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Russian Propagenda Facebook Political Adverts Analyze > Computational Social Science

Research Question:

“Are negative adverts more likely to be successful in Propaganda? “

How effective is an advert in relation to its positivity (negativity)?

How do we measure effectiveness?

We have access to AD_Click and AD_Impression in our data and we can calculate Click Through Rate measure to compare the success or effect of the advert. CTR = ClicksImpression

To measure campaigns’ success based on CTR plus Amount of Money spent (In other words, which campaigns were more affordably successful).

How to measure negativity?

We find a dictionary for labeling positive/ negative words or do supervised labeling to find negativity index for each row of our data.

Finding a correlation between negativity Index vs effectiveness?

Dictionary method for labeling using: SentiWordNet.

  • Esuli, Andrea and Fabrizio Sebastiani. “SENTIWORDNET: A Publicly Available Lexical Resource for Opinion Mining.” LREC (2006).

codes for using the dictionary:

Alternative Algorithms:

Too Naïve:

Java code:


Compare the results for different groups based on followings and age. Does any obvious difference exist?

Relate the Positivity/Negativity with the demographic measures.

Challenge: Missing data exists in our columns; which is observable.

We must include the Demographics for clustering. AD_TARGETING_INTERESTS, AD_TARGETING_EXCLUDED_CONNECTIONS


Age Platform (Instagram/ Facebook)

Which issues were more important for the Americans in comparison to topics for Russians Group?



All code is licensed under MIT License .