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Given at Earnix 2/4/2015

Given at WeWork 15/4/2015

Please install the following before the event

RVM - Ruby Version Management. This will allow you to install multiple version of Ruby and thus work we do will not interfere with other things you might be doing.

Ruby 2.1.5 (or any 2.1.x if you prefer it) rvm install ruby-2.1.5

Sublime Text editor (

AWS ruby gem version 1.63 (not 2.x) gem install aws-sdk -v 1.63

after installation, please run the following to make sure all is in order:

rvm use ruby-2.1.5 (should simply say "using PATH/ruby-2.1.5)

gem list (should include the line "aws-sdk (1.63)")

then run irb, and type in "require 'aws-sdk'"

output should be "true"


Introduction: Why do we even needs AWS API when we have AWS-CLI (10 minutes)

Exercises 1-5 (60 minutes)

Break (20 minutes)

Exercises 6-7 (30 minutes)

If we have extra time we can also do some things in the field of load balancers, route53, etc.

Exercise List

Exercise 1 - Lets Create an API Key to use today (AWS GUI)

create an api key

Exercise 2 - Lets connect to aws

create a connection object for s3

Exercise 3 - Lets reliably connect to aws-sdk

create a rescue-retry way to connect to aws

Exercise 4 - Lets get a list of S3 buckets and files in them

create a few s3 buckets (via GUI)

Print a list of s3 buckets

Exercise 5 - Lets upload an object to an S3 bucket

Create a program that uploads a file to S3

Exercise 6 - Instances

create (GUI) 2 instances with different names.

find and start an instance with a specific name

Exercise 7 - Launch configs, autoscale groups, cloudformation

create (GUI) a launch config and autoscale group

create (Cloudformer) a cloudformation template.

create a cloudformation stack with the api