted=true`, then use the returned `ID` as the `userKey`. (required)
date: string, Represents the date the usage occurred. The timestamp is in the ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account&#x27;s time zone for this. (required)
customerId: string, The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
filters: string, The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list of an application&#x27;s event parameters where the parameter&#x27;s value is manipulated by a relational operator. The `filters` query string includes the name of the application whose usage is returned in the report. The application values for the Users Usage Report include `accounts`, `docs`, and `gmail`. Filters are in the form `[application name]:parameter name[parameter value],...`. In this example, the `&lt;&gt;` &#x27;not equal to&#x27; operator is URL-encoded in the request&#x27;s query string (%3C%3E): GET ?parameters=accounts:last_login_time &amp;filters=accounts:last_login_time%3C%3E2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z The relational operators include: - `==` - &#x27;equal to&#x27;. - `&lt;&gt;` - &#x27;not equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `&lt;` - &#x27;less than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C). - `&lt;=` - &#x27;less than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `&gt;` - &#x27;greater than&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `&gt;=` - &#x27;greater than or equal to&#x27;. It is URL-encoded (%3E=).
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
groupIdFilter: string, Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user activities are filtered, i.e. the response will contain activities for only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids mentioned here. Format: &quot;id:abc123,id:xyz456&quot;
maxResults: integer, Determines how many activity records are shown on each response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response&#x27;s `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The `maxResults` query string is optional.
orgUnitID: string, ID of the organizational unit to report on. User activity will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn&#x27;t appear in the filtered results.
pageToken: string, Token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` query string.
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