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File metadata and controls

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Week 4 — Postgres and RDS

We started creating an RDS posgresql instance in our AWS account:

aws rds create-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier cruddur-db-instance \
--db-instance-class db.t3.micro \
--engine postgres \
--engine-version  14.6 \
--master-username root \
--master-user-password gooddbPassword123 \
--allocated-storage 20 \
--availability-zone eu-west-1a \
--backup-retention-period 0 \
--port 5432 \
--no-multi-az \
--db-name cruddur \
--storage-type gp2 \
--publicly-accessible \
--storage-encrypted \
--enable-performance-insights \
--performance-insights-retention-period 7 \

We did this first because it takes a while to provision. Then we stopped it (only for 7 days!) to avoid costs of the managed EC2 instance running it. This will be our production database. We created the connection string following this syntax.

export PROD_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://"

gp env PROD_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://"

For the development, we will use the local postresql instance, defined in our docker-compose file.

  image: postgres:13-alpine
  restart: always
    - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
    - '5432:5432'
    - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Once its container is running, we can find it in the terminal and run the following commands:

\x on -- expanded display when looking at data
\q -- Quit PSQL
\l -- List all databases
\c database_name -- Connect to a specific database
\dt -- List all tables in the current database
\d table_name -- Describe a specific table
\du -- List all users and their roles
\dn -- List all schemas in the current database
CREATE DATABASE database_name; -- Create a new database
DROP DATABASE database_name; -- Delete a database
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype1, column2 datatype2, ...); -- Create a new table
DROP TABLE table_name; -- Delete a table
SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition; -- Select data from a table
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); -- Insert data into a table
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition; -- Update data in a table
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; -- Delete data from a table

We can also do this actions from the outside if we connect to it:

psql -Upostgres --host localhost

This command runs all the commands in schema.yml:

psql cruddur < db/schema.sql -h localhost -U postgres

The connection string of the develop database is:

gp env CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@"
export CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@"

We also use some bash scrips, they are not executable by default so we need to make them:

 ls -la
 chmod u+x db-create db-drop db-schema-load 

We place all the files in the backend folder, under bin and db:


To run one of the bash scripts, we simply do:

. bin/db-seed

This will put the seed data into the table:


-- this file was manually created
INSERT INTO public.users (display_name, handle, cognito_user_id)
  ('Andrew Brown', 'andrewbrown' ,'MOCK'),
  ('Andrew Bayko', 'bayko' ,'MOCK');

INSERT INTO public.activities (user_uuid, message, expires_at)
    (SELECT uuid from public.users WHERE users.handle = 'andrewbrown' LIMIT 1),
    'This was imported as seed data!',
    current_timestamp + interval '10 day'


#! /bin/bash

#echo "== db-seed"
printf "${CYAN}== ${LABEL}${NO_COLOR}\n"

seed_path="$(realpath .)/db/seed.sql"

echo $seed_path

psql $CONNECTION_URL cruddur < $seed_path

Connecting to RDS

We need to modify the inbound rules of RDS security group to allow gitpod ID


Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 14 55 54

We can see we manage to connect by doing psql $PROD_CONNECTION_URL

Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 14 55 30

As this is a process we would have created a little script:

export DB_SG_ID="sg-0760b91ee4d41bb0b"
gp env DB_SG_ID="sg-0760b91ee4d41bb0b"
export DB_SG_RULE_ID="sgr-014cb12a3b521a7e0"
gp env DB_SG_RULE_ID="sgr-014cb12a3b521a7e0"

aws ec2 modify-security-group-rules \
    --group-id $DB_SG_ID \
    --security-group-rules "SecurityGroupRuleId=$DB_SG_RULE_ID,SecurityGroupRule={IpProtocol=tcp,FromPort=5432,ToPort=5432,CidrIpv4=$GITPOD_IP/32}"

I end up the video at the exactly same point as Andrew


Cognito triggers post sign up a confirmation lambda

I followed this instructions here, and I modified the lambda code to add the extra column. Do not forget to setup the VPC configuration (RDS is inside the VCP!) and it will be much easier if done on setup. After a lot of trouble, I managed to see data.


Create posts with Cruddur

Create activity was a lot of sweat and suffer but it finally works. I first managed to make the post appear, I then changed the hard-coded values Andrew had for mine.
