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GithubPageJet - easy way to build a Github page


GithubPageJet is an application which can be used to build a website on the top of "Github pages" service (check: It covers the following goals:

  • Easy way to build a website on "Github pages".
  • To work as light as possible, without additional heavy libraries and dependencies.


  • Implemented jQuery and option to execute AJAX requests.
  • Implemented java script Routing.
  • Implemented front-end template engine - Handlebars.
  • Implemented grunt.
  • Multilingual templating.
  • Option to use the application on your own server.

Table of Contents

Used technologies

The following technologies and libraries have been used:


Server-side services:

If you plan to use Handlebars and the minification option for CSS and JS, you might be interested in the services below:

  • npm
  • grunt
  • npm task "handlebars" used for precompilation of the handlebar templates
  • npm task "uglify" used for javascript minimization
  • npm task "less" used for the compilation of LESS to CSS
  • npm task "sass" used for the compilation of SASS to CSS
  • npm task "watch" used to watch for changes in particular directories and files and if there are changes, it will automatically call the default grunt task which will call all other tasks (handlebars, uglify, less, sass)*.


Use with "Github Pages"

First step

Go to and follow the instructions describing how to create a repository which can host your website. Skip this step if you already have done this.

Build a development environment

If you want to use the full capacity of the application you will have to install a development environment on your own machine.

This will allow you to use - Grunt, Handlebars template engine and the option to minify the CSS and JavaScript file. It is also advisable to use this approach because you can develop your website on your own machine and deploy it once it is ready. Doing this directly on Github Pages will be difficult because Github Pages has its own cache system and each small change in the code will take time to be deployed. This will slow down the development process.

If you don't want to use grunt, handlebars and all additiional feature, skil the chapters "Checkout" and "Install services".


Checkout the project on your machine:

git clone

For the current example, the name of the directory where we will clone and install the project is “example”.

Go to the directory of the project:

cd example

Install services

Install the following services:

Sometimes during the installation of grunt and the npm tasks it is possible to encounter errors and missing dependencies. A possible solution is to delete the folder “node_modules” and to start the process of installation again.

rm -R node_modules/

Task runners and package managers

Grunt and all npm tasks which we’ve already installed, have the following purpose.

grunt less

Compiles the LESS file /css/style.less and converts it to the CSS file /css/style.css.

grunt sass

Compiles the SASS file /css/style.scss and converts it to a the CSS file /css/style.css.

grunt uglify

Takes all javascript files, minimize them and unites them in one single file named /js/lib.min.js.

grunt handlebars

Takes all handlebar templates located in "/templates" and pre-compiles them. The pre-compiled templates are saved in /js/templates.js.


Executes all npm tasks listed above.

grunt watch

If you run this task in the terminal, grunt will start a script which will watch for changes in all directories and files which are related to all above tasks. If there are changes, the script will automatically run the default grunt task which on other hand will run all other tasks. As a consequence, all LESS/SASS files will be regenerated, all js files will be minified, all handlebars templates will be pre-complited, etc.


Go to /js/config.js and set up the following:

	"data_manager": {        
        "api": "URL-OF-THE-API"


	"data_manager": {        
        "api": ""

Save and close.

When we finish with your configurations, you can add the config files to .gitignore which will protect them to be rewritten. Add this to .gitignore:


File permissions

Execute the following:

chmod -R 0755 example/
chown -R www-data example/
chgrp -R www-data example/

Web service

For the development of our application, we will need to configure a domain name which points to our server (make sure this is already done before you continue) and also to configure the web aplication which will make a relation between our domain name and our directory where we keep the files of our application.


Use the configurations from files:


Check the validity of the configuration and reload:

nginx -t
service nginx reload


If we follow the steps above, we will have a working environment which can be accessed with our web browser and domain name which is configured for the purposes.

Once we are ready with the development, we have to generate Handlebars JS templates and to minify the CSS and JavaScript files (this is only if we use these services):


Now we can commit and deploy to our github repository.

Use with your own server

If you want to use the applicatin on your own server, simply follow the steps above except the one where we deploy to Github.

Structure of the application

More detail document will be provided in the future.

File structure

Before we start with the development of our own application, we will need to know the purpose of each file and folder part of the framework.

assets/ - assets like images, fonts, etc.

css/ - CSS and LESS/SASS files


  controllers/ - here are all controllers used by the javascript application

	lib/ - contains important javascript libraries like jquery, handlebars, routers, etc.
		dataManager.js - data manager used to executed AJAX requests to the API or other service
		handlebars.min.js - Handlebars front-end template engine
		jquery.min.js - jQuery
		router.js - Router
	translations/ - translations required by the javascript application
	app.js - starting point of the javascript application
	config.js - configuration of the js application
	custom.min.js - this is minimized js file generated by grunt
	lib.min.js - this is minimized js file generated by grunt
	routes.js - routes required by the javascript application
	templates.js - handlebars pre-compiled templates

templates/ - Handlebars templates used by the front-end
.gitignore - ignore file for git

contact-us.html - example page (you can delete it)

page.html - example page (you can delete it)

index.html - example page (you can reuse it)
robots.txt - robots file for the search engines

Gruntfile.js - grunt configuration

package.json - grunt configuration


How can you contribute:

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.


GithubPageJet is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


GithubPageJet is an application which can be used to build a website on the top of "Github pages" services.







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